Menus From the PE Store Key Stage 1 Games Key ingredients: Bean Bags Quoits Playground Markings / Surface Spots / Lines / Chalk / Tape Tennis Balls Footballs Hula hoops Object Control Skills: Monster, Monster Bean Bag Boules / Golf Bean Bag ‘Simon Says’ Treasure Chest (with object control focus) Pizza Game Four Square Locomotor Skills: The Cat and the Rat Evolution Treasure Chest (with locomotor focus) Traffic Light Bumper Cars Wildlife TV Giants, Wizards, Elves Stability Skills: Stability ‘Simon Says’ Hopscotch Square Hopping Stones Hotspots Sneakers Monster Monster (can be played on the 10 metre target) The Monster stands with their back towards the rest of the group and throws a ball backwards over their head. If another player catches the ball, they become the Monster. However, if the ball is dropped, one player must hide the ball behind their back. The other players also place their hands behinds their backs to disguise who has possession of the ball. The Monster must then guess who has the ball and the following chants can be used. Monster, Monster big and tall, can you guess who has the ball? Monster, Monster big and tall, I’m the one / not the one with the ball? The chants continue until the ball is found and the pupil with the ball becomes the ‘Monster’. Bean Bag Golf/Boules (can be played using markings as targets) Using quoits as targets, pupils are given one bean bag each and the aim of the game is to hit the target in the least number of throws. All pupils start from the same point (the ‘Tee’) and count their number of throws. Pupils must take their next throw from where their beanbag has landed and stopped. Following the first throw, the order of play is determined by the bean bag furthest away from the target (furthest first). Vary the distance of the holes each time and consider exciting obstacles in the playground to play over and around. Bean Bag ‘Simon Says’ As the traditional game of ‘Simon Says’ but with an emphasis on object control: Simon Says: Balance the bean bag on your head Balance the bean bag on your foot Balance the bean bag on the back of you hand Throw the bean bag in the air and catch with two hands Hold the bean bag between you knees Throw the bean bag and clap before it hits the floor Swap bean bags with a partner Replace the bean bag with different objects such as quoits / balls but keep the tasks very simple and relevant to the age group. Treasure Chest (can be played on the 9 square grid) This game involves four teams with a base each and a ‘treasure chest’ of bean bags in the middle of all the bases. In their teams, pupils collect beanbags on at a time in a relay style activity. Emphasise avoiding contact with others as they approach the treasure chest. Once all the beanbags have disappeared from the ‘treasure chest’ pupils can steal bean bags from other teams’ bases (still in relay style). To emphasise object control skills, the colour of the bean bag determines a different skill to return the bean bag to the base: Red – Balance on head Blue – Bowl bean bag (keeping arm straight) back to another pupil who is ready to receive Yellow – Throw bean bag back to another pupil who is ready to receive Green – Travel with bean bag between knees To emphasise Locomotor skills, the colour of the bean bag determines a different skill to return the bean bag to the base: Red – Run Blue – Bound Yellow – Yomp (fast walk) Green - Gallop Pizza Game (can be played using the ring step / target) Pupils throw bean bags into hoops / rings to see who can create the cleanest pizza. Pupils must throw the bean bags in the following order: Red = Tomato base Yellow = Cheese Green = Peppers Blue = Blue cheese Pizzas can be judged according to the amount of bean bags in the hoop / ring Four Square (can be played within the 9 square grid) In groups of four, pupils use one hand to strike the ball into an opponents’ area. Like in tennis, the ball must land within an opponents’ area and is only allowed to bounce once. Use different equipment make the game easier (beach ball) or harder (football) x x x x The Cat and the Rat (can be played on the multi-games column) The cat chases the rat through corridors that are created by other players standing side by side and linking hands. On the call of ‘change’, players in the corridor turn 90 degrees to change the direction of the corridors. The Cat and Rat must not break through the arms of corridors. Encourage the Cat and Rat to use different locomotor skills e.g. hopping, galloping. Be careful when changing direction to avoid contact with the Cat and Rat. x ‘Change’ x x x Evolution Everyone begins as an ‘egg’, so people have to pretend to be an egg. Find another egg and play ‘rock, paper, scissors’ with the other egg. Whoever wins gets to ‘evolve’ into a chicken, so now the chickens have to pretend to be chickens. Whoever loses remains an egg. Then the chickens must find other chickens in order to play rock, paper, scissors; the winners evolve the losers go back to being an egg. The game continues in this fashion and children can suggest different progressions. Suggested progressions: Egg Chicken Dinosaur Human (the winner!) Traffic Light Bumper Cars (Can be played within the 9 square grid) A warm up game that focuses on locomotor skills and ‘spatial awareness’. The aim of the game is to avoid contact with other players whilst responding to different movement commands based on traffic signals. To increase difficulty and challenge spatial awareness, the children can hold a hula hoop at waist level which makes it harder to avoid contact. Traffic signals: Red light: Stop Amber: Run on spot Green: Run fast Roundabout: Turn around on the spot Roadworks: Run in single file Speedbump: Jump in the air Wildlife TV (Can be played within the 9 square grid) A warm up game that focuses on locomotor skills and stability. All pupils move around in the style of an animal and respond to the person pretending to carry a video camera on their shoulder. The Camera person can control the movements of the group as follows: Play – move at normal pace Fast forward – move fast Pause – Freeze and perform a balance Rewind – Move backwards taking care to avoid contact with others Giants, Wizards, Elves Based on the principle of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Teach everyone the following three characters: Giant - Tip-toes, raise hands above head, curl fingers, growling sounds Wizard – Step forward, wave and point a magic wand, shouting "kazaam!" Elf – Squat down and put hands to the air and move fingers to tickle. Giants beat Elves Wizards beat Giants Elves beat wizards This can be played as a team game where the whole team agrees what action they will perform against the opposing team. The teams stand in parallel lines facing each other and present their action following a countdown. The winning team can chase the others to a safety zone. If a player is caught by being tagged, they simply join the other team. Stability ‘Simon Says’ As the traditional game of ‘Simon Says’ but with an emphasis on stability: Simon Says: Stand on one leg Pivot around in a circle Jump and turn Touch the floor whilst standing on one leg Perform a balance (e.g. arabesque) Hopscotch Square This is like the traditional game of hopscotch but with a multi-directional emphasis. Using markings, encourage pupils to work around a hopscotch circuit performing forwards, sideways and backwards hopscotch patterns. To increase difficulty, place counters in squares that need to be avoided. Hopping Stones (can be played on the Multi-games column) A variation of stepping stones but encouraging children to ‘hop and stop’ to develop stability skills. This can be played on the Multi-games column or on throw down spots. Increase difficulty by using the whole width of spots; encouraging side ways movements as well as in straight lines. Hotspots (can be played on the Multi-games column) Played on the Multi-Games column, the teacher has a card displaying one safe route across the spots. Taking turns, the children attempt to cross the spots without standing on a hotspot (the non-safe spots). Children have three choices each time: forward, forward right, forward left. The children take turns until they stand on a hotspot and must try to remember the safe route across. Sneakers (can be played on the 10 metre target) One person is the spotter and must stand with their back to the rest of the group. The other children must advance towards the spotter but as soon as the spotter turns around, everyone must freeze. If the spotter catches anyone moving, they must go back to the beginning.