SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEMP), 2010 This Plan will be reviewed annually and updated. School: KICE – Parndana Campus Vision T o add What will our school environment be like in 3 -5 years? How will it be more sustainable? Links with other school plans and policies Site Learning Plan (This plan connects with eg. Site Learning Plan, school environment policy) Environmental goals and objectives See theme action pages (What we will achieve in 12 months) Curriculum links Leadership team (Committee members and ‘Student school green team’ with groundsperson, teachers, other mentors roles) Leadership team is representative of the broader school community (students, staff, parents, community members) and reports to school governance bodies in a range of ways. Record of baseline data, goals and targets (Data/findings from audits/surveys/ bills/reviews –attach extra pages as needed) Evaluation Energy: Goals, data; Water: Goals, data; Biodiversity: Goals, data; Air Quality: Goals, data; Transport: Goals, data Waste: See attached WOW graphs and Resource Management pages Eg. data sets, surveys How we will know that we have achieved our goals. Action plans (Attach your action plans for eg energy, waste, water, biodiversity) How are students involved in the whole process? See attached action plans. SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEMP), KICE – Parndana Campus (page 2) Biodiversity Action Plan, 2009/10 Goals: To build and establish an Edible garden To provide students with hands on learning about building, gardening, wise water use, cooking. Action identified 1. Edible garden Location Between secondary & Tech studies blocks Targets: (determine targets and priorities) Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Comple ted Students worked with Principal/ Chaplain to build enclosure Yr 8, 9, 10 T1, 09 Students worked with Chaplain to build raised garden beds Yr 6, 7, 8 T2&3, 09 Students worked with Chaplain to plant out veggies/ herbs/flowers/ fruit trees Yr 6, 7, 8 T3&4, 09 2x 5000L poly tanks set up for watering Edible garden/ fruit trees Students at risk identified to work with chaplain in garden as ‘reward’ Classes identified to work on weekly roster with Chaplain in garden Each season a different class identified to harvest crops and celebrate with ‘cooking a banquet’ – students choose recipes to suit food harvested. Yr2/3, Yr 4/5, Yr6/7 From T3, 09 Yr 6/7, 4 students per week Yr4/5, Chaplain, AP From T2, 09 W8, ‘10 SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEMP), KICE - Parndana, 2008 - 2009 Resource Management Action Plan Goals: to improve recycling in the school to eliminate food scraps from landfill Action identified Location Targets: (use WOW graphs to determine targets and priorities) Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Comple ted 1.2008 “Greening Group” to initiate sorting of classroom waste into rubbish and recycle 2. More suitable bins needed All classrooms CPC –Yr 12 Students volunteered to join “Greening Group” to meet for 4 lunchtimes over a 4 week period Students presented existing bins Yellow = Recycle, Red = Rubbish Green Group Distribute to classes by end T2 All rooms Plastic Yellow trays purchased – consistency of identification across campus. Kath End T3, 08 3. Regular emptying of bins needed All rooms Class identified to take responsibility for emptying Recycling Yellow trays in all rooms W & F. Yr 6/7 Sue P. Start T2, 08 4. Need to collect food scraps for school chooks All classes and staff room Yr 6/7 Sue P. T2, 08 every W & F(?) 5. More accessible bins for secondary rooms (classroom containers not used – ‘rubbish’ bins) Yr 8, 9, 10, 11 rooms Plastic containers provided to each class/ staff room R-5 students to empty scrap buckets into 1 centrally located bucket in spire(?) Yr 6/7 monitors collect staffroom and central bucket and feed chooks. Hooks attached to outside of wheelie bins near eating areas for plastic containers (for food scraps) to be attached for easy emptying Dave Mc. (groundsman) T1, 09 SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEMP), KICE - Parndana, 2010 Resource Management Action Plan Goals: Targets: (use WOW graphs to determine targets and priorities) to reduce waste to landfill to eliminate food scraps from landfill bins to recycle 10c deposit containers to reduce white paper consumption to provide students with hands-on learning about waste reduction to educate parents in waste reduction Action identified Location Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe 1. KESAB Audit Bin collection area All rubbish kept back for 6 days for Audit with Jo H. (WOW). Results presented in pie graph. 2. Feedback Audit results to staff 3. Monitoring of Recycling Trays Staffroom “Total school materials in bins to landfill’ pie graph discussed in staff meeting. Yr 6/7 students allocated a class/ Lib/ staff room etc. and trays collected daily to check what was being put in trays. Statistics collected – collections of unsuitable material in recycling bins(?) made Yr 6/7 students presented findings to CPC –Yr 5 Assembly and Yr 6-12 Assembly Data on staff bins presented to staff at staff meeting 4. Train R-5 SRC reps as ‘Scrap Patrol’ Yr 6/7 class On the job Compl eted 4 student per class (R/1, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 8/9/10) Sue P. W5, T1 ‘10 W7, T2 ‘10 Yr 6/7 W6-10, T1 ‘10 W6-10, T1 ‘10 W9, T1 ‘10 Wk 10, T1 ‘10 Ordered W10, T2 ‘10 From W1, T2 ‘10 W5&10, T2 ‘10 W5&10, T2 ‘10 10 mins/ day Yr 6/7 Yr 6/7 Sue P Purchase more recycling trays for SSO needs Sue P. Recycling trays to be collected M W F during morning home group Every 5 weeks contents analysed – feedback to classes/ staff. Regular reminders of what goes in recycling trays. Every 5 weeks feedback from Grounds staff re number of recycling bins being collected by rubbish truck work as a group each day straight after lunch to collect scrap bins, take to chooks and wash out bins Yr 6/7 Yr 6/7 Student Reps Dave &Lyn Mc. R/1, 2/3, 4/5 Sec. Reps, Sue P. W9&10, T1 ’10 Lunch areas Kingscote GP(?) room 5. Collection of 10c drink containers 6. Re-use printer paper only used once 7. Paper towelling to be kept out of landfill bins 8. Parent involvement Sec rooms, Library, Spire(?) Interview sec students to find more suitable locations for scrap buckets (sec students least cooperative) New scrap bins purchased for new locations R-5, Sec Reps, Sue P. Sue P. W10, T1 ‘10 W10, T1 ‘10 Presentation to CPC -5 parents at Sports Day, Assembly re ‘Scrap Patrol’ responsibilities/ audit results/ use of alternatives to plastic wraps. Worm farm set up Sue P. W10, T1 ‘10 Yr2/3 T1, 2 ‘10 Compost bin set up Chaplain T1, 2 ‘10 Organise extra containers to collect 10c drink containers Sue P. W2, T2 ‘10 Identify students to collect containers Yr4/5 SRC Reps to discuss how monies raised to be spent at Class Meetings 10c containers taken to Recycle Depot R/1, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 From W2, T2 ‘10 From W2, T2 ‘10 Kimberley (Y4/5 teacher) Sue P. 2x per term W1, T2 ‘10 Photocopier room ‘Scrap’ paper and ‘paper for reprinting’ trays set up in photocopier room Staff toilets Pater towelling to be collected by cleaner at end of each day to be added to compost bin in Edible garden. Nic T. (Cleaner) From W5, T2 ‘10 Newsletter Feedback to parents via school newsletters – photos of student collecting scraps/ recycling etc. Each primary class to take turns to write article T2, W5, 10 T3, W5, 10 Establish parent group to: - help change use of plastic wraps - promote lunch ideas with lunch boxes and not use of gladwrap/ zip-lock bags - source alternative lunch boxes - organise sale of more suitable lunch boxes through KICE school uniform shop - be Parndana Rep for KICE parent group - provide Parent support for ongoing projects eg. worm farms and Edible garden over weekends and holidays. T2&3 ‘10 KICE Newsletters to include Waste Management (can it be Resource Management?) section Include contribution from NRM communication officer KICE Group From T2 To be appointed ? Class letters to parents with updates on progress of reducing waste to landfill Weekly reminders put in student section of Daily Bulletin All primary classes From T3 Primary SRC From T2, W3 ‘10 Around school Posters placed in appropriate locations Yr 6/7 W9&10, T1 Computer lab. Photo-stories created on specific topics eg. how to wash a yoghurt container. Cross-age tutoring, ‘Instructional Presentations’ Staff meeting to discuss purchasing choices for 2011 budgets. Yr 6/7 & R/1 From W6, T2 All staff T4, ‘10 Audits of all equipment eg. Maths, Phonics, Reading, SOSE etc. All staff From T2, ‘10 Started Consideration of ‘needs’, ‘alternatives’, ‘adapting existing equipment’ when purchasing new equipment Consideration of packaging when purchasing new equipment. All staff T2, ‘10 – Maths, Reading Started All staff From T4 ‘10 9. Informing community 10. Maintaining correct recycling and re-using 11. Purchasing of classroom materials Admin computers