Pathway to Porter PRIDE Determination Enthusiastic Effort Preparation Respect and Responsibility Integrity In order to promote overall student achievement, C.S. Porter Middle School has developed the following pathway for students to attain Good Standing. Behavior Criteri a Academic Attendance Benchmark A-C Absent 5 or less days per quarter 1-3 referral points Strategic D Absent 6-8 days per quarter Intensive F Absent 8 or more days per quarter 4-7 referral points 8+ referral points A student who is in good standing meets the Benchmark criteria and may participate in extracurricular activities, field trips, assemblies and any part of PACE. Academic Interventions Attendance Interventions Behavioral Interventions Any student receiving a D or F during weekly grade checks. Any student absent 5 or more days in a quarter. Any student receiving 3 or more referral points. Step 1: Benchmark (1 C-D) Student conference with teacher Academic Lab assigned to complete missing work Homework Zone referral Step 2: Strategic Intervention (1 D-F) Meet with parent, counselor and Crew Teacher. Plan to improve grades implemented. Assignment to Practice during PACE. Step 3: Intensive Intervention (2 D-F) Referral to RtI team for possible skill deficit. Strategic or Intensive intervention classes assigned and parent notified. Step 1: Benchmark (5 days) Student referred to Attendance Team. Attendance Letter is mailed home. Step 2: Strategic Intervention (6 + days) Meeting with FRC Specialist and Counselor. Plan to improve attendance implemented. Assignment to Practice during PACE. Step 3: Intensive Intervention (8+ days) Attendance Team and Crew teacher meet with student and parent to implement an attendance contract. Possible referral to the County Attorney. Step 1: Benchmark (3 points) Student conference with counselor. Parent contact made. Review of Student Handbook Step 2: Strategic Intervention (4-7 points) Meet with Assistant Principal and counselor. Plan to improve behavior implemented. Assignment to Practice during PACE. Step 3: Intensive Intervention (8 + points) Meeting with parent, counselor, Crew teacher Behavior plan implemented. Possible referral for evaluation.