SnowIceProcedure7112011 - Bournemouth Borough Council

Snow and Ice Clearance Procedures for Bournemouth Parks
There are over 900 hectares of parks, gardens and open spaces across the borough
of Bournemouth that are managed and maintained by Bournemouth Parks.
In 2003, s.41(1A) of the Highways Act 1980 was enacted to replace the absolute
duty to maintain the highway with a duty to see that safe passage along a highway
is not endangered by snow or ice, as far as ‘reasonably practicable’.
In any court procedure, the local authority will need to show that it has
appropriate systems to deal with snow and ice and that these systems were
correctly followed and discharged. In fact, the Local Authority will need to show
that it has acted reasonably and practicably.
There would not be enough resources within Parks to keep all footpaths and hard
standing areas in all parks gardens and open spaces across Bournemouth free from
snow or ice at all times when freezing conditions occur. Bournemouth Borough
Council will also have higher priorities for snow/ice clearance for example, on the
roadways, on access ways to public buildings and around Council managed
sheltered housing.
In the event of heavy falls of snow or prolonged freezing conditions, Parks staff
may be redeployed to help the Highways teams, Housing teams or to help clear
public buildings.
Weather Monitoring
The National Severe Weather Warning Service provided by the Met Office will send
fax messages/e-mails direct to Bournemouth Parks as an early warning of severe
weather conditions. Early warnings are usually issued 12 to 48 hours prior to the
onset of bad weather, but this period can be longer.
The Parks Operations Manager or designated Operational Officer will have the
responsibility to monitor weather forecasts in the winter months. He will be the
central point of contact for issuing advice on actions to be taken in adverse
weather conditions.
Other useful sources of weather forecast information are;
The Parks Operations Manager or designated Operational Officer will inform
operational teams within Parks about the onset of severe weather.
The operational teams will ensure that information is posted in the notice
boards in parks.
The customer services team will be informed of the severe weather warning
and the need to inform members of the public that parks and open spaces
will not be cleared of snow or ice.
Information will be put on the website if severe weather conditions are
The Portfolio Holder and relevant Councillors will be informed.
Partner Arboriculture and Grounds Maintenance Contractor will be
General Points to Consider:
In the event of severe weather conditions:
The workplace must be made safe at all times.
It is important to contact other sections within the Council and community
partners to identify specific problems and confirm required actions.
Staff (including Partner Contractor) may be diverted to work with other
Service Units or depots within Parks to undertake emergency duties.
Where necessary, staff will be asked to suspend non-essential services to be
able to help with snow/ice clearance.
This may be a requirement to include provision for overtime working.
4 wheel drive vehicles and other machinery/equipment will be made
available where needed most.
Additional personal protective equipment will be made available to staff
where required.
If a major emergency is declared, the major emergency plan will be employed
and the appropriate Council command structure will be put in place.
Sports Provision:
Frozen or snow covered ground will prevent many sports being played including
football, rugby and golf. The Parks Operations Manager or duty weekend Officer
will inform football and rugby players of the state of playing pitches by answer
message on the sports bookings and information line 01202 451704.
Decisions on whether Queens Park Golf course is playable will be made by the
Senior Play Organiser and the information will be displayed by Queens Park Golf
During periods of heavy snowfall, there may be a build-up of snow within the
crowns of trees. Pines in particular are at risk of incurring stem fractions due
to the increased load, but all trees could be affected if they have leaning
stems. Staff should be made aware of this risk and will report any increased
risks from snow on specific trees or groups of trees to the Arboricultural
Kings Park Nursery Bio-mass Boiler:
The biomass boiler requires reloading with fuel on a daily basis. In the event of
snow/icy conditions, staff may not be able to drive to work. The Nursery
Manager or Nursery Supervisor has to consider the options and be prepared for
eventualities by monitoring weather forecasts closely. One option is for the
boiler to be switched to gas fuel rather than solid fuel before the onset of
severe weather conditions.
It is not practical to keep all footpaths and hard standing areas in all parks gardens
and open spaces across Bournemouth free from snow or ice at all times.
However, Bournemouth Parks has a statutory responsibility to make the workplace
In the event of snow and/or ice conditions on the ground:
Pathways will be cleared between gates, messrooms and stores to enable
safe access and egress to all major points in the depot. Snow will be
shovelled clear to create pathways and grit will be spread in icy conditions.
Ensure that the means of clearing snow/ice has not created further risk by
making the area more slippery.
Monitor the area to ensure that it remains safe throughout the period of
severe weather, and take action where required to maintain in a safe
Appendix A - lists the workplace depots to be treated in the event of
snow/ice conditions.
Employees have a duty with regard to their own safety and they are expected to
use a common sense, risk assessed approach when confronted by snow covered or
icy surfaces whilst driving to/from work or at work.
The corporate policy ‘Time off during adverse weather conditions’ is in place and
allows for staff to stay at home or go home early if driving conditions deteriorate
to a level where driving is considered to be dangerous. Refer also to the corporate
‘Driving at Work’ policy for further information.
Dangerous Sites
In the event of heavy falls of snow or prolonged freezing conditions, it is likely that
some sites will be dangerous or pose an increased risk.
The public will be made aware of this increased risk by putting up warning signs at
entrances, inserting warning messages in notice boards and posting warnings on
the Bournemouth Council website. Barriers, tape and cones will also be used to
close off sites/areas that are deemed to be dangerous. Examples are steep
steps/slopes or play areas that have frozen over. Play areas may also be locked
with padlocks to help restrict access. The assessment of whether an area is closed
because of high risk will be dependent on the level of snow/ice, weather
forecasts, level of usage, and the likelihood of an imminent thaw.
It is important that the message is made clear to the public that snow/ice will not
be cleared from parks and open spaces. This will allow the public to take
appropriate alternative measures.
A stock of warning signs warning messages and barricading equipment will be kept
at each main depot.
Grit / Salt
A central stock of grit/salt will be kept at Kings Park Yard for use in workplace
depots and other sites where it is thought that it would be reasonably practicable
to apply grit/salt.
It is not reasonably practicable to treat all footpaths and hard standing areas but
there will be times when a footpath or hard standing area can be gritted or cleared
of snow and this would benefit parks users and significantly lower risk. The Parks
Operations Manager or other designated Operations Manager will advise staff of
areas to be treated. These decisions will be taken based on practicability, health
& safety of staff, risk to the public, availability of resources and usage by members
of the public.
Appendix B - lists sites in Parks that have been identified for treatment in
the event of extreme snow/ice conditions, to be confirmed by the Parks
Operations Manager or other designated Operations Manager.
Risk Assessment
A risk assessment has been carried out for snow and ice clearance in parks and
open spaces. This is available in risk assessment folders in all Parks depots around
the borough.
Appendix A
Bournemouth Parks Snow and Ice Clearing Procedure:
Workplace depots to be treated in the event of snow/ice conditions
Kings Park Depot
Slades Farm Depot
Queens Park Pavilion
East Cemetery Lodge
Kings Park Nursery
Queens Park Maintenance Depot
Central Gardens Messroom
Boscombe Chine Gardens Depot
Seafield Gardens Depot
Argyll Gardens Depot
Pelhams Park Depot
Redhill Depot
Meyrick Park Depot
Appendix B
Bournemouth Parks Snow and Ice Clearing Procedure:
Sites in Parks that have been identified for priority treatment in the event of
extreme snow/ice conditions, to be confirmed by the Parks Operations Manager
or other designated Operations Manager.
Lower Gardens - Slopes and steps access
Central Gardens - Steps from Avenue Road to War Memorial
Central Gardens -Steps from Bourne Avenue to War Memorial
Boscombe Gardens - Steps from Boscombe Spa Rd
Boscombe Gardens - Slope from Manor Rd
Kings Park - Steps to St James’ Church and school