THE CONSTITUTION OF THE GRADUATING MEDICAL CLASS OF 2013 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Article I: Global Function i) The name of this group shall henceforth be known as the Medical Class of 2013, hereafter referred to as the MED2013, this document shall be referred to as the MED2013 constitution, and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta shall be referred to as the Faculty. Other abbreviations in this document include, but are not limited to M.S.A. (Medical Students’ Association), A.M.A. (Alberta Medical Association), and U.G.M.E. (Undergraduate Medical Education) ii) The MED2013 is an organization dedicated to the social and academic enrichment of medical students graduating from the Faculty in 2013. Its function is to provide an open forum for ideas and discussion pertaining to the MED2013 and its members, to serve as a vehicle for action where necessary or desirable, and to undertake the provision of numerous social and academic events throughout the school year. In all official dealings, MED2013 will refer to Robert’s Rules as a guideline to business conduct. Article II: Membership i) All medical students currently poised to graduate from the Faculty in the year 2013 are members. Any of the members who withdraw from said program, repeat a year, are removed, or in some way delay their education so that they do not graduate in 2013 will lose their membership in the MED2013. ii) The membership will be divided into two functional units. The first of these is the general membership consisting of all MED2013 members. The second is the executive council, consisting of elected officers as determined by the election process (Article III). iii) There will be no mandatory membership dues or fees of any kind. No member (neither general nor executive council) will be subject to personal financial liability for any MED2013 venture, or any other liability. iv) There will be no remuneration, global or personal, to any members of the MED2013 from funds generated by any MED2013 activity or event. Article III: Elections i) All officers shall be elected for a four year term, with an assumption of annual renewal. Exceptions to this include the Career Counseling Rep. (Article IV Section vi Paragraph q), which is a three year position; Memorial Representative (Article IV Section vi Paragraph p), Audio-Visual Rep. (Article IV Section vi Paragraph t), Health Sciences Student Association Representative (Article IV Section vi Paragraph s), and Shinerama Representative (Article IV Section vi Paragraph v), are all two year positions; Junior AMA Rep. (Article IV Section vi Paragraph r) is a one year position. ii) In the event that any positions of the Executive Council are not filled by the primary first year election, then elected Executive Council members shall not participate in the following by-election, so as to permit maximum member participation and representation. If positions are still not filled after the first year election and by-election, positions will be given to the first MED2013 member who expresses interest. iii) At the time of renewal any of the members of the executive council may vacate their position. In the event of a vacant position, it shall be the responsibility of the VP Administration to convene an election to fill the vacancy. Should the position of VP Administration be vacant, it will be the final responsibility of the departing Class Rep to convene the election. iv) At the time of renewal, any member of MED2013 may challenge for an occupied position by informing the VP Administration. It will then be the responsibility of the VP Administration to convene the election. A nomination form for any challenge with any Executive Council position must be supported and signed by 25 members of MED2013; this is to ensure there is sufficient interest in the candidacy of the challenger to warrant a by-election. In the event that the positions of Class Representative or VP Administration are challenged, the election shall be convened by the VP Administration of the M.S.A. If a member of the executive council wishes to challenge for another position on the MED2013 executive, that member must first resign the previously held position. All challenges must be issued prior to September 30 of each year, and officers subject to challenge must participate in the election process if they wish to retain their position. v) If an officer does not wish to, or is unable to, complete the previously described responsibilities until the date of renewal, he/she may submit a written resignation to the VP Administration, who will then conduct a by-election to fill the vacancy. If the positions of Class Representative or VP Administration are vacated due to resignation, then the by-election will be convened by the VP Administration of the Medical Students’ Association and nominations will be restricted to the remaining members of the executive council. In the event that all remaining members of the executive council refuse to accept the vacated role, then the nominations will be opened to all members of MED2013, and by-elections will be convened by the VP Administration of the M.S.A. vi) In all elections and by-elections it is the responsibility of the election convener to draft and administer detailed written rules and regulations of the nomination and election process and conduct. The election convener is bound by Article III Section iv of this Constitution, if applicable. It is also the convener’s responsibility to provide such documentation prior to the close of the nomination period and to preside and resolve all disputes that may arise during the election process. Article IV: Officers i) It is the primary responsibility of all elected officers to fulfill the obligations of their position as outlined in Article IV to the very best of their ability and with the utmost of integrity for the purpose outlined in Article I Section ii. This includes but is not limited to attendance at all executive council meetings. ii) If an Executive Council position is not represented in three or more executive council meetings in a given year, the member(s) holding that position will be asked to resign and the VP Administrator will conduct a by-election to fill the vacancy, as per Article III Section v. For Executive Council positions that contain more than one representative, at least one representative must be present at Executive Council meetings. iii) Representatives are eligible to vote and shall be counted for quorum as long as they hold an active position on Class Council. iv) The Social Convener(s) and the Med Show Rep (and other such positions on the Executive Council which the Class Rep. and VP Administration in their discretion deem fit) may appoint co-rep to share responsibility for his/her position. However, co-reps are non-voting members with respect to Executive Council meetings. v) Any member of the Executive Council may set up an informal sub-committee as he/she deems fit. All sub-committee members are not part of the Executive Council. vi) The following are descriptions of the Executive Council positions. Each Executive Council position is entitled to one vote at Executive Council meetings, with the exceptions of Sports Representatives, who receive one vote each for male and female representative a) Class Representative It is the responsibility of the Class Representative to: 1. Act as a liaison between faculty and the general membership, expressing member concerns to the appropriate faculty member(s) and disseminating information from the faculty. 2. Oversee projects (academic and social) on behalf of the MED2013 and delegate the resulting tasks and duties appropriately to the executive and/or the general membership. 3. Attend all M.S.A. meetings, U.G.M.E./Dean’s executive meetings, if applicable, on behalf of the MED2013 and assume any peripheral obligations that directly result. 4. Ensure that all announcements from the Students Union, MSA, faculty office, and other pertinent organizations are relayed to the general membership in coordination with the class Communications Officer (Article IV Section vi Paragraph k) and any other relevant officers. 5. Ensure that the MED2013 Constitution (this document) is updated as necessary in coordination with the class VP Administration (Article IV Section vi Paragraph b). 6. Act as a signing officer for the MED2013 account(s), which entails co-signing financial transactions with the Treasurer (Article IV Section vi Paragraph c) or VP Administration (Article IV Section vi Paragraph b). 7. Organize and attend meetings, both of the general membership and the executive officers, whenever necessary and practical. b) VP Administration It is the responsibility of the VP Administration to: 1. Ensure that the MED2013 constitution is updated as necessary with the aid of the Class Representative. 2. Organize by-elections to replace vacated executives or in the event of a challenge (as per Article III Sections ii to vi). 3. Acquire relevant information from all students to form the “Class Phone List” as soon as possible as well as a “Summer Phone and Address List” in coordination with the Faculty. 4. Assist the Class Representative whenever necessary in fulfilling the responsibilities outlined in Article IV Section vi Paragraph a, and reversibly, assume said duties in the event that the Class Representative cannot for any reason. 5. Act as a signing officer for the MED2013 account(s), which entails co-signing financial transactions with the Treasurer (Article IV Section iv Paragraph c) or Class Representative. (Article IV Section iv Paragraph a). 6. Conduct referendum votes on challenged executive proposals as outlined in Article VI Section iv. 7. Register the MED2013 as a student group with the Students Union. 8. Organize elections for the Executive Council of the incoming medical class. c) Treasurer(s) It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to: 1. Present current financial statements of the MED2013 account at executive council meetings that are to be adopted by the council at those meetings. 2. Present an annual budget forecast for MED2013 at the first executive council meeting of the year (with the exception of the Phase I year) and a fiscal year summary at the final class council meeting. 3. Open and attend to the maintenance of a chequing account for MED2013 at a financial institution insured by CDIC. 4. Administrate finances for MED2013 functions and projects in the term of office. 5. Administrate finances received from the MSA or any other donor provided for the benefit of MED2013. 6. Prepare and keep books and records of all MED2013 transactions and financial activities, including budgets and financial statements. 7. Act as primary signing officer(s) of the MED2013 account(s), with the Class Representative or the VP Administration. 8. Administrate sales of clinical jackets and stethoscopes to students in the following year. d) Social Committee It is the responsibility of the Social Committee to: 1. Organize any MED2013 social functions that they wish to have. 2. Hold block parties at the end of each block or at the discretion of the Executive. 3. During second year, secure a location for the current year's Halloween Monster Mash on behalf of the upcoming first year students. 4. Attend the alcohol awareness seminar offered each year by the Campus Security Services and abide by the regulations regarding alcohol on this campus, including complying with serving regulations. 5. Obtain liquor licenses as necessary in organizing events. e) Med Nite Representative(s) It is the responsibility of the Med. Nite Rep. to: 1. Be responsible for all aspects of the Med Nite put on by MED2013. 2. Make arrangements for script writings, set design, props, actor rehearsals, and any other activities required by the MED2013 component of the Med Nite, including coordination of ticket sales. 3. Attend Med. Nite meetings chaired by Med. Nite directors from Phase IIIb. 4. Act as directors of the MED2013 performance in Med. Nite. f) Sports Representatives (two male, two female) It is the responsibility of the Sports Reps. to: 1. Inform the general membership of intramural sports or other campus sporting events they may participate in as soon as that information is available and as regularly as possible. 2. Solicit sign-up sheets and organize intramural teams and return them to the intramural office. 3. Collect moneys required by the intramural office from potential participants; 4. Promote interclass and inter-phase sporting events and challenges when they occur and organize teams for same if there is sufficient interest. g) Research Representative It is the responsibility of the Research Rep. to: 1. Keep in direct contact with the Scientific Affairs Office of the faculty and act as a liaison to the Office of Research for the Students. 2. Promote interest in and provide information for the STIR (Special Training in Research) program, MD/PhD program and the Summer Research Studentships. 3. Keep the general membership informed of summer research projects that will be available in the current year, including how to apply and application deadlines. 4. Coordinate the summer student lecture series with other-Phase Research Reps. 5. Inform individuals of their selection to present topics pertaining to their summer research at Research Day. 6. Attend the required final presentation of students in the STIR program. h) Pre-Clinical Committee Representative It is the responsibility of the Pre-Clinical Committee Rep. to: 1. Attend Preclinical Curriculum committee meetings and be an effective advocate of MED2013 concerns. 2. Inform the general membership of important decisions reached by the aforementioned committee. i) Undergraduate Medical Education Committee Representative It is the responsibility of the U.G.M.E. Rep. to: 1. Attend the MD Curriculum Council meetings and be an effective advocate of MED2013 concerns. 2. Collect data representing the concerns of the general membership, organize the data, and present it to the committee in a suitable manner. 3. Provide the general membership with relevant information regarding this committee where appropriate. j) Admissions Committee Representative It is the responsibility of the Admissions Committee Rep. to: 1. Attend the Admissions Committee meetings and help in the selection of the incoming medical class, which may include interviewing of candidates and work over the summer. 2. To inform the executive committee of their availability. In the event the Admissions Committee Rep. is unavailable, an alternate will be appointed by the executive committee which may be determined, but is not limited to, the runner up position in the election. 3. Best represent the class opinions to the Admissions Committee and relay important information from the Admissions Committee to the class of MED2013. k) Communications Officer It is the responsibility of the Communications Officer to: 1. Be responsible for conveying information about the policies, business, and activities of or affecting the MED2013. 2. Communicate specifically the decisions and proposals of the executive to the general membership. 4. Record the minutes of each Executive meeting and present typed minutes at the subsequent meeting to be adopted at that meeting. 5. Keep a bound/electronic record of Executive meeting minutes that will be available to the general membership. l) Health and Wellness Representative(s) It is the responsibility of the Health and Wellness Rep. to: 1. Be a class motivator and liase between students and the Office of Student Affairs 2. Promote the development of active, well-balanced lifestyles. 3. Attend any and all well being meetings. m) Fundraising Representative It is the responsibility of the Fundraising Rep. to: 1. Organize and oversee a fund raising committee dedicated to acquiring money for MED2013 graduation festivities and oversee any fund raising events, including promotion of those events to the general membership and all other interested individuals. 2. Provide progress reports to executive council meetings. 3. Maintain a detailed budget in cooperation with the Treasurer. n) Yearbook Representative and Archivist(s) It is the responsibility of the Yearbook Rep. to: 1. Collect photos of MED2013 members during the four year period of schooling. 2. Prepare slideshows and presentations for various events as necessary. 2. Oversee production of the class yearbook. 3. Act as liaison between the chosen publishing company and the yearbook staff. 4. Maintain a detailed budget in cooperation with the Treasurer. o) Public Relations Representative It is the responsibility of the PR Rep. to: 1. Foster good relations with the community. 2. Express gratitude on behalf of the members to deserving individuals. 3. Address publicity issues if required. p) Memorial Representative It is the responsibility of the Memorial Rep. to: 1. Organize the Memorial Service Ceremony that takes place at the end of the first academic year. This ceremony, which includes the families of the donors, is to pay tribute and honor the memory of the donors. q) Career Counselling Representative It is the responsibility of the Career Counselling Rep. to: 1. Attend the Career Counselling Committee meetings. 2. Keep classmates informed of activities pertaining to Career Counselling (i.e. Career Weeks, Glaxo Pathway Program). r) Alberta Medical Association (AMA) Representative It is the responsibility of the AMA Rep. to: 1. To voice student concerns to the AMA’s Board of Directors and Committee on Student Affairs. 2. Fulfill duties as outlined in the Medical Students’ Association constitution. s) Health Sciences Student Association (HSSA) Representative It is the responsibility of the HSSA Rep. to: 1. Attend all HSSA meetings 2. Become the MSA HSSA Rep. in Year 2. 3. Encourage class participation in all HSSA projects. 4. Participate as a member of the Health is Wealth Organization Committee during the academic year. 5. Serve as the contact person(s) for faculty, students and the facility at which the Health is Wealth Banquet is held. 6. Work in cooperation with the multiple health disciplines participating in the Health is Wealth Fund raising event. 7. Keep classmates informed of decisions and details regarding the Health is Wealth Banquet and related events 8. Responsible for organizing the MedPharm Project with the Pharmacy representative to the HSSA t) Audio-Visual Representative It is the responsibility of the Audio-Visual Rep. to: 1. To be responsible for the proper functioning of all audio and visual equipment in the classroom setting. 2. To assist professors and/or students with the audio-visual aspects of lectures or presentations in class. 3. 4. To nominate the election candidates for the Audio-Visual Representative position for the first year incoming class following a brief assessment of the technical ability of interested candidates. Receive remuneration administered by the UGME office at a rate of $10 CAD per day of service. u) Graduation Representative(s) It is the responsibility of the Graduation Representative(s) to: 1. Organize the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2013 to be held at the end of the fourth year of medical school. 2. Serve as the contact person(s) for faculty, students and the facility at which the Graduation Ceremony is held. 3. Keep classmates informed of decisions and details regarding the Graduation Ceremony and related events. 4. Maintain a detailed budget in cooperation with the Treasurer. v) Shinerama Representatives It is the responsibility of the Shinerama Representatives to: 1. Organize Shinerama for the University of Alberta. 2. Chair the Shinerama Organization Committee. 3. Participate in the national Shinerama meetings held during the summer. 4. Organize the promotional campaign making contact with local media. w) Information Technology Officer It is the responsibility of the Information Technology Officer to 1. Oversee the construction and maintenance of a class website 2. Act as the class administrator for the MED2013 mailman server list. 3. Apply for the creation of a MED2014 mailman server list. 4. Update relevant MED2013 sections on HOMER, and any additional work requested by the HOMER team. x) FUME Representative It is the responsibility of the FUME Representative to: 1. Attend, on behalf of the MED2013 all meetings regarding to the Fund for Undergraduate Medical Education (FUME). 2. Report to the MED2013 and the Executive Council the activities of FUME. 3. Represent the ideas and suggestions of the MED2013 and the Executive Council at FUME Meetings. 4. Work alongside FUME Representatives from other classes in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in the best of his/her ability. y) SHINE Rep It is the responsibility of the SHINE Rep to: 1. Be the liaison between the medical students and SHINE 2. Coordinate efforts of medical students in SHINE 3. Work with other health science students to promote the function of SHINE z) Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) Representative It is the responsibility of the GHHS Rep to: 1. Attend and represent class of MED2013 at all GHHS Committee meetings 2. Work alongside GHHS Representatives from other classes in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in the best of his/her ability 3. Work in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs to organize and administer an election, whereby a number of students from the class of MED2013 will be inducted into the GHHS during class graduation in the final year 4. Organize and administer an “Adopt a Cause” Campaign, whereby the class of MED2013 will select activity or activities that it will be involved with for the next three years, as part of the GHHS’s goal of promoting the values of humanism and professionalism among students aa) Alumni Association Representative It is the responsibility of the Alumni Association Rep. to: 1. Be the liaison between the medical students and the Alumni Association 2. Coordinate efforts of Alumni Association Representatives from each of the four class councils. 3. Attend two Medical Alumni Meetings per year and have voting status at these meetings. 4. Represent the faculty at the annual awards night. 5. Coordinate the fall social event committee. 6. Organize “Meet The President” Luncheon. 7. Help with the alumni essay contest, call room journal, MAA funding for students, and web-site development. ab) Professionalism Representative It is the responsibility of the Professionalism Representative to: 1. Promote professional behaviour within MED2013 2. Participate in dialogue with students and faculty when the professionalism of any individual from MED2013 is called into question ac) Arts and Humanities Representative It is the responsibility of the Arts and Humanities Representative to: 1. Promote the arts among the MED2013 class 2. Coordinate activities with the Arts and Humanities in Medicine committee ad) Medicine and Family Representative It is the responsibility of the Medicine and Family Representative to: 1. Provide perspective, insight, and support through seminars, and/or conferences that consider the integration of family life in medicine, with the goal of helping students achieve a work-life balance and to appreciate how other students in medicine have created successful family lives in consideration of busy and flourishing careers. Related topics may include paternity/maternity leave, physician-physician relationships, physician-non-physician relationships, outstanding achievements by women in medicine, etc. ae) Global Health Liaison It is the responsibility of the Global Health Liaison to: 1. act as local representative of the CFMS Global Health Program and serve as medical liaison between the MSA and all global health groups 2. act as student liaison to the Global Health Program of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry 3. communicate international elective information and international health opportunities to U of A medical students 4. assist with charitable events and campaigns related to international health such as the Rich Man Poor Man Dinner, International Photo Contest, and World AIDS Day af) Undergraduate Surgical Education Representative It is the responsibility of the Undergraduate Surgical Education Representative to: 1. Promote the surgical specialties to the MED2013 class 2. Represent the MED2013 class in the undergraduate surgical education meetings 3. Work closely with the MSA Surgery Club leaders to organize events and talks ag) Community Health Representatives It is the responsibility of the Community Health Representatives to: 1. Attend, on behalf of the MED2013 all meetings including but not limited to 2013 Class Council and M.S.A. meetings; 2. Organize and coordinate community health opportunities, charitable events and campaigns such as (but not limited to) food bank drives and blood drives on behalf of all medical students; 3. Coordinate the Skin Cancer Awareness Program as part of the interdisciplinary committee; 4. Coordinate other community health programs such as but not limited to the Human Sexuality Program run at junior high schools as decided upon in any given year, establishing committees in the first and/or second year medical classes as necessary; 5. Act as the University of Alberta representatives and liaisons in national medical student community health initiatives such as, but not limited to, the Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser and the Canadian Medical Students Partners for Life campaign 6. Make and coordinate the distribution of candygrams on a periodic basis for various special occasions, with proceeds donated to a charity of the Community Health Representatives’ choice Article V: Approval and Amendments i) Amendments to the MED2013 constitution must be presented as a motion by an executive in a MED2013 executive council meeting and require a 2/3 majority of the MED2013 executive officers to proceed. ii) Upon passing the executive council vote, the amendment to the MED2013 constitution must be presented to the MED2013 general membership at a general meeting, at which a vote will be held. A 50% +1 majority vote is required to pass the amendment. Voting will be done by show of hands or secret ballot, depending on consensus. Article VI: Meetings and Decisions i) General meetings will be announced in class one week in advance. Quorum will be 20% of the general membership and voting will be conducted by show of hands or secret ballot, depending on consensus. ii) Executive meetings will be announced to the executive members one week in advance. Quorum will be 50% + 1 of the executive and voting will be by show of hands or secret ballot, depending on consensus. iii) Any decision or action made by the executive may be challenged by the general membership. A petition representing 1/3 of the general membership in opposition to an executive decision or action shall force a referendum on the issue that shall be conducted by the VP Administration. 50% + 1 opposed will require the dismissal, reversal, or reworking of the offending proposal. Article VII: Audit of Accounts i) Once per year, the books and records of the MED2013 will be audited by the Class Rep. and the Treasurer with the MSA VP-Finance. Copies of the audited financial statement will be distributed to all members.