House teams - Latymer All Saints

SAINT MARTIN (de Porres)
The illegitimate son of a Spanish nobleman, Juan, and
a young freed black slave, Anna Velasquez, Martin
grew up in poverty. He spent part of his youth with a
surgeon-barber from whom he learned some medicine
and care of the sick. At age 11 he became a servant in the Holy Rosary Dominican priory in
Lima, Peru. Promoted to almoner, he begged more than $2,000 a week from the rich to
support the poor and sick of Lima. Placed in charge of the Dominican‘s infirmary; known for
his tender care of the sick and for his spectacular cures. His superiors dropped the
stipulation that “no black person may be received to the holy habit or profession of our
Order” and Martin took vows as a Dominican brother in 1603. Established an orphanage and
children‘s hospital for the poor children of the slums. Set up a shelter for the stray cats
and dogs and nursed them back to health. Lived in self-imposed austerity, never ate meat,
fasted continuously, and spent much time in prayer and meditation with a great devotion to
the Holy Eucharist. Friend of Saint John de Massias.
He was venerated from the day of his death. Many miraculous cures, including raising the
dead attributed to Brother Martin, who was the first black saint from the Americas.
Patron saint of school children and Librarians
Born at Stridon, a town on the confines of Dalmatia
and Pannonia, about the year 340-2; died at
Bethlehem, 30 September, 420.
He went to Rome, probably about 360, where he was
baptized, and became interested in ecclesiastical
matters. From Rome he went to Trier, famous for
its schools, and there began his theological studies.
Later he went to Aquileia, and towards 373 he set
out on a journey to the East. He settled first in Antioch.
From 374-9 Jerome led an ascetical life in the desert of Chalcis, south-west of Antioch.
Ordained priest at Antioch, he went to Constantinople (380-81), where a friendship sprang
up between him and St. Gregory of Nazianzus.
He settled there in a monastery near a convent founded by two Roman ladies, Paula and
Jerome himself lived and worked in a large cave near the Jesus’ birthplace. He opened a
free school there and also a hospice for pilgrims, as Paula said, "should Mary and Joseph
visit Bethlehem again, they would have a place to stay."
He died peacefully on September 30, 420, and was buried under the church of the Nativity
at Bethlehem. In the thirteenth century his body was translated and now lies somewhere in
the Sistine Chapel of the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore at Rome
Rare among female saints in having actually been a
married Mum!
Mother of Emperor Constantine, and in some ways the
pioneer of pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
The city of Colchester, England, for many ages, that Saint Helen was born within its
walls; and though this honour has been disputed, since others say she was born in York, it
is certain that she was a British princess. She married a Roman General, Constantius
Chlorus, and became the mother of Constantine the Great. She embraced Christianity
late in life; but her incomparable faith and piety greatly influenced her son Constantine,
the first Christian emperor, and served to kindle a holy zeal in the hearts of the Roman
people. Even though she was high ranking, she showed herself a mother to all in
In her eightieth year she made a famous pilgrimage to Jerusalem, looking for the
cross on which our Blessed Redeemer had suffered. After many labours, three
crosses were found on Mount Calvary, together with the names and the inscription
recorded by the Evangelists. The miraculous discovery and verification of the true
Cross is still celebrated by the Church on the 3rd of May. The pious empress,
transported with joy, built a beautiful Basilica on Mount Calvary to receive the
precious relic, sending portions of it also to Rome and Constantinople, where they were
solemnly exposed to the adoration of the faithful. She built two other famous
churches in Palestine to honour the sacred sites of Our Lord’s life, one at the site of
His Ascension, and the other, known as the Basilica of the Nativity, in Bethlehem,
which she and her son richly adorned.
When past the age of 80, Saint Helen returned from Jerusalem
to Rome, dying there in 328
Patron saint of students; great scholar,
Ambrose was born between about 337 and 340 and was
raised in Trier. There is a legend that as an infant, a
swarm of bees settled on his face while he lay in his
cradle, leaving behind a drop of honey. His father
considered this a sign of his future eloquence and honeyed tongue. For this reason, bees
and beehives often appear as the saint's symbols.
After the early death of his father, Ambrose followed his father's career. He was
educated in Rome, studying literature, law, and rhetoric.
Ambrose was the Governor of Aemilia-Liguria in northern Italy until 374 when he became
the Bishop of Milan. He never married.
Due to a conflict between the Catholics and Arians in Milan, when the bishop of Milan died
in 374 the Arians wanted to replace him. However, Ambrose went to the church where the
election was to take place, to prevent an uproar. His speech was interrupted by a call
"Ambrose, bishop!", which was taken up by the whole assembly.
At first he refused the office, for which he was in no way prepared: Ambrose was neither
baptized nor formally trained in theology. But when Emperor Gratian praised the
appropriateness of Rome appointing individuals worthy of holy positions, he decided to be
the Bishop. Within a week, Ambrose was baptized, ordained and duly consecrated bishop
of Milan.
As bishop, he immediately adopted an ascetic lifestyle, gave his money and land to the
poor, making only provision for his sister Marcellina (who later became a nun) ]
St. Monica, an African laywoman is a saint with
whom most black women can readily and easily
identify, because Monica epitomized the presentday black women.
St. Monica was born in Tegaste in northern Africa in
about 331. She was a devout Christian and an
obedient disciple of St. Ambrose. Through her
patience, gentleness and prayers, she converted her
pagan husband.
She gave thorough religious training to her son, St.
Augustine of Hippo, whom she loved dearly, during his boyhood. However in later life he
scorned all religion and lived a life of disrepute. But before her death, Monica had the
great joy of knowing that Augustine had returned to God and was using all his energies to
build Christ's Church, and that her youngest daughter had become a nun.
She died in 387 in Ostia which is just outside Rome.