Supplementary material A. Method section 2.1 Identification of the main oceanic moisture source regions. The moisture source regions used in this work are based on the maxima of the annual climatological vertically integrated moisture flux divergence (that is, E‐P) [Stohl and James, 2004] for the 44‐year period between January 1980 and December 2000, using the available ECMWF re‐analysis ERA-40, [Uppala et al.,, 2005] data on a 1° × 1° grid. The vertically integrated moisture transport the acceleration due to gravity, is defined as: is the specific humidity, where is is the surface pressure, and is the horizontal wind vector. Ten oceanic moisture source regions were identified using a threshold of 750 mm/yr for the integrated moisture flux divergence [Gimeno et al., 2010], (Figure 1, top). These regions were: the Coral Sea (referred to as CORALS); the North and South Pacific (NPAC and SPAC, respectively); the Mexico Caribbean Gulf (MEXCAR); the North and South Atlantic (NATL and SATL, respectively); the Arabian Sea (ARAB); the Zanzibar Current (ZAN); the Agulhas Current (AGU); and the Indian Ocean (IND). Two additional source regions were defined using their physical boundaries: these were the Mediterranean Sea (MED) and the Red Sea (REDS). 2.2 FLEXPART model. The FLEXPART model is a three dimensional Lagrangian particle dispersion model. While the initial use of this model was to study of pollution dispersion, it has become the standard tool for analyzing the trajectories and changing properties of air parcels in atmospheric studies [Stohl and James, 2004, Stohl et al., 2005]. In general terms, the FLEXPART model is accurate when simulating a range of processes, including: long-range and mesoscale transport; diffusion and radioactive 1 decay of tracers released from a source; and dry and wet deposition. Wind fluctuations and convection are parameterized using schemes described in previous literature [Hanna., 1982; Emanuel and Živković-Rothman., 1999] . To ensure mass balance, spherical harmonic data are used to calculate the vertical winds. Details of the way of including turbulence, the parameterization schemes of the planetary boundary layer and mesoscale velocity fluctuations can be found in the FLEXPART technical note [Stohl et al., 2005]. The FLEXPART model can be run either forwards or backwards in time. For forward tracking, particles are “released” from a source and concentrations are determined downwind on a grid; for backward tracking the particles are “released” from a receptor area. The model allows the analysis of moisture transport between source and sink areas, by dividing the atmosphere homogeneously into a large number of air parcels (particles), which are transported using the three-dimensional wind field. The FLEXPART model is supported by a large number of peer-reviewed publications, and is well validated and of proven robustness. 2.3 Moisture budget. The net rate of change of water vapour of an air particle or air parcel along a trajectory can be expressed as: e – p = m dq/dt, where (e-p) is the increase or decrease in moisture along the trajectory according to the changes in (q) with time (t) for an air parcel of mass m. The surface freshwater flux (E – P) can be obtained by summing (e – p) for all the particles in the vertical atmospheric column over an area, where E is the evaporation rate per unit area, and P is the precipitation rate per unit area. In this work, the FLEXPART model was used to investigate the processes involved in transporting moisture from the main oceanic sources regions around the world for a 21-year period, from 1980 to 2000. The model was initialized in forward 2 mode to track atmospheric moisture for the entire atmosphere using the ERA-40 reanalysis data set, [Uppala et al.,, 2005] , with 1º horizontal resolution, and vertical resolution in 61 vertical levels. The atmosphere is divided homogenously into 1.9 million particles which are advected using the 3-D wind input data. Records were made at 6 hour intervals (00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC) of the position and specific humidity values (q) of every particle along its trajectory over a ten day period, which is the average time that water vapour resides in the atmosphere [Numaguti, 1999]. A database was constructed that identified all trajectories originating from oceanic moisture sources. The (E-P) values, integrated over the ten days of transport, indicate the most important sinks of moisture for each source, and also when the moisture was lost. 2.4 Composites considering the intensity of the sources of moisture. We define the term “moisture source intensity” as the spatial average of the seasonal divergence of vertically integrated moisture flux. When looking for possible impacts in the moisture transport caused by changes in the intensity of a given source, the composite differences between the average of the five highest intensity episodes and the average of the five lowest intensity events identified for that source (High - Low) were obtained for JJA and DJF. Changes in the moisture transport were analyzed through composites of E-P fields associated with particle trajectories from the different oceanic moisture sources generated by the FLEXPART model. 2.5 The bootstrap method of testing statistical significance. The test of the statistical significance of composite differences was based on the methodology proposed by Wei et al. [2012] , which applies the bootstrap test by permuting the original time series [Efron and Tibshirani., 1983]. With small samples, the non-parametric bootstrap 3 method may be adequate to evaluate the statistical significance. Taking the analysis of changes in moisture source intensity as an example, we tested the significance of the difference between the five highest and five lowest intensity events at a 90% confidence level. Considering the 21 years of data (1980-2000), we selected two five-year periods at random (total of 10 years) from these 21 years, and calculated their difference 1,000 times (this is a reasonable number of repetitions, according to Efron and Tibshirani, [1983]. To be considered significant, the absolute value of the composite of differences must be larger than 90% of the 1,000 differences. 2.6 Identification of oceanic regions with higher evaporation rate in a future climate change scenario. Based on data generated by 15 of the GCM models included in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 [Meehl, et al., 2007] and were used for IPCC AR4, performed moisture budget calculations for a future period of climate change between 2046 and 2065, and computed a multimodel ensemble mean [Seager et al., 2010]. From the 24 models available within AR4 we have restricted our analysis to 15 because calculation of changes in the modelled moisture budget requires daily data for humidity and winds at a fine vertical resolution, which are only available for these 15 models. The criteria for using only 15 of the 24 models and the list of them can be found in the work by Seager et al. (2010) (see Table 1 in that paper). One of the analyzed variables was the rate of change of (E-P). To identify regions of higher changes, a comparison was made against the period 1961-2000 for the semiannual periods of October-March and April-September. The 1961-2000 simulations were forced with historical trace gas, aerosol, solar, volcanic and (in some cases) land use change data, albeit with differences between models in how these forcings were treated. The 2046-65 simulations used the “middle of the road” emissions scenario as identified 4 by the Special Report on Emission Scenarios A1B (SRESA1B). Using the Seager multimodel ensemble mean change data, we selected those oceanic areas where climate changes led to an increase in evaporation (E) minus precipitation (P). The oceanic moisture source regions were defined based on the threshold of 0.3 mm/yr. Twelve areas were selected for the April-September period, and nine for October-March. These regions were used with the FLEXPART model in forward mode to identify which continental regions would be affected by changes in precipitation (E-P<0) originating in each oceanic moisture source. References Emanuel, K. A. and M. Živković-Rothman (1999), Development and Evaluation of a Convection Scheme for Use in Climate Models. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1766-1782. Efron, B. and R.Tibshirani (1983) An introduction to the Bootstrap. London: Chapman & Hall. Gimeno, L., Drumond, A., Nieto, R., Trigo, R. M. and A. Stohl (2010), On the origin of continental precipitation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L13804. doi: 10.1029/2010GL043712 Hanna, S. R. (1982) Applications in air pollution modeling. Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution modelling, 1, 275. Meehl GA, and JM. Arblaster (2003), Mechanisms for projected future changes in South Asian monsoon precipitation. Clim Dyn, 21, 659–675 Numaguti, A. (1999), Origin and recycling processes of precipitating water over the Eurasian continent: Experiments using an atmospheric general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 1957-1972. 5 Seager R., Naik, N., and G.A. Vecchi (2010), Thermodynamic and Dynamic Mechanisms for Large-Scale Changes in the Hydrological Cycle in Response to Global Warming. Journal of Climate, 23, 4651-4668. Stohl, A. and P.A.James (2004), Lagrangian Analysis of the Atmospheric Branch of the Global Water Cycle. Part I: Method Description, Validation, and Demonstration for the August 2002 Flooding in Central Europe. J. Hydrometeor, 5, 656-678. Stohl, A., Forster, C., Frank, A., Seibert, P. and G. Wotawa (2005), G. Technical Note: The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART version 6.2. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 2461-2474. Uppala, S. M. et al. (2005) The ERA-40 re-analysis. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 2961-3012. Wei, J., Dirmeyer, P. A., Bosilovich, M. G. and R. Wu (2012), Water vapor sources for Yangtze River Valley rainfall: Climatology, variability, and implications for rainfall forecasting. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D05126. doi: 10.1029/2011JD016902. 6 B. Supplementary figures Figure legends (supplementary material) Figure S1: Values of (E‐P) integrated over 10 days for the period 1980-2000, calculated by forward tracking from the oceanic regions excepting the moisture sources indicated in the Figure 1. Only negative values less than -0.01 mm/day are plotted (E-P < -0.01 mm/day). The left and right columns are for the periods DJF and JJA, respectively. Figure S2: Values of (E‐P) integrated over 10 days for the period 1980-2000, calculated by forward tracking from the oceanic moisture sources indicated by the closed pink lines and identified by their acronym. Only negative values less than -0.01 mm/day are plotted (E-P < -0.01 mm/day). The left and right columns are for the periods DJF and JJA, respectively. Figure S3. The composite differences in (E - P) between the average of the five highest source intensity periods and the average of the five lowest intensity periods during December-February (left panels) and June–August (right panels). Each moisture source is shown on a separate pair of panels. The black contour lines indicate areas where absolute values of the differences greater than 0.01 mm/day are significant at the 90% confidence level, according to a bootstrap test that permutes the original time series 1,000 times 7 Figure S1 8 Figure S2 9 Figure S3 10