University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust – Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE NHS TRUST SPECIALISED SERVICES DIVISION NEUROSCIENCES DIRECTORATE PROTOCOL/GUIDELINE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE NEWLY DIAGNOSED PERSON WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS UNDER THE CARE OF UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE NHS TRUST Prepared by: Reviewed by: Claire Lowndes & Kate Walker – MS Specialist Nurses Dr Simon Ellis (Clinical Director) Professor Clive Hawkins (Professor of Clinical Neurology) Helen Inwood (Professional Head of Nursing Services) Pauline Crossley (Clinical Risk Manager) Janet Barker (Directorate Manager, Neurosciences) Date of Issue: February 2004 Next Review Date: February 2005 Lead Director: Peter Blythin Trust Contact: Claire Lowndes – MS Specialist Nurse Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Feb’04/CL Page 1 of 5 University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust – Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE NHS TRUST SPECIALISED SERVICES DIVISION NEUROSCIENCES DIRECTORATE PROTOCOL FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SPECIALIST NURSE CASE MANGEMENT Introduction Between 3 & 7 people per 100,000 of the population are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis each year. About 100-120/100,000 have multiple sclerosis. From these rates it is estimated that in England and Wales about 1800 – 3400 people are newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis each year and that 52,000 – 62,000 have multiple sclerosis (NICE Guidelines 2003). According to DoH NICE Guidelines all people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis should be put in touch with a skilled nurse with specialist knowledge of multiple sclerosis, with counselling experience. Intended/Expected Outcome To provide clear clinical guidelines to improve the quality of service to patients newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. All patients newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will be referred to and reviewed by a Clinical Nurse Specialist – MS within 6 weeks of referral and provided with relevant and accurate information. Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Feb’04/CL Page 2 of 5 University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust – Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Division: Specialised Services Directorate: Neurosciences Delegating Consultants: Dr SJ Ellis Professor CP Hawkins Dr HG Boddie Dr MB Davies Dr C Mann Identified Nursing Personnel: Nikki Embrey Claire Lowndes Kate Walker Karen Sheldon Link Nurses: Scott Dobing Rose Guillard Margaret Trevor Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Feb’04/CL Page 3 of 5 University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust – Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust If a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is confirmed the individual should be told by a Doctor with specialist knowledge about multiple sclerosis. (This is usually a Consultant or experienced Specialist Registrar in Neurology). This needs to be communicated in a suitable environment. Communication should be tailored to a person’s; (i) specific situation (ii) communicative and cognitive ability, (iii) culture. At the time of diagnosis patients should be given the contact details of the MS Nursing Team. Once diagnosis has been given the Doctor involved should refer the individual to the MS Nursing Team. Once referral received the MS Nursing Team are to review patient within 6 weeks. On review by the Clinical Nurse Specialist – MS written and verbal information should be provided about the disease, in the form of an information pack specific to the newly diagnosed. (What is MS; Making the most of life with MS; Sources of support: Just diagnosed an introduction to MS) and the nursing teams appropriate telephone contact number. A thorough assessment will be carried out by the CNS in clinic and documented in medical/nursing notes. Within 6 months of diagnosis, the individual should be offered the opportunity to participate in the Getting to Grips course run in conjunction with the 3 branches of the local MS Society. All patients newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will be offered a 6 month follow-up appointment in the MS Nurse Led clinic, along with ongoing support as needed. Recommendation Newly diagnosed referrals will be audited to ensure that referrals are being reviewed within the stipulated time frame. Reference MS Management of MS in primary secondary care. Clinical guidelines 8 November 2003 Developed by the National Collaborating Centre for chronic conditions Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Feb’04/CL Page 4 of 5 University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust – Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust TO BE REVIEWED BY: All Clinical Nurse Specialists – MS REVIEW DATE: February 2005 DELEGATING CONSULTANTS Dr SJ Ellis ---------------------------------------------- Professor CP Hawkins ---------------------------------------------Dr HG Boddie ---------------------------------------------- Dr MB Davies ---------------------------------------------- Dr C Mann ---------------------------------------------- Professional Head of Nursing ----------------------------------Approved at Directorate level on Date -----------------------Directorate Manager ---------------------------------------------Clinical Director ---------------------------------------------- Ratified by the Clinical Risk Management Group --------------------------------------Date: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Protocol/Guideline for the management of the newly diagnosed person with multiple sclerosis under the care of University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Feb’04/CL Page 5 of 5