Star Chance Board Game - Japanese Teaching Ideas


Star Chance Board Game

A game for reviewing vocabulary and phrases

Number of players: Groups of 6 – 8 or as a whole class. (Project the boardgame onto a white board or use an enlarged copy - students complete the Star Chance tasks at the front of the class.)

You will need: play dough or sculpting clay, egg timer, whiteboard and markers, star chance game board laminated, star chance game cards (blue, yellow, green and pink), tokens or markers, dice


Students pair off. The person with their birthday next this year will start the game.

This student rolls the dice and moves the number of spaces indicated by the dice. If the student lands on a space with a チャンス (Chance) written on it their partner needs to take one of the Chance cards. This student reads the question aloud (remembering not to give the answer). If their partner completes the task as stated on the card they can remain on that square and keep that card, if they do not complete the task they must return to the square on the game board they came from. The next student pair then rolls the dice and continues the game.

The first pair of students who collect all four coloured Star Chance cards and reaches the ゴール (Goal) wins!! However, if a pair of students reaches the ゴール

(Goal) before collecting all four coloured Star Chance cards they need to return to the beginning of the game and start again.

HINT: To make it fair, the student pairs should alternate for each Star Chance card task so that each person in the pair gets a chance to participate!

created by Inge Korver

Note for teacher: The star chance game cards can be altered to suit the topic you are studying.

Star chance card details:

Star chance blue : The person has 30 seconds to write on the whiteboard the Japanese for the English word or phrase written on the card.

Star chance green: The person has 30 seconds to say the English word or phrase in

Japanese. (Make sure Japanese pronunciation is accurate too!)

Star chance pink: The person has 30 seconds to say the Japanese word or phrase in


Star chance yellow: The person has one minute to sculpt the object described using the play dough or sculpting clay. If their partner guesses what the object is correctly before the time is up the pair can keep the Star Chance card. (The person sculpting may not talk or use body language to explain their object.)

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver

created by Inge Korver
