Kennish Bibliography on Barnegat Bay

Research Coordinator
Research Professor
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University
Bibliography of Work by Michael J. Kennish on
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary
Lathrop, R. G., Jr., S. M. Haag, D. Merchant, M. J. Kennish, and B. Fertig. 2014. Comparison of
remotely-sensed surveys vs. in situ plot-based assessments of sea grass condition in
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey USA. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 18:
299-308 doi:10.1007/s11852-014-0319-y.
Kennish, M. J., A. Spahn, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2014. Sentinel site development of a major salt
marsh system in the Mid-Atlantic region. Open Journal of Ecology, 4: 77-86
Fertig, B., M. J. Kennish, G. P. Sakowicz, and L. K. Reynolds. 2014. Mind the data gap:
identifying and assessing drivers of changing eutrophication condition. Estuaries and
Coasts, 37, (Suppl. 1): S198-S221 doi:10.1007/s1223701397465.
Kennish, M. J., M. S. Meixler, G. Petruzzelli, and B. Fertig. 2014. Climate change effects on
plant community characteristics in the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system. Bulletin of
the New Jersey Academy of Science, 58(2). In press.
Fertig, B. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2013. Changing eelgrass (Zostera marina L.)
characteristics in a highly eutrophic temperate coastal lagoon. Aquatic Botany, 104: 7079.
Kennish, M. J. and B. Fertig. 2012. Application and assessment of a nutrient pollution indicator
using eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New
Jersey. Aquatic Botany, 96: 23-30. Doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.09.005.
Kennish, M. J. and V. N. de Jonge. 2011. Chemical introductions to the systems: Diffuse and
nonpoint source pollution from chemicals (nutrients: eutrophication). In: M. J. Kennish
and M. Elliott, eds., Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Vol. 8, Human-induced
Problems (Uses and Abuses). Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Elsevier,
Oxford, England, pp. 113-148.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Benthic macroalgal blooms as an
indicator of system eutrophy in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Bulletin of
the New Jersey Academy of Science, 56: 1-5.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor. Pp. 137-144. In: P. Glibert, C. Madden,
W. Boynton, D. Flemer, C. Heil, and J. Sharp (eds.), Nutrients in Estuaries. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2010. Seagrass decline in New Jersey coastal
lagoons: A response to increasing eutrophication. In: M. J. Kennish and H. W. Paerl,
eds., Coastal Lagoons: Critical Habitats of Environmental Change. Taylor and Francis,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 167-201.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Eutrophication of mid-Atlantic coastal bays. Bulletin of the New Jersey
Academy of Science, 54: 5-12.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Seagrass demographic and spatial habitat
characterization in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, using fixed transects. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI 55: 148-170.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Seagrass habitat characterization in
estuarine waters of the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve using
underwater videographic imaging techniques. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 55: 171179.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Research and monitoring in a nationally integrated network of NERRS
sites. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 55: 236-239.
Kennish, M. J. and A. R. Townsend. 2007. Nutrient enrichment and estuarine eutrophication.
Ecological Applications, 17(5) Supplement: S1-S2.
Kennish, M. J., S. B. Bricker, W. C. Dennison, P. M. Glibert, R. J. Livingston, K. A. Moore, R.
T. Noble, H. W. Paerl, J. M. Ramstack, S. Seitzinger, D. A. Tomasko, and I. Valiela.
2007. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: case study of a highly eutrophic coastal
bay system. Ecological Applications, 17(5) Supplement: S3-S16.
Gao, Y., M. J. Kennish, and A. McGuirk-Flynn. 2007. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the
New Jersey coastal waters and its implications. Ecological Applications, 17(5)
Supplement: S31-S41.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Application of underwater videography
to characterize seagrass habitats in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Bulletin of the New
Jersey Academy of Science, 51: 1-6.
Kennish, M. J. 2004. Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. In: Kennish, M. J.,
ed., Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, pp. 57-113.
Kennish, M. J. and S. M. Haag. 2003. Epibenthic community monitoring in New Jersey coastal
bays: a priority initiative of estuarine research programs. Bulletin of the New Jersey
Academy of Science, 48: 11-15.
Kraeuter, J. N., M. J. Kennish, J. Dobarro, S. R. Fegley, and G. E. Flimlin, Jr. 2003.
Rehabilitation of the northern quahog (hard clam) (Mercenaria mercenaria) habitats by
shelling - 11 years in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Journal of Shellfish Research, 22: 6167.
Kennish, M. J. (Ed.). 2001. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey: Estuary and
Watershed Assessment. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 32, 280 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Characterization of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary and
Watershed. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 32: 3-12.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Physical description of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary.
Journal of Coastal Research, SI 32: 13-27.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Zooplankton of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI 32: 163-166.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Benthic communities of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary.
Journal of Coastal Research, SI 32: 167-177.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. State of the estuary and watershed: an overview. Journal of Coastal
Research, SI 32: 243-273.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Summary and conclusions. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 32: 275-280.
Kennish, M. J. 2000. Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey: a case study of stabilization impacts. Bulletin
of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 45: 13-18.
Kennish, M. J. 1999. The Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program: results of the period 19951999. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 44: 1-13.
Flimlin, G. and M. J. Kennish (eds.). 1997. Proceedings of the Barnegat Bay Ecosystem
Workshop. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean
County, Toms River, New Jersey, 377 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 1997. The Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program: an overview of
anthropogenic impacts. In: Flimlin, G. and M. J. Kennish, eds., Proceedings of the
Barnegat Bay Ecosystem Workshop. Barnegat Bay Estuary Program, Rutgers
Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, pp. 351-360.
Hillman, R. E., C. Werme, and M. J. Kennish. 1991. Chemical stimulation of larval shipworm
settlement: importance of malic acid and woodborer metabolites. Bulletin of the New
Jersey Academy of Science, 36: 17-22.
Kennish, M. J. 1984. The use of shell growth patterns in age determinations of the hard clam,
Mercenaria mercenaria (Linné). In: Mitchell, D. H. and T. E. Johnson, eds., Invertebrate
Models in Aging Research. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 143-164.
Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz (Eds.). 1984. Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. SpringerVerlag, New York, 396 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 1984. Introduction. In: Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat
Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Chizmadia, P. A., M. J. Kennish, and V. L. Ohori. 1984. Physical description of Barnegat Bay.
In: Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. SpringerVerlag, New York, pp. 1-28.
Loveland, R. E., J. F. Brauner, J. E. Taylor, and M. J. Kennish. 1984. Macroflora. In: Kennish,
M. J. and R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New
York, pp. 78-94.
Kennish, M. J., J. J. Vouglitois, D. J. Danila, and R. A. Lutz. 1984. Shellfish. In: Kennish, M. J.
and R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York,
pp. 171-200.
Hillman, R. J. and M. J. Kennish. 1984. Commercial and sport fisheries. In: Kennish, M. J. and
R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1984. Trophic relationships. In: Kennish, M. J. and R. A.
Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 302317.
Kennish, M. J., M. B. Roche, and T. R. Tatham. 1984. Anthropogenic effects on aquatic
communities. In: Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz, eds., Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New
Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 318-338.
Kennish, M. J. 1984. Summary and Conclusions. In: Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz, eds.,
Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 339-353.
Kennish, M. J., R. J. Hillman, and D. J. Danila. 1982. Assessment of the blue crab, Callinectes
sapidus Rathbun, in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of
Science, 27: 59-71.
Kennish, M. J. 1981. Shell microgrowth analysis: Mercenaria mercenaria as a type example for
research in population dynamics. In: Rhoads, D. C. and R. A. Lutz, eds., The Molluscan
Shell: Biological Record of Environmental Change. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Ecological Research Series, EPA-600/53-81-019, Narragansett, Rhode Island.
Danila, D. J. and M. J. Kennish. 1981. A tagging study of the winter flounder
(Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Proceedings of Oceans
81, pp. 759-764.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1980. Growth models of the northern quahog, Mercenaria
mercenaria (Linné). Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association, 70: 230-239.
Kennish, M. J. 1980. Shell microgrowth analysis: Mercenaria mercenaria as a type example for
research in population dynamics. In: Rhoads, D. C. and R. A. Lutz, eds., Skeletal Growth
of Aquatic Organisms. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 255-294.
Kennish, M. J. 1978. Effects of thermal discharges on mortality of Mercenaria mercenaria in
Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Environmental Geology, 2: 223-254.
Kennish, M. J. 1977. Growth increment analysis of Mercenaria mercenaria from artificiallyheated coastal marine waters: a practical monitoring method. Proceedings of the XII
International Chronobiology Conference, Washington, D. C., pp. 663-669.
Kennish, M. J. and R. K. Olsson. 1975. Effects of thermal discharges on the microstructural
growth of Mercenaria mercenaria. Environmental Geology, 1: 41-64.
Cunliffe, J. E. and M. J. Kennish. 1974. Shell growth patterns in the hard-shelled clam.
Underwater Naturalist, 8: 20-24.
Kennish, M. J., A. Spahn, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2014. JC NERR Vertical Control Plan. Technical
Report, Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve, Tuckerton, New Jersey.
16 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 2014. Testimony on the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Written
testimony document submitted to the State Senate Environment and Energy Committee
and Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee, Toms River, New Jersey July
21, 2014. 17 pp.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2013. In Situ Surveys of Seagrass Habitat in
the Northern Segment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Eutrophication
Assessment. Technical Report, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 43 pp.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, and R. G. Lathrop. 2013. Assessment of Nutrient Loading and
Eutrophication in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey in Support of Nutrient
Management Planning. Technical Report (Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences,
Rutgers University) to the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission,
Lowell, Massachusetts. 372 pp.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, and G. Petruzzelli. 2012. Emergent Vegetation: NERR SWMP
Tier 2 Salt Marsh Monitoring in the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research
Reserve. Technical Report to the National Estuarine Research Reserve Program (NOAA),
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New
Jersey. 22 pp. plus appendices.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. Testimony on the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Written
testimony document submitted to the State Senate Environment and Energy Committee
and Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee, Lavallette, New Jersey August
13, 2014. 14 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Estuary Segments: Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor. Technical Report to
the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, Lowell, Massachusetts.
10 pp.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Assesment of Eutrophication in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor System: Use of SAV Biotic Indicators of Estuarine
Condition. Technical Report, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection,
Trenton, New Jersey. 73 pp.
Kennish, M. J. and S. M. Haag. 2009. Developing a Nutrient Pollution Indicator for the Barnegat
Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary Using Eelgrass, Zostera marina. Technical Report,
Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program, Toms River, New Jersey. 38 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Profile Report for the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research
Reserve. NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Silver Spring, Maryland,
January 9, 2009. 525 pp.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Ecosystem Condition and
Recommendations. Technical Report, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 55 pp.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Demographic Investigation of SAV in
the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary with Assessment of Potential Impacts of
Benthic Macroalgae and Brown Tides. Technical Report, Institute of Marine and Coastal
Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 366 pp.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Assessment of Submerged Aquatic
Vegetation in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Technical Report, Barnegat
Bay National Estuary Program, Toms River, New Jersey. 325 pp.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Submersed Aquatic Vegetation: Tier 2
Monitoring in the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Technical
Report, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Silver Spring, Maryland. 75 pp.
Kennish, M. J. (Ed.). 2001. Scientific Characterization of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor
Estuary and Watershed. Technical Report Submitted to the Barnegat Bay Estuary
Program, Toms River, New Jersey.
Waite, N. L., S. Severmann, and M. J. Kennish. 2014. Do sulfidic sediments contribute to
seagrass decline in a eutrophic estuary in New Jersey? Ocean Sciences Conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii, February 24, 2014.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, and G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Use of biotic and
physical-chemical indicators to assess eutrophic condition of a coastal lagoon. National
Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, November
20, 2013.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Loss of eelgrass habitat in
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey. American Fisheries Society – MidAtlantic Chapter, Tuckerton, New Jersey, November 14, 2013.
Fertig, B. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2013. Eutrophication index development for
ecosystem assessment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Bulletin of the
New Jersey Academy of Science, 58(1): 12.
Kennish, M. J., B. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, and G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Loss of Eelgrass habitat in
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey. Annual Conference, American
Fisheries Society-Mid Atlantic Chapter, Tuckerton, New Jersey, November 14 and 15,
Kennish, M. J., B. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, and G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Use of biotic and physicalchemical indicators to assess eutrophic condition of a coastal lagoon. Annual Conference,
National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Shephardstown, West Virginia, New
Jersey, November 22, 2013.
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2013. Ecosystem assessment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg
Harbor Estuary using eutrophication index applications. Atlantic Estuarine Research
Society Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 11-13, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. JCNERR Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system. Abstract, Annual
Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West
Virginia, November 27, 2012.
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2012. Multivariate analysis for assessing nutrient loading and
eutrophication to address data gaps among eutrophication to address data gaps among
20+ years of monitoring in a coastal lagoon. Abstract, Coastal and Estuarine Research
Federation conference, Mar Del Plata, Argentina, November 11-14, 2012.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and Gregg P. Sakowicz. 2012. Effects of climate
change and sea level rise on the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system. Abstract, The
Rutgers Climate Symposium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
November, 9, 2012.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2012. Tuckerton Peninsula salt
marsh system: a sentinel site for climate change research. 57th Annual New Jersey
Academy of Science Meeting Abstracts, Seton Hall University, Orange, New Jersey,
April 21, 2012.
Kennish, M. J., M. B. Fertig, and G. Petruzzelli. 2012. Habitat characterization and climate
change effects in the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system, a NOAA-JCNERR sentinel
site. Meeting Abstracts, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Cape May, New Jersey,
March 9, 2012.
Kennish, M., B. Fertig, and G. Sakowicz. 2011. Eutrophication as a driver of ecosystem change
in the coastal bays of New Jersey. Meeting Abstracts, Biennial Meeting, Coastal and
Estuarine Research Federation, Daytona Beach, Florida, November 7, 2011.
Fertig, B. and M. Kennish. 2011. Eutrophication index development to assess Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey. Meeting Abstracts, Biennial Meeting, Coastal
and Estuarine Research Federation, Daytona Beach, Florida, November 9, 2011.
Fertig, B., M. J. Kennish, and M. Reding. 2011. Ecological and societal impacts of New Jersey
legislation regulating fertilizer nitrogen inputs to Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor (New
Jersey. Meeting Abstracts, Biennial Meeting, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation,
Daytona Beach, Florida, November 9, 2011.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. The JCNERR Tuckerton
Peninsula salt marsh system: A sentinel site assessing climate change impacts. Meeting
Abstracts, Annual Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System and National
Estuarine Research Reserve Association, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, October 26, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Observations of decline in seagrass
demographics in Barnegat Bay, a highly eutrophic temperate coastal lagoon. Annual
Meeting Abstracts, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Solomons, Maryland, April 8,
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Biotic indicators of system eutrophy in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 56th Annual New Jersey Academy of Science
Meeting Abstracts, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, April 9, 2011.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2010. Effects of nutrient enrichment on
seagrass habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Annual Meeting
Abstracts, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West
Virginia, October 13, 2010.
Seely, T. and M. Kennish. 2010. Spatial and temporal variation of epiphytic growth on Zostera
marina. Annual Meeting Abstracts, National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, October 13, 2010.
Wieben, C. M., R. J. Baker, R. S. Nicholson, and M. J. Kennish. 2010. Assessing the sources and
variability of nutrient loads to Barnegat Bay and Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Annual
Meeting Abstracts, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey,
March 4-6, 2010.
Nicholson, R. S., C. M. Wieben, R. J. Baker, L. M. Voronin, S. J. Cauller, and M. J. Kennish.
2010. Nutrient loads to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Sources, transport,
delivery, and ecological consequences. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Atlantic Estuarine
Research Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 4-6, 2010.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Developing a nutrient pollution indicator
for the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary using eelgrass, Zostera marina. Annual
Meeting Abstracts, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Pacific Grove,
California, November 8, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Seagrass condition in the Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary: results of surveys in 2008. Annual Meeting Abstracts,
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Pacific Grove, California,
November 8, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Eutrophic condition of the New Jersey
coastal bays: 2008 research results. 54th Annual New Jersey Academy of Science
Meeting, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 18, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Seagrass decline in a New Jersey coastal
lagoon: a response to increasing eutrophication. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society
Conference Abstracts, Ocean City, Maryland, March 7, 2009, p. 19.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Seagrass status and trends in a JCNERR
coastal lagoon. Annual Meeting Abstracts, National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Program, Pacific Grove, California, November 2, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Biofouling community characterization
in estuarine waters of the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Annual
Meeting Abstracts, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Pacific Grove,
California, November 2, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Biomonitoring of seagrass habitat in New
Jersey’s coastal bays. National Monitoring Conference Abstracts, Atlantic City, New
Jersey, May 20, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. JCNERR 2008 research and system-wide
monitoring program. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 53:14.
Kennish, M. J. and S. B. Bricker. 2008. Strategies to counter estuarine eutrophication in the midAtlantic region. 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 6, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. B. Bricker, and S. B. Haag. 2007. Eutrophic condition of mid-Atlantic coastal
lagoons. 19th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation Conference Abstracts, Providence,
Rhode Island, November 5, 2007. Abstract Book, p. 109.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Nitrogen enrichment and declining
seagrass habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 19th Biennial Estuarine
Research Federation Conference Abstracts, Providence, Rhode Island, November 5,
2007. Abstract Book, p. 78.
Sakowicz, G. P., S. M. Haag, and M. J. Kennish. 2007. Videographic imaging of seagrass beds
to characterize submerged aquatic vegetation in a eutrophic coastal bay system. 19 th
Biennial Estuarine Research Federation Conference Abstracts, Providence, Rhode Island,
November 5, 2007. Abstract Book, p. 182.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Assessment of eutrophication on seagrass
habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 23rd Annual NERRS Conference
Abstracts, Sheperdsburg, West Virginia, October 22, 2007.
Sakowicz, G. P., M. J. Kennish, and S. M. Haag. 2007. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary:
videographic imaging of submerged aquatic vegetation. 23rd Annual NERRS Conference
Abstracts, Sheperdsburg, West Virginia, October 22, 2007.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Underwater videographic imaging of
estuarine benthic habitats. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 52:12.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. New Jersey’s coastal bays: assessment
of impairments. 22nd Annual NERRS Conference Abstracts, Huron, Ohio, October 16,
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Assessing ecological impairment in New Jersey’s estuarine and marine
waters: problems and solutions. N.J. Water Monitoring and Assessment Technical
Workshop Abstracts, Sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection, Bordentown, New Jersey, April, 20, 2006.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Biomonitoring of SAV in New Jersey
coastal bays. N.J. Water Monitoring and Assessment Technical Workshop Abstracts,
Bordentown, New Jersey, April, 20, 2006.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Biomonitoring of submerged aquatic
vegetation in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Bulletin of the New Jersey
Academy of Science, 46:24.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Submersed aquatic vegetation studies in
the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Conference Abstracts, 21st
Annual NERRS Conference, Naples, Florida.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Environmental assessment of the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Estuarine Research Federation (ERF), 18th
Biennial Conference (Estuarine Interactions: Biological-Physical Feedbacks and
Adaptations), Norfolk, Virginia. Conference Abstracts, p. 97.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, R. G. Lathrop, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Seagrass monitoring in
the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuarine system. Estuarine Research Federation,
18th Biennial Conference (Estuarine Interactions: Biological-Physical Feedbacks and
Adaptations), Norfolk, Virginia. Conference Abstracts, p. 75.
Kennish, M. J. 2005. Shellfish restoration in New Jersey coastal bays: a call for action. Oyster
Restoration Conference Abstracts, Monmouth University, February 9 and 10, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Monitoring of seagrass beds in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuarine system. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of
Science, 50(1):23.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Submersed aquatic vegetation: Tier 2
monitoring in the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Abstract,
20th Annual Meeting, NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System,
Kennebunkport, Maine, October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Research and monitoring initiatives of
the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Abstract, 20th Annual
Meeting, NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine,
October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Jacques Cousteau NERR: watershed and
estuarine habitats. Abstract, 20th Annual Meeting Abstracts, NOAA, National Estuarine
Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine, October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J. S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Biomonitoring and other priority research
intiatives: focus of collaboration among mid-Atlantic NERR sites. Abstract, 20th Annual
Meeting, NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine,
October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Weiss, L. M., M. J. Kennish, and E. Simms. 2004. Impacts to coastal systems: a symposium on
nutrient enrichment in New Jersey coastal bays. Abstract, 20th Annual Meeting, NOAA,
National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine, October 17 October 22, 2004.
\Kennish, M. J. and S. M. Haag. 2003. Monitoring and research in the Jacques Cousteau National
Estuarine Research Reserve. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 48:23.
Kennish, M. J. 2000. Dredging and dredged material disposal in New Jersey coastal bays.
Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 45:24.
Kennish, M. J. 2000. The Barnegat Bay Estuary Program: an update of findings. Bulletin of the
New Jersey Academy of Science, 45:25.
Kennish, M. J. 1998 Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: a case study of watershed development
pressure, in Proceedings of the Fourth Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and
Management Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, p. 68.
Kennish, M. J. 1998. Effects of watershed development on New Jersey coastal bays. Bulletin of
the New Jersey Academy of Science, 43:26.
Kennish, M. J. 1997. Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: a case study of multiple anthropogenic
impacts. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 42:4.
Kennish, M. J. 1996. The Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program: an overview of
anthropogenic impacts, in Proceedings of the Third Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water
Science and Management Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, p. 59.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1988. Assessment of aquaculture research at the Oyster
Creek Nuclear Generating Station: observations on growth and mortality of hard clams
reared in experimental trays. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, (Solomons, Maryland),
abstracts with programs.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Hillman. 1986. Settling of larval shipworms Teredo bartschi Clapp
stimulated by malic acid and woodborer metabolites. American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography and the Phycological Society of America (National Meeting),
abstracts with programs.
Kennish, M. J. 1985. Spatial variability of seafloor sediments in a lagoon-type estuary along the
central coast of New Jersey. Estuaries, 8:129A.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1984. Benthic macrophytes of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.
New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting, (Duxbury, Massachusetts), abstracts
with programs.
Kennish, M. J. and R. J. Hillman. 1983. Commercial fisheries of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey:
results of a thirty-year study (1950-1980). Estuaries, 6:288.
Kennish, M. J. 1982. Trophic relationships in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Atlantic Estuarine
Research Society Meeting, (Baltimore, Maryland), abstracts with programs.
Kennish, M. J., D. J. Danila, R. J. Hillman, and M. B. Roche. 1980. Assessment of the blue crab,
Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Atlantic Estuarine Research
Society Meeting, (Annapolis, Maryland), abstracts with programs.
Vouglitois, J. J. and M. J. Kennish. 1980. Setting of Mercenaria mercenaria (Linné) relative to
environmental factors and the occurrence of adults in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.
Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, abstracts with programs.
Richards, B. R., M. J. Kennish, and M. B. Roche. 1979. The composition, distribution, and
abundance of shipworms in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography (National Meeting), abstracts with programs.
Kennish, M. J. 1977. Effects of thermal discharges on mortality of Mercenaria mercenaria in
Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Paleontological Society (National Meeting) Abstracts, Journal
of Paleontology, 51 (Supplement to No. 2), p. 17.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1977. Mathematical modeling of growth in the northern
quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria. Geological Society of America (Northeastern Sectional
Meeting), abstracts with programs, 9:282.
Kennish, M. J. 1975. Growth increment analysis of Mercenaria mercenaria from artificiallyheated coastal marine waters: a practical monitoring method. XII Annual Chronobiology
Conference, abstracts with programs, 12:38.
Kennish, M. J. 1974. The effects of thermal addition on the microstructural growth of
Mercenaria mercenaria. Geological Society of America (Northeastern Sectional
Meeting), abstracts with programs, 5:43.
Kennish, M. J. 2014. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor: ecological condition. Sierra Club of
Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, September 15, 2014.
Kennish, M. J. 2014. Ecosystem condition of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary.
Annual Meeting, Save Barnegat Bay, Toms River, New Jersey, July 23, 2014.
Waite, N. L., S. Severmann, and M. J. Kennish. 2014. Do sulfidic sediments contribute to
seagrass decline in a eutrophic estuary in New Jersey? Ocean Sciences Conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii, February 24, 2014.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Effects of Hurricane Sandy on the New Jersey coast. National Estuarine
Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, November 20, 2013.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, and G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Use of biotic and
physical-chemical indicators to assess eutrophic condition of a coastal lagoon. National
Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, November
20, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Shore protection and flood risk reduction in New Jersey. Sierra Club,
Toms River, New Jersey, September 23, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Coastal environmental problems in New Jersey: Superstorm Sandy
impacts, Barnegat Bay condition, and the responsibility of scientists to deliver the
message in the public forum. Annual Meeting, New Jersey Environmental Lobby, Seton
Hall University, April 22, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Protecting New Jersey from climate change impacts. Impacts of Climate
Change Panel, Sierra Club, Toms River, New Jersey, April 10, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Environmental status of Barnegat Bay subsequent to Hurricane Sandy.
League of Women Voters of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, March 9, 2013.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. P. Sakowicz, G. Petruzzelli. 2013. Loss of eelgrass habitat in
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey. American Fisheries Society – MidAtlantic Chapter, Tuckerton, New Jersey.
Fertig, B. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2013. Eutrophication index development for
ecosystem assessment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 58th Annual New
Jersey Academy of Science Meeting, Kean University, Union, New Jersey, April 27,
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2013. Ecosystem assessment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg
Harbor Estuary using eutrophication index applications. Atlantic Estuarine Research
Society Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 11-13, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2013. Status of the nutrient enrichment and eutrophication project on Barnegat
Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey (“Assessment of Nutrient Loading and
Eutrophication in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey in Support of Nutrient
Management Planning”). U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, New Jersey,
March 7, 2013.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. Biomonitoring of the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system: importance
to coastal resource management. Annual Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve
System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, November 28, 2012.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. JCNERR Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system. Annual Meeting,
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia,
November 27, 2012.
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2012. Multivariate analysis for assessing nutrient loading and
eutrophication to address data gaps among eutrophication to address data gaps among
20+ years of monitoring in a coastal lagoon. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
conference, Mar Del Plata, Argentina, November 11-14, 2012.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and Gregg P. Sakowicz. 2012. Effects of climate
change and sea level rise on the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system. The Rutgers
Climate Symposium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, November, 9,
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2012. Tuckerton Peninsula salt
marsh system: a sentinel site for climate change research. 57th Annual New Jersey
Academy of Science Meeting Abstracts, Seton Hall University, Orange, New Jersey,
April 21, 2012.
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2012. Classification of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor
index of eutrophication. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, New Jersey,
March 28, 2012.
Kennish, M. J., M. B. Fertig, and G. Petruzzelli. 2012. Habitat characterization and climate
change effects in the Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system, a NOAA-JCNERR sentinel
site. Meeting Abstracts, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Cape May, New Jersey,
March 9, 2012.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. River, bay, and coastal ocean environments in New Jersey: ecosystem
condition. Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Newfield, New Jersey, March 14, 2012.
Kennish, M. J. 2012. Ecosystem condition of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Lake
Riviera Intermediate School, Brick Township, New Jersey, January 11, 2012.
Fertig, B. M. and M. J. Kennish. 2012. How can we deal with data gaps for integrated ecosystem
assessment? NOAA One, Silver Spring, Maryland, January 25, 2012.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Ecosystem Condition.
Agriculture and Landscape Colloquium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New
Jersey, November 18, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. Fertig, and G. Sakowicz. 2011. Eutrophication as a driver of ecosystem change
in the coastal bays of New Jersey. Biennial Meeting, Coastal and Estuarine Research
Federation, Daytona Beach, Florida, November 7, 2011.
Fertig, B. and M. Kennish. 2011. Eutrophication index development to assess Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey. Biennial Meeting, Coastal and Estuarine
Research Federation, Daytona Beach, Florida, November 9, 2011.
Fertig, B., M. J. Kennish, and M. Reding. 2011. Ecological and societal impacts of New Jersey
legislation regulating fertilizer nitrogen inputs to Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor (New
Jersey. Biennial Meeting, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Daytona Beach,
Florida, November 9, 2011.
Kennish, M. J., B. M. Fertig, G. Petruzzelli, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. The JCNERR Tuckerton
Peninsula salt marsh system: A sentinel site assessing climate change impacts. Annual
Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System and National Estuarine Research
Reserve Association, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, October 26, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Assessment of eutrophic conditions in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor
Estuary, New Jersey. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, New Jersey,
September 20, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Macroalgal blooms in Barnegat Bay. State
of the Bay Conference, Ocean County College, Toms River, New Jersey, May 12, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Seagrass demographic changes in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary in response to nitrogen enrichment. State of the
Bay Conference, Ocean County College, Toms River, New Jersey, May 12, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Observations of decline in seagrass
demographics in Barnegat Bay, a highly eutrophic temperate coastal lagoon. Atlantic
Estuarine Research Society, Solomons, Maryland, April 8, 2011.
Kennish, M., B. M. Fertig, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2011. Biotic indicators of system eutrophy in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 56th Annual New Jersey Academy of Science,
Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, April 9, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Biomonitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation in the New Jersey coastal
bays. Research Coordinators Annual Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve
Program, NOAA, Norrie Point Environmental Center, Staatsburg, New York, March 1,
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Seagrass demographic decline in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor
Estuary, New Jersey. Research Coordinators Annual Meeting, National Estuarine
Research Reserve Program, NOAA, Norrie Point Environmental Center, Staatsburg, New
York, March 1, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Human impacts on the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Museum
of NJ Maritime History, Beach Haven, New Jersey, September 24, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Observations on historical changes in the ecology of the Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary. League of Women Voters, Toms River, New Jersey,
September 20, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Estuarine and marine research initiatives in the Jacques Cousteau National
Estuarine Research Reserve. National Managers Meeting, National Estuarine Research
Reserve, Tuckerton, New Jersey, June 7, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. State of the bay report on the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary.
Sierra Club of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, May 23, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Value of the ReClam the Bay program. ReClam the Bay Program, Rutgers
Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, May 17, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. New Jersey coastal bays and coastal ocean ecosystems. Atlantic County
Environmental Stewards, Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority, Atlantic City, New
Jersey, March 9, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Environmental condition of New Jersey coastal bays. Presentation to the
Audubon Society, Galloway Township, New Jersey, February 23, 2011.
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Ecosystem condition and biotic index development of the Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary. Technical Meeting, USEPA, Edison, New Jersey, February 8,
Kennish, M. J. 2011. Ecosystem state of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Seminar,
Island Heights Environmental Group, Island Heights, New Jersey, January 20, 2011.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2010. Effects of nutrient enrichment on
seagrass habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Annual Meeting,
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia,
October 13, 2010.
Seely, T. and M. Kennish. 2010. Spatial and temporal variation of epiphytic growth on Zostera
marina. Annual Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program,
Sheperdstown, West Virginia, October 13, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: eutrophication update. New
Jersey Water Quality Council Meeting, New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection, Trenton, New Jersey, September 22, 2010.
Seely, T. and M. J. Kennish. 2010. Spatial and temporal variation of epiphytic growth on Zostera
marina. RIOS Project Presentations, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, August 9, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Ecosystem condition of the New Jersey coastal bays. Invited Presentation,
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia, August 10, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: ecosystem assessment. New
York Bight Nitrogen Workshop, New York Sea Grant, New York, July 8, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Ecosystem Assessment. Sierra
Club of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, September 20, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. In situ of seagrass habitat in the northern segment of the Barnegat BayLittle Egg Harbor Estuary: eutrophication assessment. Barnegat Bay Program, Toms
River, New Jersey, June 7, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Ecological condition of Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor. Master Gardeners
of Ocean County, Toms River, New Jersey, June 3, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Environmental condition of New Jersey’s estuarine and coastal marine
waters. Green Environment Day, Toms River East High School, Toms River, New
Jersey, May 7, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: ecosystem assessment. New
Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Stakeholder Meeting on the Barnegat
Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, Toms River, New Jersey, May 5, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Health and conservation of New Jersey’s coastal bays. Tuckerton
Waterways Commission, Tip Seaman County Park Community Center, Tuckerton, New
Jersey, April 12, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2010. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor: state of the estuary. Long Beach Island
Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey, March 20, 2010.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Seagrass systems. Teach at the Beach – K-12 Professional Teachers
Conference, Tuckerton, New Jersey, May 15, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Eutrophic condition of the New Jersey
coastal bays: 2008 research results. 54th Annual New Jersey Academy of Science
Meeting, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 18, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2009. Seagrass decline in a New Jersey coastal
lagoon: a response to increasing eutrophication. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society
Conference, Ocean City, Maryland, March 7, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. New Jersey’s shallow coastal estuaries: water quality conditions. Pinelands
Science-Policy Forum Symposium, Pinelands Alliance, Bordentown, New Jersey,
February 4, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor: status of submerged aquatic vegetation.
Docks and Piers Meeting, Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve,
Bordentown, New Jersey, January 20, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor: estuary and watershed linkage. ReClam
the Bay Meeting, Ocean Gate Yacht Club, Ocean Gate, New Jersey, October 27, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: ecosystem condition. Bay Head
Yacht Club, IMCS Board and Bay Head Meeting, Bay Head, New Jersey, October 18,
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Human impacts on New Jersey’s coastal waters. Village Harbor Fishing
Club, Manahawkin, New Jersey, October 9, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. The New Jersey coastal zone: an update on research activity. Save
Barnegat Bay Annual Meeting, Lavellette, New Jersey, June 18, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Coastal New Jersey: human impacts. Brandeis University Alumni
Association, Middlesex Chapter, East Brunswick, New Jersey, June 4, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Condition of the shore: New Jersey’s estuarine and coastal marine
environments. Pt. Pleasant High School, Pt. Pleasant, New Jersey, May 19, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Climate change and the Jersey shore. Green Day, Toms River East High
School, Toms River, New Jersey, May 8, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. State of the shore. Green Day, Toms River East High School, Toms River,
New Jersey, May 8, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Shape of the shore. Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor, New Jersey, May 1,
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Climate change: problems and solutions for New Jersey’s coast. NJPIRG
Climate Change All-Stars Program, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
April 8, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Human activities, global warming, and the New Jersey coast. Atlantic
County Environmental Stewards, Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority, Atlantic
City, New Jersey, March 18, 2009.
Kennish, M. J. 2009. Human activities and impacts on the estuarine and coastal marine
environments of New Jersey. Atlantic County Environmental Stewards, Atlantic City
Municipal Utilities Authority, Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 18, 2009.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Seagrass status and trends in a JCNERR
coastal lagoon. Annual Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program,
Pacific Grove, California, November 2, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. Biofouling community characterization
in estuarine waters of the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Annual
Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve System Program, Pacific Grove,
California, November 2, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Ecological changes in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Stateof-the-Bay Conference, Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program, Toms River, New
Jersey, October 16, 2008.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2008. JCNERR 2008 Research and Systemwide Monitoring Program. New Jersey Academy of Science, 53rd Annual Meeting, Kean
University, Union, New Jersey, April 26, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Condition of New Jersey’s estuarine and coastal marine environments. New
Jersey Ocean Congress 2008, Sandy Hook, New Jersey, March, 15, 2008 (invited
Kennish, M. J. and S. B. Bricker. 2008. Strategies to counter estuarine eutrophication in the MidAtlantic region. 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 6, 2008 (invited
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Biotic index development: data management. New Jersey Water
Monitoring Coordinating Council Meeting, New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection, Trenton, New Jersey, September 12, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: eutrophication. Presentation to
the Eutrophication Workgroup of the Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program, New
Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Trenton, New Jersey, August 12, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. New Jersey’s estuarine and coastal marine environments: an assessment of
condition. Toms River High School East High School, Toms River, New Jersey, May 9,
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Estuarine and coastal marine research in New Jersey. Marine Academy of
Technology and Environmental Science, Manahawkin, New Jersey, May 7, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: comments on condition. Long
Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey, April 12,
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Problems and solutions: New Jersey’s Estuarine and Coastal Marine
Waters. Lunch and Learn Series, Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research
Reserve, Tucketon, New Jersey, April 7, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2008. Problems and solutions: Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Long
Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey, April 5,
Kennish, M. J. 2008. New Jersey’s estuarine and coastal marine environments: global warming,
nutrient enrichment, and other anthropogenic effects. Toms River High School North
High School, Toms River, New Jersey, January 17, 2008.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Eutrophic condition of mid-Atlantic coastal lagoons. 19th Biennial
Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, November 5,
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Nitrogen enrichment and declining
seagrass habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 19th Biennial Estuarine
Research Federation Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, November 5, 2007.
Sakowicz, G. P., S. M. Haag, and M. J. Kennish. 2007. Videographic imaging of seagrass beds
to characterize submerged aquatic vegetation in a eutrophic coastal bay system. 19 th
Biennial Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Providence, Rhode Island,
November 5, 2007.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Assessment of eutrophication on seagrass
habitat in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 23rd Annual NERRS Conference,
Sheperdstown, West Virginia, October 22, 2007.
Sakowicz, G. P., M. J. Kennish, and S. M. Haag. 2007. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary:
videographic imaging of submerged aquatic vegetation. 23rd Annual NERRS
Conference, Shepardstown, West Virginia, October 22, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. and S. M. Haag. 2007. Developing a nutrient pollution indicator for the Barnegat
Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary using eelgrass, Zostera marina. Barnegat Bay National
Estuary Program, Policy Committee Presentation, Toms River, New Jersey, October 2,
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Eutrophication of New Jersey Coastal Bays. Presentation to the
Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Trenton, New
Jersey, July 23, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Ecosystem status of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Rutgers
Conference, Symposium on Ecosystem Status and Trends, Ocean County College, Toms
River, New Jersey, June 30, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Global warming effects on New Jersey’s bays, estuaries, and wetlands.
Global Climate Change Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
May 14, 2007.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Underwater videographic imaging of
estuarine benthic habitats. New Jersey Academy of Science, 52nd Annual Meeting, Kean
University, Kenilworth, New Jersey, April 21, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Human impacts on New Jersey’s coastal bays and ocean. Environmental
Law Clinic, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, April 11, 2007.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2007. Biomonitoring of submerged aquatic
vegetation in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. National Estuarine Research
Reserve System Technician Training Workshop. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, January
22-26, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Ecosystem assessment: eutrophication, climate change, and other human
impacts on New Jersey’s estuaries. Sierra Club of Ocean County, Toms River, New
Jersey, November 19, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Pollution impacts on New Jersey’s coastal bays. Barnegat Bay Sail Club,
Staffordsville, New Jersey, October 13, 2007.
Kennish, M. J. 2007. Ecological health of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Lacey
Elks Club, Forked River, New Jersey, September 6, 2007.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. New Jersey’s coastal bays: assessment
of impairments. 22nd Annual NERRS Conference, Huron, Ohio, October 16, 2006.
Haag, S. M., R. Mosher, M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Videographic imaging of
seagrass habitat: application of a high resolution underwater camera system. 22nd
Annual NERRS Conference, Huron, Ohio, October 16, 2006.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Ecological assessment of New Jersey
coastal bays using remote sensing and in situ sampling techniques. The Academy of
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 22, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. New Jersey coastal bays. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Nutrient
Criteria Workshop, Tiburon Marine Center, San Francisco State University, Tiburon,
California, May 22-24, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Assessing ecological impairment in New Jersey’s estuarine and marine
waters: problems and solutions. N. J. Water Monitoring and Assessment Technical
Workshop, Sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection,
Bordentown, New Jersey, April, 20, 2006.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Biomonitoring of SAV in New Jersey
coastal bays. N. J. Water Monitoring and Assessment Technical Workshop, Bordentown,
New Jersey, April, 20, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Can we save the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary? Barnegat Bay
National Estuary Program, Estuary Academy, Ocean County College, April 23, 2006.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. Biomonitoring of submerged aquatic
vegetation in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. 51thst Annual Meeting, New
Jersey Academy of Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey,
April 8, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Eutrophication in New Jersey coastal bays: reflection of an emerging
national problem. Guest lecture, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla,
California, February 5, 2006.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2006. New Jersey coastal bays: physicochemical conditions, biotic interactions, and impairment. Presentation to the New Jersey
Water Monitoring Coordinating Council, Trenton, New Jersey, January 25, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Impacts of eutrophication in New Jersey coastal bays: physical-chemical
versus biotic indicators. National Estuaries Experts Workgroup meeting, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Arlington, Virginia, January 10, 2006.
Kennish, M. J. 2006. Ecological health of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Guest
Lecture, Annual Meeting of Save Barnegat Bay Organization, Lavallette, New Jersey,
June 29, 2006.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Water quality and biotic studies in the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Presentation at the Ocean County Vocational
Technical School (MATES) Program in Toms River, New Jersey, September 25, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Biomonitoring in the Jacques Cousteau
National Estuarine Research Reserve. 21st Annual NERRS Conference, Naples, Florida,
December 14, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Submersed aquatic vegetation studies in
the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. 21st Annual NERRS
Conference, Naples, Florida, December 13, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Environmental assessment of the
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary. Estuarine Research Federation, 18th Biennial
Conference (Estuarine Interactions: Biological-Physical Feedbacks and Adaptations),
Norfolk, Virginia, October 17, 2005.
Haag, S. M., M. J. Kennish, R. G. Lathrop, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Seagrass monitoring in
the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuarine system. Estuarine Research Federation,
18th Biennial Conference (Estuarine Interactions: Biological-Physical Feedbacks and
Adaptations), Norfolk, Virginia. October 17, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2005. Monitoring of seagrass beds in the
Barnegat Bay, Little Egg Harbor Estuarine System. 50th Annual Meeting of the New
Jersey Academy of Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey,
April 4, 2005.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Submersed aquatic vegetation: Tier 2
monitoring in the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. 20th Annual
Meeting, NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine,
October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Research and monitoring initiatives of
the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. 20th Annual Meeting,
NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine, October
17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Jacques Cousteau NERR: watershed and
estuarine habitats. 20th Annual Meeting, NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve
System, Kennebunkport, Maine, October 17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J., S. M. Haag, and G. P. Sakowicz. 2004. Biomonitoring and other priority research
intiatives: focus of collaboration among mid-Atlantic NERR sites. 20th Annual Meeting,
NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Kennebunkport, Maine, October
17 - October 22, 2004.
Kennish, M. J. 2004. Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: case study of a highly eutrophic
coastal bay system. Rutgers Conference on Impacts to Coastal Systems, Douglass
College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 7 and 8, 2004.
Haag, S. and M. J. Kennish. 2003. Habitats of the Jacques Cousteau NERR. Research
Coordinators Meeting, National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, NOAA, University
of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware, February 24, 2003.
Kennish, M. J. 2002. Evaluating the success of SAV restoration. Evaluation of Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Southern New Jersey, Workshop Sponsored by the Office
of Coastal Planning (NJDEP), Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve,
and Island Beach State Park, Interpretive Center, Island Beach State Park, New Jersey,
May 20, 2002.
Kennish, M. J. and S. O'Donnell. 2002. Water quality monitoring in the Great Bay and Little Egg
Harbor estuarine systems. Research Coordinators Meeting, National Estuarine Research
Reserve System, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Woods Hole,
Massachusetts, March 5, 2002.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. Chemical contaminant studies in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor
Estuary. First Monitoring Workshop, Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program, Georgian
Court College, October 17, 2001.
Kennish, M. J. 2001. The Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Presentation
at the Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Academy of Science, Kean University, Union,
New Jersey, April 11, 2001.
Kennish, M. J. 2000. Dredging and dredged material disposal in New Jersey coastal bays. New
Jersey Academy of Science, Annual Meeting, Georgian Court College, Lakewood, New
Jersey, April 15, 2000.
Kennish, M. J. 2000. The Barnegat Bay Estuary Program: an update of findings. New Jersey
Academy of Science, Annual Meeting, Georgian Court College, Lakewood, New Jersey,
April 15, 2000.
Kennish, M. J. 1998. Effects of watershed development on New Jersey coastal bays. New Jersey
Academy of Science, Annual Meeting, Monmouth University, April 18, 1998.
Kennish, M. J. 1998 Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: a case study of watershed development
pressure. Fourth Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and Management
Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Kennish, M. J. 1997. Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: a case study of multiple anthropogenic
impacts. New Jersey Academy of Science, Annual Meeting, Monmouth University, May
17, 1997.
Kennish, M. J. 1996. The Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program: an overview of
anthropogenic impacts. Third Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and
Management Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1988. Assessment of aquaculture research at the Oyster
Creek Nuclear Generating Station: observations on growth and mortality of hard clams
reared in experimental trays. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Annual Meeting,
Solomons, Maryland.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Hillman. 1986. Settling of larval shipworms Teredo bartschi Clapp
stimulated by malic acid and woodborer metabolites. American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography and the Phycological Society of America, National Meeting.
Kennish, M. J. 1985. Spatial variability of seafloor sediments in a lagoon-type estuary along the
central coast of New Jersey. Estuarine Research Federation, National Meeting, University
of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1984. Benthic macrophytes of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.
New England Estuarine Research Society, Annual Meeting, Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Kennish, M. J. and R. J. Hillman. 1983. Commercial fisheries of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey:
results of a thirty-year study (1950-1980). Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Annual
Meeting, Cape May, New Jersey.
Kennish, M. J. 1982. Trophic relationships in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Atlantic Estuarine
Research Society, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Kennish, M. J., D. J. Danila, R. J. Hillman, and M. B. Roche. 1980. Assessment of the blue crab,
Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Atlantic Estuarine Research
Society, Annual Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland.
Vouglitois, J. J. and M. J. Kennish. 1980. Setting of Mercenaria mercenaria (Linné) relative to
environmental factors and the occurrence of adults in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.
Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Annual Meeting.
Richards, B. R., M. J. Kennish, and M. B. Roche. 1979. The composition, distribution, and
abundance of shipworms in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, National Meeting.
Kennish, M. J. 1977. Effects of thermal discharges on mortality of Mercenaria mercenaria in
Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Paleontological Society, National Meeting.
Kennish, M. J. and R. E. Loveland. 1977. Mathematical modeling of growth in the northern
quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Sectional
Meeting, Binghamton, New York.
Kennish, M. J. 1975. Growth increment analysis of Mercenaria mercenaria from artificiallyheated coastal marine waters: a practical monitoring method. XII Annual Chronobiology
Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kennish, M. J. 1974. The effects of thermal addition on the microstructural growth of
Mercenaria mercenaria. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Sectional Meeting,
Baltimore, Maryland.