Structure of our Universe

Structure of our Universe
In 2013 a CERN experiment has proved that anti-matter, was repulse by normal
gravitational forces, going upward instead of downward like normal matter do.
Therefore that discovery sets out a revolution in the conception of the Universe and about
dark energy and dark matter.
Thise experiment showed that anti-matter was still existing alongside matter in this
universe but was only detectable in the form of dark matter or dark energy, because lights
couldn’t surf on its antimatter gravitational influence, but antimatter based lights could.
In other words, it explained why our universe was still expending, because our matter
was repulsed by their antimatter based gravitations, and that their antimatter was repulse
by our own gravitational forces. So we couldn’t see the parts of our universe that was
made of antimatter, because we couldn’t interact with at this point.
So this discovery start a whole series of other amazing discoveries, like the first
antimatter galaxies, then antimatter stars and even anti-matter planets and antimatter
based lifeforms!! In other words, a new Universe was revealed to humanity, a much
smaller Universe, where everything was closer than it first seems!
It was now possible to create anti gravitational propulsion system because antimatter
would be repulse by our gravitational forces. It also become possible to observes “dark
matter” and “dark energy” and explain the origin of the black sun energy coming from
another world… Everything was now seen in a different light and everything fall into
place! Before that, dark matter was perplexing the scientific community because it
couldn’t be explained at all with our current theories, but now, everything was making
sense, everything was working and we could now see much better our place in this
Universe, because it was much more dense than it first seems to be! But at the same time,
everything, was now much closer to our planet than it first seems!
But new questions would arise, how to travel to those antimatter worlds, how could we
interact with it without being destroyed… It was a strange thing to imagined, but dark
magnetism forces would reveal a new way to travel in this Universe, without being
destroyed. But for this, we were to open a new door to this world, extracting a new forme
of energy, that could allow humanity to travel anywhere in the Universe, including the
anti-matter one!
New concepts:
-Dark photons= photons travelling inside antimatter universe (and its gravitational field)
-Dark matter= photons stuck in between the two Universe gravitational fields having lost
their duality wave/matter to form only dark matter that hide each universe from the other.
They are also known on Earth as Higgs boson!
-Negative gravitational pressure= Gravitational forces emited from antimatter bodies
-Positive gravitational pressure= Gravitational forces emited from matter bodies
-Antimatter galaxies= Galaxies made of antimatter particles, that emits negative
gravitational forces.
-Dark magnetic energy= Magnetic forces emitted inside antimatter universe
-Dark atomic forces= Force binding antimatter atoms
-Dark Flow= unknown gravitational force attracting the whole known universe to a point
46 billion light years away (when the known Universe is said to be a little over 14 billion
years). Meaning that this force originate from the outside of our Universe
How it works
Space-time fabric of our Universe and the Dark Universe
In the schematic above, the “normal” Universe where we live in, is at the left, while the
“dark” Universe made of antimatter is on the right.
Both emits photons, either from stars, or from “dark” stars in both Universes. Since
antimatter particles are repulsed by normal gravitational forces that rule our normal
Universe, our normal particles are also repulsed by dark Universe gravitational forces.
So what is happening really, is that both Uniserse are pushed aways from each others in
equal proportion, making the whole Universe (that encompass, normal and dark
Universes), expand, thus stars seems to run away from something or at least change
So photons emitted inside our normal universe will hit the repulsive barrier of both
universe, and either becoming stuck in this repulsive force (seen above as neutral photons
in both universes) or being stopped in their path by this same force. Since this
phenomenon is happening in both Universes, we cannot really see the anti-matter
Universe, which explains the dark matter and dark energy indirect observations.
Its like that photons from either Universes are anihilating each others to form a barrier of
neutral light (that do not radiate) and creates a kind of dense boundary where normal
photons will surf around, gliding on a dense layer of immobile photons.
Of course, it can also means other things, like that it would be possible that dark photons
and normal photons can cross the repulsive gravitational barrier and annihilate each
others generating photons decomposition in smaller units (creating an energy reaction),
that is in turn canibalized by the gravitational barrier, thus creating space-time fabric. But
this implies that dark photons are negative, instead of being similar to normal photons,
but the property of photons seems to contradict this theory (no particles, no waves).
So, we must observes the behaviors of black holes to really understand the laws
regulating the dark universe to see if photons are negative like the rest of the antimatter
Universe, or if it represent a constant in both Universes, which is more likely to be the
After finding the answers to these questions, Humanty could finally succeed travelling to
other worlds and see the real topography of our Universe as a whole! My hypothesis, is
that because of all the gravitanional binding of the dark universe, we see our Universe
bigger than he is really, because he is much denser than what we can see with our current
technology. So, if a new theory could make the Universe smaller, it will also help
Humanity to travel much farther away than we ever dreamed of! But smaller, our
Universe will appear, not least vast he will be, because more stars in our Universes,
means much more places to visit!
Still, it opens a wide array of questions, because if all matters can be replicated
negatively, how life will evolve on both Universes, since it seems that it is most likely
possible that both Universe have evolved parallele to each others since the beginning of
time! Does it will means that there is the possibility that such dark universe has another
Earth like ours, with “human” life on it too?
Actually such theory opens many intriguing questions about life origins, and the origin of
The US sending a particle detector to see antimatter galaxies on the space-station (cost too much power to
use (about 2.5Mw):
Also, such theory could open the way to travel in such antimatter Universe, by opening
the repulsive shield made of decomposed photons (immobiled or else), so using a
powerful laser, we could blow away the dense layer of photons that make the space-time
fabric of our normal universe. Then after blowing away the dense normal photon layer,
the powerful laser would interact with dark photons layer on the other side. For the hole
to be created, enough photons must be emitted by our laser, and a very dense pack of
photons will have to act as a photon blower, so that our normal photons be blown aways
and dark photons neutralized with our photons, opening an access to both Universes. But
the question that remains is will anything that cross such boundary can retain its physical
My guess is that it will depends! If going through a large black hole, we could just
succeed, but an artificial hole will depends on the quantum properties unleash during the
experiment of opening a path, because gravity and antimatter gravity will certainly react
in a way.
Still there is certainly a part of humanity that can succeed travelling across both Universe,
but we will have to use energy to travel inside such dark universe, instead of using our
own kind of matter.
In conclusion it could be infered that the reality of paranormal phenomenons on Earth
could reflect the existance of an hidden world reality that could only be detected using
mass spectrometer detection technology. So in reality such parallele world to our owns
would be made of antimatter and isolated from our influence by a quantum phenomenon
that separates both realm from being seeing and tangible to each other. So they could
exist in the same space time region, while being completely independent from each
others. But the random qualities of the quantum phenomenon (s) that separates both
Universes from interfering with each others, will means that separations can sometimes
shows some anomalies that we will refer on Earth to be paranormal activities. So in
essence, this theory could give credence to paranormal activities and a lot of myths and
legends originating from human history. In other words, it could force us to get a new
look at most occultist theories that have spread all over the world, as they may hint to
some truth from another realm if this is proved to be true!
One of these occult theory is about the existance of a Terrestrial Paradise present in most
of the world cultures as read below:
"Among all races of mankind, back to the dawn of time, there existed a tradition concerning the
existence of a Sacred Land or Terrestrial Paradise, where the highest ideals of humanity were
living realities. This concept is found in the most ancient writings and traditions of the peoples of
Europe, Asia Minor, China, India, Egypt and the Americas. This Sacred Land, it is said, can be
known only to persons who are worthy, pure and innocent, for which reason it constitutes the
central theme of the dreams of childhood.
"The road that leads to this Blessed Land, this Invisible World, this Esoteric and Occult Domain,
constitutes the central quest and master key of all mystery teachings and systems of initiation in
the past, present and future. This magic key is the `Open Sesame’ that unlocks the door to a new
and marvelous world. The old Rosicrucians designated it by the French word VITRIOL, which is a
combination of the first letters of the sentence: `VISTA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO
INYENES OMNIA LAPIDEM,’ to indicate that `in the interior of the earth is hidden the true
MYSTERY ’ The path that leads to this Hidden World is the Way of Initiation.
"In ancient Greece, in the Mysteries of Delphos and Eleusis, this Heavenly Land was referred to
as Mount Olympus and the Elysian Fields. Also in the earliest Vedic times, it was called by
various names, such as Ratnasanu (peak of the precious stone), Hermadri (mountain of gold)
and Mount Meru (home of the gods and Olympus of the Hindus). Symbolically, the peak of this
sacred mountain is in the sky, its middle portion on the earth and its base in the Subterranean
"The Scandinavian Eddas also mention this celestial city, which was in the subterranean land of
Asar of the peoples of Mesopotamia. It was the Land of Amenti of the Sacred Book of the Dead of
the ancient Egyptians. It was the city of Seven Petals o! Vishnu, and the City of the Seven Kings
of Edom or Eden of Judaic tradition. In other words, it was the Terrestrial Paradise.
"In all Asia Minor, not only in the past but also today, there exists a belief in the existence of a
City of Mystery full of marvels, which is known as SHAMBALLAH (Shamb-Allah), where is the
Temple of the Gods. It is also the Erdamf of the Tibetans and Mongols.
"The Persians call it Alberdi or Aryana, land of their ancestors. The Hebrews called it Canaan and
the Mexicans Tula or Tolan, while the Aztecs called it Maya-Pan. The Spanish Conquerors who
came to America believed in the existance of such a city and organized many expeditions to find
it, calling it E1 Dorado, or City of Gold. They probably learned about it from the aborigines who
called it by the name of Manoa or City Whose King Wears Clothing of Gold.