106735829 Document type: SOP Document code: TB 07-09 iLED MICROSCOPE USE AND MAINTENANCE Confidentiality: none TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE...................................................................................................................... 2 2. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 2 3. RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................... 2 4. CROSS-REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 2 5. PROCEDURES .............................................................................................................. 2 5.1. Safety ................................................................................................................................ 2 5.2. Set-up ............................................................................................................................... 3 5.3. Operation .......................................................................................................................... 3 5.3.1. Transmitted light (Brightfield) ............................................................................................... 3 5.3.2. Reflected light (Fluorescence)................................................................................................ 3 5.3.3. General operation.................................................................................................................. 4 5.3.4 Use of battery supply unit...................................................................................................... 4 5.4. Care and Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 5 5.5. Repair and servicing of the microscope ................................................................................ 5 6. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 5 7. CHANGE HISTORY ....................................................................................................... 5 This SOP template has been developed by FIND for adaption and use in TB laboratories Release date: ddMMMyy Page 1 of 5 106735829 1. PURPOSE This SOP describes the use and maintenance of the __________________ iLED microscope. This microscope can be used for both light and fluorescence microscopy, using the reflected light fluorescence illuminator. The microscope can operate using mains power supply or the battery unit in case of interrupted mains power. 2. SCOPE This SOP is to be applied in the _________________TB Laboratory. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES All staff members working in the _________________TB Laboratory are responsible for the implementation of this operating procedure. Only trained staff members are permitted to operate the iLED microscope. All users of this procedure who do not understand it or are unable to carry it out as described are responsible for seeking advice from their supervisor. 4. CROSS-REFERENCES See: Document Matrix_TB 01-01_V1.0.doc Location: Refer to SOPs listed under TB 02 (General Procedures), TB 03 (Specimen Handling) and TB 04 (Microscopy Methods). 5. PROCEDURES 5.1. Safety Preventive maintenance procedures for the microscope must be carried out according to the preventive maintenance section in this SOP. Any problem or malfunction detected must be reported to the Head of the TB Laboratory, who will contact the maintenance contractor to correct the problem/malfunction as soon as possible. Users are NOT to make any repairs. Repair and service of the microscope must be done by a qualified service technician. In the case of any problem or malfunction an Equipment Failure Notice must be placed on the microscope indicating that it is not to be used until the problem has been diagnosed and corrected. An Equipment Failure Report must be issued. Page 2 of 5 106735829 Use: Equipment Failure Notice_form.doc Equipment Failure Report_form.doc Location: 5.2. Set-up A microscope must always be used with gentleness and care. Place the microscope on a firm bench so that it does not vibrate. Make sure it will not be exposed to direct sunlight because this would be unsuitable for illumination, bad for the instrument and dangerously bright for the eyes. Refer to the operating manual for instructions on start-up and operation of the microscope, including adjustment to eyepieces and viewing height. 5.3. Operation 5.3.1. Transmitted light (Brightfield) Always turn the transmitted light/reflected light changeover switch first upward and then to the desired position for reflected light (Fluorescence) or transmitted light position (Brightfield). Turn the transmitted light / reflected light changeover switch upward to the transmitted light position (Brightfield) Note: The reflected light illuminator will be damaged if you use force to turn it downward! Switch on the transmitted light illuminator with the rotary knob and adjust the illuminator to the desired intensity. Place the specimen in the holder of the mechanical stage, making sure that the underside of the slide is completely dry. Push the slider with the yellow filter with its filter position into the light path. Adjust the desired magnification by rotating the corresponding objective into the light path. Set the control lever of the condenser aperture diaphragm to the required magnification (10x, 40x, 100x) Focus on the specimen using the focusing drive. Turn the rotary knob to adjust the illumination to a pleasant brightness for observation. 5.3.2. Reflected light (Fluorescence) Always turn the transmitted light/reflected light changeover switch first upward and then to the desired position for reflected light (Fluorescence) or transmitted light position (Brightfield). Turn the transmitted light / reflected light changeover switch upward to the transmitted light position (Brightfield) Note: The reflected light illuminator will be damaged if you use force to turn it downward! Switch on the transmitted light illuminator with the rotary knob and adjust the illuminator to the desired intensity. Place the specimen in the holder of the mechanical stage, making sure that the underside of the slide is completely dry. Push the slider with the yellow filter with its filter position into the light path. Turn the nosepiece to position the objective for fluorescence in the light path (x40 objective). Turn the transmitted light / reflected light changeover switch upward to the reflected light position (Fluorescence) (FIRST TURN IT FULLY UPWARD). Page 3 of 5 106735829 Switch on the transmitted light illuminator with the rotary knob and adjust the illuminator to the desired intensity. Switch on the reflected light LED using the rotary knob and adjust the illumination intensity to a pleasant level for observation. The pilot lamp at the front of the illuminator shows blue; the brightness of the lamp corresponds to illumination intensity for reflected light. Focus on the specimen using the focusing drive. To avoid interfering fluorescences, push the blocking position of the slider into the light path. 5.3.3. General operation 1. Select the object to be used. It is usually better to begin examination with 10 x objective. Once in focus, all the other objectives should also be nearly in focus. 2. Focus the objective. Rack the objective carefully downwards using the coarse focusing drive and looking at it from the side until the lens is near the specimen but not touching it. Then while looking through the eyepiece, rack the objective slowly upwards still with the coarse adjustments until the image comes into view is sharply focused. 3. Focus on the condenser. Open fully the iris of the condenser and using the condenser adjustment knob, focus the condenser on the details of the light source, such as the lettering engraved on the bulb and then rack downwards until these details are just out of focus. 4. Adjust the aperture (opening) of the condenser iris according to the specimen being examined. The wider the condenser aperture, the brighter will be the specimen and the smaller will be the detail, which can be resolved. The smaller the aperture, the greater will be the contrast. 5. Examine the specimen, moving it by the mechanical stage in the X and Y directions of the stage using the stage knobs. 6. For higher magnification, swing the 40 x objective into place. Focus the 40 x objective, using the fine adjustment. If for any reason the image is not visible, lower the objective (while looking at it from the side) until it is nearly but not quite touching the specimen, then looking through the eyepiece, focus upwards with the fine adjustment drive until the image comes into view. Adjust the aperture of the condenser iris for this objective. The 40 x objective requires the iris to be opened more widely that the 10x. 7. For higher magnification, add a drop of immersion oil to the specimen and swing the 100 x oil immersion objective into place. Open the iris fully to fill the objective with light. Greater care must be taken when moving and adjusting this lens than with the 40x, because it is in focus when close to the specimen (AFB ZN smears are examined under oil immersion at 100 x). 5.3.4 Use of battery supply unit Switch the battery unit on by pressing the “POWER ON” button. After switching on, the illuminator can be switched on at the microscope. The battery unit does not need to be switched off, as it will switch off automatically when the illuminators are switched off at the microscope. Batteries are charged automatically when the battery unit is connected to the mains power. As long as the battery unit is charging the “Chrg” lamp is lit and goes out as soon as charging is completed. Page 4 of 5 106735829 The microscope can be used while charging is taking place. If power is interrupted the battery unit will automatically switch over to battery power. The power on “Ready” light goes out. 5.4. Care and Cleaning A microscope is a delicate instrument both mechanically and optically; therefore it is necessary to treat it with care and to handle it gently. The microscope should remain in a fixed position in the laboratory and should only be moved when absolutely necessary. If it is essential to move the microscope, always carry it with both hands. When not in use the microscope should be kept covered by the dust cover, and the tubes covered by the dust caps. At the end of the each day’s work, the surface lenses of the objectives, eyepieces and condenser, should be cleaned using lens tissue or a soft clean cloth. Remove dust from visible optical surfaces with cleaning tissue or cotton cloth. Remove water soluble dirt by blowing on it and subsequent wiping it off with a dust free cotton cloth or a cloth moistened with water to which you may also add detergent. Wipe off stubborn oily or fatty dirt (immersion oil, finger prints) with a cotton bud or a dust-free cotton cloth or a cloth and the optics cleaning solution L. Record in the Microscope Maintenance Logbook. 5.5. Repair and servicing of the microscope Except for obvious and simple measures, if a microscope becomes damaged optically or mechanically the manufacturer or approved service representative should be contacted. Do not attempt to repair the microscope yourself. Records of the service must be kept in the Equipment Maintenance File Use: Equipment Maintenance File_form.doc Location: 6. REFERENCES Training Manual for Fluorescence-based AFB Microscopy. Demonstration Project iLED. Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics. Version 1.0. 1 September 2008. 7. CHANGE HISTORY New version # / date Old version # / date No. of changes Description of changes Source of change request Page 5 of 5