Title: Construction of Tree Biomass Models and Carbon Accounting Parameters for Major Tree Species in China Name: WeiSheng Zeng Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100714, China Addressing climate change has become a concern issue worldwide in the 21st century and an important mission in Chinese forestry. Accompanying the implementation of the 8th National Forest Inventory during 2009-2013, a program of individual tree biomass modeling for major tree species in China was completed. Based on thematic studies, a scheme of population classification on modeling individual tree biomass equations was presented, including 34 tree species or species groups, 6 large scale geographic regions, and a total of 70 populations; and two technical regulations on procedures for collecting samples and methodology for biomass modeling were published as ministerial standards for application. During the five years, a total amount of 5860 sample trees for 38 modeling populations of 15 tree species were felled for aboveground biomass (including four components: stem wood, stem bark, branches and foliage) mensuration, and about 1/3 trees were also used for belowground biomass mensaration. In addtion, carbon accounting parameters, such as carbon factor and wood density, were also measured in laboratory. Up to now, the individual tree biomass models for 33 populations of 13 tree species have been developed using the approaches of dummy models, mixed models and error-in-variable simultaneous equations. The biomass models involve above- and below-ground biomass, and four component biomass. Aboveground biomass model is compatible to tree volume model and biomass conversion factor model and additive to four component biomass models, and belowground biomass model is compatible to root-shoot ratio model. The biomass models and carbon accounting parameters for five tree species were published as ministerial standards for application. The ministerial standards for other eight tree species (groups) would be published in 2016. The tree biomass models and carbon accounting parameters would lay the foundation for estimating carbon storage and evaluating carbon sequestration capacity of forest ecosystems in China. Biography WeiSheng Zeng is a professional engineer of the Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning (Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Center), State Forestry Administration. He received his Ph.D. in forest management from Chinese Academy of Forestry, in July 2011. He worked in the Central-South Forest Inventory and Planning Institute in Changsha, Hunan, during 1990-2008. He worked as Deputy General Engineer in charge of forest resource inventory and monitoring, responsible for the 6th and 7th NFI of eight provinces in central-south region. His research interests cover forest inventory and monitoring, mathematical modeling of tree volumes and biomass. He has published more than 130 papers in journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of Sci. Silvae Sin. Presenting author details Full name: WeiSheng Zeng Contact number: +861084239809, +8613581959518 Twitter account: Linked In account: Session name/ number: Environmental Impact of Biomass/Track 6-3 Category: Poster presentation