Lat-Long key points

You can find any place on earth exactly if you understand latitude and longitude.
This is called determining “absolute location.”
Longitudes (also called meridians) run from the North Pole to the South Pole.
Longitudes start at the Prime Meridian, running through western Europe and
Africa, which is 0 degrees longitude, and then run parallel either west of it to 180
degrees West, or run parallel east of it to 180 degrees East.
You can remember longitudes because they represent the up and down lines on a
map, and the combined continents of North America and South America is one LONG
up and down land mass, so longitude…LONG…longitude.
Latitudes (also called parallels) start at the Equator, which is 0 degrees, and run
parallel either north of it to 90 degrees North, or south of it to 90 degrees South.
You can remember latitudes because they represent the fatter part of most world
maps, so latitude…fatitude…latitude.
Use blue textbook, pages A2 to A31
What is the name of the continent found at 140 degrees East longitude and 20
degrees South latitude? Australia
What is the name of the body of water found at 80 degrees East longitude and the
Equator? The Indian Ocean
What country can be found at 100 degrees West longitude and 20 degrees North
latitude? Mexico
Due south of the intersection of 80 degrees West longitude and 10 degrees North
latitude is what country, known for its very important canal? Panama
One more – What state can be found at 110 degrees West longitude and 35 degrees
North latitude? Arizona
So, this is really easy, if you remember what you are doing. Try some more
questions you’ll find on the back of this sheet.
1. Identify the body of water found at 90 degrees West longitude and 60 degrees
North latitude.
2. What state is found at 150 degrees West longitude and 65 degrees North latitude?
3. Identify the body of water found at 90 degrees West longitude and 25 degrees
North latitude.
4. What state is just east of the intersection of 125 degrees West longitude and 40
degrees North latitude?
5. What is the name of the islands near the intersection of 155 degrees West
longitude and 20 degrees North latitude?
6. What country is just east of 10 degrees West longitude and 40 degrees North
7. What body of water is found at 50 degrees East longitude and 40 degrees North
8. What is the name of the large island just west of the intersection of 50 degrees
East longitude and 20 degrees South latitude?
9. What is the name of the body of water located along 40 degrees North latitude,
between 130 East longitude and 140 degrees East longitude?
10. What island nation can be found at 140 degrees East longitude and 40 degrees
North latitude?
1. Hudson Bay
2. Alaska
3. Gulf of Mexico
4. California
5. Hawaii
6. Portugal
7. Caspian Sea
8. Madagascar
9. Sea of Japan
10. Japan