Annexe 9 HR/07/13(4) ASTON UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT AND REWARD SCHEME INTRODUCTION Effective staff performance development is key to Aston’s ability to meet the challenge of increased domestic and international competition for students and funding. The Performance Development and Reward Scheme is designed to support, retain and develop existing staff and attract new staff to Aston. The purpose of this guide is to set out information about the means by which performance and contribution is encouraged, assessed, reviewed and rewarded. The guide also covers the criteria used for the assessment of accelerated and contribution increments and one-off performance payments are achieved for all staff on Grades 1 to 10. The scheme will come into operation from the beginning of the 2007/8 academic year following which its operation will be comprehensively reviewed by the University at the end of the first year, in partnership with the joint unions and at least every 3 years afterwards. The Performance Development and Reward Scheme sets out to provide a coherent and practical approach to recurrent and one off payments to staff to reward individual contribution within their role, and to ensure transparency, fairness and equality of access for staff. The performance development review element of the scheme ensures that each member of staff has at least one structured meeting with his or her line manager or an appropriate individual nominated by the Head of School/Department, during the year. This meeting should be considered as the documented stage of an ongoing process, and other informal meetings may be arranged in order to provide a more frequent review of progress, in accordance with specific School/Departmental requirements. Any awards made under this scheme are designed to relate to the person and how they carry out their role and not to the role itself. Executive Deans and Heads of Departments are encouraged to define their own priorities, in line with the general criteria set out below, to reflect their School/Department objectives. The criteria for the awards to be adopted by the School/Department should be reported to the University’s Executive Team. It is important that the criteria are published and made available to staff at the beginning of the review period. PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The formal Performance Development Review meeting is an opportunity to discuss an individual’s performance, to chart progress, identify achievements, to consider the individual’s contribution to the section, department or centre and, where relevant, to the University. The process should also identify barriers to more effective performance; and identify training and development needs. Line managers are encouraged to ensure that staff receive regular and ongoing feedback about their performance throughout the review period. This should include ensuring that staff have their contribution recognised and achievements -1- acknowledged. This activity will culminate in the Performance Development review meeting. The Performance and Development Review will promote effective two-way communication between staff at all levels, which should have a positive impact on morale and motivation. It is recommended that the formal annual review meeting should be undertaken in two parts (which may take place at the same meeting) but Schools and Departments may develop their own processes provided that they broadly take account of the guidelines set out below. For individuals the benefits of the review are: Performance Review meetings will provide an opportunity for staff members to celebrate success and achievement and to identify and discuss any problems and difficulties in a supportive context. The meetings will help staff to understand how their work contributes to School/departmental and institutional objectives. The meetings will also provide individuals with an opportunity to identify training needs, and to discuss career planning. The University will benefit because: The Review will provide an opportunity for sectional, departmental and institutional objectives, and the roles that individuals play in these, to be communicated to staff. The Review will contribute to School/Departmental planning, allowing opportunities for work allocation and provide a tool for training needs analysis. Performance and Development Review will support the achievement of the University’s aims and priorities by ensuring that these are disseminated throughout the organisation, The upward flow of information generated through the Performance Development Review process will help to provide, among other things, a planned and focused approach to staff training and development, ensuring that staff receive the support they need. Performance Development Review is widely regarded as good practice in people management. Part One – Role and Performance This part of the meeting will include: Identification of progress and achievement in the work that has been undertaken over the review period. -2- Discussion about the role requirements in general and the factors that have assisted and/or hindered the individual in terms of meeting their objectives. After this meeting has taken place the line manager should be in a position to make a recommendation to the School/Departmental Development Reward Panel (see below), Part Two – Role and Development The purpose of stage two is to determine the objectives for the following review period. The discussion between the line manager and the member of staff should: identify the aims and objectives for the forthcoming review period together with the resources needed to achieve them. identify areas of development which will enable an individual to enhance their contribution to the University. (It may be appropriate for participants to consider drawing up an action plan and/or seeking guidance from Centre of Staff Development). reflect on how the individual’s abilities are being utilised identify areas which will enable an individual to enhance their contribution to the University An appraising manager’s objectives will be set by their manager (these being derived from University and School/department objectives). The objectives a manager sets for their own staff will be derived from their own objectives and their knowledge of the job and experience / skills of the appraisee. Each appraisal report and objectives will be confirmed and signed by the appraisor’s manager. This is a key part of ensuring fairness, consistency and transparency. REWARDING CONTRIBUTION AND PERFORMANCE Types of Award This policy provides the University with the opportunity to reward outstanding contribution. In this respect contribution can include the full scope of what people do, the level of skill and competence they apply and the results they achieve, which all contribute to the University achieving its goals. To this end there are four types of award: Accelerated increments Contribution increments -3- One-off payments for special contributions – payable at any time during the year .One-off payments recognising an individual’s contribution following annual review These are described below, together with examples of the type of evidence that may be used to justify each type of award. Accelerated Increments The award of accelerated increments should be used for a member of staff who has not yet reached their grade contribution threshold. Accelerated increments may be awarded where an individual: is progressing within their role at a faster rate than would normally be expected; has taken on significant additional responsibility on an ongoing basis, but where the level of that responsibility falls within their current grade; is demonstrating sustained behaviours and approach which allows their role to be achieved more effectively on an ongoing basis e.g. quality achieved, customer service provided, application of the skills gained following the achievement of a relevant qualification. Accelerated increments should be rewarded from School/departmental budgets and should be included within the budgetary process, (see under Funding below). Note: Accelerated increments are normally effective from 1 August in any year. More than one accelerated increment may be paid in exceptional cases. Contribution Increments The award of contribution increments should be used for an individual who has reached their grade contribution threshold. The award will recognise that individual’s application of additional knowledge, skills and/or behaviours are ongoing and increase their contribution towards University and School/ Departmental objectives, over and above the normal expectation of the role. These may be awarded where an individual: is consistently demonstrating exceptional performance i.e. over and above the normal expectation for someone who is fully developed in that role; is consistently providing outstanding service to the School/Department and or the University at large e.g. exceptional performance in a key area of the role. is demonstrating sustained behaviours and approach which allows their role to be achieved more effectively on an ongoing basis e.g. quality achieved, customer service provided, application of the skills gained following the achievement of a relevant qualification. -4- Contribution increments should be rewarded from School/departmental budgets and should be included within the budgetary process, (see under Funding below). Note: Contribution increments will normally be effective from 1 August immediately following the year of review. Where an accelerated increment or contribution increment is awarded there should be clear demonstration that the individual has increased their contribution to the School/Department and University objectives on an ongoing basis. This level of contribution then becomes the normal expectation for the individual. Therefore, the same evidence will not attract further recurrent or one-off payments. One-Off Payments (Special Contribution) A one off payment can be awarded at a different stage during the year if an exceptional circumstance justifies it. A payment could be made where an individual performs a particular or special task or responds to a specific and/or unexpected challenge in an exceptional and meritorious manner One-Off Payments (Annual Review) One-off payments should be used to recognise an individual’s contribution towards University and Schools/Departmental objectives, over and above the normal expectation for the role, during the review period, but which is not an ongoing requirement. A one-off payment may be awarded where an individual takes on additional but time limited responsibility e.g. one-off project work; demonstrates a particularly flexible approach which contributes to the achievement of School/Department objectives; contributes ideas which lead to greater efficiency, improved quality, cost savings etc, and which assist in the achievement of School/Department objectives; achieves particularly challenging goals or objectives e.g. overcomes significant obstacles to ensure deadlines are met; demonstrates behaviours and approach which allow the role to be achieved more effectively e.g. quality, customer service. Note: It is important that consideration is given to whether one-off payments have previously been made to members of staff for the same or very similar reason. In these cases an award of an additional scale increment or contribution increment to reflect this trend should be considered. -5- One off payments will be paid from the core and additional funding that is made available (see under Funding below). Funding Accelerated increments and contribution increments should be rewarded from School/departmental budgets and should be included within the budgetary process. There are two sources of funding for contribution awards. These are: Core funding Each year the University will decide on a level of core funding for rewarding contribution by one off payments across the University. Funding will be expressed as a percentage of the University’s salary bill for all regularly employed staff on grades 1 to 10 and will be distributed proportionately across all Schools/departments in the University. The percentage agreed for 2007/8 is 2.5%. Additional funding Any additional funding will depend on the overall performance of the University and will be determined by the University Council on the recommendation of the Executive Team. Process for determining awards Award recommendations will be made by the line manager following the Performance Development Review meeting. If a review meeting has not taken place, due to no fault on the part of the reviewee, they will still be considered for an award. The reviewer and the reviewee have a mutual responsibility for ensuring that the review discussion covers all aspects of contribution, and any evidence that might be used to support a contribution reward nomination. This will be in the form of a report that will be considered by the School/ Department/ Business unit Performance Development Reward panel. The report should include a formal recommendation about whether the individual should receive a reward under the scheme and the type of payment to be made. In so doing the line manager will have taken account of the criteria for making awards as set out in this paper. A recommendation should be evidence based. Any recommendation that is not substantiated by evidence will be rejected. The School/Departmental/Business unit Development Reward Panel* should consider the value and type of reward to be made under the scheme at a meeting. The panel should comprise the Head of School/Department and at least one senior member of staff as a minimum. * Panel members should not be present for consideration of their own award; the Head of School/Department should ensure that the meetings are reconstituted (or seek guidance from HR) so that this does not occur. Suitable arrangements should be in place for the decision of the Performance Development Review Panel should be communicated to those concerned. -6- Appropriate feedback should be given to individuals and to line managers involved in the process. Timing of awards Accelerated increment and contribution increments will normally be effective from 1 August immediately following the year of review. One off payments (Annual Review) will be made as soon as possible following the conclusion of the review year; however a one off payments (Special Contribution) can be awarded at a different stage during the year if a circumstance justifies it. The process will be linked to the performance development review which comes into effect from the start of the 2007/8 academic year, with the first payments under this policy to be made after August 2008. Monitoring When schools/departments meet to consider award recommendations they should monitor the pattern of recommendations in accordance with the University’s normal equality and diversity monitoring guidelines to ensure that the pattern of recommendations and proposed awards is justifiable. The actual distribution of awards across the University will be reviewed retrospectively by the University’s Human Resources department. An annual report detailing the distribution and amount of awards using the University’s normal monitoring categories in accordance with its equality and diversity policies will be sent to the appropriate committees and to the Joint Unions Committee. This information will be incorporated in the University’s equal pay reviews. PROBATION The Performance Development reviews for newly appointed staff who are subject to probationary procedures should incorporate and take account of all aspects of the processes and procedures set out in this document. APPEALS Grounds of Appeal Grounds of appeal would normally be where the appellant is of the opinion that: there has been a failure of process in which the original panel may not have taken into account something that was relevant to the award or were influenced by something was not relevant. the type of award is inconsistent with the nature of an individual’s performance. the amount awarded was incompatible with the level of award provided to others within the same School/Department/Business unit -7- Appeals Process Appeals should normally be made in writing to the Executive Dean/Head of Department within four weeks of the member of staff receiving notification the contribution/performance award. An appellant may seek assistance in this from the Human Resources Division and/or their union representative. The Appeals panel will take into account all of the relevant information (including the appellants letter) and will be able to either confirm the decision of the Development Reward Panel or increase the value of the appellant’s original award. The decision of the Appeals panel will be final, If a member of staff believes that the decision contravenes other staff policies then they can go through normal grievance procedures Appeals Panel Appeals panels should be established by Executive Deans and Heads of Departments and should, as a minimum, comprise: three senior members of staff who were not members of the original panel (one of whom may be from another School/Department dependent on the circumstances) the Executive Dean or Head of Department A Human Resources team member should also be present at Appeal hearings TRAINING Centre for Staff Development will make available training for all managers who will be involved in the Performance Review process. Training should be undertaken before a manager can carry out a review Training arrangements will be publicised and for further information please contact Patrick Buckley ext.4601. MENTORING It is important that staff are aware that the University has established a Mentoring facility to offer support in relation to all aspects of their employment at Aston. Details of the Mentoring facility can be found attached at Appendix 1 ADMINISTRATION All documentation will be confidential to those that are involved in the review process. REVIEW The Performance Development and Reward scheme will be reviewed after the first year of operation in partnership with the Joint Unions and at least every three years thereafter. -8- HRPS/COV 9/11/07 Appendix 1 Mentoring For Staff The performance development review element of the scheme ensures that each member of staff has at least one structured meeting with his or her line manager or an appropriate individual nominated by the Head of School/Department, during the year. In is anticipated that managers will organise other informal meetings to provide a more frequent review of progress. In addition to this the University will make available a voluntary mentoring scheme which will provide staff with the opportunity to discuss their personal development with someone not directly involved in making judgments about their performance. This might be particularly valuable for those who have taken on new roles, or those whose performance is not considered to be sufficient to merit a reward. Help an individual to become more aware of their skills and their development needs Provide a focus to help individuals identify alternatives or approaches for selfdevelopment, with a view to improving performance Provide a forum to help staff consider how to resolve issues that might be affecting their performance. Promote positive action in relation to personal development Mentoring will be entirely confidential and independent of the performance and development review. Mentors will not be asked to provide feedback to an individual’s line manager, and will not get directly involved in resolving any issues that might be discussed with the member of staff. Members of Schools and Departments will be invited to put their names forward to become mentors in the scheme. All mentors who volunteer, and all staff who request a mentor, will need to attend a (maximum) half-day briefing event to ensure they understand fully the nature and boundaries of the mentor role and the mentor scheme. The Centre for Staff Development will keep a database of mentor’s, and will support the ‘pairing’ of a member of staff with a mentor when this is requested. Once the ‘pairing’ has been made there will be no continued involvement of Staff Development in the relationship, and it will be for the mentor and member of staff to decide how the relationship develops, the frequency of meetings, and how long the arrangement will continue. However, to ensure that the time commitment to this scheme is reasonable for both the mentor and the member of staff, it is envisaged that there would be no more than one meeting per term. Executive Deans and Heads of Departments should ensure that all new staff are made aware of the arrangement, and that staff are allowed the time to be involved in the scheme, whether this be as the mentor or the member of staff receiving mentoring. 9.11.07 -9-