2015 Reward and Recognition Scheme Performance Awards 1. Introduction Performance awards are payments awarded in addition to the normal salary increments (where applicable), for exceptional performance. These payments fall within the following three types of award: i) ii) iii) Contribution point(s) (Incremental progression above the main scale for the post); Accelerated incrementation within grade (more rapid progression through the main scale for the post); or One off payments (a non-pensionable and non-consolidated award). 2. Eligibility The performance award procedure applies to all members of staff in grades 1 to 10. Individuals must have completed a Performance Appraisal Review with their manager. Separate provisions exist for professorial staff. 3. Consideration of Applications Performance award applications for all staff will be considered by a Performance Award Panel. The Panel to consider applications for academic staff will be chaired by the Principal and include the Deputy Principal, Faculty Deans, and the Director of Human Resources. The Panel to consider applications for Professional Services staff will be chaired by the Vice Principal (Staffing) and Dean of Arts & Social Science and include the Registrar and Director of Operations, the Director of Human Resources or Deputy, and a departmental superintendent will provide specialist input relating to technician roles. The HR Policy and Reward Manager will act as secretary for both Panels. Page 1 of 4 4. Timescales Applications will normally be considered on an annual basis by the Performance Award Panel. The review period for awards is 1st August to 31st July. Applications will be invited in September with the deadline for applications the end of October. Awards will be effective from 1st August that same year. Panels considering the applications will meet in November and payments actioned for the December payroll. Confirmation of the closing date for applications will be confirmed on the University Intranet and the Human Resources’ website. While it is expected the vast majority of cases will be reviewed as part of the annual cycle linked to the Performance Appraisal Review timetable, exceptional cases such as those relating to a large project that was not yet completed, can be considered outside of the usual cycle subject to agreement by the Chair of the Panel. 5. Criteria Where a case for a performance award is made, the Panel considering the application will decide the type of award to be given. This is to ensure all applications are given equal consideration and awards are made on a consistent basis. If successful, staff will only be awarded one type of performance award. Recommendations from managers and individual applications from members of staff should only be submitted where an exceptional case can be made. Applications will only be approved where exceptional levels of performance can be demonstrated. For personal applications, the Head of Department/School must add a statement at the end of the application form indicating whether or not they are supportive of the case. In all cases confirmation from the Head of Department/School that individuals have completed a satisfactory Performance Appraisal Review is required to ensure performance has been satisfactory in all aspects of role in addition to those mentioned in the application One off payments will be used to recognise an individual’s contribution in achieving College, Faculty, School or Departmental objectives that are over and above the normal expectations for the role and which do not generally form part of normal day to day duties. They must refer to actual achievements. One off payments may be awarded where an individual: takes on additional, but time limited responsibility, of a significant nature, extending beyond the usual requirements of the role e.g. one off project work; contributed to the School’s/Department’s greater efficiency, improved quality, cost savings, achievement of objectives; Page 2 of 4 achieves particularly challenging goals or objectives, overcoming significant obstacles to ensure deadlines are met. It may be appropriate to award a one off payment to a team where there is evidence that all members of the team have worked together to achieve a significant objective. Additional increments and contribution points are paid to recognise an individual’s application of additional knowledge, skills and additional duties that are ongoing and increase their contribution to the School/Departmental objectives, over and above the normal expectation of the role and which do not generally form part of the day to day duties. They may be awarded where an individual: is progressing within their role at a rate faster than would normally be expected and is demonstrating sustained performance that allows their role to be achieved more effectively on an ongoing basis; has taken on significant additional responsibility on an ongoing basis but where the level of that responsibility falls within their current grade. Where additional duties or responsibilities form a permanent change to the member of staff’s job description or task list, it may be more appropriate for the role to be considered for HERA re-grading. Further advice on HERA and re-grading applications is available from the Human Resources Department http://www.rhul.ac.uk/humanresources/documents/doc/hera/regradingpolicy.doc. 6. Making an Application The application form (Appendix A) should be completed by the line manager and verified by the Head of Department/School as appropriate. Heads of Departments/Schools may submit applications on behalf of a member of their department without consulting the person concerned if they wish. Individual members of staff can also submit applications personally, in which case they should complete the relevant section of the application form before passing it to their Head of Department/line manager for approval. Please include a copy of the individual’s up to date job description or task list. Once fully completed, applications should be returned to rewardandrecognition@rhul.ac.uk . Page 3 of 4 7. Communication Following the meeting of the Performance Award Panel, the HR Policy and Reward Manager will confirm the outcomes to Heads of Departments. Employees may ask for feedback from their Head of Department. Letters will be sent to individuals via Heads of Departments confirming the decision of the Panel. 8. Appeals There is no right of appeal against the non-award of a performance award. The decision of the Panel is final. 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