HL7 HCD Cambridge Sept 2013 Meeting Mins Revised

HL7 / IEEE 11073 Working Group Meetings - 2013.09.23 - Cambridge, MA
See documents posted @ http://www.hl7.org/special/committees/healthcaredevices/index.cfm
Revised and approved at San Antonio WGM 2014-01-20
Monday - Q1 & Q2: HL7 Annual Plenary Meetings
Monday - Q3
Bill Ash (IEEE) w.ash@ieee.org
Kathryn Bennett (IEEE) k.bennett@ieee.org
John Garguilo (NIST) john.garguilo@nist.gov
Masaaki Hirai (Nihon Kohden)Masaaki_Hirai@nifty.com
Allen Hobbs (KP) Allen.Hopps@kp.org
Vannak Kann (VA) vannak.Kann@va.gov
Andrzej Knafel (Roche) andrzej.knafel@roche.com
John Rhoads (Philips) john.rhoads@philips.com
Paul Schluter (GE) Paul.Schluter@med.ge.com
Sadamu Takasaka (HL7 Japan) s.takasaka@gmail.com
Masato Tanaka (Nihon Kohden)masato_tanaka@mb2.nkc.co.jp
Stan Wiley (Draeger) stan.wiley@draeger..com
Jan Wittenber (Philips) jan.wittenber@philips.com
Todd Cooper (Center for Medical Interoperability) todd@center4mi.org
Welcome & Introductions
Agenda Review & Approval
Minutes & Action Item Review & Approval
 2013 May Atlanta
 DECISION: Approved unanimously with out change
HL7/HCD Status Report
 WG Mission & Charter
 Reviewed the HCD Charter
 Added reference in mission statement to FHIR device resource development
 CLSI - Andrzej provided an update; POCT1-A being updated w/ security + transport;
AUTO11 Security update is out to ballot as well
 ACTION: Andrzej will forward announcements to HCD List Server so that
interested parties may be engaged
 Also changed "area committee" to "consensus committee" in a couple places on this
 Added AAMI / UL Joint Committee 2800 to the liaison list
Monday - Q4
HL7/HCD Status Report (Continued)
 WG Mission & Charter
 (Rhoads) Reviewed Mission and Charter for vote (minor edits). Voted on
updates/approval. Voted unanimously in favor- No votes in opposition.
 #850 IG CDAr3 Vital Signs X73 Representation
 Need to get facilitator lead name changed (Currently Martin Hurrell) to John
 #595 IG HCD Comm. Messaging - suggested to morph this project as it's not relevant in
current context - suggested morphing into Implementation Guide (IHE)
 #513 Earlier incarnation of project #850 - CDA Anesthesia record (initiated by Anesthesia
WG) - need to see if this is duplicative. Anesthesia would need to do away with project
(HCD presented to Gunther [back in 2009]. Agenda item this week.
 #979 ((Christian Hay) will join HCD to give an update on GS1 on Wed Q3 (w/ FDA
update on UDI)
 #661 Discussion on negative vote for this incarnation of this project. Note: Jan W. had
looked in detail and performed a lot of work to try to address issues.
IEEE Updates
 See Kathryn Bennett's slide set
 Further discussion on 10201, 20101, 20401 this week; likely little to no update on others
 Discussion about issue of PHD group not providing sufficient information for mature terms
(i.e., to be formally entered into nomenclature). Jan mentioned the PHD would be at
(temporal) risk of not only making deadline for 10101a, but potentially 10101b...
 Projects (PARs)
 Agreements (incl. IHT SDO)
 IEEE News / Tools
 Standards Coordination / Harmonization Roadmap - Update
 Action: Jan W will address 10301-02-03 - to get a road map to be more real/realistically
mHealth Update
Other Standards Updates
SNOMED & 11073 & EU-US MoU
Conformance Testing @ 2014.01 (@HL7 & NA CAT’14
Project Updates
Tuesday - Q1
Bill Ash (IEEE)
Kathryn Bennett (IEEE)
Todd Cooper (C4MI)
John Garguilo (NIST)
+Aaron Goldmuntz (C4MI)
Allen Hobbs (KP)
+Tracy Rausch (DocBox)
John Rhoads (Philips)
Paul Schluter (GE)
+Lisa Spellman (AHIMA)
Masato Tanaka (Nihon Kohden)
+Leslie Tompkins (FDA)
 Stan Wiley (Draeger)
 Jan Wittenber (Philips)
mHealth Update
 FDA Released its mobile applications guidance Monday @
Co-Chair Meetings - Update
 Update from Monday PM
 DSTU - new protocol w/ major.minor versioning; if balloted change - major change; if
unballoted change, it is a minor revision (somewhat similar to technical vs. editorial
changes; or substantive vs. significant; handling errata may be major or minor)
 Ballot pool formation rules changed
 UDI - Update given; will be given to Devices WG on Wednesday Q3; software as a
medical device was asked - may be discussed during the Wednesday session; problematic
for FDA
 Significant push on implementers support (vs. standards developers)
 Challenges face organization after they made the HL7 standards IP freely available
 New Membership Benefits - new help desk + user groups + education services etc.; Town
Hall meeting Thursday regarding membership benefits
 Conformance Testing - details still being identified; may include conformity assessment
tools, though not intending to build a test bed; Phase 0 pilot (ISO supported)
 DECISION: Updated Mission & Charter was approved by the DESD
 WG Health: need to participation in the Harmonization Meetings (or excused absence) +
usage of the HL7 conference calling system.
 3-yr plan discussion
 Deferred
NIST Tooling review
 General Tooling Update
 See slides from Garguilo
 Usage Agreement w/ IEEE
 IHE PCD v2 Tooling, RTMMS
Tuesday - Q2
+Michael Faughn (Prometheus)
+Art Greisser (Prometheus)
+Christian Hay (GS1)
+Michael Jaffe (CIMIT MDPnP Consultant)
+Sandra Martinez (NIST)
+Rob Snelick (NIST)
+Sara Stewart (NIST)
NIST IGAMT Tool Review (Snelick/NIST)
 Robert Snelick provided overview of Implementation Guide Authoring Management Tool
 Sara Stewart did a demonstration of prototype system
 Automatic generation of documentation (Sarah showed the actual paper generated)
 Sara walked through building of artifacts which ultimately are automatically inserted in IG
document (as user selects and brings in those artifacts including value sets, data types,
usage, conformance profiles, etc.
NIST MDDL v2 Update
See slides from Art.
 DIM Editor – Requirements & Planning
 Project Goals / Priorities & NIST Plan
DIM Revision:
 Editorial approach working with new tool
 11073-10202 & Updated Modeling
from NIST (+ LaTeX usage)
Tooling Coordination & Planning
· Incl. Usability
Top Down & Bottom Up
Tuesday - Q3
+ Julian Goldman ((MDPnP)
+Terrie Reed (FDA)
+ Masaki Hirai (Nifty)
+Michael Jaffe (MD PnP consultant) - mjaffe@mdpnp.org
ICE Update (Rausch + Goldman)
 Architecture (w/ DDS)
 Tracey presented (see slide set)
 Scenario's presented
 PCA - Alert and overdose issues - "Smart PCA System"
 Tracey described DDS (see slide)
 Single Architecture data bus
 Gaps: Settings around QoS and Security, and control
 ASTM 2761 Functionality
 Usage / needs for X73 & related standards
 Inter-group Coordination / Activity
Next steps (from Tracey): high priority to QoS (profiles/values) for various levels of communication...
See "What is needed to be defined" (last slide)
(Julian mentioned Jeff P.(?) has other potential questions and gaps(?)
Tuesday - Q4
+ Martin Hurrell
+Terry Monk
+John Walsh
- Rausch, Goldman, Reed, Masaki
Hosting HL7 Anesthesia WG (GAS)
 Joint GAS-HCD Projects
 #513 CDA Anesthesia Record
 Project is GAS' main focus
 Gunther is not the lead (but is listed on project page) - Martin Hurrell should be listed
 Need to understand the requirements of the 'types of data and the challenges
 Martin mentioned the verbose-ness of CDA
 Would be nice to have some things from x73 (in addition to nomenclature)
 Specializations (i.e., Observation remains an Observation - can't be renamed
which is an annoyance
 Waveform representation (many hours of many streams that would like to
be captured)
 MFER may be a candidate - note: MFER is up for ballot - binary representation w/
URI embedded in file - which may be useful (in place as simply having an image).
 Not related to x73
 MFER used for: Halter, Stress Test, CDA
 IP issues (vendor may not want to disclose [due to marketing])
 Martin suggested making some recommendations for representing metric objects in
 E.g., histograms
 Perhaps an IG for
 John Rhoads asked about relationship to pre-op (Terry M. indicated not much of a
 Pre-Op is not done in CDA, more vocabulary (just a DAM)
 #850 VS in CDA
 FHIR - many issues around the rich data sources and if FHIR can handle (as currently exists)
 Might be an interesting experiment to have the right physiological parameters defined and
wrapped into a CDA
Outcomes and Action: GAS will work w/ John Rhoads and exchange documentation and set up a call
SNOMED-11073 Mapping
 Terry mentioned SNOMED and ITSDO are splitting? Essentially you have SNOMED CT
850 now on HCD plate...
PHD Update (deferred - to Thursday morning)
-Monk, Hurrell, Walsh
+Michael Kirwan (unable to connect via WebEx, Kathryn B. has slides)
Time reporting (Schluter)
 WAN Interface (PCD-based) HL7 V2 messaging w/ 11073 semantics
 Paul wrote up detail on Time stamping and Time Synchronization
 Typical NTP synchronize to 1 sec... Continua not able to agree so added elements to PCD
protocol to support ability of HCD to collect and add the appropriate time zone offset if
 Unable to mandate "NTP Synchronized"
 See Paul's "Timestamp.1b.docx"
 Device Concentrators & Virtual MDS addressing
 Misc. term proposals
 Action: Paul is requesting consensus of this committee for the following reasons:
 Accurate Time Stamps
 Highly consistent with PCD-DEC
Creates a superior creation for time distribution in Continua Eco-System
Safety - one would know when measurements are made
High visibility issue (at least in acute care in US)
This Friday, there is a meeting (at MITRE) to present this view...
Tuesday - Q5
 MDPnP Lab Tour
Collection of devices demonstrating various levels of medical device interoperabiity at MDPnP site
(Landsdowne Street, Cambridge)
 PCA Pump interlock
 Vent synchronization w/ X-ray
 DDS (data coming in from DDS and captured into spreadsheet - didn't quite work - from a syringe
 Research based - proved out concept
 Going from technical level to product (regulated, deployed, maintained) is
 Rapid device configuration (OR -> ICU)
 Some issues around standardization
 Demonstrated good patient safety aspects
 Good facility, well supported and funded
Wednesday - Q1 + Q2
Bill Ash (IEEE)
Kathryn Bennett (IEEE)
Todd Cooper (C4MI)
John Garguilo (NIST)
Allen Hobbs (KP)
John Rhoads (Philips)
Paul Schluter (GE)
Stan Wiley (Draeger)
Jan Wittenber (Philips)
Michael Jaffe (MDPnP Consultant - Medical Device Technology)
+Alex Lippett (HIMSS)
+Jeff Rinda (Hospira)
+Don Messina (IEEE SA, WebEx)
+Clem MacDonald (Regenstrief - Q2)
Agenda Note: proposal to do PHD update to start Q1 Thursday and move Vivek's presentation (CNS
11073-20401) to after the PHD update
 11073-10101a Amendment
 Jan W. provided an overview (including 10101a vs. 10101)
 Includes the set of PHD and specializations terms (insulin pump, weighing scale, pulse ox,
etc. --> about a dozen going on about 20)
 Shared between 10101 and PHD
 aECG
 IDCO (Implantable Devices)
 Jan will discuss a particular subset; Paul S. has also led effort for another subset.
 NIST has RTMMS available - focus on the tool to enter proposed terms to have them in a
consistent automated form and use the tool to aid in standardization
 Issue of Breath and depth
 High priority terms in Paul S's spreadsheet before they get into a ballot process
Focus is on medical package (measurement oriented); partition are largely SCADA [supervisory
and data acquisition
 NOTE: PHD shares partition (noted by Jan as "Duplicates 20601"
RTM focus from IHE-PCD (parallel process) - tool used to harmonize the efforts and proceed in
parallel with reasonable dispatch
 Automation tool needed no only to term experts but device folks w/ expectation that
addendum (10101a) will be driven by Rosetta
 Next batch 100-->200 terms will be added in next 6-9 months
 Jan showed a working spreadsheet/workbook that are used to contain the proposed terms,
with several mgmt. attributes (owners, format, notes, status)
 Workbook breaks out terms (e.g., Resp. Vent Terms, Other Parameter Terms,
Infusion, PHD (described with #defines, Virtual Medical Devices
Review RTM workbook (Schluter)
 See slides - Goal: Draft standard ready for balloting by end of Q4 2013 (balloter
number is 28)
 New Terms for 10101a:
 Resp, Vent, Anesth
 Other Parameters
 Infusion Terms
 Attributes
 Enumerations
 Units
 PHD (Personal Health Devices)
 Context sensitive needs one would have to get another attribute to determine the context
(now removed from RefID in 10101a)
 Jan noted the RefID column should be agreed upon, the description column will likely
never be totally agreed upon by ballot date.
 Alarm and Event review
 Paul noted Physiological, technical, and advisory types
 Alert Priority: low, medium, high (IEC) - there is no stipulation to any particular
parameter - this is from Rosetta pt. of view more generally...
 Waveform term overview given by Paul (see WCM spreadsheet/workbook)
Action Items
 Specialized Term review (identify Rosetta Weekly call to discuss - need dedicate period)
e.g., spontaneous breath
 PEEP (anything in Paul's spread sheet w/ "?")
 A few Annex B had only #defines (which Paul asked Jan and others to resolve...)
 Jan noted that this IEEE body need to resolve the issues by ballot deadline date as much as
possible in concurrence w/ SC4 (but will not attempt to redefine mode - will wait for SC4
for that - vendor will need to use existing mode bits to deal with this identification/issue)
 IEEE copyright issues would need to be resolved on some terms (e.g., Massimo); note
nothing for publication with vendor info (columns in Paul's spreadsheet) would be included
in the standard but are included for review/informational purposes.
 Alarm review
 Need to verify which edition alarm terminology edition (60601-1-8) ... spreadsheet
indicated 1st edition; however 3rd edition is currently mandated by regulators and
in general use throughout the industry
 Comment (Stan W.) to validate this work is not violating -1-8 in any way (Paul
noted -1-8 state diagram would be helpful for this purpose but is not existent)
Review Infusion Pump Terms
 Finalize Set for Ballot
 11073-10101a Revision (documents, database, tooling)
 Don mentioned ability of linking a PDF (there is precedence for this within other IEEE
 Discussion based on first order of automation (not longer term issues of "database as a
standard" being looked at by IEEE and other SDOs)
 -10101 Issue of 1) "philosophy document" (descriptive/normative) along with 2) tabular
(tables) of terms
 Currently RTMMS allows download of CSV, HTML, and XML
 Discussion on linking the "static"/philosophy part to more dynamic part (terms) and
 Work to split the two parts, then work to have a more rapid approval of the terms
 Todd pointed out that the "philosophy" part would also need to be updated and this
part would not necessarily remain "static" over time...
 Mention of having tool generate all of documentation (this has to date not been
discussed or planned for...)
 Computable file (i.e., output of RTMMS) would be 'normative' (formatting XML)
 Jan suggested just getting first order in place
 later address 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation process
 1st generation would be handled in a "manual" way (as it has in past) w/ (partial
content generated from tools [RTMMS]).
 How do we handle evolution of concepts (like systematic information)? (Cooper)
 Work Planning
Wednesday - Q2
+ Clem McDonald (NLM)
- Alex Lippett (HIMSS)
See Q1
Wednesday - Q3
+Terry Reed
+Leslie Thompkins
+Tracey Rausch
+Alex Lippett
FDA UDI Update
Terry Reed provided an update to the newly enacted (as of 9/25/133)
 refer to slide set
 UDI = DI (Device Identifier) + PI I (Production Id)
 HL V2.x Messages - Representation of UDI
 OO - Hans working with Terry to find where and how (e.g., message segment (OBX), data
type, etc.) to apply to HL7 messaging..
 GUDID attributes include Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
 Discussion about the need to map between PCD-01 and UDI identifier...
Device Specializations (Cooper)
 Infusion Pump Model
 See slides from T. Cooper
 Discussion around 10101 revision [although there is a parallel effort for the amendment]
 Discussion on stud (-10101) generation [future]
 Clauses from a source document (e.g., Word
 How to manage "philosophy document" part and term info which would be more
Don asked about point of NEC review:
 Word or PDF or ??
 Tables would be a d
 downloadable document?
 Note: download page on IEEE would not be an issue for Balloting purposes
Jan suggested process
 Have philosophy doc...
 Tune up the RTMMS tool to produce % of documentation tied to terms
 If we can learn how to do LaTeX we might be able to this first order...
All agreed seeing a sample document would be extremely helpful!
Don asked about the number of docs we are thinking about apply the aforementioned
 No PHD docs (no plans at this point)
 -10201 (highest priority)
 -10101
 Homologation w/ ICE?
Wednesday - Q4
+c C4MI
+Sergio Enrequez C4MI
+Andrzej Knafel (Roche Diagnostics)
+David Fallas (Sysmex New Zealand) fallas.david@sysmex.co.nz
+Todd Royal (Cerner)
+Grahame Grieve
+Must Tanaka (Nihon Kohden)
Hosting FHIR
 Status Update / 2013 September Ballot
 See Michael E's slides
 FHIR implementations are considered draft and it is expected that should issues arise changes will
be made...
 Participation is requested
 Device Store Bucket
 Grahame suggested the bucket is the area this committee is interested
 Device Data Resource
 There is a current ballot resource called "alert" (which is not related to device, so is
something different)
 Michael Ekaireb proposes a FHIR resources more in line with X73 Domain Information Modelf
· FHIR MD Alert Resource Proposal
· PSS’ for DEV WG FHIR Projectf
 Ballot resolution: Rename resource
 Decision to rename resource to: "Device Observation Report"
 Withdrawal of "Device Log", "Device Capabilities", and "Device Observation" resources
 HCD will progress definition of a "Device Alarm/Alert" resource.
Thursday - Q1 + Q2 + Q3
Bill Ash (IEEE) w.ash@ieee.org
Kathryn Bennett (IEEE) k.bennett@ieee.org
John Garguilo (NIST) john.garguilo@nist.gov
Allen Hobbs (KP) Allen.Hopps@kp.org
John Rhoads (Philips) john.rhoads@philips.com
Paul Schluter (GE) Paul.Schluter@med.ge.com
Masato Tanaka (Nihon Kohden)masato_tanaka@mb2.nkc.co.jp
Stan Wiley (Draeger) stan.wiley@draeger..com
Jan Wittenber (Philips) jan.wittenber@philips.com
Todd Cooper (Center for Medical Interoperability) todd@center4mi.org
Michael Jaffe (MDPnP Consultant - Medical Device Technology) mjaffe@mdpnp.org
Vivek Kamath (CMI) [WebEx]
Peter Hendler (KP) Q1
Tracey Rausch (DocBox) <tracy@docboxinc.com>
+Harry McKee [WebEx] (West Health, C4MI)
+Kevin MacDowell [WebEx] (West Health, C4MI)
+Daidi Zhong [WebEx] Q2 Daidi Zhong <daidi.zhong@IEEE.ORG>
+Alex Lippett (HIMSS) Q3 Lippitt Jr., Alexander <alippitt@himss.org>
Motion to adjourn at the end of Thursday (Wittenber), second (Hobbs), so approved unanimously
Discussion regarding IEEE model, possibility of royalty on standards, and which area within IEEE best
benefits HCD/x73 WG
CNS 11073-20401 (Vivek Kamath, West Health, C4MI)
Scope & Profiling Review
Support for DDS?
Project Planning
See Vivek's slides
Jan will provide a bullet point list of keys to this effort and definition; keys to picking the right and
minimal pre-coordinated attributes:
Have "pre-coordinated" assumptions
May require dedicated well known ports
multi-case (assign + use of addresses)
VLANs - pre + post coordinator
Scope of network
 layer 3 switch with allows routing + does not allow routing + does not allow routing
 Once "binding" is established, then bind the profile to the upper layer ("global handle") such that
generic handle scope can be identified
 Handle is then bound to the 'profile'
 Next step is mostly lower layer related but will be ties to upper layer(s)
 Note: Vivek noted his proposal could also be applied to IHE communication protocol Discovery
Next steps: Continue discussion on Thursday 2 PM calls (IHE DPI); encourage participation, with Jan
2014 target (see Vivek's final slides).
Updated Association (Dan Smith WHI, C4MI)
 Updated association control function based on MDER rather than BER
 11073-20101 revision
See Dan's Slide Set, proposal
Important to get the slides posted to these minutes for review/digestion/further discussion
 Parking Lot:
 Scope Slide 3(from Jan, see advantages slide...)
 Allow all data to be communicated using the MDER Encoding Rules (needs
 Need to expand on this for encoding rules exchange during association
 Q (Cooper): If you get into a given profile that looks to encoding (like
JSON), is there a subset needed (further drill down needed, or show what's
so hard that it can't be provided in the association)
 Support multiple-protocol - Jan's comment is that we can not restrict to one
protocol, but if going this route would need to pre-define dedicated ports.
 Note SNTP (add to slide)
 Slide 4 (Assumptions)
 About association, making assumption in 20401, unique port paths are assumed Jan's feeling this is an ok assumption
 Existing PHD
 Slide 5
 Discuss this slide at next Ton
 Slide 7
 Second bullet, 'all message data is encoded using MDER' - How "all" is all - needs
 Maybe call it something else (e.g., a "mini-association")
 Actions
 Write up a full proposal
 Decide how often to meet (weekly, monthly, etc.)
 Meet F2F in January 2014
 Need to get some aspects nailed down to enable a level of prototyping
 Jan commented on great work and effort is appreciated and needed; encouraged WHI to
continue to (annoy ;-) others for input/involvement.
 Malcolm Clarke had mentioned he would be interested in this project (not that it's at this
PHD Alignment Issue (Daidi + Jan W.)
 x73-10424 - PHD Committee - Device Specialization - Sleep apnea breathing therapy equipment
 Getting nomenclature in time for revision 10101a
 Another one is Infusion nomenclature
 10424, 10425, 10429, others?
 Semantics of Terms to fold in...
 Pump: Christof Gessner, Daidi, John Cogan, Ron Hudy
 Ventilator: Nate ?? Infusion Pump, Peter ?? + Norman Jones + Michael Jaffe
 Other names provided by Daidi: Melanie Yeung (melanie.yeung@unh.ca), Christoph
Fischer (Chrisoph.Fischer@mmc-med.de), Peter Picton, (Peter.Picton@unh.ca), Nathaniel
Hamming (Nathaniel.Hamming@unh.ca)
 Getting terms harmonized into RTMMS tool set (all PHD in addition to addendum)
 Can PHD group accomplishes this? Daidi indicated this is not a resource issue - more of
getting the "correct" list.
 Daidi will work with the integration of terms (published standard + addendum)
 Would need formal definitions and attributes like "systematic names", etc...
 two questions:
 Does PHD have resources to do this?
 Would delay cause conflict with timeline to meet 10101a (a clear resolution)?
 Odds are this would take some number of months to complete - so more likely
would be included in subsequent version (e.g.. 10101b...)
 Paul noted especially since this the first time PHD is formalizing
 Jan suggested for the December meeting to start a 10101b...
 Daidi mentioned the pace of getting terms into 10101x is not that important, but we will
prioritize as appropriate
Q (Cooper) can we establish parallel amendment?
A (K. Bennett) yes (precedence from 802)
Jan Wittenber Motion: To prepare a PAR request for 10101b Amendment (PHD + terms that don't
make it into 10101a due to timeline)
Second: Paul Schluter
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, no negative, no abstentions
Action items:
Daidi to get PHD spreadsheet to get initial
Jan W. lead to start specific sessions for harmonization and resolutions between specific projects
Paul S: Make recommendation that PHD capture "Enumerations"
Thursday - Q2
See Q1
Thursday - Q3
Application Profiles & DDS (Cooper)
Other 11073-20xxx Updates
-2020x Profiles
-20301 RCOP
-20302 Symmetric
Jan emphasized that the symmetric / bi-directional
Related to Application Profiles, there are multi level problems related to extension of original one-to-one
association to DDS one-to-many and many-to-many possibilities. Bidirectional association
IDL syntax is being worked on (Tracey Rausch - Doc Box + MDPnP group)
 Tracey indicated she can share the work (once a bit more mature) with this group for early stage
 Assuming first order PCA
 Try to use PCD as first stage as Infusion pump --> mapped into UML
 If there us an intersect by OMG and 802 people, an interesting project - RTI project?
 Action: Tracey to set up an OMG Question/Answer period on one of the upcoming Monday ICEPAC WG mtg. [3 PM every other Monday]
 Agenda TBD - Include Road map discussion
 QoS - more on definition
 Jan W. noted FHIR approach of piloting/agile project...
Review of Medical Device Semantic Interoperability Project Proposal (Lippett)
See/contact Alex Lippett (Lippitt Jr., Alexander <alippitt@himss.org>) for permission to view slides.
 Proposal has been underdevelopment between IHE USA / HIMSS (Alex) and others including the
IHE PCD leadership
 Discussion around problem statement that device semantics need to be "translated to SNOMED
and LOINC", given the challenges of "translation" (vs. mapping) the 1:M relationship of many
terms in one system to another, the lack of contextual meta-data, the need for sync'd timestamps,
 Alex will progress the discussions on weekly WebEx calls; for more information and to participate
in the discussions, contact Alex @ alippitt@himss.org
Thursday - Q4
+Trish Williams (trish.williams@ecu.edu.au)
+Michael Steine (michael.steine.steine@bt.com)
+Matthew Graham (graham.mattew@mayo.com)
Hosting Mobile Health
 Review mHealth use cases needing
 X73 + FHIR & mHealth
MD Interoperability.
See Slide Set from MHealth WG
Shared Use Cases (HCD & Mobile Devices)
 Care Provider Use Cases
Goal: demonstrate if/how (from high to lower level use cases) might use x73 standards
Next Steps:
 Consistent Time
 Getting the technical expertise to get use cases mapped out...at Next WG mtgs..
 Follow up meetings between now and January and develop a plan to present in January
 Given a good set of Use Cases, it appears it a good opportunity for a pilot...
 Trish reminded everyone that such a pilot should include security
Wrap - up
Minutes will be posted
All presentations are loaded on the HL7.org HCD WG documents site.
2014 January Agenda
 Reserved rooms from Monday Q1 through Friday Q2
 Included joint sessions with Anesthesia (Tuesday Q4), FHIR (Wednesday Q4) and mHealth
(Thursday Q4)
 ICE Update - allocate a quarter to discuss ICE-X73 joint activities
 AAMI/UL 2800 Update - allocate a quarter to discuss the relationship between the UL 2800
project and HL7, IEEE, ISO, IHE etc. standards.
Friday - Q1 & Q2
No Friday Meetings