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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
A patient’s own blood cells and plasma have regenerative properties, and can be used as a
treatment for anti-aging. These cells can rejuvenate skin, tendons, and bones, and when
injected into the face, stimulate firmer and younger looking skin. This non-surgical procedure
is relatively inexpensive, and is effective for prolonging a more youthful appearance into
middle age. As the procedure uses the patient’s own blood, it is metaphorically referred to as
the “Vampire Facelift” in America and “Dracula Therapy” in England.
Before PRP Therapy
Subtle Improvements Seen After Treatment
How does PRP Therapy work?
Blood contains erythrocytes, lymphocytes, platelets and plasma. Platelets are cells
responsible for clotting. They do this by adhering to each other and preventing haemorrhages.
When blood clots, tissues around it will retract due to protein fibrin produced by platelet
adherence. Micro-injuries produced by a needle will trigger a similar initial reaction, and
thanks to the injection of active platelets, the contraction effect is significantly augmented. In
isolating activated platelets suspended in liquid plasma (PRP), the physician is also able to
extract mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors in genetically predetermined ratios.
Injecting this PRP extract into skin, the platelets form a bioactive platform of fibrin clot,
allowing the release of numerous active growth factors that promote tissue repair, new blood
vessel formation and collagen synthesis.
It is ideal for: …
Fine lines and wrinkles
Textural improvement
Dull dry skin
Hair-growth stimulation (in those with thinning hair)
…and is used in the following areas:
Full-face rejuvenation
Crêpey neck
Eye area (both upper and lower eyelids)
Backs of hands
Other body areas
How is it done?
After an initial consultation, your practitioner will take a blood sample from the arm. PRP is
extracted in a special machine. The facial target area for treatment is then cleansed, and
anaesthetic cream is applied to reduce discomfort. The extraction is then injected into skin at
multiple locations. The whole process takes about one hour. The best results are obtained by
repeating the procedure 3 or 4 times at one month intervals, and then once or twice a year
following that.
Are there side effects?
As the patient’s own blood is used, there are no adverse effects. Slight swelling and bruising
are likely after the injections, but these subside in 5-7days. To avoid infection, the injected
area should be kept clean for 24hrs.
Combined with other treatments
PRP Therapy can be safely combined with other rejuvenating treatments such as Gold Thread
Skin Rejuvenation, volume replacement with dermal fillers or autologous fat, wrinkle
minimizing treatments, mini facelifts and laser skin treatments.
What results can I expect?
Individual results can vary greatly, but the research continues into the benefits of this
treatment. Once tissue has been regenerated and remodelled, that benefit may be permanent.
However, as we continue to age, the problem areas eventually reappear. It is thought that this
occurs over 9-18 months after a single treatment (although everyone is different). Touch-up
treatments will maintain the results.
Sports celebrities such as Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal have all used this treatment for
injuries. PRP Therapy does not fill hollows or wrinkles or paralyse muscle or skin; it
improves the skin texture and repairs the skins cellular matrix. This repairs aging sagging
skin over time. Initial improvement can be seen after 3 weeks. Lifestyle factors will affect
results so a healthy diet, low or no alcohol, no smoking and no recreational drug use or sun
exposure will help improve results.
How often should I have this treatment?
For hair loss 3-4 treatments are recommended 2-3 weeks apart, facial rejuvenation should
ideally have 3 treatments a month apart then once or twice a year thereafter for best results.
Can anyone have this treatment?
Theoretically yes, however smokers and people who have continued excessive exposure to
sun damage have poorer results. Pregnant and breast feeding mothers are not suitable. Non
steroidal anti inflammatories block the action of PRP Therapy so these should be stopped for
14 days prior to the treatment and 6 weeks after. Such medication includes ibuprofen,
indomethacin, omega 3 fatty acids, aspirin, diclofenic, naproxen, warfarin. If your
medication has been prescribed please contact us for further advice, do not stop taking
prescribed medicine without professional advice.
Patients undergoing cancer treatment, people with liver damage or poor platelet count are not