PHY 112 You Light Up My Life Feedback A. Did you learn much physics doing this project? Explain. 1.Yes. I learned about optics and the different types. I also learned how a flashlight works. 2.Yes, I learned quite alot about the different models of the spectrum of light. One part of it really made me see light in a hole new way (no pun intended). When you told us that our eyes are more like antennas that pick up the waves of light I really sat back and saw the big picture. 3.Yes, I learned alot about how how light functions as well as DC motors. I learned about the different explanations of light, for example light can be explained as light particles such as photons, or light can be explained as wavelengths. Both of these make pretty good sense to me. 4.YES! Well, I know something now that I didn't before we started this project! I had really no clue as to how lens and mirrors helped to direct a beam of light in a flashlight, although I guess its not really rocket science, I'd just never really thought about it or researched it. 5.Just by constructing the project i did not really learn any physics. Now since we had to tell the physics we used. I did learn a little cause we had to look up the physics that was involved in our project so i guess i did learn some physics that was involved in our project. 6.No 7.I learned about the reflection and refraction of light. I did not get much physics out of the motor part of the project, But I did learn plenty on light. 8.Yes, I learned about lenses and the color spectrum and how motors work. 9.I learned some physics, not a whole lot, but I did learn some. I have a lot better understanding for the different things that go along with light, and how they bend and refract more. I also have a lot better understanding of what a light is. How the wavelength can vary for different types of lights. One thing that I did not know before we started this that radio waves and microwaves were waves of light and I thought that was very interesting. 10.I did not learn as much as I did with the speaker project. Because reflection is so easy to deal with, I think that if the project required a focused image with lenses a certain distance away that we would have been forced to learn more. 11.not really at all. I was more worried about construction and writting the report and the Powerpoint presentation. 12.I don't really feel that I learned much physics during this project. Although we did learn that light travels in wave form, I already knew that and I do not feel that I really learned much else from this project. I think that it was mostly just building a model. 13.First of all, I think that was a good joke about "be frank, or goerge or whomever!" Ok, now with this question...I think I did learned about Physics in this project. Not as much as in the last one, but I still learned in this project some Physics. 14.yes I think that I learned a good deal of what I needed to learn on light. You only go so far on something as light and the physics behind it. 15.I did learn some physics during this project. However, I feel the connection between the physics and project completion was not as strong as in the speaker project. I felt that I did not need to learn as much physics to do the project as I did in the previous project. 16.yes, light always travels at the speed of light. When light comes in from a angle and intercepts a object it is bent or refracted. 17.I learned more about physics in this project than the last one(speaker one). I think the subject of light is very interesting. 18.Yes, since fewer topics were involved in this project I learned more about each one. B. Please list at least three things that you like about this course so far. No matter how bad a course is, you should be able to find at least 3 nice things to say... 1.The time you give us in class to work on the project The projects help us learn physics instead of lectures There are no tests. 2.How much application is involved in the class. The in class experiments. The way everything relates together. 3.I really enjoy having hands on experience It is good to work with groups and have student interaction. I it very, very, very, very, very, nice not to have homework. 4.1. It's fun to come to class. 2. No tests! 3. David gives us lots of time in-class to work on our project 4. I like hands on physics better than formulas. 5.I like working in the groups it makes things a lot easier to do and i like the different ideas that others bring to the table. I also enjoy the construction of our project though some of our ideas seem outrageous to build but we find ways to work around them. Come to class every day cause it is not your typical class I find something different every time i come. 6.No Response 7.I loved the last project. I had fun working on it and making ideas for it. This helped me alot in learning the physics part. Working with the people that we drew the similar cards was fun. I like being chosen anonymously because we get to meet new people and the ideas are all different. test interesting projects powerpoint presentations 9.I think it is an excellent idea to make us think and work, by not giving us a place to start. I didn't like that at the beginning of the year, but I am following your train of thought and how it is going to help us. I liked learning about how light is a wavelength and what other kinds of lights there were. I like the chance that we get to build something in one of our classes for once and see how it is actually used in the real world, instead of just books and quizes. 10.I like my new group. I like the third project. The light shows were fun. 11.learn about real world work in groups discussions in class 12.I do like that we work in groups in this class. I also like that we do not have tests in this class. I also like the instructor for this class and his attitude about teaching. 13.1) No tests!!! 2) Teacher is pretty cool 3) Interesting topics 14.The course on learning about light was fun. You made it interesting for us to make something that had to do with light. You allow us to be comfortable with you and with each other. It is also cool that you allow us to do hands on stuff while other classes just do boring tests. 15.The instructor promotes learning through experimentation which is good. I like how we are graded through notebooks. The two projects thus far have taught me things that I will actually use in the real world. 16.what i learned the video we watched our final project 17.I think you are a very good instructor. This is by far the most interesting physics class I have taken. I like your teaching style. Physics is extremely interesting because it trys to explain the way the things work. It could be a very stale class if you had a poor instructor. In addition I like the way your class is set-up and I like doing all of these hands on projects. 18.No tests. We get to do hands on physics by way of our projects. Group work. C. Please list at least three things that you don't like about this course so far. No matter how good a course is, you should be able to identify at least 3 unsavory things... 1.The frustration at the beginning of the project. People in the group not showing up. 2.I had one lazy or unhelpful group member in each group. This has caused serious problems each time we tried to finish our project 3.When the projects get hard and tedious, my attitude changes for worse. Sometimes I wonder how these projects relate to physics, (but I know they do). The notebooks will be useful after the class is over, but right now they are quite annoying. 4.1. CGCC didn't allow us enough time for a break in the middle of class. 2. The notebook seems to be a bit extensive 3. I don't like how we do everything as a group, yet we have to make our own notebooks on a project that wasn't all ours 5.I didn't like the short amount of time we had but everyone was able to work around it. I thought we should of had the motors at the start of the project not a week before the projects were due. The notebook is a little more pain in the butt but you said you were not going to change it so i guess that is the price we pay not to have tests in this class yes. 6.Busy work 7.The notebook is still a little painful, but after the first one, I now know what you are expecting and it makes it a little easier. Some of the stuff that we do in class between projects is a little blurry, sometimes i do not know why we are doing them. And last, the hand outs from evertones presentation. I do not know why we need them. much busy work rush to get things completed group work 9.A little bit too much busy-work with the notebook and paper. I wish you would explain things in class time a little bit earlier while we're doing the project. Like last project, you told us about geometrical optics the week before the project was due. I wish you had talked about them at least the week before. I hope you can at least give us a little more info on the last project than you did the first two, if we get stuck and need a hint to keep moving. 10.Not enough time. We are led like sheep to the slaughter. I think that there was not enough information for my group to effectively design a lighting system that would dazzle you. One of my group members. 11.this is a shop class this is an english class and I don't really learn any physics 12.I do not like the fact that so much time is spent on tedious tasks, like the compentency part of the notebook and the topic section. I feel that most people are just thinking up something to write for these sections and it doesn't teach me anything, it just takes up a lot of time. I also do not like the fact that the projects are kind of unclear on how to find out information about the projects. I feel that in order to do well on these projects, a person must have a pretty good previous knowledge about the subject. I also do not like the fact that we have to do three different self/peer evaluations throughout each project, I feel that one self/peer evaluation would be sufficient at the end of each project because I find myself just writing the same things for all three evaluations. 13.1) Notebook...its a lot of work!! It takes a lot of your time, and most of the times it is still incomplete! :( 2) Reports on the projects...maybe I am not a report person, but its something that I don't like! 3) Brakes...too short! :( 14.i think that the class needs a longer lunch break. i think the class room needs to be more decked out with posters and stuff that has to do with physics. I think it should be a requirement that students need to dress up like you on days of presenting their projects. 15.I feel most time is spent building rather than learning actual physics. Sometimes concepts we are supposed to learn are vague. There isn't much you can do about it, but we could be given more time to complete the projects. 16.summary of other teams project synthesis of all projects how hard it was to find info on this stuff 17.I wish our class was not so long. 2 1/2 hours in one sitting is a long class. However this is college so it's supposed to be some work right! 18.In class coverage of topics. How groups are picked. Some of the design projects. D. Please describe at least 3 changes we could make to this course immediately to make it better. 1.Everything is going well. 2.Pick our own groups. more emphasis on the performance of our project higher spending limit 3.To tell you the truth, I really wouldnt change anything, and I am not saying this just to get out of the question, I just cant think of any suggestions myself that would make this course better. 4.1. Make the notebooks a group project... besides the daily journal of course. 2. TELL CGCC about that 5 minute BREAK! 3. I understand how chosing your own groups can cause a problem perhaps, but why not try it once? 5.Lighten up a little on the notebook if possible. Longer break to relax and clear your mind. Give us a little background on whats the idea behind our project. 6.No Response 7.Be a little more clearer as to what you are expecting from us. We want the best grade possible and for us to achieve this we need something to shoot our goals towards. Handing out our outline to everyone before the presentation. I do not think they are very useful.b And lastly, the budget is okay but keeping all the receipts was very difficult for our group. this is a very lame thing to change but i am just trying to get to three things. 8.give non graded quizes to test knowledge 2 minute longer breaks no more notebooks ha ha ha 9.To keep it as it is now, with having the presentation due one day, the paper due the next, and the notebook due the following class. Wish there was some way to extend class either 10 min earlier or later to give us a little more break in the middle to eat something from the flight deck quick, instead of always just grabbing a candy bar and soda from the machine. Have the two lecture classes the first week, and then have the two working classes the next week. 10.If more time were given within the learning lab durring this project, I beleive that the groups will be more succesful. While you are trying to teach us about various physical stuff, we need that time for research, especially now because this project is so research intensive. Feed us lots of pizza. 11.don't make such elaborate project less writting work discuss more in class 12.1. Take out the competency and topic parts of the notebook, or at least make the topic part more understandable instead of needing a mathematical, english, graphical etc.... 2. Tell us a little more information about the physics behind each project before we start the project. 3. Only require 1 self/peer evaluation for each project. 13.1) Not to strict in the notebook?!?!? I know that is not possible, but would make it better! :) 2) More "brake" time...once again, its not going to be possible, but would make it better! :) 3) Group formation...sometimes the people that you asign into the group are not able to meet with you because of the schedule and viceversa...I think we should still have our choice to chose. 14.I think that you need to inform us more on when things like this questionar need to be done. There should be longer breaks so that people can have lunch. 15.At the end of each project an overview of the physics learned or that we were supposed to learn. Throughout the project some more overview of actual physics that we can apply to the project. That's about it. 16.Show a couple more videos explain everything we go over in class, does not have to be long just make sure we have a gist of how it all works. 17.I can't think of any ways to improve it currently. 18.Different Ideas for the projects. Maybe give the students a chance to vote on the projects they would like to do. Give more definition to the topics related to the project. E. What else would you like to tell me? 1.No Response 2.I really enjoyed building the projects, and it helped me relate the information in a manor that i could understand. 3.I am enjoying this class and the projects have been fun and challenging enough to keep me interesed. 4.1. Kick ass earings! haha 2. It really is a pleasure to come to class... its still is the only class I have that I look forward to going to. 5.Look forward to finishing this next project and moving on 6.No Response 7.I am grateful for the sources that you give us for our projects on blackboard, they help a lot. 8.have a nice day 9.I think you should go a little more in depth with the different kinds of lights next time, I think it might be a little interesting. 10.I really enjoy the class so far. And beleive that it is a better alternative than any other physics class that is available. Because I am forced to learn things in order to have a functioning project. 11.I am definitely not learning as much physics as last semester 12.I do enjoy taking this course and I have learned many things that I had no clue about before. I really like David as an instructor and I like his approach to teaching. I think that it is good to have a teacher who is easy to talk with because it helps some students who might be a little timid about asking questions. 13.School is getting harder and harder... there are tons of things to complete and do! Hope this "rings the bell..." :) 14.Right now this is the funnest class and most valuable learning I have yet to take in right now. I hope that future classes will get this same kind of learning as I have. I think the idea on doing a project on Alpha Centuri i s a great idea. 15.To this point I have been very pleased with the class. I have learned some valuable tools that will without a doubt help me later. Physics has always been a tough subject for me, however, when we use it in a "real world" way it makes more sense and we have tools that we can actually use. 16.nothing except your doing a good job keep up the work 17.I think this next project is going to be really interesting. I have always been interested in space and time travel and now I have the opportunity to dive in this subject even more. 18.I don't have any thing else to add at this time.