Gabriel Nedelcu, Viorel Chendes, Nicolae

G. Stancalie, E. Savin, C. Alecu, V. Craciunescu, S. Catana, A. Iordache, A. Diamandi, A.Hofnar,
S.Oancea, O. Nicola. “Cntribution of Earth Observation data supplied by the new satellite sensors to
flood risk mapping in the framework of the NATO SfP “TIGRU” project”, First Annual Session of the
NIHWM, Bucharest, 22-25 September 2003;
G. Stancalie, A.Diamandi, V. Ungureanu, V. Al. Stanescu. “Sub-system based on remote sensing and
GIS technology for flood and related effects management in the framework of the NATO SfP
“TIGRU” project”, First Annual Session of the NIHWM, Bucharest, 22-25 September 2003;
G. Stancalie, V. Ungureanu. “NATO Sfp project: Monitoring of Extreme Flood Events in Romania
and Hungary using EO Data – general presentation”, First Annual Session of the NIHWM, Bucharest,
22-25 September 2003;
G. Stancalie. “Contribution of Earth Observation Data to Flood Risk Analysis”, XXII-nd Conference
of the Danubian Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water
Management, Brno, 30 August - 3 September 2004.
G. Stancalie, E. Savin, A. Diamandi, S. Catana, V. Craciunescu, S.Oancea. “Contribution of Earth
Observation Data to Flood Risk Analysis”, the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of
Environment, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 10-14, 2003.
G. Stancalie, Corina Alecu, Vasile Craciunescu, Andrei Diamandi, Simona Oancea, G. Robert
Brakenridge. “Contribution of Earth Observation data to flood risk mapping in the framework of the
NATO SfP “TIGRU” project”, International Conference on Water Observation and Information
System for Decision Support, Ohrid, FY Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2004.
O. Streng, “The April 2000 Flood in the Crisul Alb River Basin – forecast and reality”. 22nd
Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of
Water Management, 30 Aug.- 3 Sept. 2004, Brno, Czech Republic.
G. Stancalie, Elena Savin, Corina Alecu, Simona Catana, I.Poiana, V. Craciunescu, “Contribution Of
Earth Observation Data To Flood Risk Analysis”, 22nd Conference of the Danube Countries on the
Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, 30 Aug.- 3 Sept. 2004,
Brno, Czech Republic.
J. Marsalek, G. Stancalie, R. Brakenridge, V. Ungureanu, J. Kerényi and J. Szekeres Nato Science For
Peace Project On Management of Transboundary Floods In The Crisul-Körös River System. NATO
Advanced Research Workshop on Flood Risk Management – Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation
Measures, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October 6-10, 2004.
G. Stancalie & Diamandi, A. “Application of EO data in flood forecasting for the Crisuri Basin,
Romania”. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Flood Risk Management – Hazards,
Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October 6-10, 2004.
V.Craciunescu, G.Stancalie, A.Diamandi and C. Corbus. “Flood monitoring using on-line support
system for spatial information management”. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Flood Risk
Management – Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October
6-10, 2004.
Rodica Mic, Valentina Ungureanu, G. Stancalie, C. Corbus and V. Craciunescu. “Flood forecasting in
the Crisul Negru basin using GIS data base”. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Flood Risk
Management – Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October
6-10, 2004.
O. Streng, Valentina Ungureanu, M.Tentis. “The April 2000 Flood in the Crisul Alb River Basin
Transborder Cooperation ROU-HUN for Flood mitigation”. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Flood Risk Management – Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures, Ostrov u Tise, Czech
Republic, October 6-10, 2004.
G. Stancalie, A. Diamandi, Elena Savin, Corina Alecu, V. Craciunescu, Simona Catana, Anisoara
Iordache, Simona Oancea, Alina Hofnar, Oana Nicola. „Utilizarea datelor de teledetectie furnizate de
noi senzori satelitari pentru gestiunea inundatiilor si efectelor acestora in cadrul proiectului NATO SfP
“TIGRU”., Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian meteorological Administration, October 2004,
Bucharest, Romania.
G. Stancalie, “Evaluation and Monitoring of Snowcover Water Equivalent in Carpathian Basins Using
GIS and Satellite Data”, Seventh Scientific Assembly of IAHS held in Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil, on 3 - 9
April 2005.
G.Stancalie & V.Craciunescu, “Contribution of Earth Observation data supplied by the new satellite
sensors to flood disaster assessment and hazard reduction”, First International Symposium on Geoinformation for Disaster Management, Delft, the Netherlands, 21 – 23 March 2005. Geo-information
for Disaster Management, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005, editors P.van Oosterow, S.
Zlatanova, E.M.Fendel, pp. 1315 – 1332.
G. Stancalie, V. Craciunescu, S. Catana, A. Irimescu, “Contribution of satellite remotely sensed data
to flood risk mapping”, General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 2429th April 2005.
E. Rotaru, G. Galea, R. Mic, “Regional estimation of sediment flow regime in Timis-Bega
hydrographic area”, General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 24-29th
April 2005.
P. Stanciu, C. Corbus, V. Chendes, G. Chirila, “Aspects regarding the assessment of surface water
resources balance in the Somes and Mures catchments (Romani)”, General Assembly of the European
Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 24-29th April 2005.
M. Matreata, “The 2003 drought on the Danuce River Romanian branch”, General Assembly of the
European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 24-29th April 2005.
Gheorghe Stancalie, Vasile Craciunescu, Stefan Constantinescu, Ionut Ovejanu . “Web-Based
Information System for Transboundary Flood Management”, International Conference on Flood
Forecasting Technology, Tromso, Norway 17 - 19 October 2005.
Vasile Craciunescu, Gheorghe Stancalie, Simona Catana, Corina Alecu. “Contribution of Earth
Observation data to flood risk mapping”, International Conference on Flood Forecasting Technology,
Tromso, Norway 17 - 19 October 2005.
Gabriel Nedelcu, Viorel Chendes, Nicolae Teodorescu, Ciprian Corbus “Consideratii privind
producerea viiturii din aprilie 2005 in spatiul hidrografic Banat”, 3-rd Annual session of the NIHWM,
Bucharest, 4- 5 October 2005.
Ion Pasoi, Ciprian Corbus, Adrian Purdel, Rodica Mic, Mariana Serbu, Irina Gherasim “ Analiza
tranzitarii undei de viitura din iulie 2005 prin acumularile de pe raul Bistrita si Siret si analiza viiturii
din august 2005 din bazinul inferior al raului Moldova”, 3-rd Annual session of the NIHWM,
Bucharest, 4- 5 October 2005.
Simona Catana, Gheorghe Stancalie, Anişoara Irimescu, Vasile Craciunescu . “Update of landcover
maps using satellite images for post-crysis analysis of the flood-affected areas” 3-rd Annual session of
the NIHWM, Bucharest , 4- 5 October 2005.
Cristian Flueraru, G. Stancalie, V. Craciunescu and Elena Savin. “Possibilities offered by GIS &
remote sensing techniques for the monitoring of april-september 2005 floods”, the annual scientific
conference, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, 19 November 2005.
C. Corbus, Rodica Mic, Vasile Craciunescu, Gheorghe Stancalie. “Estimation of the initial parameters
of the VIDRA model, for hydrological forecast, in the Crisul Negru and Crisul Alb river basins, based
on the characteristics of basins acquired by using GIS technology”, annual session of the Romanian
Institute of Geography, Bucharest, 17 June 2005.
Corina Alecu, G.Stancalie, “Use of geographic information and remotely sensed data in the decisionmaking support system for flood management in Romania”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on
Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-11 June, 2005.
Corina Alecu, Simona Oancea, Emily Bryant - Multi-resolution analysis of MODIS and ASTER
satellite data for water classification, Proceedings on Europe SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing,
Brugge, Belgium, 19-22 September 2005.
Ion Pasoi, Ciprian Corbus, Adrian Purdel, Rodica Mic, Mariana Serbu, Irina Gherasim, Emil Neagoe,
Eduard Nechita, “Analysis of the transition of floods occurred in July 2005 and August 2005 by the
Bistrita River and her reservoirs and by the Low Moldova River Basin, respectively”, Hidrotehnica no.
10/2005, p. 9-16
Corina Alecu, Simona Oancea, Emily Bryant, “MODIS versus ASTER water classification”, Spectral
Imaging: Eighth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science, San Jose, USA, 15 – 19
January 2006, p. 606206-1/606206-6, vol. 6062
Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie, “Study on the possibility of creating an international entity to provide for
coordination and the means of realistically optimizing the effectiveness of space-based services for use
in disaster management”, the 43rd session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, United Nation Office, Vienna, Austria, 20-25
February 2006
Flueraru, C., Stancalie, G., Savin, E., Craciunescu, V., “Validation of MODIS snowcover products in
Romania. Methodology and conclusions”, European Geosciences Union: General Ansembly, Vienna,
Austria, 02-07 April 2006
Gheorghe Stancalie, Vasile Craciunescu, Stefan Constantinescu, Ionut Ovejanu “Web-Based
Information System for Transboundary Flood Management”, International Conference on Flood
Forecasting Technology, Tromso, Norway 17 - 19 October 2005, in Achieving Technological
Innovation in Flood Forecasting, edited by panos Balabanis, Darren Lumbroso, Paul Samuels, 2006
Vasile Craciunescu, Gheorghe Stancalie, Simona Catana, Corina Alecu. “Contribution of Earth
Observation data to flood risk mapping”, International Conference on Flood Forecasting Technology,
Tromso, Norway 17 - 19 October 2005, in Achieving Technological Innovation in Flood Forecasting,
edited by panos Balabanis, Darren Lumbroso, Paul Samuels, 2006.
G. Stancalie, S. Catana, C. Flueraru – “ Evaluation and Monitoring of snow Cover Water Resources in
Carpathian basins using Geographic Information”, NATO security through Science series – C:
Environmental Security, vol. 8, 2006, Springer, edited by Jaroslav Pollert, Bozidar Dedus, p. 125 –
The Vituki group sent a paper to Ostrov uTise (Czech Republic) to the NATO advanced Research
Workshop: Flood risk Management Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures, with the title:
“Experiences in Application of HEC-RAS Model”, by A. Kiss, Dr. S. Kovács and Dr. J. Szekeres
J. Kerényi, M. Putsay, 2005: Extreme flood monitoring in Romania and Hungary using Earth
Observation data, Időjárás, Vol 109, No. 4, October-December, 2005. Pp:205-217
J. Kerényi, M. Putsay, 2005: Monitoring of extreme flood events in Romania and Hungary using Earth
Observation Satellite data, Conference of Impact of Space on Society, Budapest, Hungary, 17-19
March, 2005, poster.
J. Marsalek, G. Stancalie, R. Brakenridge, M. Putsay, R. Mic, J. Szekeres, 2005: Overview of the
NATO Science for Peace Project on Management of Transboundary Floods in the Crisul-Körös River
System, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Worksop, Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks
and Enhancing Security through Improved Flood Management Planning, Oradea, Romania, May 4-8,
2005, pp 11-24.
J. Kerényi, M. Putsay, 2005: Land use map from ASTER images and water mask on MODIS images,
Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Worksop, Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks and
Enhancing Security through Improved Flood Management Planning, Oradea, Romania, May 4-8,
2005, pp 38-49
Z. Dunkel, S. Szalai, J. Kerényi, H. Haubold (Austria), E. Both, 2006: GMES related cooperation in
the Danube catchment area, A market for GMES in Europe and its regions- the Graz dialogue
conference, Graz, 19-20 April, 2006.
We participated in the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Transboundary Floods: Reducing
Risks and Enhancing Security through Improved Flood Management and Planning, May, 2005
G.R. Brakenridge and E. Anderson, MODIS-based flood detection, mapping, and measurement: the
potential for operational hydrological applications. In: Transboundary Floods, Proc. of NATO
Advanced Research Workshop, Baile Felix – Oradea, Romania, May 4-8, 2005, 9 p.
Brakenridge and others, 2005, “Space-based measurement of river runoff”, EOS, Transactions of the
American Geophysical Union, V. 86, No. 19, p. 188
Brakenridge, G.R., Nghiem, S.V., and Anderson, E., Orbital Microwave Measurement of River
Discharge and Ice Status. Article in preparation for Water Resources Research