Brainstorming our essay Idea 1 (Point or Argument that supports contention for Topic Sentence) Idea 1 (Point or Argument that supports contention for Topic Sentence) What is the essay question/topic I have chosen? What are the key words? (Find synonyms in the dictionary) What is the question asking (put the question in my own words)? What is my main opinion/contention that I will argue? Idea 3 (Point or Argument that supports contention for Topic Sentence) Idea 4 (Point or Argument that supports contention for Topic Sentence) Unpacking Ideas Question: Contention: Idea/Point/Argument 1 Examples from stories Quote Idea/Point/Argument 2 Examples from stories Quote Idea/Point/Argument 3 Examples from stories Quote Idea/Point/Argument 4 Examples from stories Quote Let’s look at constructing our essay: First follow these steps: What is the topic saying? Clarify topic. Use key words from topic. Do I agree with it? agree, disagree, to an extent, to a large extent, partly, in some ways, What is going to be my contention(opinion)? That… Sample introductory sentence beginnings: First Sentences (choose one) Clarify – choose one & add 2 of your own! Jhumpha Lahiri’s anthology, ‘Interpreter of Maladies,’ illustrates ... explores … centres around … is set in ... and ... boldly examines… presents… highlights how… depicts …. shows .... demonstrates ... The text shows us that ________ and _________ are important because The importance of ___________________ and _____________ is clearly evident because For ____________ and _____________ this means that … While it is true that the text focuses on __________ and _________ it does not, however, … Position (choose one) At some time most individuals have to face _________ and in the anthology we see this is evident through the … Not only do individuals have to confront ____________ but the text shows us the importance of ________________ and how this can serve to ____________ Clearly, Lahiri reminds us that … (First reason for my position: ) ←(Don’t use first person or express this way! This is for Helping you to brainstorm.) Firstly... (Use linking words – these are rather basic but can be used effectively nonetheless) Body Paragraphs Begin with topic sentences that respond to key ideas in topic – key words important (Topic Sentences followed 3 e’s: example, explanation, evidence from the text) (Second reason for my position:) In addition... (Third reason for my position) Furthermore .... (Or looking at alternative view) (sometime your position is not Clear yes/no answer) However... While... (Fourth reason for my position) Moreover ... (Finish each paragraph with a link to topic) You will not have time to brainstorm in detail in the SAC OR EXAM but Don’t forget to do dictionary work: look for synonyms and clues for deeper and more accurate meaning of key words in the topic. DO BRAINSTORM BRIEFLY - YOUR CONTENTION & 4 MAIN TOPIC SENTENCES FOR BODY PARAGRAPHS THAT INCLUDE KEY WORDS RELATED TO TOPIC. Remember for a really good essay, it is hard to give a formula but this is a way to start if you get stuck!!!