Chapter 7 Forecasting of Exogenous Variables 7.1 Introduction The following exogenous variables are used as exogenous variables to explain variations in the electricity energy consumption model and in the maximum demand model as presented in chapter 4, 5, and 5. 1. money supply in the narrow sense, M1 2. temperature in the kingdom, TEMPt , central region temperature, TEMPtC , northeastern region temperature TEMPtNE , northern region temperature, TEMPtN and southern region temperature, TEMPtS 3. amount of rainfall in the kingdom, RAIN t , and by regions, RAIN Ct , RAIN tNE , RAIN tN and RAIN St 4. number of customers in the MEA and PEA system 5. average electricity prices in the MEA and PEA system The value of these exogenous variables will be forecasted in this chapter and used as inputs for the electricity energy consumption model and the maximum demand model. 7.2 Forecast of Money Supply, M1 When annual data on GDP at market prices and M1 between 1991 and 2003 in Table 7.1 are analyzed for their relationship, the correlation coefficient between the two variables is computed to be 0.97. This statistical exercise justifies the use of M1 as a proxy variable for GDP. The forecast of M1 are used as inputs in the forecast of electricity energy consumption and maximum demand. The VAR model is selected as a forecasting model for M1.The VAR model may be specified generally as M1t = CON + M j*M1t Ji + G*GDP_CUR j + D 2 FEB + D3MAR + D 4 APR i + D5 MAY + D6 JUN + D7 JUL + D8AUG + D9SEP + D10OCT + D11NOV + D12 DEC + u t (7.1) where GDP_CUR j is the GDP at market prices in year j which is related to t by t = j 1 *12 + m The M1 series is identified by the BJ technique as m = 1, 2, ..., 12 j = 1, 2, ... (7.2) 100 1 B 1 B12 M1t = δ + 1 θ1B 1 1B12 u t (7.3) The identification result suggests three autoregressive terms--- a one month lag, a 12 month lag, and a 13 month lag—that may be considered in the M1 forecasting model. However, when the model is estimated with these AR terms, only the one month lag AR term is found to be significant so the M1 model is respecified as M1t = CON + M1*M1t 1 + G*GDP_CUR j + D 2 FEB + D3MAR + D 4 APR + D5 MAY + D6 JUN + D7 JUL + D8 AUG + D9SEP + D10OCT + D11NOV + D12 DEC + u t (7.4) Estimation results show that all of the coefficients except G are significant. Inspite of the result, the GDP variable is retained in the model since its coefficient still has the expected sign. The estimated M1 model with adjusted R2 of 0.9864 is presented below M1t = 16648.6000 + 0.9458M1t 1 + 0.0083GDP_CUR j + 7534.4430FEB + 2911.535MAR 892.3600APR + 2755.635MAY 9930.0200JUN + 2970.6930JUL + 11395.3300AUG + 2530.8100SEP + 13101.3400OCT + 11393.1000NOV + 33269.8700DEC (7.5) The (7.5) model is selected as the long term forecasting model. The (7.4) model with the EC term is selected as the short term forecasting model. The short term forecasting model with adjusted R2 of 0.9881 is presented below M1t = PRE_M1t 0.4016u t 1 + 0.2182 t 10 (7.6) PRE_M1t = 7618.9900 + 0.9950M1t 1 + 0.0019GDP_CUR1 + 5707.2070FEB + 1258.8790MAR 2031.9300APR + 1172.400MAY 11217.0000JUN + 2520.0310JUL + 10934.5200AUG + 2189.1750SEP + 10799.3800OCT + 9819.6240NOV + 30988.9200DEC u t = AM1t PRE_M1t ε t = AM1t PRE_M1t 0.4016u t 1 (7.7) (7.8) (7.9) The adjusted R 2 of the model is 0.9881 and AM1t is the actual value of M1t . 101 Table 7.1 Money supply in the Narrow Sense and GDP at market prices Year GDP M1 2534 2,506,635 2,345,018 2535 2,830,914 2,807,214 2536 3,170,258 3,089,975 2537 3,634,496 3,709,759 2538 4,192,697 4,344,687 2539 4,622,832 4,898,449 2540 4,740,249 4,984,295 2541 4,628,431 4,885,745 2542 4,637,079 5,405,289 2543 4,923,263 5,937,535 2544 5,133,836 6,429,111 2545 5,451,854 7,220,588 2546 5,931,600 8,297,670 Source : NESDB, Bank of Thailand 7.3 Temperature Model Monthly temperature used in the electricity energy consumption model and the maximum demand model is the sum of the daily temperature in a given month. The daily temperature is computed by the product of average daily temperature and the number of days in a given month. Data on temperature are classified into the kingdom temperature, TEMPt , the central region temperature, TEMPtC , the northeastern region temperature, TEMPtNE , the northern region temperature, TEMPtN , and the southern region temperature, TEMPtS . The daily average temperature in the kingdom is computed from the sum of daily average temperatures recorded at each recording station divided by the number of recording stations in the kingdom. The regional average daily temperature for each region is computed by the same method. The temperature data between January 1992 and December 2003 are used to estimate the temperature model which is specified as TEMPtq = CON + M i TEMPtqi + D 2 FEB + D3MAR + D 4 APR + D 5MAY iIS + D6 JUN + D7 JUL + D8 AUG + D9SEP + D10OCT + D11NOV + D12 DEC + u t (7.8) where IS is the set index of lagged autoregressive terms to be identified by the BJ technique. Thailand Temperature Model, TEMPt Thailand temperature series is identified by the BJ technique to be 102 1 B B 1 B 2 1 2 12 1 2 B24 1 B12 TEMPt = δ + u t (7.9) The identification results suggest the autoregressive terms with a one month lag, a 2 month lag, a 12 month lag, a 13 month lag, and a 36 month lag. However, when model (7.8) is estimated with the suggested AR terms, only coefficients of the one month lag and 2 month lag AR terms are significant, so the model is respecified as TEMPt = 401.1444 + 0.2732TEMPt 1 + 0.2096TEMPt 2 37.8354FEB + 111.2587MAR + 90.9287APR + 68.0347MAY + 19.2652JUN + 44.4827JUL + 40.0873AUG + 1.9270SEP + 27.4957OCT 27.9558NOV 30.5850DEC (7.10) The adjusted R2 of the model is 0.8968. Central Region Temperature Model, TEMPtC The central region temperature series is identified to be 1 1B 1 1B12 2 B24 1 B12 TEMPtC = δ + 1 θ1B u t (7.11) which suggests the autoregressive terms with a one month lag, a 12 month lag, and a 13 month lag. However, when model (7.8) is estimated with the suggested AR terms, only coefficient of the one month lag is found to be significant, so the central temperature model is respecified as TEMPtC = 548.1182 + 0.3426TEMPtC1 54.1182FEB + 87.9070MAR + 48.4003APR + 56.2994MAY + 8.2773JUN + 41.3219JUL + 26.3771AUG 10.9820SEP + 22.1221OCT 27.2713NOV 20.9770DEC (7.12) The adjusted R2 of the model is 0.8242. Northeastern Temperature Model, TEMPtNE The northeastern region temperature series is identified to be 1 1B 1 1B12 2 B24 1 B12 TEMPtNE = δ + 1 θ1B u t (7.13) The series has the same identity as the central series. The estimated model is presented below 103 TEMPtNE = 582.9611 + 0.2056TEMPtNE 1 + 50.8685FEB + 128.0494MAR + 153.8964APR + 121.6610MAY + 112.3199JUN + 102.7065JUL + 93.9235AUG + 83.3724SEP + 68.3865OCT + 18.5988NOV 26.4507DEC (7.14) The adjusted R2 of the model is 0.8433. Northern Temperature Model, TEMPtN The northern temperature series is slightly different from the central and northeastern temperature series. The northern temperature series is identified to be 1 1B 1 1B12 2 B24 1 B12 TEMPtN = δ + u t (7.15) When the suggested AR terms are included in the (7.8) specification for estimations, the final specification selected is TEMPtN = 465.7265 + 0.3560TEMPtN1 + 51.6370FEB + 125.6907MAR + 152.3891APR + 101.9170MAY + 95.9207JUN + 83.8206JUL + 77.8949AUG + 74.1777SEP + 60.3232OCT + 9.8031NOV 33.7543DEC (7.16) The adjusted R2 of the model is 0.8876. Southern Temperature Model, TEMPtS The southern temperature series is identified to be 1 B B 1 B 2 1 2 12 1 2 B12 1 B12 TEMPtS = δ + u t (7.17) When the suggested AR terms are included in the (7.8) specification for estimations, the final specification selected is TEMPtS = 371.1114 + 0.3714TEMPtS1 + 0.3304TEMPtS2 0.1456TEMPtS24 + 20.3435FEB + 37.9485MAR + 47.4902APR + 21.9773MAY + 0.5286JUN + 0.2197JUL + 0.0102AUG 5.1822SEP 10.3517OCT 13.9664NOV 23.7287DEC (7.18) 104 7.4 Rainfall Model Rainfall data are collected for the period between January 1991 and December 2003. Identification results of the rainfall series by the BJ technique are presented below Whole Kingdom 1 B RAIN = 35.4527 + 1 + 0.1347B 1 0.9997B12 u t 12 t (7.19) Central Region 1 B RAIN 12 C t = 6.1873 + 1 0.8449B12 u t (7.20) Northeastern Region 1 0.1366B + 0.2327B 1 + 0.8096B + 1 + 0.2437B u 8 12 + 0.3661B24 RAIN tNE = 2.3157 13 t (7.21) Northern Region 1 + 0.5146B 12 + 0.3590B24 1 B12 RAIN tN = 32.0303 + 1 0.1835B9 u t (7.22) Southern Region 1 0.3185B 1 0.6368B12 1 B12 RAINSt = 1245.1170 + 1 0.2301B9 + 0.3092B11 u t (7.23) The amount of rainfall forecast from (7.19)–(7.23) are monthly forecast. These monthly forecast must be transformed into annual forecast since the forecasting model of the agricultural pumping group which requires the amount of rainfall forecast as an input is an annual model. 7.5 Number of Electricity Customers Model Data on the number of electricity customers are annual data between 1992 and 2003. The number of electricity customers will be forecasted by a simple linear time trend model CUSijr = CON + Ti *j (7.24) 105 where CUSijr = number of i th group customers in year j (j=1 for 1992, 2 for 1993…….) CON = constant Ti = rate of average annual increase of the i customer group. j = 1 for 1992, 2 for 1993, 3 for 1994, … Estimation results of the model is summarized in Table 7.2 Table 7.2 Estimation Results of the number of Electricity Customers Model by Customer Groups Customer Group MEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Central PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Northeastern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Northern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Constant 1,976,452 1,614,032 327,668 17,590 697.1429 1,580.2860 Ti 68,920 51,100 17,564 274.75 99.8571 56.9286 adj.R2 0.9957 0.9913 0.9505 0.9044 0.9541 0.9468 7,268,434 6,796,931 369,634 20,964.33 1,162.7330 1,175.1970 51,150 1,191.0303 39,361 1,327,497 1,187,135 112,574 9,913.7330 812.9333 798.7576 8,965.6061 116.0455 13,668 2,694,772 2,568,563 97,723 3,145 115.4000 116.5455 18,587 487.0455 8,966.9167 2,047,445 1,943,420 77,769 3,669.200 71.6000 252.9674 13,558 556.6212 8,840.8889 438,270 402,298 27,361 1,413.857 223.0286 158.3287 4,129.7552 172.1364 5,380.2889 100,641 92,283 6,150.2797 788.6000 143.5429 62.5245 825.0350 21.2622 1,201.3556 143,637 131,869 9,281.2483 185 22.6000 22.4930 1,313.7937 69.8007 1,489.1333 100,598 90,737 7,974.8322 236.0857 22.8857 36.1522 1,194.0909 66.0455 1,160.4444 0.9901 0.9894 0.9944 0.9979 0.9399 0.9668 0.9572 0.9729 0.8886 0.9900 0.9900 0.9848 0.9943 0.9137 0.9551 0.9445 0.8048 0.8069 0.9866 0.9862 0.9882 0.9937 0.9690 0.9661 0.9653 0.9672 0.8764 0.9769 0.9715 0.9967 0.9981 0.9626 0.9266 0.9402 0.9886 0.8488 Organization Organization Organization Organization Organization 106 Table 7.2 (Continued) Customer Group Southern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Organization Agricultural Pumping Temporary NB series starts at j = 7 (1998) Constant 1,198,720 1,097,813 81,568 4,236.4000 162.8000 362.1818 10,039 31.3182 7885.3611 Ti 93,395 87,409 3,954.6818 204.1914 34.2000 52.3566 769.8357 15.0280 1529.3556 adj.R2 0.9992 0.9992 0.9861 0.9961 0.9623 0.9427 0.9736 0.6133 0.9135 7.6 Average Electricity Price Model Data on the average electricity prices are annual data between 1992 and 2003. The average electricity prices will be forecasted by a simple linear time trend PRICEijr = CON + Pi *j (7.25) where PRICEijr is the average electricity price of the i th group customers in the r system in year j (j=1 for 1992, 2 for 1993…) CON = constant Pi = rate of annual price increase of the i customer group(baht/kwh) Estimation results of the model are presented in Table 7.3 Table 7.3 Estimation Results of the Average Electricity Price Model Customer Group MEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Organization PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Organization Agricultural Pumping Temporary Constant 1.5601 1.7396 2.0464 1.4569 1.2774 1.4568 1.4262 1.4096 1.2287 1.9545 1.4076 1.2602 1.6004 1.4109 Pi 0.0953 0.0963 0.0907 0.1071 0.0958 0.0861 0.0929 0.0867 0.1094 0.0877 0.1045 0.0832 0.0752 0.0930 adj.R2 0.9512 0.9652 0.9664 0.9614 0.9638 0.9229 0.9538 0.9494 0.9693 0.9652 0.9543 0.9512 0.9104 0.9579 1.9340 0.1955 0.7204 107 Table 7.3 (Continued) Customer Group Central PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Northeastern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Northern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Southern PEA Residential Small General Service Medium General Service Large General Service Specific General Service Government and Non–Profit Agricultural Pumping Temporary Organization Organization Organization Organization Constant Pi adj.R2 1.4160 2.2028 1.4126 1.2609 1.6716 1.4301 0.9321 1.8570 0.1163 0.0921 0.1124 0.0895 0.0747 0.0991 0.1061 0.2253 0.9789 0.9679 0.9584 0.9660 0.8951 0.9616 0.9635 0.7565 1.1024 1.8945 1.4690 1.3949 1.7384 1.4258 0.9146 1.9859 0.1179 0.0961 0.1125 0.0910 0.0720 0.1017 0.1070 0.2173 0.9704 0.9669 0.9577 0.9598 0.8896 0.9666 0.9633 0.7680 1.1935 1.9468 1.4965 1.3913 1.6821 1.4269 0.9083 1.7911 0.1166 0.0951 0.1084 0.0808 0.0760 0.0997 0.1076 0.2201 0.9707 0.9732 0.9581 0.9241 0.8904 0.9591 0.9661 0.6365 1.2657 1.9741 1.3941 1.3211 1.6716 1.4206 0.9266 2.2925 0.1184 0.0950 0.1148 0.0880 0.0747 0.1012 0.1078 0.1958 0.9748 0.9745 0.9575 0.9558 0.8951 0.9658 0.9525 0.7857