CONFERENCE ON ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION - BULGARIA - Brussels, 5 November 2002 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 Document provided by Bulgaria Subject : Additional information (Appendix VIII.3) Chapter 24 – Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 1 EN INFORMATION ON SIGNED POLICE CO-OPERATION AGREEMENTS BILATERAL AGREEMENTS Albania Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Public Order of the Republic of Albania, signed in Tirana on 24 January 1994 Armenia Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior and National Security of the Republic of Armenia, signed in Sofia on 8 July 1998 Austria Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Minister of Interior of the Republic of Austria in the fight against illegal drug-trafficking and organised crime, signed in Sofia on 28 June 1991 – to be repealed on 1 August 2002 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria on police co-operation, signed in Vienna on 29 May 2002 – to enter into force on 1 August 2002 Belgium Agreement on police co-operation between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, signed in Ostende on 24 June 1998 China Co-operation Agreement between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China, signed in Beijing on 20 May 1996 Croatia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on co-operation in the fight against organised crime, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and terrorism, signed in Sofia on 26 November 1996 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 2 EN Czech Republic Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Czech Republic on co-operation in the fight against organised crime, illicit trade in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, terrorism and other serious crimes, signed in Sofia on 17 March 1999 France Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the French Republic on co-operation in the area of internal security, signed in Sofia on 10 April 2002 Georgia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Executive Authority of Georgia on border cooperation, signed in Tbilisi on 26 November 1998 Germany Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on co-operation in the fight against organised crime and drug-related crime, signed in Sofia on 14 September 1992 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on mutual protection of classified information, signed in Sofia on 29 October 1999 Greece Agreement on co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Public Order of the Hellenic Republic, signed in Athens on 8 July1991 Hungary Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on cooperation in the fight against terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and organised crime, signed in Budapest on 11 November 1998 India Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of India on co-operation in the fight against organised crime, international terrorism and illegal trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances, signed in Sofia on 26 May 1994 Ireland Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Ireland on co-operation in combating illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, money laundering, organised crime, trafficking in persons, terrorism and other serious crime, signed in Dublin on 31 January 2002 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 3 EN Italy Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Italy in the combating illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, signed on 9 December 1989 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Italy on police cooperation in the fight against organised crime, signed in Rome on 12 April 1999 Lebanon Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon on police cooperation, signed in Beirut on 20 March 2001 Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia, signed in Skopje on 20 October 1992 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the measures to prevent and settle border incidents on Bulgarian-Macedonian state border, signed in Skopje on 15 May 2000 Macedonia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organised crime, illegal trafficking in drugs and precursors, illegal migration and other crimes, signed in Skopje on 26 February 2002 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for education, training and retraining of officers of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia at the Police Academy and other educational establishments of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria, signed in Skopje on 26 February 2002 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for preservation, maintenance, renovation and demarcation of the borderline and the border signs along the Bulgarian-Macedonian state border, signed in Skopje on 15 May 2000. Moldova Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Moldova, signed in Sofia on 18 May 1993 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 4 EN Poland Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Poland in the fight against crime, signed on 22 April 1993 Romania Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of Romania, signed in Bucharest on 26 February 1992 Russia Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation, signed in Moscow on 19 April 1993 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation on border issues, signed in Moscow on 28 August 1998 Slovakia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Slovakia on police cooperation, signed in Sofia on 4 November 1999 Slovenia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on cooperation in the fight against organised crime, trafficking in illicit drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, terrorism and other serious crimes, signed in Ljubljana on 5 November 2001 Spain Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Kingdom of Spain on co-operation in the fight against crime, signed in Sofia on 21 July 1998 Syria Agreement between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of the Syrian Arab Republic on co-operation in the area of protection of national security and public order, signed in Damask on 20 March 2001 Turkey Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Turkey in combating drug trafficking, terrorism and organised crime, signed in Ankara on 3 February 1993 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on coast guard co-operation, signed in Ankara on 18 April 2002 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 5 EN Ukraine Agreement for co-operation between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, signed in Sofia on 18 April 1994 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on co-operation in the fight against crime, signed in Sofia on 4 September 2001 Uzbekistan Yugoslavia Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation in the fight against crime, signed in Tashkent on 7 April 1999 Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the way to check and settle border infringements along the Bulgarian-Yugoslav border, signed in 1965 and amended in 1982 Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the regulation of movement of the population living in the border area, signed in Belgrade on 28 February 1972 MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS 1. Co-operation agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on combating terrorism, organised crime, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, money laundering, arms and human trafficking and other major crimes, signed in Antalya on 16 April 1998 2. Protocol for enhanced trilateral co-operation in combating crime and especially trans-border crime (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania), signed in Sofia on 8 September 1998 3. Agreement between the Governments of Participating States in the Black Sea Economic Co-operation on co-operation in combating crime, in particular its organised forms, signed in Kerkyra, Greece on 2 October 1998 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 6 EN 4. Agreement on co-operation to prevent and combat trans-border crime and Charter of organisation and operation of the Southeast European Initiative- SECI-Regional Centre (SECI Centre) for the combating of trans-border crime, signed in Bucharest on 26 May 1999 AGREEMENTS WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS 1. Agreement with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, signed by the Minister of Interior on behalf of the Bulgarian Government in June 1998 2. Co-operation agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), signed by the Minister of Interior on behalf of the Bulgarian Government in November 1999 ______________________________ 20760/02 ADD 24 CONF-BG 55/02 ADD 24 7 EN