Egyptian Web quest Directions/Jobs 1. Title Page _________________________ • Include you book’s title, the authors, publisher’s name, and copyright date. Print a picture to put on your book’s cover. Your book must be typed. • Web site - None 2. Map/Geography _________________________ • Print out a map of Egypt. Locate and identify the following features: Nile River, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Memphis, Thebes, Nubia, Kush, Punt, Valley of the Kings, Mediterranean Sea, & Red Sea. • Web site - World Atlas 3. Chronology of Pharaohs and Queens _________________________ • Make a timeline of pharaohs and queens, including: Menes, Khufu, Ahmose, Hatshepsut, Tutankhamen, Ramesses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra VII, Khabu, Titi. Don’t forget to include dates when they ruled and to identify whether they are a Pharaoh or Queen. • Web sites - Mark Millmore’s Kings and Queens, Egyptian Kings 4. Ancient Egyptian Daily Life _________________________ • Write one paragraph about each of the following aspects of Ancient Egyptian daily life: family life, education, food, clothing, shelter, recreation, and religion. (7 total paragraphs) • Web sites - Wikipedia (search for Ancient Egypt), Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh’s Life, Life in Ancient Egypt 5. Mummies _________________________ • How were mummies made? List the steps involved in Mummification. • Web sites - Mummies Unmasked, Encyclopedia Smithsonian 6. The Sphinx _________________________ • Write at least 2 paragraphs about the Sphinx. Make sure you include the following information: How big is it? When was it built? What is it made of? What does the stele describe? What is being done to preserve it? • Web sites - Wikipedia (search for sphinx), Sphinx, The Great Sphinx 7. Rosetta Stone/Hieroglyphics _________________________ • Translate each of your group member’s first and last names into hieroglyphics. Print them out and include them in your book. • Web sites - Hieroglyphics, Write Like an Egyptian 8. Pyramids _________________________ • Draw a pyramid and label and describe the parts. Describe how a pyramid was built by answering these questions: How big was a pyramid? How many blocks? How heavy are they? How were they built? What does the pyramid say about society? (a diagram is fine for this information) Name some of the well-known pyramids. • Web sites - Nova: Pyramids, Social Pyramids 9. Build Your Own Pyramid _________________________ • Use the Nova Online/ Pyramids site. Follow the directions and print the pyramid outline. Assemble the pyramid and include the printout for your book. • Web site - Build a Pyramid(You may also build one of other material.) 10. Fun Stuff! _________________________ • Each of the authors should print out a coloring page about Egypt to color and include in the book. • Web sites - Coloring Book-Rosetta Stone, Color Me Egypt 11. Did you know? _________________________ • Include at least two pieces of information about Egypt that you think the reader may not know about Egypt. This section must be at least 2 paragraphs in length. • Web site - Ancient Egypt for Kids, Ancient Civilizations for Kids 12. Egyptian Tourist Attraction _______________________ Completed in class previously 13. After you have completed the 11 jobs, your group must then organize them into a book or a PowerPoint Presentation. ___________________________ • The book/presentation must include a table of contents and at least 20 additional pictures/illustrations. • Your book must also contain a bibliography. Use the link below to access the bibliography page. • Web site – Bibliography Egyptian Web quest Rubric Points Breakdown 5 Points Title page 5 Points Table of Contents 5 Points Build Your Own Pyramid 5 Points Fun Stuff 5 Points 20 Illustrations 5 Points Egyptian Tourist Attraction 10 Points Bibliography 30 Points Individual part 30 Points Individual part 100 Points Total