The 1920`s Roarin` and Borin`

The 1920’s Roarin’ and Borin’
Web Activity
The assignment:
You will use class time to complete activities related to the
1920’s. Your research will lead to lots of information about one of the most fascinating
and contradictory decades in American History. As you look at each activity, you will be
able to choose how you would like to complete certain sections. If you want, you may do
additional work for additional credit on this assignment.
Complete each of the following assignments (for a total of 75 points)
 1920’s Tic Tac Toe (Scavenger Hunt)-Choose a row of 3 Topics and research
using the internet. Each question MUST be answered with AT LEAST a 1
paragraph explanation.
(20 points per topic square)
The Flapper Dictionary- Research and Define each term to complete your
‘Flapper’ vocab. Each word/phrase MUST include your definition, the actual
definition, and similar term used today (be as appropriate as possible…this is
school and you don’t want to offend my VERY sensitive ears/eyes), and a picture
that represents the word/term. You should use personal experience, your book,
and the internet to help you complete this.
(15 points for completed assignment)
*Please include all sources (where you got information from during internet search
Stop here if you ONLY wish to complete REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS- If all work is
properly completed, you have earned 75% (75/100 points)
To Earn a B- (89/100)
Complete 1 of these additional assignments to receive an additional 19%
 Complete ALL Tic Tac Toe (Scavenger Hunt) Activities
Using what you have learned about flappers, create a ‘flapper doll’ (this can be
paper) If you don’t know what a paper doll looks like….Google it . Your doll
should include outfits and accessories that accurately reflect what you have read
and learned about flappers. (make sure she is appropriate…we’ll as appropriate
as a ‘flapper’ can be) must include a minimum of 5 identifiable flapper qualities.
Create a 1920’s Image Quilt- Use the Tic-Tac-Toe Board as a guide (i.e.…squares
can match up with topics from board)*must include a variety of images
To Earn an A (100/100)
Complete a B activity and 1 of the following to receive an additional 11%:
 Develop and produce a radio broadcast of an event from the 1920’s or an
advertisement of a ‘new’ item that was popular in the 1920’s. You may
use the book or internet resources to help you decide what your subject
will be. To receive full points, you will need to include a script and a final
recording of your ad. This CANNOT be visual. A person during the
1920’s relied on great descriptions from their radios. Be sure to use all of
your creative energies!
Create a time capsule containing a minimum of 3 items that ‘sum’ up the
1920’s. You will need to use information we have gone over in class,
your book, and the internet to develop ideas. Pictures and written
descriptions of objects ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Only items and or 3D
creations are acceptable as part of the capsule. Think outside the box on
this one….what explains this mild/wild decade?
Come up with another idea of your own. You must discuss your plan with
Mrs. Wienke and get approved before any work will be accepted.
A few things to consider:
 You will have 2 FULL class periods to work with computers in
class. You are expected to get the minimum 75 points completed
during this time period. You will need to use your time wisely to
accomplish this. (If I identify that you are misusing class, points
will be deducted from your assignment. “I am going to work on it
Only the minimum assignment will be subject to LATE WORK
Status (-50%). Optional work WILL NOT BE COUNTED IF
Due Date ________________________________
Due Date for Optional Work ________________________________________
Bottom of this sheet MUST BE ATTACHED TO RECEIVE GRADE for
required work:
Name ________________________________ Period _________
Points Earned
_________ Tic Tac Toe (3-20 points each)
_________ 20’s Terms (Flapper Dictionary)
Total Points___________
Attach to Optional Work (grade total will ONLY reflect required work
until optional assignments have been graded and added to total):
Name ________________________________ Period _________
B Option (mark assignment you have completed)
______ All Tic Tac Toe (Scavenger Hunt Squares)
______ Flapper Paper Doll
______ 1920’s Image Quilt
Total Points Earned
A Option (mark assignment you have completed, B assignment must
also be completed)
_______ Radio Broadcast
_______ 1920’s Time Capsule
_______ Other approved Enrichment Activity
Total Points Earned
Overall Grade ______
Teacher Comments: