Possibility on Forecasting Aftershock Distribution from Stress Change: Case Study for Inland Taiwan Earthquakes Chung-Han Chan and Kuo-Fong Ma (詹忠翰、馬國鳳) Institute of Geophysics, National Central University ABSTRACT Large earthquakes yield casualty in life and damages in buildings. Unfortunately, large subsequent aftershocks sometimes yield secondary disaster following the mainshock. A possibility of estimating possible aftershocks distribution might be able to help reducing the secondary disaster it might bring. Several studies (Parsons et al., 2000; Lin and Stein, 2004; Stein, 2000) have discussed the Coulomb stress transfer after earthquakes. The results show that the seismicity has significant correspondence to the Coulomb stress change of the mainshock. The aftershocks usually located in the region where the Coulomb stress change was increased in the mainshock. These studies bring the possibility on predicting possible aftershock distribution from the stress transfer. Furthermore, if the stress transfer can be done soon after the mainshock, the forecasting of the possible aftershock distribution might be able to reduce the secondary earthquake hazard from large aftershocks. For this study, we first considered five earthquake sequences in this study, namely 15th December 1993 Da-Pu (ML =5.7); 5th June 1994 Nan-Ao (ML =6.2); 17th July 1998 Ruey-Li (ML =6.2); 22nd October 1999 Chia-Yi (ML =6.4); and 22nd October 1999 Chia-Yi-2 (ML =6.0) earthquakes as shown in Figure1. Table1 shows their source parameters (origin time, location of hypocenters, and local magnitudes) determined by Central Weather Bureau Seismological Network (CWBSN). The models of spatial slip dislocations determined by waveform inversion using Taiwan Strong Motion Network (TSMN) data by Wu and Ma (2001), that we call the models thus obtained as heterogeneous slip models, are introduced to calculate the conditions of stress transfer shown as Figure2 which shows that no matter if the mainshock and aftershocks are on the same rupture plans and the same types of faults, 1 most of the aftershocks locate at the area where stress was increased. Furthermore, we calculated the changes of Coulomb stress by a single fault according to the rupture length, width, and displacement by magnitude of the earthquakes and geometry of rupture planes by the scaling law (Ma and Wu, 2001) and the focal mechanisms to compare with the distribution of the aftershocks (Figure3). Similar results with those by heterogeneous models, most of the aftershocks locate at the area where stress was increased. The comparison between this result with the results by heterogeneous models indicates that the amounts of the aftershocks which located at the area where stress are increased reduce which may result from the simplified one-segment model for Da-Pu and Ruey-Li sequences. For Nan-Ao and Chia-Yi sequences, By contrast, these amounts rise which may be attributed to the moment magnitude over-determined and the larger scales of stress change attribute to the homogeneous displacement on the whole rupture plane instead of the dislocation centralization (asperity) by waveform inversions. For the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, although the patterns of stress changes for the three stages as detail slip distribution models, three-segments homogenous fault model, and one-segment homogenous fault model, are slightly different from each other (Figure4), most prominent features of the aftershock distribution can be explained by all three fault models, namely the region near the Chia-Yi earthquake, and southern linear extension of the aftershock near southern end of the Chelungpu fault. On the basis of the rapid stress change calculation, it is also possible to have stress change calculation using a homogenous fault model according to derived scaling law of Ma and Wu (2001). Thus, once the location, magnitude and focal mechanism of the earthquake are available, the stress change calculation can be carried out to provide information on the possible aftershock distribution. The calculation can be further updated accordingly to the detail slip distribution determination through the time to provide more precise information to the distribution of aftershocks. REFERENCES Lin, J. and R.S. Stein (2004) Stress triggering in thrust and subduction earthquakes, 2 and stress interaction between the southern San Andreas and nearby thrust and strike-slip faults, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B02303, doi:10.1029/2003JB002607. Ma, K.- F. and S.- I. Wu (2001) Quick slip distribution determination of moderate to large inland earthquakes using near-source strong motion waveforms, Earthquake Engineering and Earthquake Seismology, 3, 1-10. Parsons, T. (2002) Global observation of Omori-law decay in the rate of triggered earthquakes: Large aftershocks outside the classical aftershock zone, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 2199, doi:10.1029/2001JB0006462. Stein, R. S. (1999) The role of stress transfer in earthquake occurrence, Nature, 402, 605-609. 3 Earthquake Ruey-Li 1998 Chia-Yi 1999 Chia-Yi-2 1999 6 7 10 10 5 17 22 22 21 1 4 2 3 minute 49 9 51 18 10 second 43.1 30.09 14.96 556.8 17.5 Longitude (°) 120.523 121.838 120.663 120.422 120.431 Latitude (°) 23.213 24.462 23.503 23.517 23.533 12.5 5.3 2.8 16.59 16.74 5.7 6.2 6.2 6.4 6 strike (°) 200 87 45 180 45 Focal Mechanism dip (°) 48 81 50 42 90 rake (°) 84 8 110 56 0 Moment Magnitude (Mw) Wu and Ma, 2000 5.66 6.28 5.85 6.16 5.87 5.99 Origin Time Location year Da-Pu 1993 Nan-Ao 1994 month 12 day 15 hour depth (km) Magnitude (ML) Fault Length (km) Fault Width (km) Fault Area (km2) Displacement (m) One segment 5.7 6.19 6.19 6.34 Wu and Ma, 2000 9 15 10 8 5 One segment 4.62 10.97 10.97 15.49 7.76 Wu and Ma, 2000 7 13 8 7 4.5 6.24 One segment 4.55 7.7 7.7 9.51 Wu and Ma, 2000 63 195 80 56 22.5 One segment 21.05 84.49 84.49 147.33 48.46 Wu and Ma, 2000 0.259 0.567 0.307 1.27 1.17 One segment 0.234 0.436 0.436 0.559 0.34 Table2 The source parameters and fault plane parameters of the events investigated in this study. 4 Figure1 The circles represent the distribution of the earthquakes with ML > 5.0 since 1993 in Taiwan area. The Stars denote the events with high aftershock activity that can be investigated the relation between stress transfer and seismicity changes after earthquake. 5 Figure2 The Coulomb stress changes by the models of spatial slip dislocations determined by heterogeneous slip models for comparison with one-month aftershocks (dot). Due to the variation of stress changes at depths for the thrust type earthquakes, stress changes associated with the Da-Pu, Ruey-Li and Chia-Yi earthquakes with aftershock seismicity within 3 km of each profile are shown at different depths. Because of less than one hour occurrence in time for the two Chia-Yi earthquakes, the Coulomb stress changes of these two events are considered simultaneously to represent the final Coulomb stress change after the 22nd October, 1999. 6 Figure3 The Coulomb stress changes by a single fault according to the rupture length, width, and displacement by magnitude of the earthquakes and geometry of rupture planes by the scaling law (Ma and Wu, 2001) and the focal mechanisms for comparison with the distribution of the aftershocks (dot). Due to the variation of stress changes at depths for the thrust type earthquakes, stress changes associated with the Da-Pu, Ruey-Li and Chia-Yi earthquakes with aftershock seismicity within 3 km of each profile are shown at different depths. Because of less than one hour occurrence in time for the two Chia-Yi earthquakes, the Coulomb stress changes of these two events are considered simultaneously to represent the final Coulomb stress change after the 22nd October, 1999. 7 (a) (b) 8 (c) Figure4 The changes of Coulomb failure stress base on (a) the model by Ji et al. (2003), (b) three-segments model, and (c) one-segment model, respectively, associated with the three-month aftershock seismicity after Chi-Chi earthquake. 9