UMass Boston Employee Exit Policy

Administration & Finance
Policy & Procedure
w w w . u m b . e d u / a d m i n i s t r a t i o n _ f i n a n c e / i n d e x . h t m l
Issuing Office: Human Resources
Policy Number: FY08-HRS-001-00
Policy Name: Employee Exit Policy
Original Date Issued:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Revision #: FY08-HRS-001-01
Last Update: June 16, 2009
Purpose of Policy:
To obtain exiting employee feedback to improve the operations and work environment
of the UMass Boston campus.
To ensure the safeguarding of University assets and resources as employees terminate
from UMB and/or transfer within the UMB campus.
Applicable to: All UMass Boston Employees are covered by this policy.
The Employee Exit Form is required for all faculty (full-time), professional, classified and
hourly employees.
The Employee Exit Form is required for those part time faculty, coaches, graduate and
undergraduate student employees who have access to University resources such as
keys, data/systems and equipment.
Definition: An exiting employee (all faculty, staff, students with the exception of non
tenured system faculty) is either an employee terminating employment and leaving the
campus or an employee transferring to a different department/job on the campus.
When an employee terminates from UMB, specific tasks must be accomplished.
These include:
*complete an employee exit survey,
*return all UMB properties (keys/key access cards, cell phone, blackberry,
computer/laptop/peripherals, Procard/Procard records, ID/badges, library materials,
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Administration & Finance
Policy & Procedure
w w w . u m b . e d u / a d m i n i s t r a t i o n _ f i n a n c e / i n d e x . h t m l
*cancel security access (PeopleSoft, email, VPN/remote access,
telecommunication/voicemail passwords, WebCT , FAIR, HEAT, R25, IT development,
*general closure tasks such as transition of documents and knowledge, clean up
work area, pay outstanding obligations, turn in employee id/badge, transition of benefits
and submit future contact information.
When an employee transfers to a different department/job within UMB, some of the
same tasks apply. These include:
*return all Department properties (keys, cell phone, blackberry,
computer/laptop/peripherals Procard/Procard records, ID/badges, etc.),
*cancel Department specific security access (PeopleSoft, VPN/remote access,
telecommunication/voicemail passwords, WebCT, FAIR, HEAT, R25,IT development,
etc.) and
*general Department specific closure items such as transition of documents and
knowledge and clean up work area.
Policy: The Department Head of the exiting employee is responsible for ensuring that
the Employee Exit Check Out Form is electronically issued. The check out form is
issued to key UMB departments at least two weeks before the employee’s last working
day, or as soon as reasonably possible: Contracts and Compliance (Procard and
Property), Facilities, IT, Controller/Bursar, Human Resources, Library, Budget, Campus
Services, ORSP, Public Safety, Academic Affairs and Assistant Deans.
The Department Head of the exiting employee is responsible to follow up and ensure
that all property is returned, security access is cancelled and other general closure
tasks are accomplished before the employee’s last working day.
Human Resources will email the Employee Exit Survey to the employee. Department
Heads are requested to encourage the employee to complete the Employee Exit
The Department Head of the exiting employee is responsible to ensure that the
completed Employee Exit Check Out Form is on file with Human Resources within two
weeks after the employee’s last working day.
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Policy & Procedure
w w w . u m b . e d u / a d m i n i s t r a t i o n _ f i n a n c e / i n d e x . h t m l
Note: Department Heads may delegate these tasks.
Procedure: Human Resources has developed an electronic Employee Exit Check Out
Form to facilitate notification to key offices that an employee will terminate from UMB or
transfer to another UMB department. This electronic form is available on the HR and
A&F websites under the category of forms. The key offices are programmed into the
form. The Department Head of the exiting employee goes to the Human Resources
website, completes the form and issues the form electronically two weeks prior to the
employee’s last working day, or as soon a is reasonably possible..
Using their internal business process, the key offices respond to the Department Head
by email within 2 business days with a copy to the employee with the inventory of
property/system access/financial obligations of the employee.
The Department Head collects all property and informs the employee that system
access will be removed on the last working day and requests receipts for any
outstanding financial obligations.
Human Resources emails the employee the Employee Exit Survey and encourages the
employee to complete it. The employee may sign the survey or it can be anonymous.
The employee may also request an exit interview with a member of the HR staff as part
of the survey. The completed survey will electronically update other employee survey
results in HR.
On the last working day, the Department Head confirms all employee tasks have been
accomplished. With in two weeks, the Department Head forwards the Employee Exit
Check Out Form electronically to Human Resources. If the employee has any items
outstanding, the Department Head should notify the Bursar by email to bill the employee
on the Bursar’s Employee Billing Form and inform the Bursar of the original purchase
price of the property and the Asset ID # and Tag #. Equipment will be billed at the
original purchase price. Copy this email to Property Office. This must be done in
accordance with MGL, Chapter 647, An Act Relative to Improving the Internal Controls
within State Agencies.
The Department Head returns all equipment to the issuing department, which should
follow its business process for returned equipment.
Human Resources prepares a monthly report summarizing exiting employee comments
and issues to the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance.
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There are two bi-weekly confirmation reports issued to key offices after the Personnel
Action Form has been executed and processed in the Human Resources system: the
Employee Termination Report and the Employee Transfer Report from the HR System.
The purpose of these reports is a confirmation to key offices on the campus that an
employee either terminated employment or transferred to a different department/job on
campus. Key offices should confirm that all property, system access and financial
obligations have been satisfied.
Oversight Department: Human Resources
Responsible Party within Department: Director of Personnel Services
Monitoring: Human Resources compares the Employee Termination and Transfer
Reports with the Employee Exit Check Out Forms and follows up on any missing
Authority: MGL, Chapter 647, UMass Boston Policy/Internal Controls
Related Documents:
Employee Exit Check Out Form, Employee Exit Survey, Bursar’s Employee Billing Form
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