LIFE BEYOND TOURISM(R) Heritage and contemporary culture at the service of intercultural dialogue and territorial development SUBSCRIBE THE LIFE BEYOND TOURISM MISSION NOW! IF YOU SHARE THIS MISSION HERE BELOW, SUBSCRIBE IT. SUBSCRIPTIONS GATHERED WILL BE BROUGHT AND SHOWN IN BAKU – APRIL 25-29 2012, DURING THE ICOMOS THEORY COMMITTEE CONFERENCE, WHERE UNESCO, ICCROM AND ICOMOS WILL BE PARTICIPATING AND REPRESENTED AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS. BOTH INDIVIDUAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE WELCOME MISSION An independent and autonomous Centre of expertise for value based communication and tourism at the service of the further development, cultural and economical of living environments (cultural landscapes, regions, cities, villages, sites..), of society and of humanity in general. Context All living environments face the further development of their cultural personality within processes of change with a concern for environmental quality, creativity and cultural specificity (diversity). In a period of time in which worldwide mobility and communication has blurred cultural borders, intercultural dialogue oriented communication and tourism can turn possible conflicts into opportunities for encounters, knowledge, mutual understanding and respect. After all efforts for cultural heritage conservation and its junction with contemporary culture, its fruition for society and humanity is a further necessary step in development strategies and management. Clarification Value based tourism is an excellent strategic instrument to sensitize and inform local inhabitants and their visitors, the tourists, about the cultural personality of living environments and sites as the result of interaction between man and environment : a cultural biography ( up to contemporary culture ) of changing values and value implementation with its impact on society and environment, presented through interpretation and presentation. The cultural personality of a living environment includes heritage resources, contemporary cultural initiatives, both tangible and intangible and significant economic expressions as embedded in environment. The potential of cultural tourism for the further “integral and integrated” development of the concerned areas and for mutual understanding between cultures, past and present has been recognized by international intergovernmental organizations. “Integral and integrated” approach intends to make the “experience” of the cultural personality of the area as wide and explicit as possible. “Integral” refers to all heritage resources, movable, immovable and intangible together and joined with contemporary culture. “Integrated” refers to structural collaboration between all relevant partners in development : social, cultural, economic, environmental… Special focus will be put on World Heritage Sites and non World Heritage Listed but relevant sites for specific cultural environments in the world. Integral and integrated development will consider a comprehensive management process including the identification of parameters which identify the cultural personality of living environments and its relevant cultural and economic resources, their legal and administrative protection, their effective dynamic conservation and integration with contemporary cultural patterns within an agreed vision on development and their interpretation and presentation to local inhabitants, their visitors (the tourists) and to development agencies. It may be understood that all these elements and their complementary management require good or best practices. ( If desired and considered as useful ) a set of qualitative parameters to measure the impact of cultural tourism on visitors and local inhabitants offering decision makers ammunition to promote investments in culture and heritage conservation and presentation. Objectives Set standards of best practices of interpretation and presentation ( communication ) of the specific character of living environments and sites as expressed in their cultural expressions and significant commercial initiatives ( traditional industries, craftsmanship, hosting facilities, shops…) within territorial development. Set standards for culturally specific hospitality practice in hotels, restaurants, bars, shops… A non-profit Portal “Culture” in which living environments, who share the Life Beyond Tourism vision and ethos, discover and present themselves: a forum offering opportunities for encounters and knowledge of oneself and the others. Every living environment, cultural landscape, region, city, village and site presents itself with its significant cultural and economic initiatives ( ). A non-profit Portal “Tourist Services” which promotes and supports the Life Beyond Tourism program and offers services to travelers in particular booking hotel accommodation in the on presented living environments ( ) with a pilot phase in Firenze ( ) Strategies Pilot phase with research and development of initiatives regarding practices on interpretation and presentation of the cultural personality of living environments and sites within their development. Focus on working methods and relevant partnerships between governmental and private initiatives, between science and practice and between economic and cultural sectors ( all heritage and contemporary cultural sectors together ). Here the World Heritage Listed Municipalities of Florence and Krakow avail themselves to initiate a pilot program. The further development of practices in Poland may serve as a model how principles and working models in pilot cities can be expanded in a country. Consolidation of experiences and initiation of similar pilot programs in other cultural environments or other cases. Standard setting in different cultural environments and cases and development of educational and training opportunities and educational materials. Inputs Visions, concepts and professional models of practice for the concrete implementation of communication and cultural tourism as promoted in international Charters and Recommendations: UNWTO’s Global Code of Ethics ( 2005), UNESCO’s Conventions for the Protection of the Worlds Cultural and Natural Heritage ( 1972), for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ( 2003) and for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions ( 2005), the UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscapes ( 2011), the Council of Europe’s Frame Convention ( 2005), ICOMOS’ Charters on Cultural Tourism ( 1999), and on Interpretation and Presentation ( 2008), ICOM’s Charter on Cultural Tourism ( 2007)… Scientific input from the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation-Life Beyond Tourism network of experts and the expertise in UNESCO’s, ICCROM’s, ICOMOS, ICOM and ICA networks. Outputs Standards and models of best practice of cultural tourism, interpretation and presentation of the cultural specificity of living environments and sites within development in different cultural environments. Standards and models of specific hosting culture in different cultural environments. A self supporting non-profit Portal “Culture” for encounters and knowledge in which living environments and sites present themselves by means of their cultural and significant economic assets for self-knowledge and information of their visitors. A self supporting non-profit Portal “Tourist Services” for booking hotel accommodation. Seminars, colloquia, meetings for research and development of best practices. Training modules and initiatives. Educational materials and publications. Technical assistance. Organization The program is coordinated at the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation- Life Beyond Tourism in Florence. Its international secretariat ensures funding, coordination and administrative support. All partners in research and development shape a worldwide network of environments that share the Life Beyond Tourism vision and ethos. International support The program enjoys the support of UNESCO, ICCROM, UNWTO, The Council of Europe, ICOMOS. Contacts are being made with ICOM and ICA. The difference with other initiatives: the added value Participation in a humanistic ethos to foster intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, respect and peaceful cohabitation. Participation in an international network in which the cultural personality of living environments is presented in its complexity in a professional way. Participation in a network in which intrinsic relationships between commercial and cultural initiatives ( all heritage sectors and contemporary cultural initiatives ) shaping the specific character of the concerned area are presented. Participation in a network were experiences of best practices of communication, interpretation and presentation within development can be shared. Participation in a network supported by international intergovernmental and .-governmental organizations and their mandatory objectives. Conditions and procedures for active participation Subscription of the Life Beyond Tourism Manifesto ( ) Truthfulness and quality in the presentation as required in the procedure for registration and explained in the same website. Register participation as explained in the same website. Financial conditions: cultural initiatives can join without financial contribution. Economic enterprises are requested to pay a small symbolic yearly contribution for the management of the non -profit Portal "Culture”. SUBSCRIPTION NAME AND FAMILY NAME INSTITUTE OF PROVENANCE DATE