INTEGRATING FOOD PRODUCTION AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ON ECOLOGICAL FARMS Wildlife Ambassadors Helping Rural Women Dr. Marthe Kiley-Worthington B.Sc. D.Phil. M.Phil. Member Institute of Agricultural Consultants, Honorary Fellow of Universities of Sussex, Edinburgh, Exeter & Cambridge, Laureate for Creativity in Rural Life from Women’s World Summit Foundation, United Nations 1998 Occasional Paper 22. 2003 Copyright: Eco-Research Centre ISSN: 1367 2045 Talk given at the CHEC commonwealth meeting at Abuja, Nigeria 2003 1 An African elephant and his handler learning to plough I was bought up in Kenya, many years ago and still consider Africa my home. For the last 35 years, I have been working out ways, how in practise on farms (as a practical rural peasant woman) and in theory, (by researching in academic institutions) to help, rural women in Africa have a life of quality but increase or retain their political independence , and how, at the same time , to integrate, wildlife conservation, with food production. The result has been the development of Ecological Agriculture which is agriculture based on an understanding of how natural ecosystems work applied to farms. This term is widely used nowadays, but I think I was the first to define it clearly. It’s definition is:“A self sustaining, diversified, high net yielding economically viable agriculture which has no irreversible environmental effects, where the whole farm is a wildlife conservation area, and where there are no unacceptable social, ethical and political consequences.” Kiley-Worthington. Ecological Agriculture. Food First Farming. 1993 We have developed and run 3 successful farms in UK, and helped many start in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Our next experimental and teaching farm is to be in Africa. 2 PROPOSED ECO FARM DEMONSTRATION, EDUCATIONAL & RESEARCH CENTRE IN AFRICA Even though Africa is a very large continent, land is increasingly becoming a limited resource and conflicts of interest for land use are growing. One of the most important is that between those who wish to preserve large areas of land for wildlife conservation, and those who wish to have more land for growing of food and other agricultural products. The majority of the local rurally based voting populations in the different countries usually favour more land for food production since wildlife is often a nuisance from which they receive no benefits. Various ideas to help towards resolving this conflict have been tried out. In general however, they have been geared towards trying to bringing the local rural people more into the consumer economy by sharing money earned from the wildlife (by tourism or hunting) with the local communities. At the same time, there is a strong trans-African cultural interest among women in growing food for their families and money does not for not being able to grow enough food. As a result, women in many areas of the developing world, where paid work is often scarce and erratic, available land in short supply, and there are no welfare payments, have a growing sense of insecurity. There is unlikely to be one solution to this conflict throughout Africa, but there is a very important need for new ideas which may be relevant in different environments. Failing this, there will be extinction of much of the indigenous fauna and flora, (particularly the large animals) and wildlife areas will become very restricted. The Eco Research & Educational Centre has been working on local practical solutions to this conflict by developing and running self-sustaining small farms which because they require little capital and are economically viable, can help increase the rural women’s options. For the last 30 years we have been learning appropriate necessary techniques, integrating modern scientific knowledge with local community knowledge and skills (further information in Ecological Agriculture, Food First Farming 1993, Souvenir Press, London), and teaching others from all over the world to do this (150 to date). Such farms can even on a small scale produce more for less than modern conventional agricultural production, and re-empower women since they are able to provide food for their families. A diploma course has been run at the Eco Research Centre for the last 15 years, to which scholarships have been given to people from all over the world including Kenya, Uganda & Zimbabwe and follow up assistance to help them set up and run demonstration small farms in their countries. One of the major emphases has been to integrate domestic animals into farms without causing them to suffer. We have conducted experiments with different management systems and developed highly profitable non- 3 intensive, self-sustaining small scale animal husbandry systems for domestic animals where they have lives of quality (Kiley-Worthington & Randle 1999). One of the major problems areas at present are areas of small farms that abut national parks or nature reserves. The large mammals often escape and cause havoc to the local farmers and their crops, reinforcing the local populations desire to be rid of them and have the land. These animals can be contained, and, also, some of them can be handled and taught to do useful work efficiently and safely for the local community on their farms or transport heavy materials. In this way they contribute to the local poor rural communities with energy (e.g. elephant, zebra, buffalo) and also by providing other products which do not threaten their lives, such as milk (e.g. eland and cape buffalo) and fibres. The local people then have experiences with these animals which are of great help to them ( an elephant can pull a two furrow plough and plough around 1h a day, compared to a bullock 0.25h/day). The people then begin to value them for their work, and finally, for themselves (that is their intrinsic value). They appreciate them as living emotional beings and part of their traditional invaluable cultural heritage. So, these traditionally wild animals become ambassadors for wild life, and not just something to attract tourists from whom the small farmer rarely benefits. AIMS OF THE ECO RESEARCH & EDUCATION CENTRE IN AFRICA Semi-domesticating and training African elephants, eland and buffalo has been done before, but the centres commitment for the last 10 years has been to research this and develop the science of animal educational psychology which ensures both the animals and humans working with them, are safe and have a live of quality. The co-operative training method involves using non violent methods. Large African mammals have been taught to help on farms (ploughing, harvesting etc) with road and dam building, forestry, for transport and leisure. These include African elephants, Cape buffalo, zebra & eland, (Kiley-Worthington 1997). It has been extremely successful (video available). Now it is necessary to set up a demonstration integrated ecological farm and nature reserve to:1) 2) 3) Help the rural people towards self-sustainable food security, Demonstrate how this can be integrated with wildlife conservation, Interest the local community in their natural heritage living with large wild animals by teaching some of them to do useful things for the people. The ecological farm will provide food and fodder for the resident humans and animals, also building materials (for accommodation for 4 people and animals, lecture rooms and laboratories). Local traditional building styles will be the basis for the design. The farm will provide its own energy from renewable resources using simple available cheap technology (wood, wind, sun, water if available, and animal and human power). Its own water ( rain water collection and storage, irrigation, recycling water systems) and waste disposal ( recycling organic and other wastes, e.g. compost, and making simple objects from recycling plastic). It will grow stable food crops such as wheat and maize, and vegetables, dairy, eggs and some meat. It will develop small cottage industries reliant on the raw materials only from the farm. These will include wood workers (e.g. wood carving, turning, making furniture from the farms self-sustaining woodland), spinning and weaving from the wool and fibre from the farms animals, basket making from appropriate bush and the farms sisal (if appropriate), diary products from the farms milk (e.g. cheeses, yogurts, cream, butter), and possibly a pottery if clay is available. One important aspect is the possible medicinal use of indigenous plants will be studied, collected and processed. The first objective is to supply the residences on the farm, but if there is excess, then the products will be sold locally. The ecological farm and wildlife area will also be an educational centre. The courses that are offered will be intended mainly for local people, but those from the developed world that are attracted because of the quality an uniqueness of the courses, will be charged to in order to finance local participants. We will continue teaching the 6 month certificated or 1 year diploma course in the theory and practise of ecological agriculture which is already internationally renowned, and have been running for 15 years. Courses will also be run on the behaviour, ecology and husbandry of wild animals. We have recently developed certificated qualifications for local large animal handlers which concentrate on ensuring human safety, cooperative teaching and a high quality of life for the animals in Zimbabwe which is a world first. These will be further developed, and will attract wildlife managers and zoo keepers from the developed countries who will then help finance local attendees. Finally, we will continue with the research on agricultural, ecological and animal educational psychological relevant to the centre. International researchers will be encouraged to come, and the centres research staff will continue to produce publications. It is sometimes difficult for students to obtain facilities to conduct research or help with conservation, animal behaviour and ecological agriculture in Africa. Another aspect of the centre will be to provide local and foreign students (and other researchers) with accommodation, supervision and research facilities. In exchange, they will be asked to contribute to the centre in various ways (e.g. help with teaching, or researching ecological problems that arise at the centre or in the locality). 5 Once set up, the Eco Research and Education Centre will be self-financing from eco- tourism and the courses. A particularly attractive unique aspect will be the experience of living with the animals, and learning more about them instead of just seeing them at a distance. All the people will live together at the centre, in order to foster international understanding and cooperation. Over a period of time, local people will be trained to administer and run the centre. SITUATION The area for the establishment of this centre is under discussion. It is essential that the project fits with government aims and has government cooperation and it must be enthusiastically welcomed by the local people. We are therefore sending this proposal out to individuals and governments whom we consider might be interested. A 4 year old wild zebra stallion being handled, learning to lead quietly and with good nature, three days after capture. PERSONNEL & EXPERIENCE The personnel centrally involved have individual expertise which together ensures that there is both theoretical and practical experience of setting up, running and teaching:- 6 1) 2) 3) Self-sustaining ecological farms - Building using local materials, developing renewable energy sources Animal educational psychology - Improved handling & training of wild and domestic animals Wildlife conservation & research - In many countries in Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Africa (e.g. Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe) They have life long experiences in field research methods, teaching and supervision (CV's & list publications available). They include: Dr. M.KileyWorthington B. Sc. D. Phil. M. Phil. BHSAI, M. Inst. Ag. Con. Honorary Fellow Univ Exeter, Visiting Fellow Girton College, Cambridge. C. C. Rendle B.Sc. Engineer, eco-farmer, farrier, & animal educator. Dr. H. Randle. B.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer, University Plymouth. There will also be undergraduate and post-graduate students involved. FINANCE & BUDGETS Finance, energy and expertise is available for developing the centre from scratch once the land is available, although more finance will increase the speed of development. The project is in memory of my father (one of the founders of IUCN and of Human Ecology, Dr. E. B. Worthington) & my farmer mother, Stella Johnson. The project must, however, be backed by both central and local government approval and the donation of land, or some leasing arrangement, before it can go ahead. It will be necessary to find further finance as the project progresses, in particular to reintroduced some of the traditionally wild animals and establish small breeding herds. There is considerable interest in this proposal from organisations and individuals internationally, including the media, consequently there should be good media coverage. The idea is to match the existing finance by funds raised. It must be born in mind that this project is, in part, a model for how poorer rural people who have some land could farm and integrate wildlife conservation consequently, if it is to be applicable, it must not require much capital expenditure. It will develop at the appropriate rate for the local community using local resources, although, initially, there will be a need for some financial inputs for the development of the educational and research programme for example. It will apply for charitable status once the site has been selected. Eco Research & Education Centre Copyright ISBN 1367-2045 In 1994 the Eco Research Centre was founded. Research is carried out on experimental farms and worldwide. The Research Centre specialises in animal behaviour and welfare research. It has close links with Edinburgh, Cambridge, Exeter & Plymouth Universities. 7 RELEVANT MAJOR PUBLICATIONS (** key) 1991 M. Kiley-Worthington. Ecological Agriculture in a Marginal Area. Biol Agric & Hort. 7. 221-245. 1993 C. C. Rendle. The designing, making and using appropriate equine harness and implements for the small farm. The SecondIinternational colloquium on Working Equines, Rabat, Morocco **M. Kiley-Worthington. Ecological Agriculture. Food First Farming. Souvenir press. London pp 250 1995 **M. Kiley-Worthington. Agricultures problems and possible alternatives. Ecological Agriculture, Food First Farming. in Decision Making and Agriculture. The Role of Ethics. ed. K.B. Besley, S. Burns, M. Campbell & P. Sanger. p 117-147. 1996 **M. Kiley-Worthington & C.C. Rendle. Animal handling and animal educational psychology. Eco Research Center 9. 1-25. **H. Randle & M. Kiley-Worthington. Implications of semi-intensive management on the breeding of Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis) Int Soc. Applied Ethol. Eco Research Cent.10 **M. Kiley-Worthington & H. Randle. First steps in comparative animal educational psychology. Int..Soc.Compar.Psychol. Canada. Eco Research Cent. 13. 1-25. 1997 **M. Kiley-Worthington. Integrating conservation and agricultural production: the way forward? Eco Summit. Copenhagen. J.Environm. Health 10. 235-248. **M. Kiley-Worthington. Wildlife conservation, food production and "development": can they have symbiotic relationships? If so how? Jacobsen Philosophy of Environment Conference. Harare. Zimbabwe. J.Environmental Values 6. 455-70 1998 **M. Kiley-Worthington. Ecological Agriculture and Improved Animal Welfare for Development in Womens Agriculture. address for Womens World Summit Foundation prize for Creativy in Rural Life 1999 M. Kiley-Worthington & H. Randle. Social relationships in a small herd of African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) Int Soc Applied Ethol. Prague. Eco Research Centre 24 1999 M. Kiley-Worthington & H. Randle. The criteria for Ethologically and Ecologically raised beef. Biol Husbandry.16.369-380 & The practicalities and economics of ethologically and ethologically raised double suckled beef. Biol Husbandry 16. 381-393 Further details, curriculum vitae, and complete list of publications available on request. A young orphan elephant learning to clamber into a truck to be with his minder. 8