Management Toolbox - OUR FLORIDA REEFS

Management Tool Options for Recommended Areas in N-146 (MPA Framework)
Provided below is a list of management tools or approaches that can be applied in specific places to provide
increased protection for coral reef ecosystem resources. Please select at least 1 and as many as 3
management tools for each of the recommended areas for increased protection associated with RMA N-146
that were identified by the community working groups using the OFR marine planner. Insert your selected
management tools under each recommended area in the ballot provided. If you select option number 10,
“other” as one of your management tools, please describe your recommended management approach for this
area in the space provided in the ballot.
Management Tool Options:
1. Marine reserve – also known as a “no-take area”. This management approach would prohibit the
removal of natural resources such as fish, corals, etc. from the designated area all year long.
2. Temporary closure – this approach would close off the area to identified activities temporarily during
specified times such as spawning season for particular reef fish species that are known to aggregate in
an area or during times of severe stress such as extreme temperature or coral bleaching events,
extreme turbidity events, disease outbreaks or algal blooms.
3. Herbivore protection area – this approach would restrict the removal of herbivorous species such as
urchins, parrot fishes, and surgeon fishes in the area to allow for improved algal grazing and ecosystem
4. Aquatic Preserve – FDEP is responsible for managing Florida’s aquatic preserves. Aquatic preserves
are established to protect submerged lands that have exceptional aesthetic, biological, and scientific
values for the enjoyment of future generations. These areas are managed primarily for “the
maintenance of essentially natural conditions, the propagation of fish and wildlife, and public
recreation” (18-20.0001, F.A.C.).
5. Outstanding Florida Waters – FDEP has authority to control and prohibit pollution of air and water,
and to establish rules that provide for a special category of water bodies referred to as Outstanding
Florida Waters, which are worthy of special protection because of their natural attributes, and to
adopt rules that may include stricter permitting and enforcement provisions within these waters.
6. Critical Wildlife Area – Critical wildlife areas are established by FWC to protect critical habitats for
wildlife (primarily birds) that is in danger of extinction and subject to human disturbance. During the
designated period, public access is prohibited within critical wildlife areas. No person can take or
disturb any wildlife, or enter or operate a vehicle or vessel within the areas
7. Wildlife Management Area - FWC, “with the approval of the Governor, may acquire, in the name of
the state, lands and waters suitable for the protection and propagation of game, fish, non-game birds,
or fur-bearing animals, or for hunting purposes, game farms, by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise to be
known as state game lands” (Florida Statutes 372.12). FWC has the authority to make and enforce
regulations to protect, manage, or develop lands and waters owned by the commission for fish or
wildlife management purposes, including the right of ingress and egress (Florida Statutes 372.121).
8. State Park – FDEP has the authority to establish state parks. State parks allow recreational activities
such as boating, kayaking, surfing, snorkeling, and fishing. However, spearfishing is prohibited in the
parks (62D-2.014 (9)(d), F.A.C.). The state parks do not regulate commercial fishing because that
authority rests with FWC. Activities prohibited in the parks include oil and gas and mineral extraction,
and hunting (except in reserves as authorized by FWC) (62D-2.014 (10), F.A.C.). Building, seabed
alteration, and research are activities that are restricted, or require permits, in the parks. These
activities are authorized only if they are deemed consistent with park management practices. Many
parks restrict boating activities, including prohibiting anchoring and establishing combustible engine
exclusion zones or no wake zones.
9. Fisheries Areas – FWC has the authority, under the Constitution of the State of Florida, Article 4,
Section 9, to exercise the regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to wild animal life,
fresh water aquatic life, and marine life. Thus, FWC has the authority to establish areas and
regulations to protect fisheries resources, and to enforce those regulations. For example, in the
Biscayne Bay-Card Sound Spiny Lobster Sanctuary, it is unlawful to molest, take, or trap any spiny
10. Targeted reduction of LBSP – this approach would apply one or more of a variety of site specific
management practices to reduce nutrient and sediment run-off such as: the restoration and
preservation of coastal ecosystems (mangroves and seagrasses) that filter and trap sediments and
nutrients before reaching reefs, maintenance of vegetation along waterways and on beaches, and
adoption of best practices for coastal construction and beach renourishment to minimize
sedimentation in specific areas adjacent to important reef resources.
11. User conflict management area – this approach would designate the area for a specific user group and
prohibit other uses of the area. For example to reduce conflict between recreational fishing and diving
communities areas can be designated as fishing only or diving only areas.
12. Invasive species management area – this approach would enable concentrated effort to remove
invasive species such as invasive algae and lionfish that negatively impact native coral reef ecosystem
13. Agency Decision - Allow appropriate resource management agency to select management tool for this
14. Don’t know.
15. Do Nothing -No increased protection is needed in this area.
16. Other -- (please describe).