The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint

The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint Winefride
Incorporating the communities of The Cathedral, Our Lady of Pity, Harlescott and Saint Winefride, Monkmoor.
Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE.
Tel: 01743 362366
Information Line: 01743 364256
Fax: 01743 341326
Very Reverend Canon Jonathan Mitchell & Reverend Father Sebastian Fonsah
Reverend Mr Fred Beddow; Reverend Mr Ron Ball; Reverend Mr Ben Tomnay
Associated Priest: Reverend Father David Mawson (Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham)
Sunday 18th January 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Peace Sunday
Sat 17
Sun 18
Second Sunday
In Ordinary Time
Mon 19
Tue 20
Wed 21
St Agnes
Thu 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
St. Francis de
Sun 25
Third Sunday
In Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
Cathedral School
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
After Mass
Mike Smout (Sick)
Morning Prayer
Intentions of Mary Fogarty
Prayer During the Day
Jim Phillips (RIP)
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction
Anthony Moseley (Birthday)
Jane and Peter Hannifan
John Willis Parry (Thanksgiving Birthday Intention)
Sarah Pauling (Full Recovery)
Intentions of Jim, Sylvia and Michael Phillips
Julian Parkhurst (RIP)
Patrick Murphy (RIP)
Staff and Pupils of Cathedral School
Special Intention of P. F. O’M
Funeral Service for Stephen Brian Jones
Joyce Brindley (RIP Anniversary)
Jim Fogarty (RIP Anniversary)
Margaret Scimia (Lately Dead)
Marian Devotions
Rosemarie Perry (RIP)
Morning Prayer
Intentions of Jenny Jones
Sheila Mulholland (Good Health)
Prayer During the Day
Eveline and France Batteea (RIP)
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction
The Cathedral ~Town Walls, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE
Our Lady of Pity ~ Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott SY1 4JY
Saint Winefride’s ~ Crowmere Road, Monkmoor SY2 5RA
The Cathedral Primary School ~ New Park Road SY1 2SP
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
Saturday 10 – 11am
Friday 6.15 – 6.45pm
Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm
The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity, Number 234025
Please remember Shrewsbury Cathedral in your will.
From the Dean’s desk…
Well, the Christmas decorations have gone, Christmastide is over and we are now in Liturgical Ordinary Time (until
Ash Wednesday on the 18th February). But even though we have packed away the outward reminders of Christmas, let
us keep the mystery and message of Christmas at the forefront of our hearts throughout this year (the love of God,
revealed in the person of his Son, who is truly Emmanuel – a name which means ‘God-with-us’).
In tidying away the Christmas decorations I came across the parcels that the children brought up in the offertory
procession at the Christmas Eve Crib Mass and placed under the Cathedral Christmas Tree. These were the gifts that
were bought with the money donated to Cafod by parishioners (instead of sending Christmas cards to one another). In
case you were not aware, these were the gifts for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in the developing world:
‘Squirming Worms’ – worms that make fantastic compost, increasing a farmer’s crop. ‘Happy Queen Bee’ - a happy
queen bee brings more bees to the hive, meaning more honey for a family and the pollination of crops. ‘Vegetable
Garden’ – a garden to help a poor family grow their own food (incl. seeds, tools and training) ‘Make a Child Smile’ - a
day of games, dancing and music helping children who have been orphaned through AIDS/HIV – allowing them to laugh
& make new friends and to enjoy being a child again. ‘Motivating Music’ – Musical Lessons and Instruments. Playing a
musical instrument can give vulnerable children and young people the chance to boost self esteem and discover the joy
of music. ‘Fabulous Football’ – Kits, footballs and training. Sport and football can bring young people together, but selfesteem and confidence and community. ‘Teach someone to Read’ – reading can open doors – education, work,
pleasure and self improvement. Books and to pay for the training of literacy teachers. ‘Healthy Mum and Baby’ – this
helps to pay for vaccinations, pre/ post natal care, malaria treatment, extra food and HIV testing. All in all £118 was
donated to buy these gifts, hopefully next Christmas we can expand this tradition.
Money Matters:
Offertory Collections:
4 Jan
£ 614.98
11 Jan
Crib Offerings
Thank you for your consistent generosity.
Our Lady of Pity:
St Winefride’s: £413.20
Requiescat in Pace.
Out of your charity, please pray for those who have died recently.
Stephen Brian Jones whose Funeral Service will be celebrated at 1.15pm in the Cathedral on Thursday 22nd January.
Rosemarie Barbara Perry whose Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 12.15pm in the Cathedral on Tuesday 27th January.
Mass on Thursday 22nd January. The 9.30am Mass this Thursday will be a Mass celebrated in the Cathedral Primary
School (this replaces the Mass at Our Lady of Pity). The Cathedral Mass at 12.15pm remains unchanged.
Pax Christi – The Peace of Christ. This Sunday is Peace Sunday. The work of Pax Christi (the International Catholic
movement for peace) is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Their vision is of a world where people can live in
peace, without fear of violence in all its forms. Rooted in Catholic Christianity, they work with all who share their values
to abolish war and create communities of peace and justice. In his message this year Pope Francis reminds us that many
think that slavery is a thing of the past. In fact, this social plague remains all too real in today’s world and he describes
slavery as ‘an open wound on the body of the human family – a running sore on the flesh of Christ’. They are much
encouraged by the words and actions of Pope Francis in his own pursuit of peace and believe that they can support
communities here in their own peacemaking. Please remember Pax Christi in your prayers, and consider joining them
and/ or making a donation to their work. Envelopes can be found at the back of church to be returned. Alternatively
donations can be made online at
Next weekend the annual Collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund will be held. In the time I have been with you, I have
been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of the Diocese towards the Retired Priests’ Fund. With your help,
we can build up the Fund to meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. Special Envelopes are available for
you to use. A Leaflet about the Fund is also available which explains how to make a regular donation to the Fund by
Standing Order, or how you can make your donation by cheque. It also explains how to take advantage of Gift Aid for
your donations to the Fund. I ask that you give as generously as you can to this very worthy cause and would also like to
express my sincere gratitude for your continued support.
With every blessing,
+ Mark
Bishop of Shrewsbury
The Holy Father’s Mission Intention for January 2015
That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may discover the joy of following Christ and
strive to serve the poor with zeal.
BBC & Local Newspapers
You may have heard last Sunday on BBC Radio Shropshire, or read in last week’s Shropshire Star and Chronicle, about
proposed building works or development plans for the Cathedral and the Cathedral & Chapter Houses. Just to reassure
you, that as soon as plans have been finalized and planning permission is ready to be sought, we will have a proper
parish information evening/ day with the architects, diocesan property manager and I. We will be happy to discuss the
proposal with you and answer any concerns or questions. You will be the first people consulted, along with the
town/heritage planners. Canon Jonathan
CAFOD 20-week draw tickets will be on sale today and through January, with the draw starting in February. Tickets are
£10 each, of which half goes straight to CAFOD, and the other £5 goes into a pool to provides a £10 prize each week (for
20 weeks) plus monthly and end-of-session bonuses. Many thanks to all for your past and future support.
SVP would like to thank all of you who have contributed to the Sudan Baby Appeal this Christmas raising a total of
£761.22. Great support. We are now looking for a second hand settee for a needy family. If you can help, please ring
Caitriona on 01743 271395
Churches Together in Shrewsbury are again organising Ecumenical Lent Groups with this year’s theme Praise Him
(Songs of Praise in the New Testament). Contributors include Archbishop Justin Welby and Sister Wendy Beckett. The
five week course will begin w/c 23 February on various afternoons and evenings in someone’s home. The cost is £5 to
include the course booklet. This is a great preparation for Lent and an opportunity to make new friends. Booking Forms
are at the back of the Church and must be completed by 2nd February. Contact Sue and Hugh 01743 244083
APF/Mission Today calendars are now available at the back of the Cathedral for all subscribers. On behalf of the APF
may I thank you for your continued support and wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas. Sue Ragdale.
The Cathedral Readers’ Rota for January and February is on the cathedral narthex notice board and copies are in the
box for those who have not been given their dates by email.
Catholic Women’s League Monday 19th January 2015: There will be a Mass at St Winefride’s church at 7pm followed by
a ‘Prayerful Meeting’ in the Hall, where Fr Sebastian will talk about becoming a priest in Cameroon. Guests welcome!
A reminder to members who have not yet paid that annual £20 subs are due.
EBOLA APPEAL: The total raised so far for the Ebola victims in Sierra Leone now stands at over £2000. This is a
tremendous effort for which Fr Laurence and myself are sincerely grateful. A special thanks for the anonymous donation
of £60 last Sunday. The disease continues to exact a toll on the people in Sierra Leone and Fr Laurence is doing all he can
with your help to provide support and assistance. He sends his blessing to you all. Patrick Strong
We have been contacted by Shropshire Council regarding the parking on Town Walls. They notified us that their gritter
crews have noted that on occasions, usually Sunday evenings, cars parked along Town Walls adjacent to the Cathedral
have been left partially obstructing the roadway and have made it extremely difficult for these large vehicles to pass.
They believe the cars may have been parked by those attending an evening service. The Council is asking the
congregation to park as carefully as possible or find an alternative location so as to prevent any difficulties arising. They
realise that those parking along the Town Walls may be elderly or infirm and have good reasons to do so but if more
care could be taken the difficulties could be avoided.
Parking at the Cathedral
I know that parking is difficult at the cathedral but when parking in the lay-by at the Cathedral (which has double yellow
lines) please do not park in front of the disabled access via the lichgate. [We have had an incident where one lady had to
carried in wheelchair into Church as somebody had blocked the gate!] Canon Jonathan
The Cathedral Lamps: The Cathedral Marian Lamp burns this week for a Private Intention (R & T) and the Cathedral
Saint Winefride’s Lamp burns for Dorothy Dawson. If you would like either of the lamps to burn for a particular
intention, please contact The Cathedral Office. A £5 donation is suggested.
Cathedral Coffee: Cathedral coffee will be served in the Chapter House after 10.45am Mass this week by the Lourdes
Group and next week by the SVP group . All are welcome.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
First Reading:
1 Samuel (3:3-10.19)
Speak, Lord, your servant is listening
Response to the
Second Reading:
(Psalm 39:2.4.7-10)
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will
1 Corinthians 6:13-15.17-20
Your bodies are members making up the body of Christ
Alleluia, alleluia! Speak, Lord, your servant is listening:
you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia.
John (1:35-42)
They saw where he lived, and stayed with him.
In the gospel for this Sunday we hear the John the Baptist’s disciples ask Jesus “Rabbi – where do you live?”
and Jesus’ response in the form of invitation “Come and See” the gospel then relates “so they went and saw
where he lived, and stayed with him…” This Sunday at the 10.45am Mass we enrol our First Holy Communion
children who will then be prepared to make their First Confession and receive their First Holy Communion –
and so receive Jesus in a special way. As these children grow in their understanding and faith, may all of us,
like the early disciples, never grow tired of seeking out Jesus, making a home for him in our hearts, and stay
close to him in all things.
What’s On this week and coming soon
Mon 19
CWL hold a ‘prayerful’ meeting at St Winefride’s Centre, 7pm
RCIA meeting, Chapter House
...... and What’s On every week
Meditation Group meets 10.45am, Convent, College Hill. Term-time only. Tel: 240401
Rosary Group meets at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish Centre
SVP meets in Chapter House 8 – 9pm.
Cathedral Prayer Group meets at 7.30pm in the Chapter House
This year the Mass for Marriage and Family Life with Bishop Mark will be celebrated at noon on Saturday 14th
February at St Columba’s, Chester (Newhall Road, Plas Newton, Chester CH2 1SA).
All married couples and families are welcome but if you are a couple celebrating a significant wedding anniversary
(silver, pearl, ruby, golden or platinum) and you wish to attend, then please let your Parish Priest know by the 2nd of
February and he will arrange for a special invitation to be sent to you on behalf of the Bishop.
Marriage Preparation: The next classes will be held on Saturday 21st March and Saturday 27th June 2015 at the
Cathedral. For more information/to book a place, please email Jayne Mott at or
contact the Cathedral Office on 01743 362366 or email
Stewards’ Meeting – The next meeting for Stewards of Shrewsbury Cathedral is due to be held at 7.30pm on
Wednesday 11th February in Chapter House. Anyone interested in becoming a steward, please do come along to the
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for
anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
St Francis de Sales
Have you picked up Wednesday Word?