Granite State HUNTING RETRIEVER CLUB AFFILIATED WITH UNITED KENNEL CLUB, IN "Conceived by Hunters for Hunters" UKC Licensed Regular Hunt June 18 and 19, 2011 I submit $_________________ for entry fees. SATURDAY SUNDAY Enter in Hunt Category:______________________________________________________ Name of Retriever:__________________________________________________________ UKC #R___________-__________Call Name ___________________HRC Points:_______ Breed:___________________________Male______Female______DoB:_______________ Granite State HUNTING RETRIEVER CLUB UKC LICENSED REGULAR HUNT June 18 and 19, 2011 The Timberdoodle Club, Temple, NH ___________________________________________________ Open to all purebred Retrievers & other UKC Gun Dog Breeds This Hunt is held under the Rules & Policies of Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. and United Kennel Club, Inc. REGISTER ADVANCE ENTRIES ON-LINE AT WWW.HUNTSECRETARY.COM BEFORE JUNE 10, 2011 or mail to PO Box 67 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Sire:_____________________________________________________________________ Dam: ____________________________________________________________________ Registered Owner:__________________________________________________________ Owner's H.R.C. Membership #:________________________________________________ Owner's Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State______Zip____________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of Handler:________________________________Phone: (_____)_______________ I certify this dog's immunization is current & has no known communicable disease i.e. Kennel Cough. FURTHER, I agree not to hold the Landowner(s), HRC, UKC or the Host Club responsible for loss of property, damage or injury incurred during this event. HRC, UKC, the Host Club and the Landowner(s) are NOT responsible for loss, accident or theft, and further assume no responsibility for any damage or injury sustained by the handlers, or to any of their dogs or property and further assume no responsibility for injury to children who are to be under the supervision & control of their parent or guardian. FURTHER, by my signature, I acknowledge and insure that the Handler understands that he/she will have the opportunity to view a test dog run the tests; that he/she has the option of withdrawing this dog from any test the Handler in his/her sole discretion deems unsuitable or unsafe; and agrees further that by participating in said tests he/she assumes all risk of harm or accident to either the Handler or the dog. (Signature of Owner/Agent)___________________________________________________ Address of Handler (If Handler signs above):Street_________________________________ City_________________________________________State_________Zip_____________ HRC MEMBERSHIP # OF HANDLER__ ________________________________________ Send entries after June 10, 2011 thru June 15, 2011 to Donna White 11 Raymond Lane, Hampton, NH 03842 603-926-3997 Advance Entries will close on June 10, 2011 Entries the day of the Hunt will carry a $5.00 additional charge Started entries close on the 50th entry per flight. Seasoned entries close on the 40th entry per flight. Finished entries close on the 30th entry per flight. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Each dog is limited to one (1) entry per Licensed Hunt. 8 dog entry limit per Handler. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUDGES AND HUNTS TO BE JUDGED STARTED SEASONED FINISHED A Saturday Vince Savage *Christi Scarpino Sunday David Palmer Richard Jennings Reggie Ouellette *Steven Brunelle Don White *John Hardy Cheryl Palmer Chuck Poat * Tim Soucy Jeff Jordan * Denotes Apprentice/Grandfather Judge HUNT SCHEDULE & ENTRY FEES Tests start at 8:00am Started Seasoned Finished $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 FOR EACH ENTRY, ADD $3 FOR NON-UKC REGISTERED DOGS / YOU MUST PROVIDE THE R# Add $5 for EACH Seasoned/Finished/Upland entry of Non-HRC member OWNERS COURSES Ducks will be used Hunts. Handlers must wear Camo/Hunting Attire. BRING KNEE WADERS FOR SEASONED & FINISHED PRIZES to UKC Registered Dogs (and dogs registered with UKC within 60 days of this event) United Kennel Club Championship Points 5 UKC Championship points for Started 10 UKC Championship points for Seasoned 15 UKC Championship points for Finished Rosette Ribbons in all Categories MOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Motel 6 (formerly Red Roof Inn), 77 Spit Brook Rd, Nashua, NH 603-888-1893 Best Western , 10 St Laurent St., Nashua, NH 603-883-7700 Jack Daniels Motor Inn, 80 Concord St, Peterborough, NH 603-924-7548 Stepping Stones B&B, 6 Bennington Battle Trail, Wilton, NH 603-654-9048 HUNT COMMITTEE Saturday : Chuck Poat, Dick Jennings, John Hardy, Sunday: Reggie Ouellette, Christi Scarpino and Jon Powers SCRATCHES Scratches require veterinarian's certificate. (Illness, Injury or Bitch in Season) HUNT MARSHALL: Jon Powers OFFICIAL GUN: Rich D’Auria GAME STEWARD: Reggie Ouellette VETERINARIAN: Animal Medical Clinic of Nashua, 603-821-7222 ,168 Main Dunstable Rd, Nashua, NH REMEMBER GUN SAFETY & SPORTSMANSHIP! Directions to: Timberdoodle Club, 26 Webster HWY, Temple NH From the North and East: Follow Rt. 101 W towards Milford & Peterborough NH. Stay on Rt. 101W to Rt.45. Directly across from Rt. 45 take a right and follow to Webster Highway. Continue on Webster Hwy. past Hidden Meadows Farm Shooting Preserve. Stay on Webster Hwy. approx. ¾ of a mile. Timberdoodle Clubhouse sign will be on Rt. Continue past Club House Road to second Right. Follow GSHRC signs to parking area. From the South: Follow Everett Turnpike N. to Nashua,NH Exit 8. Follow signs to 101A W to Milford & Peterborough. Follow 101A W to Rt. 101W. Once In Milford,NH Follow Rt 101W (Milford by-pass) to Rt 45. Directly across from Rt. 45 Take a right and follow to Webster Highway. Continue on Webster Hwy. past Hidden Meadows Farm Shooting Preserve. Stay on Webster Hwy. approx. ¾ of a mile. Timberdoodle Clubhouse sign will be on Rt. Continue past Club House Road to second Right. Follow GSHRC signs to parking area. From the West: Follow Rt. 101 through Peterborough to Rt. 45. Directly across from Rt. 45 Take a left and follow to Webster Highway. Continue on Webster Hwy. past Hidden Meadows Farm Shooting Preserve Webster Hwy. approx. ¾ of a mile. Timberdoodle Clubhouse sign will be on Rt. Continue past Club House Road to second Right. Follow GSHRC signs to parking area. SATURDAY NIGHT TAILGATE Please join us Saturday evening after the tests for our tailgate and raffle. Awards will be given to all dogs who qualify. Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please be aware that this is private property and we ask that you be courteous of the area and others who may be using it. Avoid any conflict or confrontation and consult with a Club representative if necessary. In North America today, there is an organization that was established to test the Hunting Retriever in a true-to-life hunting environment. This organization, the Hunting Retriever Club, Inc., was created to develop the type of testing that you, and thousands like you, have wanted for years. The Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. (HRC) has established a no-nonsense, true to life, training and testing program where gun dog owners meet, train, learn and test their dogs afield. The HRC was formed under the auspices of the United Kennel Club, Inc. (UKC). UKC was founded in 1898 as a purebred dog registry devoted to maintaining the inherent working abilities of hunting dogs. UKC sponsors more hunting dog events than any other such organization in the world. To become a member of the HRC, just complete the membership application below. Each membership includes a year’s subscription to HUNTING RETRIEVER magazine, which includes training and information articles as well as local Club event results and a list of upcoming events of the HRC local Clubs. Remove all your liter, park in designated areas and obey the speed Limits. Memberships are for twelve months, commencing as soon as your application is processed. When you send in this application, please enclose a check in United States funds only, made out to the H.R.C., Inc. Send the application & fees to: TEST GROUND POLICY GS HRC would like to thank the Martin family for the use of the grounds at Timberdoodle. Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. c/o United Kennel Club, Inc. 100 East Kilgore Road Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002 Membership type I want: Individual ($25.00)_________Family ($30.00)________ Foreign/Canadian: Individual ($30.00)_________Family ($35.00)________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State________ Zip Code___________ Telephone (H) _________________________ (W)_________________________ Are you a member of any retriever Club? Yes_____ No _____ Retriever Club names and address_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Family members name(s): __________________________________________________________________ Would you be interested in forming an HRC sanctioned Club in your area?