Instructions for completing compensation claim application form

Enclosure 2
Filling in data on the victim and evidence
When the compensation claim is lodged by the person referred to in the second
indent of Article 2 of the Compensation to Crime Victims Act (Uradni list RS
(Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia) Nos 101/05 and 86/10), who is a
relative, he/she must also complete the section under the Number II "Data on the
The person referred to in the preceding indent must enclose, with the
compensation claim, evidence proving his/her relationship to the deceased and an
extract from the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages for the person who was
the victim of the criminal act.
For the purpose of the procedure for exercising the right to compensation to
the victims of criminal acts, the Ministry of Justice will obtain data on the
deceased person from the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages from the
administrator of the Register unless the applicant explicitly forbids the
obtaining of such data from the official records by way of a special statement
attached to the application. In such a case, the applicant himself/herself must
enclose with the Application the original or a certified copy of the Extract from
the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages for the deceased person.
If the compensation claim is lodged by a person referred to in the first indent of
Article 13 of the Compensation to Crime Victims Act (Uradni list RS (Official
Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia) Nos 101/05 and 86), he/she must enclose a
copy of the receipt showing the amount of funeral expenses paid as evidence.
Basis for claiming compensation
If the compensation claim is lodged by a person to whom the compensation was
adjudicated upon in legal proceedings, and this compensation cannot be recovered
from the perpetrator through enforcement proceedings, he/she must complete
Form B (seeking compensation on the basis of Article 7(a) and, in all other cases,
Form A.