Island Independence Movements and Parties in an Age of European Integration and Globalisation 8-10 September 2011, University of Edinburgh, Scotland International Workshop Programme Co-Convenors: Professor Godfrey Baldacchino and Dr Eve Hepburn This workshop has been generously funded by the Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence at the Europa Institute, University of Edinburgh, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Thursday, 8 September 2011 VENUE: University of Edinburgh Library, Room 1.11 12.30-1.30 Arrival, registration and buffet lunch at the University of Edinburgh Library, Room 1.11, 30 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LJ. 1.30pm Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks Charlie Jeffery, Head of School of Social and Political Science and Director of the Academy of Government, University of Edinburgh. 1.45pm Independence movements and parties in the 21st Century: Islands and Regions: Eve Hepburn, University of Edinburgh and Godfrey Baldacchino, University of Prince Edward Island 2.30pm Refreshment Break 3.00pm Speech by Mike MacKenzie, Highlands and Islands MSP 3.30pm The Long-Term Propensity for Political Affiliation in Island Microstates: Jerome L McElroy, St Mary’s College, Notre Dame 4.15pm From the Wings to Centre Stage: the International Relations of Europe’s Smallest States: J. Barry Bartmann, University of Prince Edward Island 5.00-5.15pm Synthesis and Closure for Day 1 1 6.00pm Evening Dinner for Conference Participants at Howie’s Restaurant, Victoria Street, Grassmarket, EH1 2HG (please see map for directions) Friday, 9 September 2011 VENUE: University of Edinburgh Library, Room 1.11 9.30am Updates and general remarks - Eve Hepburn and Godfrey Baldacchino 9.45am Independence movements in the Caribbean: withering on the vine? Peter Clegg, University of the West of England 10.30am Refreshment Break 11:00am The Evolving Manifestations of Sovereignty Today in the French Pacific: Nathalie Mrgudovic, Aston University 11:45am The experience of sovereignty in the Pacific: island states and political autonomy in the 21st century: Stephen Levine, Victoria University of Wellington 12.30pm Lunch Break 2.30pm The Western Mediterranean Islands and the Diverse Uses of Independentism: André Fazi, University of Corsica 3.15pm Refreshment Break 3.45pm Autonomy Development, Irredentism and Secessionism in a Nordic Context: Maria Ackrén, Åbo Akademi University and Bjarne Lindström, Statistics and Research Åland 4.30-4:45pm Synthesis and Closure for Day 2 6.00pm Evening Dinner for Conference Participants at the Elder Room, Old College, EH8 9YL (please see map for directions) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2 Saturday, September 10 VENUE: Raeburn Room, Old College, University of Edinburgh, EH8 9YL 9.30am Updates and general remarks - Eve Hepburn and Godfrey Baldacchino 9.45am The Impact of a Scottish Referendum on Ethnoregionalist Movements in the British Isles: Britt Cartrite, Alma College 10.30am Refreshment Break 11.00am Reactions from Political Panel: Franciscu Sedda [Sardinia], & Discussion 11.30am Reactions/Wrap Up from Michael Keating, University of Aberdeen (Discussant) & David Milne, University of Malta (Discussant) & Discussion 12:15pm Concluding Remarks and Next Steps: Eve Hepburn and Godfrey Baldacchino 12:45pm Close and Departure 3