Minutes of the Wormegay Parish Council meeting held on 24th February 2015 in the Mission Room at 1900hrs Present: Chair A. McAdam, Vice Chair Su Read, G. Reddington, K. Reddington, D. Parker, K Gauntley, three member of the public and Guest Mr. Peter Wilkinson from National Association of Councillors (NALC) 24.02.01 Apologies: N. Malby and Borough Concillor Mike Howland 24.03.02 Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda. A McAdam, K Gauntley, G. Reddington, K. Reddington are all membes of the Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall Committee. In a small village, some overlap of membership between village organisations is inevitable. There may be occasions when decisions are taken which effect Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall and it is not possible to carry out the business of the Parish Council with out those named being involved in such decisions. No interests were recorded. 24.02.03 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th January 2015 to be approved and signed. Su Read stated to clarify the mowing of the Play Area. This is not new as suggested, we have always been responsible for mowing the Play Area according to the previous license and now with the current one. The minutes were approved and signed with no amendments. Minutes of the Parish Council Planning meeting held on the 16th February 2015 to be approved and signed. The minutes of the planning meeting held on the 16th February 2015 wer approved and signed with no amendments. Both sets of minutes were signed by Su Read. 24.02.04 Borough Councillors report. In the absence of the Borough Councillor the Clerk read out the Borough Councillors report. Garden Waste Bins: The Brown bin figures for the end of December 2014 were 19,935 with 1,424 names currently on the waiting list, an additional quantity of Brown bins are now on order for delivery mid- February, and those on the waiting list are being contacted to see if they wish to still have one, now that capacity has been increased. Waste and Recycling Service: Over Christmas and New Year collections were moved back in all cases to avoid holiday dates, those alterations to collections are now finished, with very few complaints about missed collections. Moving a collection back is always preferable to moving them forward, and the contractors will be instructed to plan the same for next year, because Christmas and Boxing day were on the Thursday and Friday followed by the weekend, the collection dates were extended over a three week period and this year Christmas day falls on a Friday. Food waste collection Service: Following a request from the public, the 240 Litre bins used to decant off food waste, will have the wording “FOOD WASTE FOR COMPOSTING” advertised on each bin to avoid confusion. 24.02.05 Chairman’s Report. The Chair introduced Peter Wilkinson from NALC who thanked the Parish Council for embracing their membership with NALC. Peter Wilkinson talked about the amount of help offered from NALC from their Human Resources and Legal advice. He also reported on their funding from the memberships as they are a non-profitable organisation. Also reported was their commitment to take on any other training that is not available, should anyone have any suggested items not covered. Reported also was Café’ Meets had resumed, where Councillors and Clerks could meet and discuss issues. Even help was given under the Parish Partnership scheme to enable Narborough to change lighting to LED. Peter Wilkinson explained the benefits from training and seminars as a question was raised in our Parish. A suggested 1.9 per cent increase in subscriptions for this was reported. The Chair stated he has the village gates and posts lying in his driveway, a situation he does not want to continue. The Chair asked the Councillors to agree to get them installed in the next two weeks. As we do not have a Handyman, the Chair stated he would like this resolved tonight so we should consider the two quotes already received. Dog poo is becoming a problem, especially with the increase in dogs owned by villagers. The dog poo is being deposited in the bin on the Village Green. Although our former Handyman use to put bin bags in the bin on the village green, this is not the correct use for the bin. A suggestion arose to change the bin to a dog waste bin. The Chair stated his daughter had brought to his attention a bus shelter could be erected on the A134, as when lorries pass and it has been raining, or is, people waiting for buses are getting soaked. Whether there would be room available was discussed. The Chair had been informed by Highways grants are available and Helen Martin is the County Council contact for further advice. 24.02.06 Clerks Report Telephone Box on the Hill Estate: After contacting BT again the work has now been completed. Election papers: As the first set of election papers were missing all odd numbered pages, I have contacted the Borough Council and am now in receipt of correct election papers. These were handed out to all present Councillors. Financial End of Year: As the end of the financial year is upon I ask you all to approve the auditor for this year. All Councillors were in agreement we use Mr. J. Cross again for this years audit. Clerk to contact Mr. Cross. ACTION CLERK 24.02.07 Speedwatch Update. Su Read said a thank you to Tina and Gwen who joined her on a very cold day in January. We monitored at Hill Estate, where we had several vehicles going over the speed limit, but they were not fast enough to be reported. A lorry driver stopped to speak to us, and although initially we were worried he was antagonistic towards the monitoring, he seemed supportive when he drove off after a chat with us. Nick, Tina and Andy went back to the Hill Estate earlier in February, and this time two cars were going above the monitoring limit, and this has been reported back to the Administrator for the Norfolk Speedwatch Sceme. The site on the Hill Estate is on a straight stretch of road, near the start of the 30mph limit, so it is an easy place for motorists to speed. It is also near the playing field and then end of pavement, so it is also an area where there may be particularly vulnerable pedestrians, so it looks like a site worth coming back to. Su Read asked if anyone was available for a monitoring session this week. G. Reddington and K. Reddington are agreeable to join Su for a monitoring session this week on Thursday at 2.30pm. 24.02.08 Website review. Su Read reported minutes and Agendas were being added to the website. Car Boot dates were to be added as the next one is on 29th March 2015. The Chair is unable to attend but as usual G. Reddington and K. Reddington will be attending, anyone else available to liase with them. A 5 year Parish plan was suggested to be added to the website, if a sub-committee would set this up and run it. 24.02.09 School Report. Su Read reported a long standing TA has sadly left the school to spend more time with caring for her daughter. She will be missed. After the previous teacher left the school following a period of illness. We have a teacher starting after Easter. 24.02.10 Clerks review and contract. The Chair reported he was unable to complete this long outstanding Agenda item. Nick Malby, human resources is unfortunately out of the country at this time, and the Chair asked Su Read to step in so this could be completed. ACTION A. MCADAM AND SU READ Su Read reported she had looked into the hours required for a Clerk for a village this size but there are no guidelines. To increase if necessary and review at a later date. 24.02.11 Parish Council Equipment – New Handyman The Parish Council equipment has been returned to the Chairs address. K. Reddington has picked up a mower to mow the grass on the Hill Estate and Craven Lane, which he has kindly volunteered to do for the Parish Council. The remainder of the equipment, if not required by the new handyman we employ was suggested to be sold. These could be sold on websites like ebay and local selling sites. The Chair suggested in his earlier report we needed to decide who should take on the new Handyman’s contract. We have two quotes at this time, one from TTSR and the other from Astons Handyman Services. Discussions arose as to whether we had enough information to make this decision. It was suggested we look further into this asking whether they have Insurance and would they be providing all equipment needed. Other people were suggested to approach for this work along with Kew Grass suggested by Mr. Tunley. As we are unable to decide today, it was suggested by a Parishioner we give a zero hour contract for March to see how this works out. When setting the Precept, and in order to keep any increase to the Precept to a minimum, the council had agreed that rather than defining the amount and regularity of grass cutting required, we should assign a portion of the village maintenance budget to grass cutting, and see what could be obtained for that figure. As the handyman quotes had been obtained prior to this decision, they did not reflect this as they were based on an hourly rate, so were no longer appropriate. It was also generally agreed more quotes were required. The Chair suggested we email amongst ourselves to ensure the new Handyman is in place. ACTION ALL COUNCILLORS 24.02.12 Subscriptions As discussed at our previous meeting it was felt we did not need to subscribe to Open Spaces and CPRE. D. Parker proposed that we cancel subscriptions, this was seconded by K. Reddington. It was carried to cancel subscriptions. 24.02.13 Highways – Rangers – Mud and Gravel on Road D. Harrod had emailed with reference to the continuing problem with the tree on the Village Green. The branches were now falling off causing more concern. Although Andy Wallace from Highways said he would have this inspected, to date this has not been completed. D. Harrod has again contacted BT who will now remove the problem branches from the tree. Su Read will contact the Speedwatch team with regards to visibility once the new entrance gates are installed as concern was raised our new warning signs might obscure the 30mph signs if they are placed lower ACTION SU READ Hopefully we will receive permission to install the entrance gates soon as the paperwork has already been sent by the Clerk. Rangers: Three drains have been reported as being blocked, along with pot holes between the Carrot Factory and entrance to Bardolph’s Way and near the Play Area. A suggestion was made to meet with the Rangers on their next visit to the Village which will be on 23rd March 2015. The Clerk will contact the Rangers. ACTION CLERK Mud and Gravel on Road: It was reported by email from D. Harrod about the mud and gravel on the road at the little bridge and the cross hill which tractors have left. Park Farm are erecting signs on the fields beside the Church road saying private, no public right of way. And no entry stewardship control, this is because people have been walking dogs over the grass fields because of the condition of the Church road and petticoat lane, it is impossible to walk down Petticoat Lane to Crickety Bridge, this is a public Bridleway. A funeral car was sent through the Farm to the Church because of the condition of the road. If the Farm wishes villagers to stay on the public roads they should be kept in good condition. D. Harrod suggested a site visit between the Chairman and the Farm management to try and solve this problem as a game keeper is riding around the fields watching people walk their dogs. It was suggested we contact the police with this matter. 24.02.14 Planning Matters An email was received by the Clerk from the Planning Committee stating a meeting on 2 nd March 2015 which includes reports and a planning application which falls within our Parish. This being the planning application for Castle Dene in Wormegay the Chair will be attending. 24.02.15 Village Hall Report. G. Reddington reported there would be a Quizzingo at the Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall this Saturday. G. Reddington reported she was in the process of obtaining a grant for works needed to improve the hall. G. Reddington is in the process of obtaining quotes for heating, re-decoration, new toilets, sinks, signage etc. 24.02.16 Review of future use of Mission Room. Suggestions were made to change the venue for our Parish Meeting from the Mission Room to Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall. It was suggested more people may attend as there would be toilet and refreshment facilities. K. Gauntley suggested we need to look at costing and suitability as it was suggested the Mission Room may not comply with regulations. G. Reddington was promised the fee for all meeting required by the Parish Council would cost £100 per year. K. Reddington proposed we try the Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall for one year. This was seconded by G. Reddington. It was carried the change in venue would be Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall from when the rent was due at the Mission Room. The Clerk would email all Councillors with this imformation. ACTION CLERK G. Reddington will report that all dates were available for our future meetings ACTION G. REDDINGTON As Our next Parish Meeting will be our Annual Meeting of the Parish this will be held at Tottenhill Village Hall, G. Reddington kindly offered to cater for this. A suggested guest speaker for this meeting was on Bee Keeping. 24.02.17 Broadband – Mr Tunley Mr Tunley has put together a leaflet with reference to Broadband in Wormegay. This he has kindly distributed to all households in Wormegay for their feedback. If was suggested if enough people responded this could help getting better usage. 24.02.18 Village Leaflet. The Village leaflet has not yet been completed and it has been suggested we combine this together with the 5 year Parish plan. 24.02.19 Correspondence. NCC Site allocations for Wormegay West Norfolk Partnership ref free guided walks in West Norfolk. Planning Committee ref meeting on 2nd March 2015 Mazars ref change of address and key contact Norfolk Constabulary ref opportunities for Local Councils Email from D. Harrod ref tree on village green, mud and gravel on roads Norfolk RCC ref joining campaign NCC ref health check campaign Lloyds Bankstatements 137 and 138 NCC ref Norfolk residents going dry in January 24.02.20 Financial report for this meeting and approval of cheques. Balance brought forward from last meeting £3818.49 The Clerk requests the following cheques to be approved and signed Cheque no. 616 Ray Allen service and parts for lawn mower £26.00 £3792.49 Cheque no. 617 Clerks wages and expenses 6hrs x £8.613 per hour x 6 weeks £310.07 Travelling expenses £5.40 £4 per week office use x 6 weeks £24.00 SLCC Membership £77.00 total £416.47 Balance carried forward to next meeting £3376.02 £3376.02 24.02.21 Village Matters and items for future agendas Miss Bates reported that Mrs Alflatt’s 4 year term for Fuel Allotments was up in April. Miss Bates reported Mrs Alflat was willing to be elected again if the Parish was agreeable. All present were agreeable and Miss Bates would inform Mrs Alflatt of their decision. 24.02.22 Date and Time of next Meeting Our next meeting is our Annual Parish Meeting and will be held at Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall on April 14th 2015 at 7.00pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.58hrs