AP English , periods 3, 6 Ohayon 2010-2011 Syllabus ! (Updated 1/1/11) Course Aims: To communicate effectively in both written and oral expression To think critically To establish meaningful connections To examine and appreciate British literature (1st sem) and other works of significant literary merit To prepare for the AP Literature and Composition Exam Writing: Unlike other English classes, we will complete many of our major writing assignments in class, in a timed situation. On the occasions that we write take-home papers, all students will complete revisions/corrections for a separate grade (see below). In addition, students will be asked to respond extemporaneously to outside literature so that we can prepare for the AP exam. Class Performance: Be respectful, sensitive, and tolerant. Participate wisely and listen to others. Be on time. 3rd tardy and each thereafter=detention. Be prepared. No cell phones. Use laptops only for related English work. Return all AP materials to Mrs. Ohayon. No food or drink unless teacher-announced special occasion. Grading System: Essays and projects=100 points. Quizzes/minor assignments=10-20 points. Quests=50 points. Essay Corrections=20 points. Late-work policy: Unexcused late work will be penalized. Homework will receive a zero. Grades for most major assignments will drop 10 points for each day they are late. Work must be ready to be handed in at the beginning of class on the day it is due. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you need to do to make up the work and to show your work to me. Finish all typed work before the night before it is due to prevent last minute computer/printer errors. If you need to make up an essay/test, do so in the next possible tutorial. Plagiarism: A writer who uses someone else’s words or ideas, including Cliff’s notes, Spark’s notes, the Internet, and/or other students’ papers, without giving credit to the source is guilty of plagiarism. Also, realize that excessive editing or suggesting by another student, teacher, tutor, parent, etc. is also plagiarism. Work containing plagiarized material will be reported to the honor council. Please, just ask me for help when you are in doubt. Rules against copying apply to homework as well. Students may choose to study together, but merely copying another’s written word defeats the purpose, is unethical, and simply wimpy (for both parties involved!). There will be occasions to work cooperatively—I will clarify our purpose at the time. All work submitted for evaluation remains under the stipulations of the honor pledge. I look forward to a rewarding year in AP English 12! Calendar on back! Note: You will still receive a detailed syllabus at the beginning of each semester, listing deadlines, announced quizzes, quests, and additional assignments. Week of 8/18 Week of 8/23 Week of 8/31 Week of 9/7 Week of 9/13 Week of 9/20 Week of 9/27 Week of 10/4 Week of 10/11 Week of 10/18 Week of 10/25 Week of 11/1 Week of 11/8 Week of 11/15 Week of 11/22 Week of 11/29 Week of 12/6 Week of 12/13 Intro.,WH paper assignment (AP open-ended), WH quest Discuss Wuthering Heights; Horses quest WH paper due, assign college essay, Disc. Horses Discuss Horses, College Essay draft due, AP exam intro WH corrections due, Horses in-class essay (AP close-analysis passage), College Essay due Beowulf m.c. practice with prose, Beowulf Beowulf quest, Grendel Grendel FB, m.c. practice with prose, Grendel quest, The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales In-class essay (AP unfamiliar prose piece), The Canterbury Tales, CT test , Hamlet Hamlet, Hamlet paper assignment Hamlet, Thanksgiving Hamlet films Hamlet paper draft and final paper due Review, m.c. practice with prose, Hamlet corrections, evaluations Exam w/ Hamlet close-analysis 2nd semester dates Week of 1/5 Week of 1/10 Week of 1/18 Week of 1/24 Week of 2/1 Week of 2/7 Week of 2/14 Week of 2/21 Week of 2/28 Week of 3/7 Week of 3/14 Week of 3/21 Week of 3/28 Week of 4/5 Week of 4/11 Week of 4/18 Week of 4/26 Week of 5/2 Poetry intro. and terms, poetry take-home essay Perform poetry, essay due, poetry text, m.c. practice with poetry Terms quiz, write poetry, Upick assign Essay, Upick presentations Madame Bovary Madame Bovary, AP comp/contrast poetry Madame Bovary, MB paper assignment Finish Madame Bovary, Woody Allen piece Draft and film clips, MB paper due Spring Break MB corrections, Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness In-class essay (AP unfamiliar prose piece), Beloved Beloved, Short Story Teaching Project assignment Beloved, Short-Story Lit Crit Research, Beloved close-analysis Finish Beloved, Present Short Story Teaching Projects, Book review sign-up Book review sheets due, Open Essay assign, more Presentations Review, Open-essays due/share them, 9-12 writing folders AP LIT exam is May 5th, 2011! Students are required to take the exam and to receive a score. Give it your best shot! You can do it!