1 2 3 4 5 Structural geometry of Raplee Ridge, UT Revealed Using Airborne Laser Swath 6 Mapping (ALSM) Data 7 8 Hilley, G. E. (*), Mynatt, I., and Pollard, D. D. 9 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, 10 CA 94305-2115 11 12 (*) Corresponding Author: hilley@stanford.edu 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 In preparation for Journal of Structural Geology 21 1 22 Abstract: 23 Kinematic models are often used relate the geometry of strata deformed in fault- 24 related folds to the location and geometry of faults in the subsurface. Recently, two- 25 dimensional mechanical analyses that assume a viscous rheology have demonstrated that 26 it is possible to use such an approach to infer loading conditions and fault geometries 27 based on observations of surface deformation. In this contribution, we present a method 28 that uses a three-dimensional boundary element model to infer the geometry of an 29 underlying fault and the loading conditions that are most consistent with layers deflected 30 by fault-related folding. The model assumes that deformation accrues in a homogeneous, 31 isotropic, linear-elastic half-space as a frictionless elliptical fault slips in response to 32 remote loading. 33 We apply this model to the Raplee Monocline in southwest Utah, where Airborne 34 Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) topographic data detail the geometry of layers deflected 35 within this fold. The spatial extent of five stratal surfaces were mapped using the ALSM 36 data, elevations were extracted from the high-resolution topography, and points along 37 these layers were used to infer the underlying fault geometry and remote strain 38 conditions. First, we compared elevations extracted from the ALSM data to publicly 39 available Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), such as the National Elevation Dataset 10-m 40 DEM (NED-10) and 30-m DEM (NED-30). We found that while the spatial resolution of 41 the NED dataset was far coarser than the ALSM data, the elevation values extracted at 42 points spaced ~50 m apart from each mapped surface yielded similar elevations. Second, 43 we used a single layer in the Raplee Monocline to infer the geometry of an underlying 44 fault and the remote loading that is most consistent with the deformation recorded by this 45 stratum. Using a Bayesian sampling method, we also assessed the uncertainties within, 46 and covariation between the fault geometric and loading parameters of the model. Next, 47 we considered elevations extracted along all five mapped layers when inferring fault 48 geometry, and found broad agreement with results obtained from considering a single 49 layer in isolation. Interestingly, modeled elevations matched those observed to within a 50 root-mean-squared error of 16-18 m, and showed little bias with position along the fold. 51 Thus, while our idealized isotropic elastic model is clearly oversimplified when 52 considering the complicated layered rheology of this fold, it provides an excellent fit to 2 53 the observations. This may suggest that comparable surface deflections can be produced 54 with a variety of rheological models; constraining factors such as the fault geometry 55 when performing these types of inversions may be required to ascertain the appropriate 56 representation of fold rheology. 57 3 58 Introduction: 59 Slip along blind reverse faults deform the surrounding rock mass, often resulting 60 in large deflections of the strata exposed at the surface and present in the subsurface 61 {e.g.`, \Allmendinger, 1998 #347; Narr, 1994 #346}. Forward mechanical models have 62 been used to understand how fault geometry and loading changes the deformation 63 surrounding these faults {e.g.`, \Allmendinger, 1998 #347}. In general, those studies 64 relating surface deformation to slip along faults in the subsurface either assume a fault’s 65 geometry and solve for the slip distribution acting along it {Johnson, 2002 #348}, assume 66 that slip along a fault is uniform and solve for the location and geometry of the fault {, 67 2007 #558}, or assume that long-term deformation recorded within folded strata conserve 68 their cross-sectional area and use the surface exposure of such strata to infer the location 69 and geometry of subsurface faults {Wolkowinsky, 2004 #560}. The latter approach has 70 been widely used to extrapolate deformed structural markers at the surface to fault 71 geometry at depth; however, such methods produce non-unique inferences of the 72 geometry of underlying structures {Mynatt, 2007 #558; Ziony, 1966 #559} and may 73 result in physically unrealistic particle displacements as the strata are required to deform 74 discontinuously {e.g.`, \Stone, 1993 #569; Stone, 2004 #570}. 75 approaches are unable to infer both the geometry of underlying faults as well as the 76 remote loading conditions that cause them to slip. For this reason, Johnson and Johnson 77 (2002) derived a complete mechanical description of the folding process in two 78 dimensions that uniquely relates surface deformation to fault geometry when the strata 79 deform according to a viscous rheology. This approach is advantageous in that the 80 observed and inferred structural geometries are uniquely related through the requirement 81 of continuity in the surrounding medium and realistic physical rheologies may be 82 specified. 83 dimensional elastic model to infer subsurface geometry and remote loading conditions 84 from surface deflections recorded in the geologic record. In addition, these More recently, Mynatt et al. {Thomas, 1993 #350} have used a three 85 The well-exposed Raplee Ridge Monocline in southeastern Utah is a ~N-S 86 oriented fold that is ~14-km-long by ~2-km-wide (Fig. 1). Here, the San Juan River has 87 incised through the fold in the last several Ma {Mynatt, 2007 #558}, exposing a thick 88 sedimentary package {Davis, 1999 #562`, and references therein}. Folding within the 4 89 ridge likely occurred during the Laramide phase of deformation in the area during latest 90 Mesozoic and early Cenozoic time. Many folds within the Colorado Plateau were formed 91 due to reactivation of high-angle structures that likely date back as far as the Precambrian 92 {Davis, 1999 #562`, and references therein}. While no fault is exposed at the Raplee 93 Ridge Monocline and no subsurface information exists here, the presence of steeply- 94 dipping beds along its west side along with the fact that this fold is analogous to many 95 other Laramide folds in the Colorado Plateau for which subsurface structures have been 96 imaged {Davis, 1999 #562`, and references therein} suggest that this fold has likewise 97 been formed above a east-dipping high-angle reverse fault. 98 The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) collected high- 99 resolution topographic data that images the deformed strata in this structure (Fig. 2). 100 These data provide a high precision, dense array of points that define the fold’s geometry, 101 which we use to infer information about the subsurface geometry of faults that may be 102 responsible for the formation of the Raplee Ridge Monocline. Our previous work at 103 Raplee Ridge Monocline combined the high-resolution ALSM data with an elastic 104 boundary element model {Mynatt, 2007 #558} to infer the geometry of a fault that may 105 have produced the fold {e.g.`, \Gratier, 1991 #571}. 106 In this contribution, we compare the ALSM data to other more commonly 107 available topographic data to determine the necessary spatial resolution that is required to 108 infer the subsurface geometry of faults based on the deflections of exposed folded strata. 109 In addition, we document a method to infer fault geometry from exposed surface strata, 110 and expand this method to use a series of layers within a deformed fold to better constrain 111 the geometry of the underlying structure. We use a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method 112 to provide an estimate of the variation within, and covariation between, model estimates 113 of fault geometry parameters that produce deformation similar to that recorded within the 114 fold. Given the assumptions embedded in our mechanical model, our approach places 115 broad constraints on the geometry of the underlying fault that may be improved using our 116 approach should additional prior information (such as a range in fault geometric 117 parameters) be available. Even using the assumption of a homogeneous, isotropic linear- 118 elastic rheology for the deforming strata, we find good agreement between observed and 119 predicted deflections for our best-fit model. We speculate that our inversion method, 5 120 used with physical models that consider more complicated rheologies, may produce 121 deflections that produce a similar level of agreement than those observed. If correct, this 122 indicates that when viewed in isolation from other information, such as direct measures 123 of physical rock properties and prior knowledge of factors such as fault geometry, surface 124 deflections may provide ambiguous information about the rock rheology at the time of 125 deformation. 126 127 Study Area: 128 Raplee Ridge Monocline is located in southeast Utah outside of the town of 129 Mexican Hat (Fig. 1). The details of the field site are reported in Mynatt et al. (in 130 review); herein we summarize the most important aspects of the field site. The fold is 131 composed of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Rico Formation, which consists of alternating 132 limestones, siltstones, and sandstones that record a general trend of marine regression up- 133 section. The occurrence of marine incursions during this generally regressional sequence 134 has resulted in the deposition of five limey sandstones and sandy limestone layers 135 encased within shales and siltstones that currently provide well-exposed stratigraphic 136 markers whose surfaces reveal the geometry of the fold (Figs. 1, 2d, and 8). These layers 137 are folded into an ~500-m high doubly plunging monocline whose fold axis trends 138 approximately N-S. Sediments within the monocline’s forelimb dip steeply (up to 40°) to 139 the west, while strata are gently dipping (< 5°) to the east within its backlimb (Figs. 1 and 140 2). Exposure of different statigraphic levels varies depending on the depth of incision 141 into the fold. The surface of the highest stratigraphic level used as part of this study, the 142 McKim limestone, is widely exposed throughout the fold due to the fact that erosion has 143 stripped virtually all of the overlying sediments from this surface over much of the fold 144 (Fig. 2). Within basins incised into the fold, four additional mapable layers define the 145 fold’s geometry including, from top to bottom, the Goodrich, Shafer, Mendenhall, and 146 Unnamed limestones (Mynatt et al., in review). Within these basins, individual bedding 147 surfaces can be identified and mapped; however, the exposure of these four lower units is 148 often restricted to limited areas of the fold hinge that have been excavated by erosion. 149 Overlying the McKim limestone, exposure of the Halgaito Tounge shale along the 6 150 peripheral edges and away from the fold constrains the extent of the fold by defining 151 those areas that are undeformed. 152 We have no direct constraints on the geometry of the underlying fault that formed 153 Raplee Ridge. Throughout the Colorado Plateau, similar monoclines are often associated 154 with Laramide contraction that occurred during late Mesozoic through early Cenozoic 155 time {Johnson, 2002 #348}. Where exposed, at least some of these structures appear to 156 result from movement along high-angle basement faults that may have first experienced 157 motion as early as the Proterozoic {e.g.`, \Willemse, 1996 #344`, and references therein}. 158 In some cases, the reverse faulting that deformed Colorado Plateau strata into monoclinal 159 geometries were subsequently reactivated during Basin and Range extension in the 160 Miocene {e.g.`, \Huntoon, 1975 #563}. However, where this can be shown to be the 161 case, normal-sense reactivation of the basement faults caused them to propagate through 162 the strata above. Thus, Laramide contractional deformation is often accommodated 163 within the Paleozoic and Mesozoic section by warping of the strata, whereas later 164 extensional deformation typically resulted in discrete offset of these units {Ziony, 1966 165 #559}. Within the Raplee Ridge Monocline, detailed field observations show that there 166 are no faults that link with the underlying basement structures; thus, we infer that the 167 deflected strata within the Raplee Ridge Monocline result from Laramide contraction, 168 rather than Miocene extension. As a result, the western monoclinal forelimb implies that 169 a reverse fault that formed the structure likely dips steeply towards the east. 170 171 Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) data: 172 On February 24, 2005, the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping 173 (NCALM) collected topographic data from the Raplee Ridge area using an Optech 25 174 kHz pulsed laser range finding system and associated Inertial Navigation Unit (INU) that 175 is corrected for drift using kinematic GPS observations taken onboard the aircraft. The 176 acquisition was performed to build a fold-scale geometric model to compare outcrop- 177 scale measurements of fracture characteristics to fold geometry (Mynatt et al., in prep.). 178 The combination of acquisition frequency and low elevation flight plan provided several 179 laser range positions per square meter from which a 1 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 180 was produced by kriging interpolation. The vegetation at the site proved sufficiently 7 181 sparse to obviate the need for spatial filtering to remove its contribution from the DEM 182 (Fig. 2). From this 1-m DEM, a shaded relief map of the fold was produced, which was 183 used in the field to map the extent of the uppermost bedding plane of six particular 184 exposed stratagraphic units throughout the fold (Fig. 2d). Once these surfaces were 185 identified and mapped on the georeferenced images, (x,y,z) points that defined the 186 geometry of each of the surfaces were extracted from the high-resolution DEM. In some 187 cases, the topographic surfaces that appear to define the tops of the mapped strata have 188 been modified by up to 1 m by surface processes; in addition, erosion along the edges of 189 the surfaces has distributed a small amount of colluvium (typically less than 1 m thick) 190 onto the tops of the exposed strata. 191 estimates to be ~ 2-5 m {Bayes, 1763 #215}. Thus, we estimate the precision of elevation 192 The extraction of points from the mapped layers produced > 100,000 points. 193 Consideration of this large number of points would render intractable the fold-scale 194 inversion described below. For this reason, we decimated the high-resolution dataset to 195 provide (x,y,z) points for each of the surfaces that were spaced no less than 50 m apart. 196 We compared the ALSM measurements of these extracted points to more commonly 197 available datasets to assess the precision of these other data for use in our study (Figures 198 3 and 4). Specifically, we compared equivalent z values at the selected (x,y) points to 199 those extracted from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 30-m resolution DEM and 200 10-m resolution DEM. The poor spatial resolution of both NED datasets relative to the 201 ALSM data would prohibit accurate identification and mapping of the extent of the 202 different stratigraphic levels within the fold (Fig. 3), although low-elevation air photos 203 that were precisely georeferenced might be employed for such a purpose. However, 204 considering the coarse resolution of both NED datasets, their extracted elevation values 205 compared favorably with those obtained from the decimated ALSM dataset (Fig. 4a, c). 206 To provide a quantitative metric of the differences between these three datasets, we 207 calculated the residual elevation by subtracting the elevation value at each (x,y) point 208 used in this study for both NED datasets from the elevation at corresponding (x,y) 209 locations in the ALSM dataset (Fig. 4b, d). Elevations from both NED datasets showed 210 little, if any bias in elevation relative to the ALSM data (mean residual value = 1.6 m and 211 –1.1 m for the NED 30-m and 10-m datasets, respectively, relative to the ALSM dataset). 8 212 Variation between these two datasets was modest (standard deviation in residuals from 213 NED 30-m and 10-m datasets was 4.1 and 4.2 m, respectively); however, as described 214 below, the average misfit for our best-fit inversions was several times this variation. 215 Thus, given the uncertainties in the fold-wide inferences produced by modeling carried 216 out in this study, elevations extracted using the NED 30-m and NED 10-m datasets 217 should supply adequate precision when using these data as inputs to the fault geometry 218 inversions described below, provided accurate locations of the stratigraphic layers can be 219 defined. 220 221 Methods: 222 223 Inversion Methods: 224 The two major goals of this study were to provide a detailed and accurate 225 depiction of the continuous structural geometry of Raplee Ridge Monocline that could be 226 compared to outcrop scale measurements of fracture characteristics, and to infer the 227 geometry of and loading conditions acting along the reverse fault underlying the 228 monocline. The finite extent of the Raplee Ridge Monocline necessitated the use of a 229 three-dimensional model that could capture the along-strike variations in fault and fold 230 geometry (e.g., Fig. 1 and 2). Some three-dimensional models that conserve the area and 231 length of strata exist {e.g.`, \Hilley, 2008 #223; Hilley, 2008 #561}; however, as outlined 232 above, such methods do not take advantage of the constraints provided by a full 233 mechanical analysis. Likewise, methods that use a complete mechanical analysis to 234 relate stratal deflections to the geometry of underlying strata assume two-dimensional 235 plane-strain conditions {e.g.`, \Pollitz, 2003 #567}, and thus cannot adequately capture 236 the three-dimensional nature of the Raplee Ridge Monocline. 237 In this study, we used the three-dimensional Boundary Element Model (BEM) 238 Poly3D to relate the deflection of stratal layers to underlying fault geometry and loading 239 conditions (Thomas, 1993). Poly3D idealizes the rheology of Earth’s brittle upper crust 240 as homogeneous, isotropic, and linear-elastic. Arbitrarily shaped planar elements are 241 embedded into this elastic material to represent features such as faults and fractures along 242 which displacement within the material is discontinuous. Slip or opening along these 9 243 elements is driven either by specifying the displacement discontinuity directly, allowing 244 the elements to slip under a prescribed remote loading, specifying a stress drop along the 245 elements, or any combination of these boundary conditions for the normal and two shear 246 components. For example, one may specify mixed-mode boundary conditions in which 247 shear tractions acting across an element induce slip parallel to the element, while 248 prescribing a zero displacement condition perpendicular to the element (no 249 opening/closing). A set of planar elements may be assembled to produce an arbitrarily 250 complex surface in three-dimensions along which any combination of displacement 251 discontinuity or stress drop boundary conditions may be specified. Finally, Poly3D can 252 calculate fault slip distributions along the fault(s), stresses/strains within the surrounding 253 medium, and displacements within a half or full-space problem. The former conditions 254 compute stresses, strains, and displacements given the presence of a traction-free surface 255 that represents the interface between the solid earth and atmosphere, while the latter may 256 be used to approximate faulting processes deep within the crust. 257 In this study, we assume that stratal deflections are produced by slip along a 258 single, elliptically shaped, frictionless planar fault underlying the monocline. Its elliptical 259 geometry approximates the three-dimensional extent of many faults documented in the 260 field {Metropolis, 1953 #182}, while ignoring geometric complexity that would be 261 difficult to constrain using measurements of stratal deflections from the ALSM data. 262 Likewise, we chose a planar fault geometry to mimic the geometry of older reactivated 263 basement faults {, 2007 #558}. 264 underlying this monocline is likely more complex than this simple geometry; however, as 265 we show below, even this simple idealization of the underlying fault geometry produces 266 deflections that closely mimic those observed at Raplee Ridge Monocline. 267 additional data become available that better constrain the at-depth geometry of the Raplee 268 Ridge fault, it is straightforward to assimilate this information into our modeling 269 approach. Given this idealization, the geometry and location of the fault underlying the 270 fold is defined by 9 parameters (Fig. 5): the down-dip length of the fault (H), the along- 271 strike width of the fault (W), the depth of the fault below the surface (D), the map-view 272 location of the fault relative to the coordinate system of the model (xo, yo), the dip of the 273 fault (), the strike of the fault (s), and the remote conditions that drive motion along the We acknowledge that the geometry of the fault 10 Should 274 fault. In this study, slip along the fault results from a prescribed remote strain tensor (xx, 275 yy, xy), which we assume does not vary with depth (zz=xz=xy=0). We use this remote 276 strain to compute the stresses acting along the fault elements, and compute shear 277 displacements that result from this load. 278 perpendicular to the fault surface, as large amounts of opening or fault-zone contraction 279 are physically unrealistic at depths of > 1.5 km that likely typify the shallowest levels of 280 slip along this fault during late Mesozoic time (see below). However, we prohibit opening or closing 281 Once the fault geometry and loading conditions are specified, Poly3D calculates 282 stresses, strains, and displacements at specified points in the surrounding rock mass. 283 These displacements can be used to calculate the deflection of initially flat surfaces, such 284 as the strata currently exposed in the Raplee Ridge Monocline. We reconstructed the 285 relative elevation and stratigraphic thickness of each of the six units modeled in this study 286 using the measured stratigraphy {, 2007 #558} as well as ALSM-based thickness 287 measurements from flat-lying portions of the stratigraphy exposed by downcutting of the 288 San Juan River (Mynatt et al., in review). The likely depth of each of these units was 289 then inferred by noting that during late Mesozoic time, approximately 1.2 km of 290 sediments locally overlaid the section under study (IAN-INSERT REF). Thus, we were 291 able to use this information to estimate the depth of the originally flat-lying strata at the 292 time they were deformed. 293 As these units underwent deformation, points originally located on the flat-lying 294 surfaces were displaced both vertically and horizontally. Thus, the current location of the 295 observed points along deflected layers do not record their initial positions faithfully, 296 especially in the current case in which surface displacements are large. 297 calculates the displacement of a given point that is defined prior to deformation; however, 298 the displaced points measured using the ALSM dataset record each point’s final, rather 299 than initial position. We calculate the appropriate displacement at each (x, y) observation 300 point on the deformed-state surfaces using a two-step process. First, we calculate a 301 regular grid of displacements for each stratigraphic level that results from a specified set 302 of fault geometric and remote loading parameters. These regularly spaced points are 303 deformed into an irregularly shaped mesh that represents the final configuration of each 304 deformed surface. This process results in a set of irregularly spaced points on the 11 Poly3D 305 deformed surface for which we know displacements that are required to restore the points 306 to a regular grid. Using the deformed configuration, we use a linear interpolation to map 307 these displacement values to the (x, y) locations of each of the ALSM measurements, and 308 use these interpolated displacements to restore each point to its initial location on the 309 undeformed surface. In a second step, we use identical input parameters with Poly3D to 310 deform these initial-state points into the final state to determine the geometry of the 311 deflected surface. This results in (x, y) coordinates of the new deformed state points that 312 match the locations of the observations, and allows us to directly compare the elevation 313 values observed to those that are predicted by the BEM. 314 The above approach is appropriate for comparing observations of the elevation of 315 each deflected surface to those predicted by Poly3D. However, in some instances, such 316 as our observations along the Halgaito Tounge surface, the rotation of bedding rather than 317 its absolute elevation helps to constrain the fault geometry. In this case, we employ a 318 similar approach to that used for elevation values; however, instead of calculating 319 displacements at each of the points, we instead calculate bedding-plane rotation. As 320 before, we first restore the observation locations on each of the surfaces for which 321 bedding rotations are measured to their original locations. However, we use the initial- 322 state locations to calculate rotation of these points as they are deformed and compare 323 these rotations to observations. This was used to enforce areas of no rotation (e.g., flat- 324 lying sediments as seen in front of the fold). 325 Using these methods, we calculate the elevation values that would be predicted by 326 a given set of fault geometry and loading parameters, and compare them to those 327 observed elevation values for each layer using the following misfit function: 328 2 obs pred 2 m obs rj rjpred z z i i W r WRSS W z zobs robs i j i1 j1 n 329 (1) 330 331 332 where zobs are the ALSM-derived elevations of the deflected strata at the (x, y) locations, zobs are the standard deviations of the elevation measurements, zpred are the predicted 333 elevations from Poly3D, Wz is the weight given to the misfit between measured and 334 observed elevation values, robs are the observed rotations (only flat-lying portions of the 12 335 Halgaito Tounge member are used in areas away from the fold to constrain its extent), 336 robs are the standard deviations of the rotation measurements, rpred are the predicted 337 rotations from Poly3D, Wr is the weight given to the misfit between measured and 338 observed rotations, and WRSS is the Weighted Residual Sum of Squares misfit function. 339 As WRSS values decrease, the displacements and rotations calculated by Poly3D better 340 match those observed. Thus, we can find the best-fitting fault geometric and loading 341 parameters (hereafter referred to cumulatively as “model parameters”) by exploring 342 various values of these model parameters, calculating the misfit defined by Eq. 1, and 343 identifying the model parameters associated with the minimum value of the WRSS. 344 In addition to the best-fitting model parameters, we quantify the uncertainty in 345 these model estimates using a Bayesian sampling method. In this approach, the model 346 parameters are viewed as a joint probability density function (pdf), the number of whose 347 dimensions corresponds to the number of model parameters. Such a joint pdf may be 348 used to determine both the best-fitting set of model parameters and uncertainties within 349 and covariation between model parameters. These measures can be used to quantify the 350 uniqueness of the best-fitting solution, and provide information about those combinations 351 of model parameters that provide similar fits to the observed data. We calculate this joint 352 pdf of the model parameters using Bayes’ Rule {, 2007 #558}: 353 P(m | x) 354 P(x | m)P(m) (2) n P(x | m )P(m ) j j j1 355 356 357 where x is a vector consisting of the observations, m is a vector consisting of the model parameters, P(m|x) is the joint pdf of the model parameters given the observations, P(x|m) is the probability of the data given the model parameters that can be derived from 358 a misfit function similar to Eq. 1, P(m) is a pdf that represents the probability of 359 occurrence of the model parameters in the absence of any observations, and the 360 denominator normalizes the density of P(m|x) to unity {, 2007 #558}. P(m|x) is often 361 referred to as the posterior density while P(m) is referred to as the prior density. 362 Bayes’ Rule is used to estimate P(m|x) in our analysis as follows. First, a set of 363 model parameters (m) is selected and from these choices, predicted elevations and 13 364 rotations are computed at all points for which we have measured values of these 365 quantities. The probability of observing the data given the model parameters, P(x|m) is 366 computed using a modified version of Equation 1 that takes into account the number of 367 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF; defined as the number of observations minus the number of 368 model parameters) in the model and the uncertainty associated with each elevation or 369 rotation observation {e.g.`, \Jaeger, 1969 #568`, and references therein}: P(x | m) exp r2 370 371 (3a) where 372 r2 WRSS DOF (3b) 373 374 375 Bayes’ Rule also requires the definition of the prior density P(m). This prior density represents the probability that a set of model parameters occurs in the absence of 376 any data to which the model is compared. This prior density may represent some 377 quantitative a priori information about various aspects of the fault geometry or loading 378 conditions, or simply may be used to incorporate expert opinion into the statistical 379 analysis. For example, at a particular site, subsurface seismic data may resolve a range of 380 permissible fault geometric parameters, such as fault strike and dip. 381 information constrains the geometry of the fault in the absence of any mechanical 382 modeling or measurements of bedding deflection. We cast these ranges in the fault 383 geometric parameters in terms of the probability of each value’s occurrence as a pdf. By 384 repeating this process for all of the model parameter values, we construct the prior pdf 385 P(m) that represents our prior knowledge of reasonable ranges in fault geometry. In the 386 case of the Raplee Ridge Monocline, we do not have additional prior information that 387 constrains the geometry of the underlying fault, and so we simply specify a uniform 388 probability of P(m) for all values of the model parameters, m. Thus, Eq. 2 reduces to This prior 389 P(m | x) 390 P(x | m) (4) n P(x | m ) j j1 14 391 By evaluating P(x|m) for all permissible values of m, we can use Eq. 4 to compute the 392 probability of occurrence of the model parameters, P(m|x). 393 The simple mechanical model used to compute P(m|x) requires nine parameters to 394 be specified, and hence, m consists of a nine dimensional parameter space. If each 395 dimension of the parameter space were discretized into only ten values, the number of 396 evaluations of Poly3D that would be required to compute P(m|x) would be 109, or one 397 billion different combinations of model parameters. Such a large number of evaluations 398 is computationally infeasible given current computing technology. Indeed, it is this 399 limitation that has prevented the direct application of Bayes’ Rule to all but the simplest 400 problems with few model parameters. To circumvent this difficulty, Markov-Chain 401 Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods have been developed that sample the underlying 402 distribution P(m|x) in a computationally efficient way to provide a numerical 403 approximation of this distribution. 404 performed by the MCMC sampler, which is designed to sample P(m|x) according to the 405 pdf’s underlying probabilities. 406 identified using only a small fraction of the evaluations that would be required to 407 exhaustively explore the entire parameter space. 408 In these methods, sparse sampling of P(m|x) is In this way, the portions with high P(m|x) can be The sampler employed in this study is the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC method 409 {Mynatt, 2007 #558}. In this algorithm, The Metropolis-Hastings sampler uses a 410 selection-rejection criterion to guide sampling through the parameter such that P(m|x) is 411 approximated. We first use an initial, randomly selected choice for m—the exact choice 412 for this starting point becomes less important as the simulation proceeds and the sampler 413 instead selects points based on the underlying distribution P(m|x). After this choice has 414 been made, a set of random numbers is drawn from the interval [-1, 1], one for each 415 dimension of m. These numbers are then scaled by a specified, arbitrary constant and 416 added to the previous choices for the initial model parameters, moving the samples a 417 random distance through the parameter space, m. This is the selection process. Next, this 418 new set of samples may be either accepted or rejected. If accepted, the new samples are 419 treated as a new starting point for the sampler and the selection process is repeated. If the 420 samples are rejected, the previous values of the model parameters are used to select a new 421 set of samples. Samples are accepted or rejected based on the probability of their 15 422 occurrence relative to the probability of occurrence of the previous set of samples. First, 423 the probability of occurrence for both the previous set of samples and the current 424 selection of samples is computed using Bayes’ Rule (Eq. 4). We define the probability of 425 the first sample as P1, whereas the probability of the second sample is denoted as P2. In 426 the case that P2 > P1, the new set of samples is always accepted. However, if P2 < P1, the 427 ratio of these two probabilities is computed and compared to a random number drawn 428 along the interval [0, 1]. If the ratio exceeds this random number the sample set is 429 accepted, otherwise it is rejected. Thus, the Metropolis-Hasting sampler explores the 430 parameter space m, is guided towards higher values of P(m|x) in Equation 4, and the 431 frequency of the model parameters chosen by the sampler approximates the posterior 432 density P(m|x). Initially, the values selected by the sampler will depend on the arbitrary 433 initial choices for the model parameters at the beginning of sampling; however, as 434 sampling proceeds, the memory of these initial choices tends to fade and the frequency of 435 m selected by the sampler will reflect P(m|x). Thus, we allow a “burn-in” period of 436 sampling to allow the memory of the arbitrary sampling starting location in the parameter 437 space to be erased, and we only consider the frequency of samples identified by sampler 438 after this burn-in when P(m|x) is computed. In our study, we allow a burn-in period of 439 50,000 samples to allow sample choices to become independent of the initial choices for 440 the model parameters, and collect 100,000 samples to approximate the posterior pdf, 441 P(m|x). 442 443 Modeling Raplee Ridge Monocline: 444 We used Poly3D to calculate bedding-plane deflections due to slip along a blind 445 reverse fault for two scenarios—one in which only the most well-exposed bedding 446 surface (McKim surface) was used to compare observed and modeled fold geometry, and 447 a second in which all mapped bedding surfaces were used to define the fold’s geometry 448 (Fig. 5). The first of these two scenarios is similar to the inversion presented in Mynatt et 449 al. {Figure 7; \Mynatt, 2007 #558}, excepting the fact that in this study, the misfit is 450 normalized by the number of degrees of freedom in the model. This difference does not 451 impact the values of the model parameters that best match the observed elevations; 16 452 however, the uncertainties associated with each model parameter tend to be larger (and 453 likely more realistic) than those presented in Mynatt et al. {Mynatt, 2007 #558}. 454 Elevation estimates along the mapped surfaces are available every square meter 455 using the high-resolution ALSM data. For expediency, we consider only a subset of 456 points separated by a minimum distance of 50 m when inverting for the fold’s geometry. 457 This reduces the number of computations necessary by a factor of ~2000. 458 Metropolis-Hastings inversions described above require several weeks to ~1.5 months of 459 compute time using this low-resolution dataset, and so inversions that use the full- 460 resolution data would be infeasible given today’s computing technology. The 461 The mapped surfaces are not exposed within the forelimb syncline of the fold. 462 Thus, the observations of the mapped bedding surfaces permit a fold geometry in which 463 layers continue to dip steeply westward at great distances west of the extent of exposure 464 of these surfaces (Fig. 2b). However, surfaces exposed along unmapped higher bedding 465 surfaces within the stratigraphic section show sub-horizontal orientations, indicating that 466 the mapped units share a similar orientation in the subsurface. To account for these 467 observations, we used two different approaches. 468 considered only the observed geometry of the McKim surface, we assumed that the 469 stratigraphic thickness between the exposed units and the McKim bedding plane surface 470 within the fold’s eastern portion was similar to that observed in locations far from the 471 fold-related deformation. This thickness was used to infer the depth at which the McKim 472 surface should be located in the subsurface. These inferred (x,y,z) subsurface locations 473 were used when inverting for the fold’s geometry. In the case where we considered all 474 mapped layers in the inversion, we instead used a rotation constraint within the Halgaito 475 Tongue member, which is well exposed throughout the area surrounding the fold. In this 476 way, rather than assign subsurface locations for which the (x,y,z) locations of each of the 477 bedding planes is located, we instead required areas at the stratigraphic level of the 478 Halgaito Tongue member to experience no rotation (right-hand term in Eq. 1). This has a 479 similar effect of ensuring that the geometry of the fold is finite in areas to its west. 480 481 Results: 17 In the case of the models that 482 We first present the results of our fold inversion when only comparing elevation 483 values measured along the McKim surface to elevations of the deflected surface that were 484 predicted by Poly3D. The best-fit model (Fig. 6) shows that the observed fold geometry 485 is most consistent with a fault whose width is almost three times its down-dip length 486 (best-fitting model parameter values shown as italic numbers in each model parameter 487 panel of Fig. 7). In addition, the steep forelimb dips indicate that the tip-line of the fault 488 is likely only several hundred meters below the current surface in the fold’s center. The 489 strike of the underlying fault is approximately 3° east of north, consistent with the 490 roughly N-S trend of the observed topography. In addition, the inferred fault underneath 491 the fold is inferred to dip steeply (~47°) to the east. The Poisson’s ratio of the sediments 492 overlying the fold inferred by the model (0.28) is close to that typically assumed for 493 crustal rocks . Finally, the regional contraction in the E-W direction (xx) is expect to be 494 ~3 times that in the N-S direction (yy), and is ~20 times larger than the regional shear 495 strain (xy). The absolute value of E-W strain (xx) for the best-fitting model was –0.43. 496 The best-fitting model produced surface elevations consistent with those 497 measured (Figure 6a). The quality of the fit is seen on a graph of observed versus 498 predicted values (Figure 6b) at points where elevations were extracted from the ALSM 499 data (locations of points shown in Figure 6a). The inferred subsurface points along the 500 western portion of the fold were assigned a constant value, which appear as a vertical line 501 of points at low elevations in Figure 6b. In contrast, calculated deflections vary smoothly 502 across these points, creating a mismatch between the inferred subsurface elevations and 503 those predicted by Poly3D. The residuals (defined as the modeled elevations minus the 504 observed elevations) show approximately zero mean. 505 systematically underestimated points at the crest of the fold, which skewed residuals 506 negatively (Fig. 6c). The best-fitting model yielded a root-mean-squared error of 16.1 m. 507 This value is significantly greater than the uncertainty in the elevation observations, 508 indicating that that mismatch between elevations predicted by the linear-elastic half-space 509 model and those observed is far larger than the uncertainties in elevation that we 510 measured using the ALSM. Indeed, given the high accuracy of the ALSM elevations (< 511 2-4 m), it is difficult to conceive of an idealized model (of any rheology) whose average 512 misfit might be on the order of, or less than this value. Thus, the high accuracy of our 18 In addition, the model 513 data relative to that expected from our idealized model forces us to conceptualize obs in 514 Eq. 1 as the inaccuracy that is produced by the strict model assumptions of Poly3D. In 515 this context, we adjust obs in Eq. 1 to require that r2 = 1 for the best-fitting set of model 516 parameters. As we see below, this choice for obs increases the variance of the model 517 parameters to a range that takes into account the uncertainty of using a linear elastic 518 model to calculate deflections in a material that might be better characterized by a more 519 complicated, anisotropic, and/or spatially variable rheology. 520 We used the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC method to calculate the posterior 521 probability, P(m|x), of each of the model parameters for which the inversion was 522 performed (Fig. 7). The joint posterior pdf is a nine-dimensional probability distribution, 523 with each of its axes representing the nine model parameters required for the calculation 524 of bedding-plane deflections. Such a distribution is difficult to visualize, and so we 525 present the marginal posterior pdfs by collapsing all dimensions of the joint pdf excepting 526 that of the model parameter of interest onto the dimension of this model parameter (Fig. 527 7). The resulting pdf shows the variability that characterizes each model parameter, but 528 does not capture the covariation of the different model parameters with one another. For 529 each of the model parameters, we report the value for the best-fitting scenario as italic 530 numbers, the mean of the simulated posterior pdfs as bold numbers, and the 95% range in 531 the simulated model parameter pdfs in parentheses in each of the panels. The simulations 532 reveal substantial variation in the model parameters such that a variety of their values 533 may produce similarly good fits to the observed elevations (Fig. 7). For many of the 534 model parameters, the mean values are similar to the best-fitting values, although 535 agreement is substantially less for those distributions that are highly skewed or uncertain 536 (such as , xx/xy and xx/yy). Nonetheless, the model places broad bounds on fault 537 geometries that may plausibly create the observed deflections. In some cases relatively 538 large values of Poisson’s ratio (0.23-0.49) are allowed, which implies that the single- 539 layer models favor a rheology that undergoes minimum volume change during 540 deformation. Considering the range of values produced by the simulation, the fault tip at 541 the center of the fold is expected to be only several km below the surface at the time of 542 deformation, and is currently only several hundred meters below the level of exposure. 19 543 Next, we performed our inversions using all five of the mapped layers that define 544 the geometry of the Raplee Ridge Monocline. The best-fitting multi-layer model 545 elevations were similar to those observed (Fig. 8-10). The extensive exposure of the 546 McKim, Goodrich, and Shafer surfaces causes the model to most accurately characterize 547 its geometry (Fig. 9). Surfaces lower in the stratigraphy are not fit as well due to the fact 548 that the number of points extracted along these surfaces are fewer, and consequently their 549 weight is less in the inversion. This effect is most pronounced for the Mendenhall and 550 Unnamed surfaces, both of which show larger misfit than their counterparts higher in the 551 stratigraphic section (Figs. 9 and 10). 552 elevations for the multilayer models (Fig. 10), a slight but systematic underestimation of 553 elevations within the McKim and Goodrich surfaces are observed for elevations of ~1600 554 m. These points flank the upper-most crest of the fold along the McKim surface, and 555 their misfit arises because the fold is more cylindrical at its crest than might be expected 556 for the simple elliptical fault geometry assumed in this study. Nonetheless, the best- 557 fitting model geometry produces generally unbiased estimates of the elevations across all 558 surfaces (Fig. 10): model residuals for the McKim, Goodrich, Shafer, Mendenhall, and 559 Unnamed surface have means of -1.0, 1.2, -5.3, 1.0, and 4.6 m, respectively, with a mean 560 residual of 7.6 x 10-15 m when considering all points from all layers. The variation within 561 residuals was similar across the McKim, Goodrich, and Shafer surfaces, with standard 562 deviations equaling 16.9, 15.9 and 16.8 m, respectively. However, the fewer points 563 extracted along the less-well-exposed Mendenhall and Unnamed surfaces resulted in 564 higher standard deviations of 25.0 and 20.7 m, respectively. When comparing observed versus predicted 565 The best-fitting model parameters deduced when using all of the mapped layers 566 (Fig. 8) shared affinity to those derived using only the McKim surface (Fig. 9 and 10). 567 The dimensions of the fold were similar, although the underlying fault was slightly wider 568 in the along-strike direction when using all mapped layers (Fig. 11, italic numbers in each 569 model parameter panel). In addition, the best-fitting model that uses all of the layers 570 favors a deeper fault tip-line at the center of the fold in comparison to the single layer 571 models. The root-mean-squared error for the best-fitting model was 18.1 m, slightly 572 larger than the single layer model. 20 573 The joint posterior distribution of model parameters estimated using the 574 Metropolis-Hasting sampler permitted sets of fault geometries and loading conditions that 575 were generally consistent with those derived from the single-layer models (Fig. 11). 576 However, inversions that utilized observations from multiple stratigraphic layers 577 generally tended to permit a wider range of model parameters than did single-layer 578 inversions (Figs. 7 and 11). Mean values of the calculated posterior pdfs were similar to 579 those calculated using the best-fitting model. As with the best-fitting modeled fault 580 depth, the range of fault depths allowable using the multilayer inversion tended to be 581 deeper than those predicted using only data from the McKim surface. Unlike single-layer 582 model results, values of Poisson’s Ratio permitted by the multilayer models spanned the 583 range from 0.03-0.48, indicating that this parameter may not be well resolved by such an 584 inversion. Nonetheless, both sets of models predict that the underlying fault dips steeply 585 to the east (Fig. 11). 586 587 Discussion: 588 This study builds on our previous work, in which we used the elevations extracted 589 from the McKim limestone in combination with Poly3D to interpolate the geometry of 590 the this surface and infer the fault geometry and regional strain . The single-layer models 591 created as part of the current study are similar to those reported in our previous work with 592 two important differences. First, our previous work fixed Poisson’s ratio to a value of 593 0.25 when determining the best-fitting and posterior probability densities of the model 594 parameters, while in the current study, we treat this ratio as a free parameter in the 595 inversion. By allowing Poisson’s Ratio to change in our models, the downdip height of 596 the fault decreased, while the depth to its upper edge increased. In addition, the larger 597 best-fitting value for Poisson’s Ratio is associated with a more steeply dipping fault . 598 Second, our previous work did not consider the number of degrees of freedom when 599 estimating P(x|m). 600 distributions to have less variance than those determined in this study. Given the large 601 uncertainties associated with the model itself (discussed below), the higher variance 602 distributions reported in this study likely provide a more realistic estimate of the 603 uncertainties in model parameters than those reported previously . This had the effect of causing the model parameter posterior 21 604 In addition to expanding our inversion methodology to accommodate 605 observations of bedding rotations and deflections of multiple layers, we explored the 606 impact that spatial resolution and precision of different sources of elevation data might 607 have on our inversions. The standard deviation of the difference between the NED-10 and 608 NED-30 elevations when compared to the ALSM data was found to be ~25% of the RMS 609 error produced by our best-fitting modeled elevations. Thus, given the uncertainties in 610 applying such an idealized model to a complex fold, the NED-10 or NED-30 datasets 611 would have likely been adequate for this analysis. We did find the ALSM data to be 612 invaluable when identifying the extent of the bedding surfaces in the elevation data and 613 the field. In fact, many outcrops that define the fold’s geometry are not visible when 614 using the NED-10 or NED-30 datasets (Fig. 3). Thus, while the precise ALSM mapping 615 may not have increased the precision of elevation measurements used as input for our 616 inversions, it aided in the identification of those areas from which such elevation 617 measurements were extracted. 618 Our methods provide a new, mechanically based way of interpolating the 619 geometry of three-dimensional fault-related folds and imaging the geometry of the 620 underlying faults. As such, our results must be viewed in the context of the simplifying 621 assumptions of the mechanical models upon which our approach is based. In particular, 622 Poly3D idealizes the crust as a homogeneous linear-elastic half-space into which 623 elements that may accommodate slip and opening are embedded. In reality, the rocks 624 currently exposed within the Raplee monocline likely deformed anisotropically, 625 elastically or visco-plastically. In addition, our study infers the geometry of a fault that 626 has not been imaged in the subsurface. In spite of these simplifying assumptions, our 627 model predicts fold shapes consistent with elevations of specific bedding surfaces 628 observed using the ALSM data. To validate such an approach, similar analyses should be 629 performed in areas where subsurface imaging allows comparison of these imaged 630 geometries with those modeled based on surface data. 631 The success of Poly3D in accurately depicting the geometry of Raplee Ridge 632 Monocline indicates either that the approximation of linear elasticity serves as an 633 adequate characterization of the rheology of the folded materials or that different 634 rheological properties may produce similar observed fold geometries by allowing the 22 635 underlying geometry of the slipping fault to change as well. While our Metropolis- 636 Hastings sampler provides estimates of the uncertainties within model parameters that 637 arise from our characterization of the uncertainties in the data, the uncertainties 638 associated with the inappropriateness of the simplified rheology in our model is not 639 captured by our approach. In the future, numerical experiments using finite element 640 models that can consider more complicated rheologies may be used to assess the trade- 641 offs between the loading conditions (represented by the far-field strain conditions and the 642 underlying fault geometry), rheology, and observed surface deflections. 643 from a suite of different rheologies analyzed using the methods presented in this work 644 may be compared with one another to assess the degree of uncertainty that is associated 645 with the choice of the rheology of the folded material. This choice may impact the 646 parameters such as fault geometry that are inferred by our approach, and so by having 647 independent estimates of these values, it might be possible to discern the most 648 appropriate rheological model for these types of folds. The results 649 650 Conclusions: 651 We present a method that uses the elevations of surface exposures of bedding 652 surfaces of fault-related folds to infer the underlying fault geometry, loading conditions, 653 and Poisson’s Ratio of the folded material, assuming that deformation is due to the 654 release of stress along a frictionless elliptical fault embedded in a homogeneous linear- 655 elastic half-space. This method may be applied to situations in which a single bedding 656 surface is exposed, or multiple stratigraphic surfaces have been deformed and exhumed. 657 In addition to bedding-plane elevations, the orientation of units at various locations in a 658 particular part of the stratigraphic section may be used to further constrain the geometry 659 of the fold and underlying fault. Using a Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method, 660 we determined the fault geometry, loading conditions, and elastic parameters that best 661 explain the observed surface deflections, as well as the variation within and covariation 662 between these model parameters. This allowed us to understand the degree to which the 663 data constrain model parameters and the various combinations of model parameters that 664 may produce the observed surface deflections. 23 665 We apply these methods to the Raplee Ridge Monocline, located in southeastern 666 Utah, where high-resolution ALSM data define the geometry of exposed bedding 667 surfaces. While we found that the resolution and precision of the ALSM data are 668 unnecessary for inferring the fault geometry and loading conditions using our approach, 669 these data greatly aid the mapping of the spatial distribution of surface outcrops. 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Upper left inset shows Four Corners area; location of 785 Figure 2 noted in location map. 786 787 Figure 2: The topography of Raplee Ridge, as imaged by the (a) 1-m ALSM-derived 788 data, (b) NED-10 data, and (c), NED-30 data. 789 elevation and map-view scale. (d) Shaded relief map showing the mapped extent of the 790 McKim surface used in single-layer inversions. The location of (x,y,z) points extracted 791 and used to compare accuracy of different datasets are shown as red dots. Note that the 792 mapped surface constrains the shape of the fold at a particular stratigraphic depth. All elevation maps have the same 793 794 Figure 3: Color-coded, shaded-relief DEM of the center of Raplee Ridge, showing the 795 detailed differences in resolution between the datasets. (a) is the ALSM-derived DEM, 796 (b) is the NED-10 DEM, and (c) is the NED-30 DEM. Color and map-view scales for all 797 panels are identical. 798 799 Figure 4: Comparison of elevations derived from ALSM data with those derived from 800 (a) the NED-30 DEM, and (c) the NED-10 DEM. The residual, or difference between the 801 NED-30 (b) or NED-10 (d) and ALSM data, are shown as histograms, with the mean and 802 standard deviations of these distributions noted in each panel. 803 804 Figure 5: Schematic model setup, showing the definition of each of the parameters used 805 to define the fault geometry and loading conditions in the Poly3D model. 806 parameters shown in figure are defined in text. Model 807 808 Figure 6: (a) Observed (filled circles) and predicted (shaded background) elevations of 809 the McKim surface that are produced as an initially flat layer is deflected by movement 810 along the best-fitting modeled fault geometry that slips in response to the best-fitting 811 remote loading conditions. (b) Plot of observed versus predicted elevations and (c) 29 812 histogram of residual elevations (observed elevations minus best-fitting modeled 813 elevations) that are produced by the best-fitting modeled fault geometry and loading 814 conditions. 815 816 Figure 7: Posterior probability density functions of each of the model parameters for 817 single layer (McKim surface only) model inversions. In each panel, the solid line denotes 818 the probability density of each model parameter given the elevations observed along the 819 McKim surface, while the dashed lines show the prior probability (assumed uniform in 820 this study) assumed for the model parameters. Numbers in italics represent the value of 821 each parameter for the best-fitting model, while solid bold numbers represent the mean 822 value produced by all simulations. The range shown in parentheses represents the 95% 823 bounds on the model parameter values determined from the posterior probability density 824 function. 825 826 Figure 8: Shaded relief map showing the spatial distribution of the five bedding-plane 827 surfaces exhumed within the fold. From stratigraphically highest to lowest, they are the 828 McKim, Goodrich, Shafer, Mendenhall, and Unnamed surfaces. 829 830 Figure 9: Observed (filled circles) and predicted (shaded background) elevations of the 831 McKim, Goodrich, Shafer, Mendenhall, and Unnamed surfaces produced by movement 832 along the best-fitting modeled fault geometry that slips in response to the best-fitting 833 remote loading conditions. Color and map-view scale are identical between plots. The 834 inferred depth below the surface of each of these layers at the time of deformation is 835 noted in each of the panels. 836 837 Figure 10: Observed and modeled elevations (left panels) and histogram of residual 838 elevations (defined in Fig. 6) for best-fitting fault geometry and loading conditions, when 839 considering multiple layers in the model inversion. Observed vs. predicted elevations 840 and residual histograms shown for the (a) McKim, (b) Goodrich, (c) Shafer, (d) 841 Mendenhall, and (e) Unnamed surfaces. 842 30 843 Figure 11: Posterior probability density functions of each of the model parameters for 844 multiple layer inversions. In each panel, the solid line denotes the probability density of 845 each model parameter given the elevations observed along the McKim surface, while the 846 dashed lines show the prior probability (assumed uniform in this study) assumed for the 847 model parameters. Numbers in italics represent the value of each parameter for the best- 848 fitting model, while solid bold numbers represent the mean value produced by all 849 simulations. The range shown in parentheses represents the 95% bounds on the model 850 parameter values determined from the posterior probability density function. 851 852 853 31 854 Figures: 855 856 857 858 Figure 1 859 860 32 861 862 Figure 2 863 33 864 865 Figure 3 866 867 34 868 869 Figure 4 870 871 35 872 873 874 Figure 5 875 876 36 877 878 879 Figure 6 880 881 37 882 883 Figure 7 884 38 885 886 887 Figure 8 888 889 39 890 891 892 Figure 9 893 894 40 895 896 897 Figure 10 898 899 41 900 901 Figure 11 42