Greenbank High School Greenbank High School is the only all-girls' school of the four 11-16 comprehensive schools serving Southport. It is a high achieving school with traditional values complemented by a dynamic approach to learning. We take every opportunity to Inspire, Care and Achieve. Greenbank was judged as Outstanding in its latest OFSTED report in November 2010. There are at present 868 girls on roll with 100 teaching and support staff. It achieved academy status in November 2011. It is located in Southport which is a pleasant seaside resort with very good road and rail links. It has excellent living, working and recreational facilities. Greenbank enjoys an excellent reputation in the neighbourhood. It has a very strong academic record and a history of which it is justly proud, with examination results significantly above the national average. In 2014 Greenbank has been shortlisted as the TES Humanities School of the Year and Sefton Sports School of the Year. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and seeks to maximise the number of pupils who are able to achieve the English Baccalaureate where we were placed as the highest achieving state secondary school in Sefton in 2013. Pupils enter Greenbank with an average points score above the national average. To match these needs we have a stretch and challenge curriculum that allows more able pupils to flourish through an emphasis on increased independence. We are currently a member of NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education) and are striving to achieve the NACE Challenge Award early in 2015. Greenbank believes all pupils should be able to make exceptional progress and extra support is given to those pupils who need a boost in learning, pupil premium and SEN pupils. In January 2013 the school received recognition from the Minister of State for Schools as being amongst the top 100 best improving schools in the country in terms of the progress our pupils make between Key Stage 2 and their GCSE results. Recognised by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) as an outstanding school, Greenbank was awarded ‘Leading Edge Status in 2012 which allows us to work with this high achieving group of schools nationally in sharing best practice to innovate and raise achievement. In November 2012 OFSTED published a good practice report on Geography which was published in the Times Educational Supplement recognising Greenbank as a lead school in this area of the curriculum. Greenbank has very high expectations of pupil behaviour both inside and outside school. Pupil voice and student leadership opportunities allow pupils to become fully involved in the life of the school including whole school development. We are striving to achieve the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) in 2014-15 to recognise our community ethos and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. All pupils are encouraged to participate in our wide range of extra -curricular activities ranging from our Sefton Children’s University provision in Year 7 to the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme in Years 9, 10 and 11. We have outstanding provision in Music, Drama and Sport and run an extensive range of overseas visits such as French and Spanish exchanges, a Music tour of Austria and Humanities visits to Poland and Italy. The latest OFSTED report (November 2010) described the school as outstanding and includes the following comments: • “Greenbank High School provides its students with an outstanding education and very high quality care, support and guidance.” • “Students become mature, self-confident individuals with high aspirations. They are extremely well prepared for life beyond school. Their attendance, behaviour and attitudes to learning are excellent.” • Student comment to the inspectors: “There are just so many opportunities. You can do so much here.” • “The curriculum is outstanding.” • “The outstanding quality of care, guidance and support is reflected in the positive relationships that exist between staff and students and the very strong sense of community in the school." The school was designated as one of the first Specialist Language Colleges and was re-designated four times. The British Council International Schools’ Award was gained in 2006 and re-awarded in September 2012 in recognition of our global dimension work. We have a dedicated Language Centre, which houses an authentic foreign street and market place. Russian and Latin are offered as well as French and Spanish. All faculty areas contribute towards the delivery of internationalism, to ensure pupils are prepared to face the demands of the wider world. The school is based on a Faculty structure - with the six faculties of English and Communication, Languages, Mathematics, Technology, Science (including PE) and Humanities. In Year 7 pupils are placed in ability sets for Mathematics, English and Science and taught in mixed ability groups for other subjects. In Year 8 there is setting in Mathematics, English, Science and Modern Foreign Languages and in Year 9, in Mathematics, English, French, Spanish and Science. In Years 10 and 11 there is setting in Mathematics, English, Science and Languages. Spanish and French are taught in Years 7-9 with Latin in Year 8 and Russian in Year 9 for the more able gifted and talented pupils. Greenbank has an experienced Child Protection and Safeguarding Team who have all been trained as Designated Lead teachers in this area. The team consists of the Assistant Headteacher for Pastoral Care who is the Designated Lead Teacher, The Deputy Headteacher, two Progress Leaders and a Learning Mentor. The buildings are situated on the coast, surrounded by the Royal Birkdale Golf Club, home to The British Open Championship. Accommodation includes 7 new Science laboratories, 5 ICT suites, a Learning Zone incorporating a library, 7 technology suites, a theatre hall which is home to many community theatre groups, gymnasium and a Music suite. The school is fortunate to have a floodlit multi-purpose all-weather pitch to international hockey standards, which benefits not only the pupils but the community. A sports hall opened for school and community use in September 2004 and is let until 10pm every evening of the week. The Art rooms have been totally refurbished, a new Textiles room completed and a dance and drama studio opened recently. In 2013 we developed our Learning Zone into a state of the art multi use library to encourage independence. To complement the investment in infrastructure, an ICT enhancement strategy is carefully managed to keep the school at the forefront of education technology. We were a leading innovator in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) provided through Frog VLE which will be succeeded by a new VLE in 2014 -2015 through the Firefly platform. This has greatly enhanced staff and pupil access to resources for all lessons and has enabled forums for staff and pupils to be developed. The school has over 350 networked PCs and electronic interactive whiteboards in every classroom. Pupils are registered electronically every lesson. We have a range of mobile technology that is used within the classroom to enhance learning. To further support independent learning ICT learning tools are used such as Doddle, Encyclopedia Britannica and Accelerated Reader to ensure a personalised approach to literacy. The pupils take pride in their contribution to all aspects of school life. There are strong links with the local community and a considerable amount of money is raised each year for a large variety of charities. Parental participation is actively encouraged and there is a flourishing Parent Teacher Association, which has made important contributions to the life of the school. The Governors of Greenbank High School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people at every opportunity and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Mr Ian Raikes (Headteacher) June 2014