Marc van essen - Darla Moore School of Business

Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Marc van Essen
Sonoco International Business Department
Darla Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
1705 College Street
Columbia SC 29208
#1 program in Undergraduate International Business - US News and
World Report (17 consecutive years).
#1 program in Undergraduate International Business - Bloomberg
Business Week, 2013
#1 for best 'international experience' among the world's top 100
business schools -Financial Times
#3 for 'fastest return' on an MBA student's education investment Bloomberg Business week
2012 – present
Assistant professor in international business, Sonoco
International Business Department, Moore School of
Business, University of South Carolina.
2011 – 2012
Assistant professor of finance, Utrecht School of
Economics, Utrecht University.
2007 – 2011
Ph.D. student, Rotterdam School of Management,
Erasmus University.
2005 – 2007
Personal research assistant, Rotterdam
Management, Erasmus University.
2004 – 2006
Personal research assistant, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Institute, Utrecht University.
2006 – 2007
Beleidsadviserend Onderzoek.
Marc van Essen
2007 – 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Management (Cum laude), RSM Management
Erasmus University. An Institution-Based View of
Ownership. (Rotterdam: PhD Serie 226, 309 pag).
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Hans van Oosterhout & Prof. Dr.
Gerard Mertens.
2005 – 2007
M.Sc. in Economics and Law (Cum laude), Utrecht
2002 – 2005
B.Sc. in Economics and Law (Cum laude), Utrecht
My research interests lie at the intersections of institutions, firm strategy and
corporate governance. Currently, my main area of research covers the topics
of comparative corporate governance and the institution-based view of
business strategy. Accordingly, my primary research questions are: (a) What
are the specific roles and effects of country-level institutions on firm strategy
and practices? (b) What factors determine the prevalence and effectiveness
of corporate governance practices around the world? (c) How do corporate
governance practices influence firm-level strategic choices?
Engelen P-J., Van Essen M. 2008. Underpricing of IPOs and Legal
Framework Around the World. Review of Law and Economics, 1555-5879,
4(1), 419-441. Available at:
Heugens P.P.M.A.R., Van Essen M., Van Oosterhout, H. 2009. MetaAnalyzing Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Asia: Towards
a More Fine-Grained Understanding. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management,
26(3), 481-512. (Impact factor 2010: 3.36)
Engelen P-J., Van Essen M. 2010. Underpricing of IPOs: Firm-, Issue- and
Country-Specific Characteristics. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(8),
1958-1969. (Impact factor 2010: 2.73; 5 year impact factor 2010: 2.52)
Van Essen, M. 2011, An Institution-Based View of Ownership, (Promoters:
Prof.dr. J. van Oosterhout & Prof.dr. G.M.H. Mertens). EPS-2011-226-ORG,
ISBN 978-90-5892-269-4,,
March 10. Alblasserdam: Haveka.
Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., Heugens, P.P.M.A.R., Van Essen, M., Van
Oosterhout, H. 2011. Business Group Affiliation, Performance, Context, and
Strategy: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 437460. (Impact factor 2010: 5.25; 5 year impact factor 2010: 10.78)
Engelen P-J., Van Essen M. 2011. The Role of Financial Markets to Induce
Corporate Responsibility. Book chapter in: Vandekerckhove, W.; Leys, J.;
Scholtens, B.; Signori, S.; Schäfer, H. “Responsible Investment in Times of
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Turmoil”, 55-74. Springer Publishers (Issues in Business Ethics Series) 97890-481-9318-9.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Otten, J., van Oosterhout, H. 2012.
An institution-based view of executive compensation: A multilevel metaanalytic test. Journal of International Business Studies. 43(4), 396-423.
(Impact factor 2010: 4.18; 5 year impact factor 2010: 5.54)
Van Essen, M., Van Oosterhout, H., & Carney, M. 2012. Corporate boards
and performance of Asian firms: A meta-analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of
Management, 29 (4), 873-905 (Impact factor 2011: 3.06)
Van Essen, M., Van Oosterhout, H. & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. 2013.
Competition and cooperation in corporate governance: The effects of labor
institutions on blockholder effectiveness in 23 European countries.
Organizational Science. 24(2), 530-551 (Impact factor 2010: 3.80; 5 year
impact factor 2010: 5.84)
Van Essen, M. Engelen, P-J., & Carney, M. 2013. Does ‘good’ corporate
governance help in a crisis? The impact of country- and firm-level governance
mechanisms in the European financial crisis. Corporate Governance: An
International Review, 21 (3): 201-224 (2 Year-impact factor: 2.75) (Lead
Engelen, P.J. & van Essen, M. 2013. Effects of firm-level corporate
governance and country-level economic governance institutions on R&D
curtailment during crisis times, 58-85. Book chapter in: M. Ugur (ed.)
Governance, regulation and innovation: Theory and evidence from firms and
nations. Edward-Elgar.
Van Essen, M., Otten, J., & Carberry, E. 2014. Assessing managerial power
theory: A meta-analytic approach to understanding the determinants of CEO
compensation. Journal of Management. (Impact factor 2010: 3.75; 5 year
impact factor 2010: 6.21)
Carney, M., Van Essen, M., Gedajlovic, E., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. 2015.
What do we know about private family firms? A meta-analytic review.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 39(3). (Impact factor 2012: 2.24)
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Van Essen M., Van Oosterhout H. 2008. Meta-Analyzing Ownership
Concentration and Firm Performance in Asia: Towards a More Fine-Grained
Understanding. Best paper proceedings of the 68th annual meeting of the
Academy of Management, 1543-8643, 1-8.
Carney M., Gedajlovic E., Heugens P.P.M.A.R., Van Essen M., van
Oosterhout, H. 2010. Business Group Performance, Context, and Strategy: A
Meta-Analysis. Best paper proceedings of the 70th annual meeting of the
Academy of Management. 1543-8643, 1-6.
Van Essen, M., Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. 2011.
Do US publicly listed family firms differ? Does it matter? A meta-analysis.
Best paper proceedings of the 71th annual meeting of the Academy of
Management. 1543-8643, 1-6.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., van Oosterhout, H., & Otten, J.
2011. Executive pay in context: A meta-analysis of institutional influences on
the pay-for-performance association. Winner of the International
Management Division Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award. 71th annual
meeting of the Academy of Management.
Van Essen, M. Winner of Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award,
Academy of International Business. AIB 2012 Annual meeting. Washington
DC, USA. The 2012 selection committee consisted of Mike Peng (Chair),
University of Texas at Dallas; Hyung-Jung Lee, London School of Economics;
Anupama Phene, George Washington University; and Kevin Zhou, University
of Hong Kong.
Van Essen, M., Van Oosterhout, H., & Carney, M. 2012. Winner of the 2012
Best Paper Award by Springer Publishing. The Best Paper Award is given
annually to the best article published in past years at Asia Pacific Journal of
Management. Paper: Corporate boards and performance of Asian firms: A
Van Essen, M. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) Best
Dissertation Award 2012. ERIM Ceremony 2012, Wednesday 12, 2012.
Location: Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Van Essen, M. Nominated for Pierson Medaille 2012. The Pierson medal is
awarded every three years to a promising young researcher in the economicfinancial area, who is about to break through internationally. The award is
granted by The Royal Society for Political Economy (De Koninklijke
Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde) which was founded in 1849 and is
the oldest professional association of economists in the world. Stichting Mr.
N.G. Pierson Fonds. Committee: Eric van Damme (chair), Harry Garretsen,
Franz Palm, Rick van der Ploeg en Casper de Vries.
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Van Essen, M., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Peng, M., & Kostova, T. Why do
Publicly Listed Family Firms Perform so Differently Across Emerging
Markets? An Institution-Based Theory. Finalist for an award at the 2013
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual
Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism
in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the
United Kingdom. Best paper proceedings of the 73th annual meeting of
the Academy of Management.
Bailey, N., Engelen, P-J. Van Essen, M., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. A MetaAnalytical Review of IPO Underpricing and the Strategic Role of Underpricing
on Firm Risk and Firm Performance. Best paper proceedings of the 73th
annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism
in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the
United Kingdom. CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance
Engelen, P-J., Van Essen, M. 2007 Underpricing of IPOs and Legal
Framework Around the World. Paper presented at the European
Association of Law and Economics 24 th Annual Conference, 13-15
September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Van Essen, M., & Van Oosterhout, H. 2008. Meta-Analyzing Ownership
Concentration and Firm Performance in Asia: Towards a More Fine-Grained
Understanding. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual
Conference, 11-13 August, Anaheim, US.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., & Van Oosterhout, H. 2009.
Unpacking Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Europe: A
Meta-Analysis. Paper presenting at the American Law and Economic
Association. 15-16 May, San Diego, US.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., & van Oosterhout, H. 2009.
Unpacking Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Europe: A
Meta-Analysis. Paper presenting at the Academy of Management Annual
Conference, 7-11 August, Chicago, US.
Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Essen, M. & van
Oosterhout, H. 2009. Business Group Performance, Context, and Strategy: A
Meta-Analysis. Paper presenting at the Meta Analysis of Economics
Research Colloquium, 2-3 October, Corvallis, US.
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Van Essen, M., Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. 2010.
Do US Publicly Listed Family Firms Differ? Does it matter? A meta-analysis.
Paper presenting at the IFERA 10th Annual World Family Business
Research Conference, 28 June-1July 2010, Lancaster University
Van Essen, M. 2010. The Board of Directors and Performance of Asian
Firms: A Meta-analysis. Paper presenting at the Academy of Management
Annual Conference, 7-11 August, Montreal, Canada.
Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Essen, M. & van
Oosterhout, H. 2010. Business Group Performance, Context, and Strategy: A
Meta-Analysis. Paper presenting at the Academy of Management Annual
Conference, 7-11 August, Montreal, Canada.
Van Essen, M., Van Oosterhout, H. & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. Competition
and cooperation in corporate governance: The effects of labor institutions on
blockholder effectiveness in 23 European countries. Paper presenting at the
Academy of International Business, 24-28 June Nagoya, Japan.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., van Oosterhout, H., & Otten, J.
Executive pay in context: A meta-analysis of institutional influences on the
pay-for-performance association. Paper presenting at the Academy of
International Business, 24-28 June Nagoya, Japan.
Van Essen, M., Carney, M.,, Gedajlovic E., Heugens, P. Do US public-listed
family-controlled firms differ? Does it matter? A meta-analysis. Paper
presenting at the Academy of Management Conference, August San
Antonio, Texas, US.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., van Oosterhout, H., & Otten, J.
2011. Executive pay in context: A meta-analysis of institutional influences on
the pay-for-performance association. Academy of Management
Conference, August San Antonio, Texas, US.
Van Essen, M., Otten, J., & Carberry, E. Assessing managerial power theory:
A meta-analytic approach to understanding the determinants of CEO
compensation. Paper presenting at the Meta Analysis of Economics
Research Colloquium, 16-18 September Cambridge UK.
Van Essen, M. 2012. An Institution-Based View of Ownership. Dissertation
presenting at the Academy of International Business, Farmer Best
Dissertation Award Committee, 30 June- 3 July Washington, US.
Van Essen, M. Engelen, P-J., & Carney, M. 2012. Does ‘good’ corporate
governance help in a crisis? The impact of country- and firm-level governance
mechanisms in the European financial crisis. Academy of Management
Conference, August Boston, Massachusetts, US.
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism
in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the
United Kingdom. Academy of International Business , 2 July-7 July
Istanbul, Turkey.
Van Essen, M., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Peng, M., & Kostova, T. Explaining
Performance Variation of Publicly Listed Family Firms in Emerging Markets:
An Institutional Perspective. Academy of International Business, 2 July-7
July Istanbul, Turkey.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Oosterhout, H., Carney, M., &
Gedajlovic, E. Concentrated Owners in Asia: Contingent Performance Effects
of Owners Types and Market-Supporting Institutions. Academy of
International Business, 2 July-7 July Istanbul, Turkey.
Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism
in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the
United Kingdom. Academy of International Business, 2 July-7 July Istanbul,
Van Essen, M., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Peng, M., & Kostova, T. Explaining
Performance Variation of Publicly Listed Family Firms in Emerging Markets:
An Institutional Perspective. Academy of International Business, 2 July-7 July
Istanbul, Turkey.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Oosterhout, H., Carney, M., &
Gedajlovic, E. Concentrated Owners in Asia: Contingent Performance Effects
of Owners Types and Market-Supporting Institutions. Academy of
International Business, 2 July-7 July Istanbul, Turkey.
Bailey, N., Engelen, P-J. Van Essen, M., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. A MetaAnalytical Review of IPO Underpricing and the Strategic Role of Underpricing
on Firm Risk and Firm Performance. Academy of Management Conference,
August Orlanda, Florida, US.
Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism
in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the
United Kingdom. Academy of Management Conference, August Orlanda,
Florida, US.
Van Essen, M., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Peng, M., & Kostova, T. Explaining
Performance Variation of Publicly Listed Family Firms in Emerging Markets:
An Institutional Perspective. Academy of Management Conference, August
Orlanda, Florida, US.
Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Oosterhout, H., Carney, M., &
Gedajlovic, E. Concentrated Owners in Asia: Contingent Performance Effects
of Owners Types and Market-Supporting Institutions. Academy of
Management Conference, August Orlanda, Florida, US.
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Title: Competition and cooperation in coporate governance: The effects of
labor institutions on blockholder effectiveness in 23 European countries. 10
May 2011, University of Groningen.
Title: Concentrated owners in Asia: Contingent performance effects of owners
types and market-supporting institutions. 28 September 2012, University of
Texas at Dallas.
Title: Why do publicly listed family firms perform so differently across
emerging markets? An institution-based theory. 5 June 2013, Utrecht
Academy of International Business
Academy of Management
American Law and Economics Association
Meta-Analysis of Economics Research (MAER) Network
Regular reviewer for the Academy of Management Journal, Asia Pacific
Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review,
Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of Management Studies,
Organizational Research Methods, Small Business Economics, Strategic
Management Journal and the annual conferences of the Academy of
Management and Academy of International Business.
Current Member of Editorial Review Board
Corporate Governance: An International Review (January 2014-)
Asia Pacific Journal of Management (April 2014-)
Organizer SMS 2013 Atlanta Extension “Comparative Corporate
Governance and Global Strategy”, Charleston, SC (with Tatiana Kostova)
Erasmus Centre for Family Business (2013) Are private family firms really so
conservative and sluggish?
Het is nogal wat, risico’s nemen met papa’s zaak. (22 juni 2013). NRC
The bad side of good governance (July 19, 2013). Strategy + business.
Invited experts on different Dutch radio channels (BNR, Radio 1)
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Research Training / Bachelor Thesis course. 2009/2010
How are European listed firms coping with the crisis? (48 students)
Evaluation: 3.9 out of 5 (48 students)
International Financial Management / Bachelor course. 2010/2011 (tutorials)
Evaluation 4.2 out of 5 (4 tutorials of 25 students)
ERIM Summer School 2012 Steps in the Meta Analysis Process (20 students
3 days course)
Evaluation: 4.57 out of 5 (lecture)
Evaluation: 4.14 out of 5 (overall score)
ERIM Summer School 2013 Steps in the Meta Analysis Process (20 students
4 days course)
Evaluation: 4.38 out of 5 (lecture)
Evaluation: 4.62 out of 5 (overall score)
Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University
Regulation of the Financial Industry / Master course. (Coordination, lectures
and tutorials)
2010/2011 Evaluation 4.1 out of 5 and 7.7 out of 10 (28 students)
2011/2012 Evaluation 4.0 out of 5 and 7.6 out of 10 (39 students)
Applied economics research course / Bachelor course. 2010/2011
(supervision group 16 students and supervisor 6 students)
2010/2011 Evaluation supervision group
4.6 out of 5
2010/2011 Evaluation supervisor
4.8 out of 5
Thesis Coach / Master Thesis.
4 students
7 students
9 students
Corporate finance (Coordination, lectures and tutorials)
Evaluation 4.2 out of 5 and 7.7 out of 10 (390 students)
Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
Undergraduate Course: Business in Europe (16 students)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.91 out of 5 (instructor performance)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.94 out of 5 (overall score)
PhD Course IBUS 801 (with Kendall Roth; 5 students)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.92 out of 5 (instructor performance)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.96 out of 5 (overall score)
PMBA Course: Doing Business in Europe (40 students)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.62 out of 5 (instructor performance)
Evaluation 2012/2013: 4.50 out of 5 (overall score)
Undergraduate Course: Business in Europe (40 students)
Marc van Essen
Updated 12 Feb 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Evaluation 2013/2014: 4.82 out of 5 (instructor performance)
Evaluation 2013/2014: 4.77 out of 5 (overall score
2010-2012 Onderwijs Commissie (OC) Master, Utrecht University
The OC safe guards the quality of the education, addresses any eventual
bottlenecks and gives advice, asked or unasked, concerning the development
and execution of the educational policy.
International Business Undergraduate Admissions Committee.
International Business PhD Committee.
Hi Dr. Roth,
I missed the deadline for course evaluations this year, but I would still like to
evaluate the Business in Europe class with Marc Van Essen. Meredith
Bellamy said that this would be an appropriate way to do so. In IBUS 443,
Marc was a terrific professor. He was incredibly knowledgeable on all the
topics we covered, and was able to impart a ton of information in the halfsemester that we had class. He knew that the American and Dutch methods
of evaluation are different, and he tried (and succeeded) in altering his
teaching method to accommodate this. It was one of the hardest courses I've
taken, but I learned so much that I can honestly say it has been my favorite
course in the Moore School so far. I'm sorry to get this to you so late, but I
figure late is better than never.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas,
-Brock Edgar
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