2014 KAFCE EDUCATOIN PROGRAM GUIDE “FCE: Preserving Our Heritage” “Basic Cooking and Home Preservation” Written by Tina Bailey, KAFCE State EPC ►Cooking for One or Two usually happens to families when first getting started or when they become empty nesters. This lesson will focus on basic cooking, preserving meals and emergency substitutions for recipes. EDUCATIONAL GOALS: Provide ways to make the food budget to go further. Use all that is cooked with little waste. COMMUNITY ACTION: Conduct cooking classes for newlyweds or empty nesters. Talk with high school home economic classes to show kids going to college how to cook for one or how to make dinners for a week. Assist with food distributions.. “Eggs-From the Hen to the Plate” Written by Janie Williams, KAFCE State EPC ►Which came first the chicken or the egg? Although we may not know this answer, we do know that eggs have good nutritional value and American’s love eating them. This lesson will inform us about egg production from the farm to the store, the parts and function of the egg, nutritional value, cooking methods and about egg products. EDUCATIONAL GOALS: Participants will learn: Facts about eggs in general, egg industry and production. Eggs are a “nutritional powerhouse.” Proper handling of eggs and food safety Cooking and eating eggs. COMMUNITY ACTION: Have educational displays about egg and food safety. Serve an egg enriched bunch or desserts, share lesson material, followed by a quiz on egg facts. Distribute educational materials stressing the economical and nutritional value of eggs to community food pantries or homeless shelters. “Does Your Engine Purr?” Written by Edith McClain, KAFCE State EPC ►No one is too old or unable to exercise. Getting started is simple and easy. You just have to be willing to do it. EDUCATIONAL GOALS: Identify physical needs of self and group members. page 1 Understand the need for strength, balance, and flexibility as we age. COMMUNITY ACTION: Organize a group exercise program. Write news articles on getting into shape. Share this lesson with others. “What is Your Brain Age?” Written Faye Spencer, KAFCE State Vice President ►Aging is a fact of life. As we age, our brain’s cognitive abilities are influenced by our lifestyle choices. Learn techniques to improve cognitive function and to be own advocate for your brain health. EDUCATIONAL GOALS: Understand the brain is involved in all aspects of our lives. Gain ideas for cognitive improvement activities.. Increase knowledge of healthy habits and be motivated to make life improvement decisions which will influence longevity and cognitive abilities. COMMUNITY ACTION: Have booth distributing resources, activities, and continuing education opportunities. Organize social groups to use brain power activities. Plan activities at community centers. Donate video equipment Present this program to other groups. Champaign to promote brain health “Respect” CHARACTER COUNTS! Essay and Artwork ContestPresented by KAFCE EPC. The Character Counts! ►Respect booklets explain how people should care for and value others, accept individual differences, and allow privacy. EDUCATIONAL GOALS: Learn the “Golden Rule” in the treatment of others.. Learn there are many ways a person can show respect to others. COMMUNITY ACTION: Present this lesson to a fourth grade class and encourage participation in the Essay and Art Contest. Present this lesson to parenting group, that adults teach by example how to be respectful.