VISEGRAD UNIVERSITY STUDIES GRANT—COURSE DESCRIPTION University/Faculty/Department: , Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), Interdisciplinary Research and Education Platform ARHEOINVEST, Laboratory of Scientific Investigation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Course Title: New aspects of conservation scientific of the cultural heritage New aspects of conservation scientific of the cultural heritage Study Program: For students and postgraduate level Guarantor/Supervisor of the Course: Prof. Ion SANDU Lecturers (in case of host lecturers please include their home institutions): Daniela VLAD and Petronela SPIRIDON (assistents) Semester II, 2014, 1 week (24-29March) Duration of the Course (No. of semesters): ) Type of Course: (e.g. lecture, workshop, seminar...) Interactive lecture and workshop, using pps. How many lessons does the course require? 3 curses and 2 workshops/seminars per week? 3 curses and 2 workshops/seminars within the entire study program? Number of credits to be received: 5 Methods of Assessment of the Students’ Progress: Interim Assessment (e.g. test, essay, etc.): Tests and Essay Final Assessment: Colloquy Aims and Objectives of the Course: This course presents a series of modern aspects regarding the interdisciplinarity of the science for conservation of the cultural heritage. Thus are presented in the light of a new vision on the definitions, concepts and specific terms, lucrative subdomains with their objectives and activities, liberal professions in the field of the cultural heritage, the elements and patrimonial functions, the conservation levels and their priorities. Also, as personal contribution to the field, focused on the background of the artifacts in specific contexts, the discovery in the valuing of an archaeological artifact, types of expertise and their role, and the importance of scientific investigation of newly discovered artifacts and finaly archaeometric studies by identifying compounds of three patins. Course Description: The course it is presented as pps, devided in the following chapters: 1. General aspects regarding the Science of Conservation; 2. Nomenclature of the Science of Conservation; 3. Lucrative subfields of Conservation Science; 4. Elements and Patrimonial Functions; 5. Conservation Levels (classification groups); 6. Professions in the Cultural Heritage field; 7. The Background of the Artifacts in Specific Contexts; 8. Context of Discovery in the Valorisation of an Archaeological Artifact; 9. Types of Expertise and their Role; 10. Valuing the Scientific Investigation of Newly Discovered Artifacts; 11. Archaeometric Studies by Identifying Compounds of three Patinas. The courses has the following practical workshops: 1. Involving the scientometric, artefactometric and archaeometric criteria in evaluating the share exchange or share catalog (the cost); 2. Identifying the archaeometric characteristics; 3. Artefacts patina (noble patina, slight patina and contamination patina/archaeological patina); 4. Presentation of the research activity in the own laboratory team (pps). Literature (reading list, provided by the course supervisor): 1. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, F.A. TENCARIU, V. COTIUGĂ, Scientific Conservation of the Ceramic Artefacts, Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978-973-703-600-1), Iaşi, 2010, 455 p.; 2. M. QUARANTA, I. SANDU, On the Degradation Mechanisms under Infuence of Pedological Factors through the Study of Archaeological Bronze Patina, ”Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978973-703-499-1), Iaşi, 2010, 191 p. 3. M. HAYASHI, I. SANDU, P. TIANO, N. MACCHIONI, The Effect of Preservative Intervention on the Chemical-Physical and Structural Chracteristics of Panel Painting, ”Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978-973-703-476-2), Iaşi, 2010, 130 p. 4. I. SANDU, M. BRÂNZILĂ, I.G. SANDU, Scientific Conservation of the Stone Monuments, ”Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978-973-703-476-2), Iaşi, 2009, 314 p.; 5.V. VASILACHE, I. SANDU C.LUCA, I.C.A.SANDU, News concerning Scientific Conservation of the Old Polychrome Wood , Ed. Univ. ”Al.I.Cuza”, (ISBN 978-973-703-477-9), Iaşi, 2009, 282 p.; 6. I. SANDU, Degradation and Deterioration of the Cultural Heritage, Vol. I, ”Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978-973-703-341-3/978-973-703-342-0), Iaşi, 2008, 462 p.; 7. I. SANDU, Degradation and Deterioration of the Cultural Heritage, Vol. II, ”Al.I.Cuza” University Publishing House, (ISBN 978-973-703-341-3/978-973-703-343-7), Iaşi, 2008, 538 p.; 8. I. SANDU, Modern Aspects Concerning the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, vol.V. Identification of Painting Materials, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 şi 973-730-049-1) Iaşi, 2007, 780 p.; 9. I. SANDU, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M.L. GEAMAN, Modern Aspects Concerning the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, vol.IV. Determination of the Conservation State and Restauration of the Easel Paintings, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 şi 973-730-242-7) Iaşi, 2006, 432 p.; 10. I.G. SANDU, I. SANDU, A. DIMA, Modern Aspects Concerning the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, vol.III. Autentication and Restauration of the Inorganic Material Artefacts, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730048-3 şi 973-730-220-5) Iaşi, 2006, 502 p.; 11. I.C.A. SANDU, I. SANDU, C. LUCA, Modern Aspects Concerning the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, vol.II. Autentication and Determination of the Old Paintings Conservation State, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 şi 973-730-075-0), Iaşi, 2005, 537 p.; 12. I. SANDU, I.G. SANDU, Modern Aspects Concerning the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, vol.I. Nomenclature, typologies and casuistries, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 şi 973-730-049-1) Iaşi, 2005, 473 p.; 13. I. SANDU, Nomenclature of the Conservation Cultural Heritage, Ed. Performantica (ISBN 973-7994-906), Iaşi, 2004, 164 p. 14. I. SANDU, I. C. A. SANDU, Conservation and Restauration Chemistry, vol I, Ed. Corson (ISBN 9738225-27-1), Iaşi, 2002, 1058 p.; 15. I. SANDU, I. C. A. SANDU, Conservation and Restauration Chemistry, vol II, Ed. Corson (ISBN 9738225-27-2), Iaşi, 2002, 668 p.; 16. I. SANDU, I.C.A. SANDU, I. G. SANDU, Colorimetry in Art, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, (ISBN 973-8225-28-0), 2002, 430 p.; 17. I. SANDU, A. DIMA, I. G. SANDU, Restauration and Conservation of Metallic Artefacts, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, (ISBN 973-8225-24-8), 2002, 666 p.; 18. I. C. A. SANDU, I. SANDU, P. POPOIU, A. van SAANEN Methodological Aspects Concerning Scientific Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, (ISBN 973-8225-19-1), 2001, 686 p.; 19. I. SANDU, I. C. A. SANDU, A. van SAANEN, Scientific Expertize of the Art Works, vol I, "Al.I.Cuza" University Publishing House Iaşi, (ISBN 973-9272-21-5),1998, 560 p.; Course Language: English Signature of the Course Garantor/Supervisor Professor Ion SANDU PhD