OFAH Media Release OFAH FILE: 842 September 5, 2012 For Immediate Release OFAH shocked by recent Shaw Media/Global Television decision Network suddenly drops successful hunting programs The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), producers of the award winning Angler and Hunter Television (AHTV) program, currently seen on the Shaw Media/Global Television network, is profoundly disappointed with the network’s recent decision to remove all programming with hunting content from the network by year’s end. “Angler and Hunter TV has enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Shaw Media/Global Television. By Global’s own admission, over one million viewers tune into the great Canadian block of outdoor shows including AHTV,” said OFAH Executive Director Angelo Lombardo. “The fact that Global had previously acknowledged the important conservation message that anglers and hunters embrace, and publicly recognized the appeal of shows like AHTV to the broader public, calls into question the decision to remove these shows from their broadcast line-up and the motive for doing so. As disappointed as we are at this turn of events, AHTV will continue to broadcast on Shaw Media/Global Television until the end of the year. Discussions are underway to ensure that AHTV continues to deliver the same high quality outdoor programming in 2013 and beyond.” Canadian hunters and anglers have been leaders in fish and wildlife conservation for well over a century, and along with their American counterparts, were the driving force behind the creation of the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation which continues to govern the way wildlife is managed to this day. Hunters in Canada donate more than one million hours annually to conservation and projects specifically designed to maintain and improve wildlife habitat. Hunting is part of our Canadian heritage, and recognized as such through legislation in several provinces and at the federal level with the recent appointment by Prime Minister Stephen Harper of a national hunting and angling advisory panel. That panel, which is similar in nature to the U.S. Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council, will provide expert advice to the government on fish and wildlife conservation issues, recognizing anglers and hunter’s expertise in these matters. Anglers and hunters contribute more than $10 billion annually to the Canadian economy. In Ontario alone, the contributions from fishing and hunting licence revenues fund two-thirds, or roughly $68 million, of all fish and wildlife programs delivered by the Ministry of Natural Resources. “Over its twenty year history, AHTV has set the standard for Canadian outdoor broadcasting. In 2010 AHTV was voted Best Fishing Show by Wild TV viewers, in 2011 took home the prestigious Wild TV Grizzly Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2012 was voted Fan Favourite, Best Educational/Conservation Show. We take great pride in the integrity and quality of the programming on AHTV and look forward to continuing that tradition, regardless of efforts to mute or silence the important message the program delivers,” said Lombardo. With over 100,000 members, supporters and subscribers, and 675 member clubs, the OFAH is the largest non-profit conservation based organization in Ontario. For more information, visit www.ofah.org and stay connected with Facebook and Twitter. -30Media Contact: Shannon Gutoskie Greg Farrant OFAH Manager of Communications Manager of Government Affairs & Policy 705-748-6324 ext 270 705-748-6324 ext 236 shannon_gutoskie@ofah.org greg_farrant@ofah.org