Correlations between Water and Soil? May, 28 2008 By: Zachary Nelson Grade: 11 Instructed by: Mr.Matty Objective: To determine concentrations of Nitrates, Hardness, and iron of drinking (tap) water and compare results to underlying soil types to see if a correlation exists. Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine the concentrations of nitrates (NO3), hardness(CaCO3), and iron of drinking (tap) water, and compare the results to underlying soil types to identify a possible correlation. To date, thirty-nine water samples have been collected. A majority of the water samples were collected from Marinette County. Some were from outside of the county and other states. Water containing high and low nitrate levels along with hard and soft water has been found from Marinette County. Results of this work will help farmers and other people growing plants evaluate if the land they are buying for that plant. Background Information. What is Hardness? (CaCO3) Hard water usually has Calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) ions and or other minerals dissolved in the water. Calcium usually enters the water as calcium carbonate, in the form of limestone and chalk or calcium sulfate (CaSO4). Hard water is usually not harmful. What is Nitrates? (NO3) In inorganic chemistry, a nitrate is a salt (chemistry) of nitric acid with an ion composed of one nitrogen and three oxygen atoms (NO3−). In organic chemistry the esters of nitric acid and various alcohols are called nitrates. Nitrate from food, especially vegetables, is converted in the human digestive tract to nitrite which reacts with amines to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. What is Iron? Iron is believed to be the tenth most abundant element in the universe, and the fourth most abundant in the Earth’s crust. The concentration of iron in the various layers in the structure of the Earth ranges from high (probably greater than 80%, perhaps even a nearly pure iron crystal) at the inner core, to only 5% in the outer crust. Iron is second in abundance to aluminum among the metals and fourth in abundance in the crust. Iron is the most abundant element by mass of our entire planet, making up 35% of the mass of the Earth as a whole. Iron is usually divided into 2 main categories. These categories are soluble and insoluble. In soluble iron the most common is “clear water” iron. This is the most common type complained about. If a glass of water is set on the counter for a few minutes, you will be able to see reddish brown particles settling to the bottom of the glass. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a secondary standard for iron of 0.3 mg/L. What is soil? Soil is natural occurring, loose material on the earths surface, and is able to support life. Soil has three components which are; Solids, liquids, and gas. Soil particles pack loosely, forming a soil structure filled with voids. The solid component of soil takes up about half of the soil volume. The rest is water and gases. Soil types AREAS DOMINATED BY SOIL THAT FORMED IN GLACIAL TILL 1.) Emmet-charlevoix association: deep, nearly level to steep, well drained and somewhat poorly drained, loamy soils on moraines and drumlins. 2.) Menominee-Emmet association: Deep, nearly level to steep, well drained, sandy and loamy soils on outwash plains, moraines, and drumlins. 3.) Cunard-Emmet association: Moderately deep and deep, nearly level to steep, well drained, loamy soils on moraines and drumlins. 4.) Sarona-Keweenaw association: Deep, nearly level to steep, well drained, loamy and sandy soils on moraines. AREAS DOMINATED BY SOOILS THAT FORMED IN GLACIAL OUTWASH AND TILL 5.) Wainola-Deford association: deep, nearly level and gently sloping, somewhat poorly drained to very poorly drained, sandy and mucky soils in glacial lake basins. 6.) Mancelona-Emmet-Menahga association: Deep, nearly level to steep, well drained to excessively drained, sandy and loamy soils primarily on end moraines. 7.) Menahga association: Deep, nearly level to steep, excessively drained, sandy soils on moraines, outwash plains, and stream terraces. 8.) Pence-Padus association: deep, nearly level to very steep, well drained, loamy soils on outwash plains, stream terraces, moraines, lames, and eskers. 9.) Ishpeming-Michigamme-rock outcrop association: Moderately deep, gently sloping to moderately steep somewhat excessively drained and well drained, sandy and loamy soils, and rock outcrop, on outwash plains and moraines. AREAS DOMINATED BY ORGANIS SOILS 10.) Seelyeville-Markey-Emmet association: deep, nearly level to steep, very poorly drained and well drained, mucky and loamy soils in glacial lake basins, on stream terraces, outwash plains, and moraines or on upland moraines and drumlins 11.) Seelyyeville-Markey association: Deep nearly level, very poorly drained, mucky soils in glacial lake basins and on stream terraces, outwash plains and moraines. AREAS DOMINATED BY SOOILS THAT FORMED IN GLACIAL OUTWASH AND TILL Summary procedure: Thirty-nine water samples were collected and tested for nitrates, hardness, and iron. Data was taken and put into a data chart and bar graph. Results were compared to underlying soil types. Procedure: 1.) 20 fl oz water samples were taken from areas around Marinette County. 2.) A Piece of paper with number of water sample on it was tacked onto a Marinette county soil map. 3.) Tests on the water samples were done for nitrate, iron and total hardness. 4.) Results were taken and put into Data chart and graph. Results were then compared to underlying soil types. Materials Used: -WARDS Iron test kit catalog #21-9075 -Chemetrics Vacuettes kit nitrate k-6902A -WARD’S Total hardness test kit catalog #21-9074 Data Chart and Graphs Dashed lines indicate no water samples in those areas. Soil type water sample soil type 1 Nitrates Hardness 12 10.00 220 38 0.00 120 5.00 280 total Soil Type 2 n/s Soil type 3 -- Soil type 5 10.00 210 21 6.00 200 8.00 310 n/s -- 25 -- 180 0.15 180 7 2.50 130 11 10.00 250 24 10.00 180 28 3.00 200 29 0.25 140 32 0.00 110 33 0.00 100 36 3.00 250 Soil Type 7 9 0 0 0 0 0.75 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.50 130 0 0 39 total 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0.15 total Soil Type 6 -- 13 total soil Type 4 -- Iron 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 10 1.00 150 14 3.00 160 16 1.25 105 17 0.00 140 19 10.00 145 22 0.25 110 23 2.00 100 26 0.75 160 27 0.75 110 34 0.75 85 37 0.75 100 1.92 125 total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Soil type 8 n/s -- -- -- Soil type 9 n/s -- -- -- Soil Type 10 20 total Soil type 11 18 total soil type 1 2 3 4 5 total nitrates 9.00 210 9.00 210 0.02 160 0.02 160 total hardness 5 -- 280 -- 8 -- 310 -- 0.15 180 total iron 0 0 -0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0.75 164 7 8 9 1.92 125 --- --- 10 9 210 11 0.02 160 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 PPM (Nitrates) PPM vs. Soil types 10 8 6 4 2 0 Series1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 soil types (Hardness) ppm vs. soil types ppm 400 300 200 100 Series1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 soil types Have not detected any Iron in water samples. Soil Legend map Different color areas are the different soil types Water sample area with pin and sample #. Conclusion In conclusion, from the data collected, the highest readings for nitrates were 10 PPM. There were five samples that had that reading. For Iron their have been no readings. Water Sample 11 had the Highest Total hardness witch was 250 PPM. After looking at the soil types and the pins with the sample on it, most water samples have come from the soil type’s Mancelona- Emmet association and Menahga association. Data recorded in the project shows that more water samples will be needed to figure out if a correlation exists. From the water samples collected there doesn’t seem to be a correlation between the soil and the water because of how the sample readings aren’t all close together in ppm. References/Sources and Acknowledgements Mr. Matty- Project guidance. People who brought in water samples