Fisher - University of Central Oklahoma

HUM 2113, General Humanities: Ancient-Medieval
(CRN 14241; Thursdays; 7:30 P. M. – 10:15 P. M.)
Department of Humanities and Philosophy
Liberal Art 243
Fall 2010
Contact Information:
L. Dean Fisher
(405) 733-7990 or (405) 924-0818
Do not call after 10:30 P. M.
Office Hours: Tuesdays; 6:15 P.M. to 7:15 P.M.
Office: Liberal Arts 203-B
The Western Humanities/Volume I: Beginnings through the Renaissance by Roy Matthews
and F. Dewitt Platt
(Note: Please be sure you reference the ISBN when purchasing the textbook; the textbook is a
special printing for UCO with readings bound into the edition)
ISBN: 9780077955540
Course Description:
General Humanities: Ancient to Medieval is a survey of art, architecture, music, literature,
philosophy, and religion of culture from the beginnings to the end of the Medieval Period.
Beyond successful completion of ENGL 1113, the student is expected to be an active participant
in class discussions, remain current on assigned readings and exhibit tolerance in classroom
Course Objectives:
General Humanities I is an interdisciplinary course that examines the intellectual and cultural
traditions of ancient and medieval civilizations.
The course will rely upon lecture, discussion, assigned readings and visual tools to convey to the
student the cultural legacy of Western society from its most ancient origins through the medieval
To measure the student’s mastery of the course content, the student will be assessed using two
short papers (3-4 pages in length) and three examinations (two plus a comprehensive final). The
exams are comprised of multiple choice and short answer questions.
The grading system and rules on makeups do not change due to late enrollment.
Course requirements and evaluation:
To determine a final grade for each student, the following items will be used:
Assigned Papers (2 papers @ 50 points each)
100 points
Exams (3 @ 100 points each)
300 points
Total Points
400 points
The grade will be determined based on the student’s accumulation of points. The grade will be
determined based on the percent of accumulated points compared to total points:
90 percent to 100 percent
80 to 89.99 percent
70 to 79.99 percent
60 to 69.99 percent
Below 60 percent
For the purpose of assigning a final grade, I do not round.
I do not allow makeups on exams or late submissions of papers. Plan accordingly.
Course outline (Assigned readings are references to your text unless noted otherwise):
Introduction to
the Course
Chapter 1
Chapters 2/3
Chapters 3/4
Chapter 4
Chapters 5/6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12/13
Protohistory/Emergence of Civilization
Writing Assignment One Distributed
Writing Assignment One Due
Writing Assignment Two Distributed
Writing Assignment Two Due
7:30 pm
Attendance Policy:
A strong relationship exists between course attendance and one’s grade. However, sometimes an
absence may not be avoidable. I will deduct 3 points from the final course percentage (not total
points) for each absence beyond two. For the purpose of determining attendance, presence for
the entire class period is expected.
Late and Make-Up Work Policy:
I do not allow make-ups on quizzes or later submission of the assigned papers.
ADA Statement:
The University of Central Oklahoma complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities who need special
accommodations should make their requests by contacting the Coordinator of Disability Support
Services at 974-2549. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor as soon as
possible after the DSS has verified the need for accommodations to ensure that such
accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Emergencies During Finals Statement:
If a university emergency occurs that prevents the administration of a final examination, the
student’s final course grade will be calculated based on the work in the course completed to that
point and the faculty member’s considered judgment. Final exams will not be rescheduled, and a
grade of “I” will not be given as a result of the missed exam.
Expectation of Work OSHRE II-2-34 statement:
It is expected that a full-time college student will spend time each week in class attendance and
study out of class approaching a 40-hour work week. A person employed on a full-time basis
should not simultaneously expect to maintain a full-time schedule. At the undergraduate level,
this means that for each hour in class, a student is expected to spend at least two hours doing
Academic Integrity Statement:
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not confined to: plagiarizing; cheating on tests or
examinations; turning in counterfeit reports, tests, and papers; stealing tests or other academic
material; knowingly falsifying academic records or documents of the institution; accessing a
student’s confidential academic information without authorization; disclosing confidential
academic information without authorization; and, turning in the same work to more than one
class without informing the instructors involved. Each student is expected to engage in all
academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expected to maintain
complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom.
Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action. More
information concerning this policy can be found on page three of the UCO Student Code of
Conduct located at:
Cell Phones/Pagers/Electronic Devices
Except for tape recordings of lectures and the use of a laptop for the specific purpose of notetaking, I prohibit the use of other electronic devices in the classroom—and will seek University
sanctions against students who violate my rules.
Professional Judgment:
I reserve the right to use my professional judgment to assess and accommodate unique
circumstances. This syllabus is subject to change; all changes will be announced in class. The
student is responsible for noting all syllabus changes.
The University’s Information Sheet with information about services, policies and
responsibilities is attached to this document.
Retain it for reference when you have questions.