1 2 3 Surface Pressure Observations from Smartphones: 4 A Potential Revolution for High-Resolution Weather Prediction? 5 6 Clifford F. Mass1 and Luke E. Madaus 7 Department of Atmospheric Sciences 8 University of Washington 9 10 Submitted to 11 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 12 September 2013 13 14 Capsule Description: Pressure observations from smartphones have the potential to provide 15 millions of observations per hour that could revolutionize high-resolution weather prediction. 1 Corresponding author Professor Clifford F. Mass Department of Atmospheric Sciences Box 351640 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 cmass.uw.edu (206) 685-0910 1 16 Abstract 17 Millions of smartphones now possess relatively accurate pressure sensors and the 18 expectation is that these numbers will grow into the hundreds of millions during the next few 19 years. The availability of tens or hundreds of millions of pressure observations each hour over 20 the U.S. has major implications for high-resolution numerical weather prediction. This paper 21 reviews smartphone pressure sensor technology, describes commercial efforts to collect the data 22 in real time, examines the implications for mesoscale weather prediction, and provides some 23 examples of assimilating smartphone pressure observations for a strong convective event over 24 eastern Washington State. 25 2 26 Introduction 27 During the past few years, tens of millions of smartphones with relatively accurate 28 pressure sensors have been sold throughout the world, with the goal of providing information for 29 internal navigation within buildings, among other uses. 30 isuppli.com) expect that between 500 million and one billion smartphones and tablets will have 31 the capacity to measure pressure as well as parameters such as position, humidity, and 32 temperature. Ultra-dense networks of pressure observations provided by smartphones and other 33 portable platforms could provide critical information describing mesoscale phenomena such as 34 convective cold pools, mountain waves, fronts, and others. 35 potential of such massive numbers of surface observations to greatly improve our ability to 36 describe and forecast the three-dimensional structure at the atmosphere, potentially leading to 37 revolutionary improvements in high-resolution numerical weather prediction. 38 Why is surface pressure so special? By 2016, industry sources (HIS, This paper will examine the 39 Pressure is perhaps the most valuable surface meteorological variable observed regularly. 40 Unlike temperature and humidity, surface pressure reflects the vertical structure of the overlying 41 atmosphere. 42 representativeness, that plague surface wind, temperature and humidity; pressure can be 43 measured inside or outside of a building, in or out of the shade, and is not seriously impacted by 44 downstream obstacles or urbanization. 45 systematic biases like other surface variables, pressure biases are generally unchanging (perhaps 46 from poor elevation information or calibration) and thus can be easily removed by 47 straightforward quality control algorithms. Surface pressure has fewer of the observational problems, including Although surface pressure measurements can have 3 48 Several recent studies, many using ensemble-based data assimilation systems, have 49 demonstrated that surface pressure provides substantial information about three-dimensional 50 atmospheric structures. 51 getting maximum value from surface pressure information, since such systems produce flow- 52 dependent background error covariances, build covariances based on the natural atmospheric 53 structures in the model, and allow impacts on all other model variables. On the synoptic scale, 54 Whitaker et al. (2004) showed that a limited number of global surface pressure observations 55 could produce a highly realistic 20th-century reanalysis that closely resembled the analysis 56 produced by the full collection of observing assets during the later part of the century. 57 regional assimilation of pressure observations from airport locations, Dirren et al. (2007) was 58 able to capture synoptic-scale upper-air patterns over western North America and the eastern 59 Pacific. 60 Ensemble-based data assimilation systems are particularly adept in Using Although less work has been completed on the assimilation of surface pressure 61 observations on the mesoscale, early investigations have been promising. Wheatley and 62 Stensrud (2010) investigated the impacts of assimilating both surface pressure and one-hour 63 pressure change for two convective events over the U.S. Midwest. Using a relatively coarse 64 model resolution (30 km) and only assimilating airport ASOS (Automated Surface Observing 65 System) observations, they found that surface pressure observations facilitated accurate 66 depictions of the mesoscale pressure patterns associated with convective systems. 67 recently, Madaus et al. (2013) found that ensemble-based data assimilation of dense pressure 68 observations can produce improved high-resolution (4-km) analyses and short-term forecasts that 69 better resolve features such as fronts and convection. Considering the apparent promise of 70 surface pressure observations for improving analyses and forecasts, the next step is to evaluate More 4 71 this potential by applying state-of-the-art data assimilation approaches to a pressure observation 72 network enhanced with conventional observations and pressure data available from new 73 observing platforms such as smartphones. 74 Increasing availability of fixed surface pressure observations 75 During the past decades there has been an explosion in the availability of surface pressure 76 observations across the U.S. A quarter century ago, surface pressure observations were limited 77 to approximately 1000 airport locations across the country. Today, these ASOS sites are joined 78 by hundreds of networks run by utilities, air quality agencies, departments of transportation and 79 others, plus public volunteer networks such as the Weather Underground and the Citizen 80 Weather Observer Program (CWOP). 81 surface pressure observations are collected each hour across the U.S. 82 Northwest region, encompassing mainly Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, roughly 1800 pressure 83 observations are collected each hour from approximately 70 networks (Figure 1 from Madaus et 84 al., 1013), compared to approximately 100 ASOS locations. As shown in that figure, even when 85 large numbers of networks are combined, substantial areas, particularly in rural locations, have 86 few pressure observations, and many observation locations only report once an hour. 87 Fortunately, an approach for increasing radically the number and temporal frequency of surface 88 pressure observations exists: the use of pressures from smartphones and other portable digital 89 devices. 90 Smartphone pressure observations By combining these networks, tens of thousands of Over the Pacific 91 During the past two years a number of smartphone vendors have added pressure sensors, 92 predominantly to Android-based phones and tablets/pads. The main reason for installing these 5 93 pressure sensors was to identify the building floor on which the device is located. Samsung 94 began using pressure sensors in its popular Galaxy S III smartphone in 2012 and the sensor has 95 remained in the Galaxy S IV released in 2013 (Figure 2). Pressure sensors are also available in 96 other Android phones and pads, including the Galaxy Nexus 4 and 10, Galaxy Note, Xoom, 97 RAZR MAXX HD, Xiaomi MI-2 and the Droid Ultra. According to industry analyst IHS 98 Electronics and Media (isuppli.com), approximately 80 million pressure-capable Android 99 devices were sold in 2012, with expectations of 160 and 325 million units for 2013 and 2014, 100 respectively. By 2015, isuppli.com estimates that well over a half-billion portable devices 101 worldwide will have the capability for real-time pressure observation, including over 200 million 102 in North America. There is the strong expectation that non-Android device vendors such as 103 Apple will include pressure sensors in upcoming smartphones and tablets. Thus, the potential 104 may well exist to increase the number of hourly pressure observations over the United States by 105 roughly 10,000 times over the current availability from all accessible networks. 106 Some insight into the potential availability and distribution of smartphone pressures is 107 available from a map of the current U.S. coverage for the largest American cell phone network, 108 Verizon (Figure 3). 109 encompassing nearly the entire range of U.S. severe convective storms. Coverage over the 110 western U.S. has gaps over the highest terrain and sparely populated desert areas, but is still 111 extensive (covering perhaps 65% of the land area) and includes all the major West Coast 112 population centers from Seattle to San Diego. The number of smartphone observations will also 113 be dependent on population density, which is obviously greatest over the eastern U.S. and the 114 West Coast. Nearly all of the eastern two-thirds of the lower 48-states is covered, 6 115 The accuracy and resolution of the pressure sensors in smartphones and tablets are 116 surprisingly good. Many of the current Android devices use the ST Microelectronics LPS331 117 MEMS pressure sensor, which has a relative accuracy of +-.2 hPa and an absolute accuracy of 118 +-2.6 hPa2. Such relative accuracy allows accurate determination of pressure change, the use of 119 which is discussed later in this paper. 120 The potential for large numbers of smartphone pressure observations has attracted several 121 application developers that have created Android apps that collect smartphone pressures and 122 positions (through GPS or cell tower triangulation). 123 developed the pressureNet app for Android phones and tablets (http://www.cumulonimbus.ca/. 124 Currently, they are collecting tens of thousands of surface pressure observations globally each 125 hour and have made them available to the research community and others. A plot of the 126 pressureNet observations at one time (2300 UTC August 13, 2013) over North America is shown 127 in Figure 4. Although only about 10,000 smartphone pressure observations are available today 128 through the pressureNet app, a small number compared to the millions of phones with pressure 129 capabilities, there are still regions, such as the northeast U.S., with substantial observation 130 densities. 131 pressures to be reported; however, with the insertion of the pressureNet code into popular apps, it 132 is expected that the number of smartphone pressures collected by pressureNet will increase by 133 one or two orders of magnitude during the next year. 134 pressure observations is OpenSignal Inc., which has created an application called WeatherSignal 135 (http://weathersignal.com/). One firm, Cumulonimbus Inc., has Currently, smartphone owners must download the pressureNet app to allow their Another group collecting Android 2 details at http://www.st.com/st-webui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00036196.pdf 7 136 Motor vehicles offer another potential platform for acquiring high-density pressure 137 observations. Solid-state atmospheric pressure sensors are found in most cars and trucks, which 138 also measure ambient temperature for use in engine management computers (Mahoney et al., 139 2013). The main challenges for use of vehicle pressure observations are position determination 140 (easily dealt with by GPS), real-time communication, and privacy issues. A number of auto 141 industry analysts (e.g., Machina 20133) predict that most cars will have Internet connectivity by 142 2020. 143 Other smartphone weather observing capabilities 144 Some smartphones, such as the Samsung Galaxy IV, have the capability to measure other 145 environmental parameters such a battery temperature, humidity, magnetic field, and lighting 146 intensity. Temperature and humidity measurements from smartphones are of far less value than 147 pressure, since the dominant influence of the immediate environment (inside of a pocket or a 148 building) produces readings that are unrepresentative of the conditions in the free air. However, 149 a recent study found that with statistical training and correction using observed temperatures, 150 large numbers of smartphone temperatures can be calibrated to provide useful measures of daily 151 average air temperatures over major cities (Overeem et al., 2013). Related work has shown that 152 the attenuation of the microwave signals between cell towers is sensitive to precipitation 153 intensity, and that such information can be used to create precipitation maps that closely 154 resemble radar reflectivitiy (Overeem et al., 2013b). 155 Challenges in using smartphone pressure observations 3 https://m2m.telefonica.com/m2m-media/m2m-downloads/detail/doc_details/530-connectedcar-report-2013#530-Connected%20Car%20Report%202013-english 8 156 The value of smartphone pressures in support of numerical weather prediction can be 157 greatly enhanced with proper calibration, pre-processing, and preselection. Gross range checks 158 can reject clearly erroneous observations. Either pressure or pressure change can be assimilated 159 by modern data assimilation systems. For pressure-change assimilation, only smartphones that 160 are not moving should be used, something that can be determined from the GPS position and 161 recorded pressures of the phones (vertical movement will generally produce far more rapid 162 pressure changes than from meteorological changes). 163 required to assimilate either pressure or pressure change. GPS elevations are available, but can 164 have modest errors (typically +-10 meters, roughly equivalent to a 1 hPa pressure error, the 165 typical error variance used in most operational data assimilation systems). 166 collection of pressures in an area, it might reasonable to assume that the highest pressures reflect 167 values on the first floor of a residence or in a vehicle, representing observations roughly 1-m 168 above ground elevation. 169 regions where models lack sufficient resolution to duplicate the observed pressure features, 170 pressure observations in such areas should be rejected when model and actual terrain are 171 substantially different (Madaus et al. 2013). Clearly, some experimentation will be required for 172 developing algorithms that derive maximum value from smartphone pressures. 173 What kind of weather forecasts could smartphone pressures help the most? The elevation of the smartphone is If one had a Since it makes little sense to assimilate pressure observations in 174 Although an ultra-dense network of smartphone pressure observations would 175 undoubtedly positively impact general weather prediction, there are several phenomena for 176 which they might be particularly useful. One major problem is forecasting the initiation of 177 severe convection, with models needing to be initialized before any precipitation or radar echo is 178 apparent. At such an early stage of development, subtle troughs, dry lines, convergence lines, 9 179 and remnants of past cold pools can supply major clues about potential convective development, 180 information that dense collections of smartphone pressures might well be able to provide. The 181 example in the next section of this paper illustrates the great value of even a modest density of 182 smartphone pressures for simulating a strong convective event. Forecasting the positions of 183 fronts and major troughs, even a few hours in advance, can have large value for wind energy 184 prediction since such features often are associated with sudden rapid ramp ups and ramp downs 185 in wind energy generation. 186 pressure observations can shift fronts in a realistic way that substantially improves short-term 187 wind forecasts. High-resolution pressure observations might also aid in the initialization and 188 monitoring of mesoscale troughing associated with downslope winds and leeside convergence 189 zones. 190 regarding approaching weather features, including the positions of offshore low centers and 191 fronts. As shown by Madaus et al. (2013) the assimilation of dense Dense pressure observations along coastlines could provide significant information 192 Even the densest portions of the U.S. surface observation network are generally too 193 coarse to observe and initialize features on the meso-gamma (2-20 km) and smaller scales. 194 Smartphone pressure observations may offer sufficient data to do so, particularly over the 195 smartphone-rich regions of the eastern U.S. and West Coast. 196 smartphone pressure observations is that they could be easily added in any location where power 197 and cell-phone coverage is available. 198 An example of assimilating smartphone pressures An interesting advantage of 199 Although the smartphone pressure acquisition is still at an early stage, with observation 200 densities orders of magnitude less than what will be available in a few years, it is of interest to 10 201 try some initial assimilation experiments to judge the impacts of even modest numbers of 202 smartphone pressures. 203 Cumulonimbus, Inc. were used to simulate an active convective event on the eastern slopes of 204 the Washington Cascades that brought heavy showers and several lightning-initiated wildfires. 205 For this experiment, an ensemble-Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation system, adapted from 206 one provided by the UCAR Data Assimilation and Research Testbed (DART) program, was 207 applied at 4-km grid spacing and used the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, 208 V3.1). The ensembles (64 members) for these experiments were cycled every three hours from 209 1200 UTC 29 June through 1200 UTC 30 June 2013. The impacts of smartphone pressures were 210 examined for a three-hour period ending on 0300 UTC 30 June 2013. To complete such a test, smartphone observations made available by 211 Figure 5 shows both the surface pressures provided by the conventional ASOS network 212 (blue squares) and the smartphone pressures (red dots) available at 0000 UTC 30 June 2013. A 213 number of smartphone pressures were available over the eastern slopes of the Cascades, the 214 region of strongest convection. The accumulated rainfall from the Pendleton, Oregon National 215 Weatther Service radar (PDT) for the three hours ending at 0300 UTC 30 June (Figure 6a) shows 216 substantial accumulation (up to approximately 32 mm) from intense convective cells. The 217 University of Washington runs a real-time ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system 218 (RTENKF) that uses convention surface observations, radiosondes, ACARS aircraft 219 observations, and satellite-based cloud/water vapor track winds (Torn and Hakim 2008). 220 system, run on a three-hour update cycle, produced three-hour precipitation totals shown in 221 Figure 6b. This modeling system did produce some convective showers over and to the east of 222 the Cascades, but failed to duplicate the intensity of the lee-side showers and had considerable 223 spread in convective locations. Figure 6c shows the result of adding the smartphone pressure This 11 224 observations (Figure 5) to the mix of observations used in the RTENKF system. With the added 225 pressure observations, the ensemble system produced far more intense convective cells east of 226 the Cascade crest, some with orientations and magnitudes more reminiscent of the observed than 227 provided by the RTENKF system. In addition, more ensemble members agreed on the location 228 of the most intense convection. This, of course, represents only one case, but suggests that 229 assimilating smartphone pressures can both change and enhance short-term mesoscale forecasts. 230 It is reasonable to expect that further increases in the number of pressure observations would 231 provide additional improvements in convective and other forecasts. 232 Looking towards the future 233 During the next few years the number of smartphones with pressure sensors should 234 increase into the tens of millions over North America and the hundreds of millions globally. If 235 private sector firms or other organizations can develop the infrastructure to “harvest” these 236 pressure observations in real time, there could be a substantial improvements in the quality of 237 the initializations of high-resolution numerical weather prediction models and their subsequent 238 forecasts for a wide range of important weather features, such as severe convection. 239 research on the impacts of networks of surface pressure observations on mesoscale prediction 240 (e.g., Wheatley and Stensrud 2010, Madaus et al. 2013) suggest that ensemble-based mesoscale 241 data assimilation may offer an attractive approach to securing maximum benefit from 242 smartphone and other pressure observations, but considerably more testing and experimentation 243 is needed, including understanding the relative value of pressure and pressure change 244 assimilation. 245 smartphone pressures can enhance the value of these new observation sources. During the next 246 decade a large number of pressure observations from vehicles will likely join the current Initial Furthermore, better approaches for quality control and bias correction of 12 247 smartphone collection as transportation platforms gain Internet connectivity. The combination of 248 smartphone and vehicle surface pressure observations may well contribute to a substantial 249 increase in our ability to describe and forecast the atmosphere at high resolution, with substantial 250 economic benefits and the potential to save lives and property. 251 252 Acknowledgments 253 This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation under award AGS- 254 1041879 and a NOAA CSTAR grant award NA10OAR4320148AM63. Professor Greg Hakim 255 has been a major contributor to the UW effort in assimilating surface pressure observations. 256 The pressure data for this work has been provided by Jacob Sheehy of Cumulonimbus, Inc. 257 258 13 259 References 260 Dirren, S., R. Torn, G. Hakim, 2007: A data assimilation case study using a limited-area 261 262 263 264 ensemble filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 1455-1473. Madaus, L. E., G. J. Hakim, and C. F. Mass, 2013: Utility of dense pressure observations for improving mesoscale analyses and forecasts. Submitted to Wea. Forecast. Overeem A., J. C. R. Robinson, H. Leijnse, G. J. Steeneveld, B. K. P. Horn, R. Uijlenhoet,. 2013: 265 Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures from smartphone battery temperatures. J. Geo. 266 Res., Accepted for publication. doi: 10.1002/grl.50786 267 268 269 Overeem A., H. Leijnse, R. Uijlenhoet,. 2013: Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110, 2741–2745. Wheatley, D. and D. Stensrud, 2010: The impact of assimilating surface pressure observations on 270 severe weather events in a WRF mesoscale ensemble system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 271 1673-1694. 272 273 274 275 Torn, R. D., and G. J. Hakim, 2008: Performance characteristics of a pseudo-operational ensemble Kalman filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 3947—3963 Whitaker, J., G. Compo, X. Wei, T. Hamill, 2001: Reanalysis without radiosondes using ensemble data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 1190-1200. 276 277 278 14 279 280 Figure Captions 281 Figure 1: Surface pressure locations for a typical contemporary period (0000 UTC November 10, 282 2012 through 2100 UTC December 10, 2012) from roughly 70 networks over the Pacific 283 Northwest. Figure from Madaus et al., (2013). 284 285 Figure 2: The Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of several Android phones with high-quality pressure 286 sensors. 287 Figure 3: Verizon cell phone coverage map on 8/23/2013. Dark areas indicate enhanced digital 288 coverage 289 Figure 4: Smartphone pressure observations for the hour ending 2300 UTC August 13, 2013. 290 Data provided by Cumulonimbus, Inc. 291 Figure 5: Smartphone pressure observations (PNET) and pressure measurement sites from 292 ASOS observation locations (METAR) at 0000 UTC 30 June 2013. 293 Figure 6: Three-hour precipitation from the Pendelton (PDT) radar, as well as ensemble means 294 from the University of Washington real-time ensemble-Kalman filter system (RTENKF) and an 295 EnKF system using only pressures from smartphones for a three-hour period ending at 0000 296 UTC 30 June 2013. 297 298 15 299 Figures 300 301 Figure 1: Surface pressure locations for a typical contemporary period (0000 UTC November 10, 302 2012 through 2100 UTC December 10, 2012) from roughly 70 networks over the Pacific 303 Northwest. Figure from Madaus et al., (2013). 16 304 305 Figure 2: The Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of several Android phones with high-quality pressure 306 sensors. 307 17 308 309 Figure 3: Verizon cell phone coverage map on 8/23/2013. Dark areas indicate enhanced digital 310 coverage. 18 311 312 Figure 4: Smartphone pressure observations for the hour ending 2300 UTC August 13, 2013. 313 Data provided by Cumulonimbus, Inc. 314 19 315 316 Figure 5: Smartphone pressure observations (PNET) and pressure measurement sites from 317 ASOS observation locations (METAR) at 0000 UTC 30 June 2013. 20 318 319 320 Figure 6: Three-hour precipitation from the Pendelton (PDT) radar, as well as ensemble means 321 from the University of Washington real-time ensemble-Kalman filter system (RTENKF) and an 322 EnKF system using only pressures from smartphones for a three-hour period ending at 0000 323 UTC 30 June 2013. 21