Oceanography Unit 3 WAVES Worksheet Name Period The Motion of Water in Waves: We know from watching objects floating downstream in rivers that floating objects move along with the water in which they float. It is convenient to think of any body of water as being made up of parcels of water, or masses of water. We can think of a floating object (say, a log) in the river as being pushed along by the parcels of water surrounding it as they move downstream. Now think of the appearance of waves traveling across the surface of the water in a lake or ocean. If the water is relatively deep and we watch a log floating on the surface we may see something different than we saw when we watched the log floating downstream in the river. The waves may appear to travel across the water surface, but the log does not travel along with them. At first glance it appears to bob up and down upon the waves. If we look more carefully we see that, with each passing wave, the log oscillates back and forth a bit in addition to moving up and down. (Still closer observation indicates that it creeps forward, i.e. in the direction of wave travel, a very little bit with each passing wave, but we will ignore that forward creep in this exercise.) The primary motion of our log, or any other floating object, as the waves pass, is circular motion in a vertical plane. As indicated above, similar circular motions of the parcels of water surrounding the log create the circular motion. This motion is referred to as orbital motion. It is important to remember that the evidence we see when we watch the floating log tells us that the motion of the water itself is very different from the motion of the waves. The orbital motion of a parcel of water at the lake or sea surface as waves pass is shown in Figure 1. Note that a parcel of water at the surface always stays essentially at the surface as the wave passes. Figure 1. Cross-section of a wave illustrating the orbital motion of parcels of water at the surface of a wave that is progressing from left to right. The shape of the surface at one particular instant is shown by the heavy curve. Each circle depicts the motion of a parcel of water at the surface of the ocean during the passage of a single wave. The base of each arrow indicates the location in the orbit for selected parcels of water when the wave is in the position shown. The direction of each arrow indicates the direction in which that parcel is moving when the wave is sin the position shown. For example, the left-most parcel of water is moving straight upward. Describe the orbital motion you would feel if you were floating in the waves out beyond the breaker zone at the beach. Specifically, what motion would you feel at the very crest of the wave? Unit 3 – Waves and Currents 1 Oceanography What motion would you feel in the bottom of the trough? Describe the motion you would feel as the wave advanced and carried you from the trough to the crest? As we look at the motions of parcels of water beneath the surface, we find that the deeper we go the smaller the diameter of the orbit becomes. This is shown in Figure 2. Note that the individual parcels of water do not mix with one another. That is, underneath any given point at the surface, all the parcels of water move up, down, or sideways more or less together. The orbits get progressively smaller with increasing depth. As a rough rule of thumb, we can say that the orbital diameter decreases by approximately one half every time we increase the depth by (1/9) x L, where L is the wavelength. If the water depth is great enough so that the orbital motion at the bottom of the lake or ocean is very small, the wave passes over the bottom without a great deal of interaction with it. The wave does not “feel” the bottom. Such a wave is called a deepwater wave. When the bottom is sufficiently shallow so that there is significant interaction between the bottom and the orbital motion of the water, the resulting waves are called shallow-water waves. Depth Figure 2: Cross-section of a wave progressing from left to right, showing the decrease in orbital motion with increasing depth. Circles at the left show orbits of several parcels of water under the crest of a wave. Each parcel is indicated by a small square. The arrows show the direction of motion of those parcels. The circles at the right show orbits of several parcels of water under the trough of a wave. Unit 3 – Waves and Currents 2 Oceanography Imagine a wave with a wavelength of 450 cm (approximately 13 feet). The orbital diameter at the surface is essentially equal to the wave height (H), or, let us arbitrarily say in this example, 64 cm (approximately 2 feet). Calculate the orbital diameter at the depths indicated in the table below. Depth (cm) Orbital diameter (cm) 0 64 50 150 250 350 400 It is sometimes stated that orbital motion dies out at water depths deeper than one-half the wavelength. Do you still think that is true? Explain: Unit 3 – Waves and Currents 3