INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2014 Workshop/Seminar proposal TITLE DETAILS Workshop title: Land use planning and spatial conservation prioritization using spatial data and Zonation software Workshop Length: 2 x 90 minutes WORKSHOP FACILITATOR DETAILS Name: Tuuli Toivonen, Aija Kukkala, Atte Moilanen Address: Department of Biosciences, PO Box 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FI-00014 University of Helsinki Phone: +358 40 56 55 994 Email:,, WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION INCLUDING LEARNING OBJECTIVES The workshop concentrates on how INSPIRE related spatial data sets can be used as input for multi-criteria decision making on conservation and land use prioritization. The workshop presents a software and conceptual framework called Zonation, developed at the Conservation Biology Informatics Group at the University of Helsinki. The tool is used to support decision making on land allocation for conservation and alternative land uses for example in Finland, Australia and Uruguay. The Zonation software takes as input rasterised GIS layers of biodiversity features (e.g. species distributions or habitat types), habitat condition, threats and costs. It produces a hierarchical prioritization of the landscape based on the occurrence levels of biodiversity features in sites (cells). When doing this, the software iteratively ranks all the cells based on their importance, accounting for connectivity. The output of Zonation can be imported into GIS software to create maps or for further analysis. The learning objective of the workshop is to understand – via practical examples - the basics of the Zonation approach and to discuss how data made available through INSPIRE process could help in practical land use and conservation planning challenges. DESCRIPTION OF TARGET WORKSHOP AUDIENCE INSPIRE Conference Aalborg, 16-2 June 2014 INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2014 Workshop/Seminar proposal Experts and researchers working with land use planning and/or conservation GIS/INSPIRE experts interested in the applied use of spatial data sets in multi-criteria decision-making WORKSHOP REQUIREMENTS AV requirements: A projector with a possibility to plug in own computer, wireless connection. Room setup: Class room style, sufficient amount of electricity plugs for all the participants. Instructions for participants: (laptop, pre-workshop preparation): You may bring your own laptop if you want to do hands-on work with Zonation. DETAILED WORKSHOP AG ENDA 1st hour: Introduction to the Zonation software and conceptual framework: operating principles and examples of the use of the software in different planning cases (e.g. biodiversity conservation in marine and terrestrial environments, green infra planning as part of general land use planning, minimising the environmental impacts of resource extraction). 2nd hour: Data requirements of Zonation planning processes – what kind of spatial data is being used. Does the INSPIRE directive facilitate the availability of relevant data? 3rd hour: Running a Zonation analysis: from spatial data to land use prioritization: example from the Helsinki region in Finland. INSPIRE Conference Aalborg, 16-2 June 2014