Name: Study Guide for Native Americans Test Test is on ____________ Parent Signature ___________________ The Cherokee 1. The ________________ is in the rolling hills of the Piedmont. 2. The ________________ is located along the coast. 3. What kinds of things did the Cherokee trade with other tribes? __________________________________________________ 4. What did the Cherokee do to honor their culture? __________________________________________________ 5. What was the center of government for the Cherokee Village? __________________________________________________ 6. How were decisions made in the Cherokee Village? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7. What role did Cherokee women play in the council meetings? ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ 8. Where did the Cherokee build many of their towns? ___________________________________________________________ 9. In which region of South Carolina did the Cherokee live? __________________________________________________________ 10. About how many homes were in the average Cherokee village? ______________________________________________ The Catawba 11. What does the word “Catawba” mean? __________________________________________________ Name: 12. What types of items did the Catawba trade with other people? __________________________________________________ 13.What kind of government did the Catawba have? ____________________________________________________ 14. Why was Hagler important to the Catawba people? ____________________________________________________ 15. In which region of South Carolina did the Catawba live? ______________________________________ The Yemassee 16. Where did the Yemassee live during warm weather? During cold weather? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 17. What did the Yemassee eat that the Catawba and Cherokee didn’t eat? ______________________________________________ 18. Why were rivers important to the Yemassee? _______________________________________________________ 19. What Native American group lived located in the Low Country, or along the Coastal Zone of South Carolina? __________________________________________ 20. In what way did Coastal Native Americans differ from other Native Americans in South Carolina? ______________________ 21. Whose culture do midden mounds tell us about? _____________________________________________ Name: ALL OF THE TRIBES 22. What did animals provide to the Native Americans? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 23. What was the name of the wall that many Native American tribes built around their villages? Why was it important? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 24. What was the role of the council members in each village? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________