Bio Pyramid


Famous Person Research/Pyramid Project

The time has come for a biography project! Your assignment is to pick a famous person to learn more about. You will be selecting a person to research in class. You will read a biography about them and collect information on them from a website. When you have chosen your person, you will need to complete the following steps:

Step One: Check out a book and a find internet research on your person.

Step Two: Read the biography and your research carefully.

Complete the power outline notes on your famous person.

Step Three: Use your notes to write a 2-3 paragraph summary of your person’s life and importance.

Step Four: Complete a rough copy of the attached pyramid using the specified directions.

Step Five: Review the information recorded on the pyramid and transfer it to the final copy page. Be sure to edit what you have written! Then you will need to prepare to give an oral presentation on your famous person.

Good luck and have fun! Remember this is an in-class project so more information will come about the due date and oral presentation date as I see how we are progressing.

Research completed by: ___________________

Summary completed by:____________________

Pyramid Completed and presentation ready by: _________________

The following are the directions for completing your pyramid.

Level 1(top): Identify when and where this person lived.

Level 2: Summarize this person’s life in a sentence (their background or childhood information)

Level 3: Explain why you do or do not think this person is important.

Level 4: Write three questions you would ask this person if you could interview him or her. These should be important questions related to what you read about them.

Level 5: Write a 3-5 sentence summary of this person’s accomplishments.

Level 6: In large block or bubble letters, write the name of the person.

Color your letters.

***Be sure to include your name on your final copy of the pyramid. Then see me for a piece of construction paper to glue your pyramid down.

Famous Person Research Power Outline

1. Famous Person: ______________________

2. Childhood




2. Education




2. Family life




2. Their Importance



