Riße General understanding The poet / describes a scene / narrates on a rainy day in spring an event an incident something which happened to him once. reflects on the fate of The person speaking / is seems to be / the poet himself. a figure invented by the poet. a young man of twenty-one. He is addressing / his beloved. a friend. a bird, etc. The poem / deals with treats of The author’s main intention / is to seems to be to / beauty love death war, etc. / stir /the reader’s/ arouse our excite appeal to His tone is / throughout at first later / The poem is written in a tone of This tone shows reveals indicates suggests implies On the whole, the vocabulary is Some of the words are Quite a lot of words are emotions. compassion with… sympathy for… disgust social concern. imagination. sense of beauty. sad, melancholy. solemn, grave. cheerful, enthusiastic, rapturous. detached, matter-of-fact sympathetic. critical. satirical, ironical, sarcastic. humorous, joking. protest. indignation. resignation. the speaker’s poet’s attitude towards the situation. people the past life. rather colloquial. simple. concrete. abstract, difficult, learned, elevated, obsolete, rather obscure. The words belong mainly to the word field of movement, etc. belong to the areas religion themes of nature, etc. The poet uses many nouns to employs mainly verbs adjectives describe narrate reflect on Riße The repetition of the word… helps to contributes to adds to contributes to The words “fire” and “ice” are contrasted. The word “fire” contrasts with “ice”. is contrasted with There is a strong contrast an antithesis between “fair” and “foul”. The short The long sentences quicken slow down The poet uses exclamations (rhetorical) questions orders/requests create a threatening atmosphere. suggest the noise of… convey a feeling of stress the poet’s emphasize the musical quality the haunting rhythm joy. despair. indignation. of the poem. the pace of the poem. for the purpose of emphasis. to convey his feelings longings. emotions, mood of… In this sentence the author makes use of inversion. the usual word order has been changed. The phrase/sentence repeated in lines… constitutes a sort of refrain links one stanza to the next. stresses the poet’s joy, melancholy. The statement in lines…are parallel to each other. contrasted. constitute a parallelism. form an antithesis/contrast a paradox. The use of run-on lines lends gives unusual caesuras gives a flowing movement. natural speech rhythm to this passage. special emphasis to the words. This poem is based on a regular iambic pattern. iambic rhythm with trochaic dactylic anapaestic spondaic variations in line(s)… This poem is made up of iambs (trochees, anapaests, dactyls). consists mainly/ iambic feet. exclusively of In lines… trochees are used to provide variety/vary the iambic pattern/avoid monotony. The recurring use of iambs, etc. provides contributes to accounts for the gentle jerky galloping rhythm of… The poem is based on a regular rhyme scheme, namely (aabcbc). The rhyme reinforces the rhythmical pattern. contributes greatly to the appealing sound of this poem. the humorous effect In this poem the author does not stick to any rhyme scheme/ uses free verse. A special effect is achieved by the use of internal feminine masculine rhymes. This poem is written in made up of regular stanzas rhyming abba, etc. quatrains rhyming abab. Riße iambic tetrameters/pentameters/hexameters/alexandrines.. This stanza is based on a traditional metrical pattern and rhyme scheme: aa bb cc = the heroic couplet. abab cdcd dede gg = the Shakespearean sonnet The poet achieves a fascinating sound effect special sound effects by making use of alliteration,assonance, repetition, internal rhymes, his particular choice of words especiall in… In lines… the recurrence of the letters… contributes to evoke the roar of the sea helps to suggest the galloping of horses, etc. In this poem, the poetical effect arises from the perfect fusion of sound and sense. the “sea” with the idea of freedom. The poet connects associates The word “sea” is loaded with implications. connotations. is connected with freedom is associated with independence suggests loneliness implies The poet refers to presents describes addresses In this poem, (the)… is The poet “Fire” the… as if it were had in the poet’s mind. alive a human being. a living creature. a life of its own. presented as a human being. personified. endowed with human qualities. made to speak. compares life to a journey. implicitly compares draws a comparison between life and a journey. stands for is a metaphor for represents symbolizes is a symbol of = simile = metaphor “love”. The metaphor used in line… is appropriate, very original, forceful, highly suggestive, rather conventional, far-fetched, rather obscure. appeals to our sense of sight/hearing/touch/smell/taste. The imagery suggests danger evokes the beauty conjures up calmness of… conveys the idea that… The images are all connected with the central message, namely contribute to the overall impression of (peace, joy) the coherence and unity of the poem. The whole poem is not to be taken literally. has a symbolic meaning, namely…